Table A-5. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

  HOUSEHOLD DATA                                                                                                           HOUSEHOLD DATA
  Table A-5.  Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

  (In thousands)
                                                   Not seasonally adjusted                        Seasonally adjusted                    
                                                   Aug.      July      Aug.      Aug.      Apr.      May       June      July      Aug.  
                                                   2007      2008      2008      2007      2008      2008      2008      2008      2008  
                 CLASS OF WORKER                                                                                                         
  Agriculture and related industries...........    2,005     2,372     2,302     1,856     2,109     2,122     2,137     2,123     2,142 
    Wage and salary workers....................    1,144     1,444     1,419     1,031     1,244     1,241     1,244     1,258     1,289 
    Self-employed workers......................      850       894       850       812       839       849       840       844       817 
    Unpaid family workers......................       11        35        33     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
  Nonagricultural industries...................  144,401   144,495   143,607   143,928   144,258   143,898   143,650   143,589   143,284 
    Wage and salary workers....................  134,578   134,662   134,033   134,294   134,761   134,385   134,132   133,951   133,822 
      Government...............................   20,690    20,509    20,821    21,118    21,333    21,263    21,186    21,098    21,259 
      Private industries.......................  113,888   114,153   113,212   113,185   113,394   113,116   113,001   112,956   112,607 
        Private households.....................      819       873       799     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
        Other industries.......................  113,069   113,280   112,413   112,432   112,650   112,315   112,155   112,157   111,851 
    Self-employed workers......................    9,709     9,727     9,490     9,593     9,355     9,384     9,430     9,518     9,381 
    Unpaid family workers......................      114       106        84     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
          PERSONS AT WORK PART TIME (2)                                                                                                  
  All industries:                                                                                                                        
    Part time for economic reasons.............    4,494     6,054     5,736     4,517     5,220     5,233     5,416     5,724     5,718 
      Slack work or business conditions........    2,838     4,174     4,011     2,955     3,558     3,595     3,816     4,194     4,112 
      Could only find part-time work...........    1,113     1,481     1,305     1,175     1,323     1,281     1,336     1,286     1,362 
    Part time for noneconomic reasons..........   17,663    17,442    17,698    19,779    19,809    19,428    19,496    19,406    19,712 
  Nonagricultural industries:                                                                                                            
    Part time for economic reasons.............    4,424     5,947     5,650     4,466     5,125     5,164     5,308     5,599     5,641 
      Slack work or business conditions........    2,801     4,111     3,947     2,916     3,513     3,531     3,744     4,156     4,032 
      Could only find part-time work...........    1,098     1,469     1,294     1,152     1,331     1,288     1,328     1,277     1,350 
    Part time for noneconomic reasons..........   17,350    17,080    17,302    19,469    19,456    19,047    19,106    19,051    19,281 

    1 Data not available.
    2 Persons at work excludes employed persons who were absent from their jobs during the entire reference week for reasons such as
  vacation, illness, or industrial dispute.  Part time for noneconomic reasons excludes persons who usually work full time but worked
  only 1 to 34 hours during the reference week for reasons such as holidays, illness, and bad weather.
    NOTE:  Detail for the seasonally adjusted data shown in this table will not necessarily add to totals because of the independent
  seasonal adjustment of the various series.  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: September 05, 2008