Item 400MD: Music Within Facilitator Guide
Includes the following:
  • Step-by-step training instructions & resources
  • 400D: Music Within DVD
  • Extended Vers. DVD:
    "A Conversation with Richard Pimentel"

      1 - 4   $195.00 US each
      5 - 19  $165.00 US each
      20+    $150.00 US each

  • Item 400D: Music Within
    Movie--Widescreen DVD

    $27.95 US each

    Music Within Facilitator Guide for Diversity and Disability Training

    The Facilitator Guide includes:

  • Manual with step-by-step training instructions & resources for conducting
        dynamic group discussions with diverse audiences.
  • Music Within DVD Theatrical Release plus Featurettes
  • Music Within extended DVD: "A Conversation with Richard Pimentel"

    Music Within DVD full-length Movie is an entertaining feature film that celebrates with humor and depth the importance of looking beyond the disability and seeing the value of the person. The Music Within DVD is based on a true story that depicts how one man helped change policies and attitudes toward people with disabilities. Richard Pimentel (Ron Livingston, Office Space) grew up with an emotionally unstable mother (Rebecca De Mornay) and lost his father in a freak accident, so he turns to public speaking in school to find direction in life and seek the approval and praise he needs. After receiving insightful advice from a public speaking mentor (Hector Elizondo), Richard enlists in the army and serves in Vietnam. He returns with impaired hearing and finds it difficult to get a job. Through friendships with Art (Michael Sheen), who has cerebral palsy, and fellow Vietnam vets with various ailments, Richard finds his calling as an employment placement advocate for those with disabilities. He’s inspired to write a powerful training program for employers and government agencies to improve conditions, hire and retain employees with disabilities. His effort along with many others committed to the disability movement contributed to the creation of the congressionally approved Americans with Disabilities Act. The DVD full-length version can be purchased separately ($27.95 retail price).

    Music Within DVD extended training version DVD captures 29 brief conversations by Richard as he candidly speaks to viewers about the movie and the impact it has on people. The DVD is formatted to enable the facilitator to easily select the appropriate segment to address specific topics with students, employers, veterans, persons with disabilities, workforce development and rehabilitation professionals, educators, special education, parents of individuals with disabilities and religious organizations.

    The Facilitator Guide offers detailed instructions for conducting training for each of the groups. The implementation guidelines are clearly defined to enable the facilitator to attain the following training objectives.

    Participants of the training will be inspired to increase sensitivity and appreciation for the diversity of disability and the differences that persons with disabilities bring to the workplace. Explore ways to see beyond the disability and focus on the attributes and potential of the individual. An interactive discussion after viewing the movie encourages employers to seek opportunities for an inclusive work environment while exploring new strategies to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

    Participants will focus on their abilities, passion and vision, and discuss the challenges of limitations associated with perceived impairments, the frustrations of the “system”, avenues for gaining support and the importance of turning life experiences into a positive productive future. The facilitator format of the training environment is an excellent forum for veterans to get together, to support each other, not give up and to reconfirm that there is life after disability. Persons with Disabilities Participants will explore feelings, desires, struggles and accomplishments. They will learn about the history of the disability movement and how Richard redirected his anger and dedicated his life to making a difference in the lives of others. They will be encouraged to find their music within. The facilitator format empowers participants to discuss their vision for the future and the importance of taking action to reach their goals.

    Workforce Development Professionals
    Participants will gain an understanding of the influence they have working with employers and individuals with disabilities. The training focuses on integrating people with disabilities into their programs and understanding the importance of creative job development based on the unique abilities, interests and vision of the job seekers and the needs of the employer. Participants consider what can be done differently to find the music within their clients and accommodate to their abilities.

    Rehabilitation Professionals
    Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of the role of rehabilitation professionals and the influence they have working with employers and individuals with disabilities. The facilitator format encourages rehabilitation professionals to “think out of the box” and to involve the individual in finding solutions to meet their goals, to find the music within each of their clients that is inspired by their abilities, passion and vision, and to consider what can be done differently to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

    The movie is a tribute to the power of education in one person’s life. Educators will gain a stronger understanding of the importance of focusing on a student’s ability, not their disability; creating an educational environment of inclusion rather then exclusion; and appreciating the diversity of disability and the point of view that a person with a disability brings to the classroom. Step-by-step instructions are provided for conducting this training to educators and students. The facilitator format enables an open forum to learn about various disabling conditions and to consider what can be done differently to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. This training reinforces the awareness that one powerful teaching moment can have a ripple effect that changes a person’s life.

    Special Educators
    Participants will learn the importance of educating other educators, students and parents to find the music (natural talent) in the person and listen; to focus on the person’s abilities, interests and values instead of primarily on the disability. Participants will explore the individuals featured in the movie and the impact of the decisions they made to overcome barriers and the misperceptions of others. They will learn the how important it is to appreciate people for who they are and the point of view that they share for solving problems. Participants will consider what they can do differently after seeing the movie to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

    Parents of Persons with Disabilities
    The facilitator format enables parents to discuss the impact that the movie made on them and appreciate the diversity of responses from other parents. Participants will gain a new perspective about the disability movement and willpower that makes change happen. They will be inspired to find the music (natural talent) in people and focus on the person’s abilities, interests and values instead of primarily on the disability. Participants will explore how Richard dealt with his disability and explore ideas to support their child/adult with a disability to succeed in pursuing their dreams and becoming more independent.

    Religious Organizations
    Participants will gain a new perspective about people with disabilities through an interactive discussion of key scenarios in the movie focused on the inspiration of passion, overcoming obstacles, inclusion vs. exclusion and changing perception. Participants will discuss the impact the movie made on them, how people with disabilities were portrayed in the movie, and the importance of seeing past the disability and getting to know the person. Participants will also explore what role their religious organization should have in working with people with disabilities and ways to integrate people with disabilities in worship services.

    High School and College Students
    Enjoy an entertaining feature film that celebrates with humor and depth the importance of looking beyond the disability and seeing the value of the person. Students will gain a better understanding on historical elements of the disability movement, and an appreciation for people with disabilities. By focusing on ability and not disability, they will gain a new perspective that will influence their attitude about people with disabilities.