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The University is governed by The Regents, which under Article IX, Section 9 of the California Constitution has "full powers of organization and governance" subject only to very specific areas of legislative control. The article states that "the university shall be entirely independent of all political and sectarian influence and kept free therefrom in the appointment of its Regents and in the administration of its affairs."

Board Membership
Article IX, Section 9 was drafted in 1878 after a decade of political conflict demonstrated the importance of sheltering the university from shifting political winds. The board consists of 26 members:

  • 18 regents are appointed by the governor for 12-year terms

  • One is a student appointed by the Regents to a one-year term

  • Seven are ex officio members -- the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, Superintendent of Public Instruction, president and vice president of the Alumni Associations of UC and the UC president.
In addition, two faculty members -- the chair and vice chair of the Academic Council -- sit on the board as non-voting members.

Board Officers
The Governor is officially the president of the Board of Regents, but in practice the presiding officer of the Regents is the Chairman of the Board, elected from among its body for a one-year term, beginning July 1. The current Chairman is Regent Richard Blum. The Vice Chairman is Regent Russell Gould.

The Regents appoints Officers of The Regents: the General Counsel; the Treasurer; the Secretary and Chief of Staff; and the Chief Compliance and Audit Officer.

Committees and Meetings
The Regents operates through 10 standing committees: Compliance and Audit, Compensation, Educational Policy, Finance, Governance, Grounds and Buildings, Health Services, Investments, Long Range Planning, and Oversight of the Department of Energy Laboratories.

The Regents meets six times a year every other month in two-day meetings.

About The Regents of the University of California The Regents of the University of California