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Secretary and Chief of Staff to The Regents

Diane M. Griffiths is the Secretary and Chief of Staff to The Regents of the University of California. The Secretary and Chief of Staff is one of three principal officers of The Regents.

The Secretary and Chief of Staff shall serve as the primary liaison between The Regents and the University administration, working directly with the Board Chairman and the President of the University in execution of Board related projects, initiatives, and mandates, including Board meetings, providing substantive research and analysis, planning, preparation and support and review [ from Bylaw 21.3(a)].

In addition, the Secretary and Chief of Staff is the custodian of certain official corporate records of the University; is responsible for planning and staffing all Board and its Committee meetings; executes or attests to certain documents which have been executed on behalf of The Regents; provides direct administrative support to the members of the Board of Regents; prepares minutes of the Regents meetings; and is custodian of Regental and other corporate records.