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FLC Awards Archive — 1996
Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Department of Energy

Ames Laboratory

Thomas Lograsso
For the development of Materials Referral System Hotline and the manufacturing Technical Assistance Program.

Argonne National Laboratory

R.B. Poeppel, J.E. Emerson, S.A. Johnson, U. Balachandran
For developing an efficient new process to produce commercial quantities of pure high-temperature superconductors with superior properties at 40% of the cost of conventional processes.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Ronald G. Musket, Jeffrey D. Morse
For development of a field-emission cathode for a high-performance, low c-cost flat-panel display.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Bruce Wienke
For his efforts to make the supercomputing resources of Los Alamos available to U.S.-owned businesses.

Irving Bigio
For the development of laser - and nonlaser - based biomedical devices that are now undergoing clinical trails.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Gregory Glatzmaier, Kent Scholl, Mark Anselmo, Rasit Doc
For making silicon carbide powder by carbon-coating silica for sintering high-performance ceramic parts.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Barbara S. Hoffheins, Robert J. Lauf
For conceiving and demonstrating a simple thick film hydrogen sensor and commercializing the products to manufacture it.

Roddie R. Judkins, David P. Stinton
For developing a high-temperature ceramic composite candle filter for removal of hot coal ash and/or char from gases prior to entry into a gas turbine.

Ogbemi Omatete, Claudia Walls
For developing the gelcasting process for making complex shapes in advanced ceramic materials.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Donald E. Rasmussen, Gerald P. Morgen, Leslie J. Kirihara
For developing and transferring an automated tool profile grinding machine, significantly improving Freeborn Tool Company's position in the international machine tool industry.

John D. Affinito, Mark E. Gross, Laura J. Silva
Transferred a vacuum process for manufacturing lithium polymer batteries

Mike Brambley, Dave Chassin, Rich Quadrel
For development of a new, widely usable software for energy-efficeicnt design.

Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center

Wu-Wey Wen, Richard P. Killmeyer
For the development of the GranuFlow process for improved fine coal de-watering and reconstitution.

Sandia National Laboratories

Peter Boissiere
For the development of software for remediation applications where the retrieval of hazardous materials precluded the productive use of humans.

Savannah River Technology Center

Terry C. Hazen, Brian B. Looney, John C. Corey
For in-place break down and removal of chlorinated solvents in subsurface water and sediments by natural-gas injection and air stripping.



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