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UC Health News

Medical Centers 

Professional Schools

Student Health Services

Central Valley
Health Resources

Senior Health

AIDS, Cancer, Tobacco Research

Occupational and Environmental

Health Research
at the National Labs

Health Sciences and Services

UC Health Home



Health > Health Professional Schools

UC operates the nation's largest health science and medical training program with over 12,000 students annually enrolled in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and related health care disciplines. University-based training and research provide the most advanced medical care available, teach the doctors, nurses and other health professionals who will deliver health care in other settings, translate medical discoveries into new treatments, and care for a large portion of the nation's uninsured.

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco

Los Angeles
San Francisco

Los Angeles
San Francisco


San Diego
San Francisco

Public Health:
Los Angeles

Veterinary Medicine:

UC Irvine establishes nursing science program in 2005.

Continuing Medical Education
UC's Continuing Medical Education consortium provides information about UC-sponsored CME programs, events sponsored by UC's five medical schools, and medical resources throughout the state.



For nearly a century, UCSF School of Nursing has prepared nursing leaders to meet health care needs in the areas of nursing education, administration, advanced clinical practice, and research. Its programs provide opportunities in a changing health care environment in such areas as advanced practice nursing and primary care.

The largest of the nation's 27 veterinary institutions, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is California's only veterinary school. The school's unique partnerships with California's agriculture, health, and environmental agencies also maximize the state's efforts to protect California pets, livestock and wildlife.

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