Immersive Earth: Teaching Earth Science by Fulldome Experiences and Hands-On Exhibits

Immersive Earth produces movies that teach Earth science concepts using immersion in dome-shaped theatres. Through NASA funding, Rice University and the Houston Museum of Natural Science are partners in the five-year project that involves six museums, two universities and three private companies. Multiple projectors display the computer-generated images around all 360 degrees of a planetarium or large dome-shaped theatre. A single-projector system developed by the project allows for showings in portable inflatable domes, small enough to be brought out to schools and other venues. Over 25,000 have seen the shows in portables so far, including rural and tribal sites.

CONTACTS: Patricia Reiff, Rice University, Phone: 713-348-4634, Fax: 713-348-5143, Email:; Carolyn Sumners, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Phone: 713-639-4632, Fax: 713-639-4635, Email: