Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Non-Resident Training

The Non-Resident Training (NRT) department and the Resource Support Section (RSS) jointly provide correspondence courses, training videos, and EOCT tests. NRT handles all testing requests and inquiries. RSS handles all course requests and inquires.

Our People

EOCT Course Information

Approved Rules of the Road Courses

Review the USCG Approved Rules of the Road Courses and COMDTINST 16672.5A for details on approved courses. Courses not listed must be approved by the BM Rating Force Manager to receive credit for completion of the NAVRULS and/or DWINTO. Under no circumstances shall the SPO enter credit for the NAVRULS and/or DWINTO into Direct Access. All certificates must be submitted to the CG Institute for entry into Direct Access.

Online Correspondence Courses & PQG's

Correspondence courses available online in CG Central

Nearly all correspondence courses available through the Coast Guard Institute are available online (in pdf format) in CG Central. To access the courses, log in to CG Central, proceed to the Learning tab and select Non-Resident Correspondence Courses from the left column. To minimize the increasing cost of printing/mailing correspondence courses, members should consider saving the correspondence course to a file, CD or memory stick instead of printing locally.

Correspondence Course & PQG Changes

The Initial Indoctrination To Marine Safety (IIMS) Course is available online. The paper course is now only available to auxiliary members. The course can be ordered from the Institute for auxiliarists.

Correspondence course & PQG enrollment form (used by ESOs only) can be accessed in CG Central, Learning Tab, CG Institute. The form still requires a password.

Last Modified 9/15/2008