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  • 2006 Winter Olympics--Torino, Italy

    NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world. NCDC operates the World Data Center for Meteorology which is co-located at NCDC in Asheville, North Carolina, and the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology which is located in Boulder, Colorado.

    NCDC supports a three tier national climate services support program - the partners include: NCDC, Regional Climate Centers, and State Climatologists.

    Top of page Torino/Caselle Tables

    The weather station for Torino/Caselle is located at an elevation of 287 meters in northwest Italy. The climate features fairly cold and often snowy (in nearby mountains) winters with rather mild summers. The data tables (below) provide summaries and frequency distributions for various climatic parameters. A "user help" link is provided at the end of each summary, which links directly to the help page for that summary within our Climate Data Online (CDO) system.

    Top of page Torino/Bric Della Croce Tables

    The weather station for Torino/Bric Della Croce is located at an elevation of 710 meters in northwest Italy, to the southeast of the Caselle station. The data tables (below) provide summaries and frequency distributions for various climatic parameters. A "user help" link is provided at the end of each summary, which links directly to the help page for that summary within our Climate Data Online (CDO) system.

    Top of page Graphs for January 2006

    The graphs (below) display various daily weather parameters for both stations for January 2006.

    Top of page Current Weather and Forecasts

    The links (below) provide a number of sources of current weather conditions and forecasts.