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Small Business Assistance Center Bill

Councilor Cadigan wants to establish a small business assistance center for City of Albuquerque. The center will provide free access to a wide variety of resources and information. Guidance on working with the City of Albuquerque would be made available too.

Small Business Assistance Center Bill

small business center administrative

“Small businesses are essential to our city’s economic strength and we must ensure that entrepreneurs and small business owners are provided the resources to build solid foundations for the success of their businesses,” said Councilor Cadigan.

According to the most current information on the U.S. Census County Business Patterns database, approximately 84 percent of the businesses in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County have 19 or fewer employees.

“Small businesses find it difficult to navigate through licensing, permitting, and regulations at the local, state and federal levels. A small business assistance center would offer a ‘one-stop’ environment for assistance on issues and concerns faced by small business owners,” added Cadigan.

The FY09 budget that the City Council unanimously approved on May 19th included an objective offered by Councilor Cadigan to develop a small business support center to assist new, existing and expanding small businesses in Albuquerque. Councilor Cadigan’s substitute budget also included $80,000 to create a center.

Other cities such as Denver, San Francisco, Phoenix, and San Diego, have taken proactive steps to establish small business assistance centers. This bill provides guidance to the Administration on what types of services should be offered at the center to help ensure the success of small businesses.

Councilor Cadigan envisions a small business assistance center whose goal would be to centralize and coordinate the advice and information services provided to small businesses. The small business assistance center would provide free access to technical, financial, and administrative resources for entrepreneurs, neighborhood small business owners, and business owners interested in expanding or relocating to Albuquerque. The small business assistance center would also assist businesses to become registered to do business with the City of Albuquerque and to provide guidance on how to bid on government contracts.

In addition, the small business assistance center would provide information regarding business structure and formation; obtaining necessary licenses and City permits; accessing financial resources; finding appropriate real estate; participating in the City purchasing process; compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations including safety and health regulations, employment laws, payroll taxes, 941 reporting, payment and reporting of gross receipts taxes; assistance with budgeting and forecasting; information and resources for establishing sound bookkeeping systems; adopting “green” and sustainable business practices; and provide resource referrals to City services, merchant associations and trade organizations as well as non-profit and private sector resources.

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