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Block of Blight No Longer

A block of dilapidated housing that has been boarded-up for years is slated for removal by City crews. Jessie and Fred Sais, long-time active members of the Wells Park Neighborhood Association, were instrumental in pushing for removal of these nuisance properties.

“Not only have the properties been a safety issue, we believe they have negatively affected our property values. The whole neighborhood is happy to see them go. They have been nothing but problems for us,” said Jessie Sais.

Fred Sais, President of the association, added “We worked hard with State Representative Rick Miera, and Councilor Debbie O’Malley to pressure the City to do something about the problem. We’re glad the Mayor agreed to move forward.”

Councilor O’Malley, who represents Wells Park Neighborhood, believes removal of these properties represents a great opportunity for redevelopment. “The neighbors now have an opportunity to engage in planning for the revitalization of an entire block within their neighborhood. It’s a great day for the neighborhoods.”

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