UC University of California, It starts here
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Campus Web Pages
for Faculty and Staff

Diversity at UC

Human Resources

Employee Benefits

Computing and
Tech Resources


Health Services

Child Care Resources


Campus Newspapers

Job Opportunities

Policies and Guidelines

Academic Senate

Faculty & Staff Home


Faculty and Staff: The Cornerstone of UC's Excellence

The more than 121,000 UC faculty and staff work together to maintain the University of California's reputation as the world's preeminent public research university system. Their efforts chart the course for the University's future and enrich the communities in which they live and work.

Like small cities, the campuses, national labs and medical centers provide a wide range of support services for UC's faculty and staff — many of which are detailed on the campus web pages listed below. One of the state's largest employers, UC values the efforts and dedication of its faculty and staff, and seeks to provide excellent employment benefits and opportunities for all UC employees.

Campus Web Pages for Faculty
Berkeley (Working at Berkeley)
Irvine (administration)
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Santa Barbara (administrative resources)
Santa Cruz

Academic Senate
Policies and Guidelines
Employment Opportunities for Academics and Faculty

Campus Web Pages for Staff
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Santa Barbara (administrative resources)
Santa Cruz

Faculty-Staff Directories
University Professors, 1960-present

Resources for Faculty and Staff
Beyond its research and teaching activities, UC campuses fulfill many of the same essential public infrastructure needs that your city, town or company provides — housing, parking and transportation, health care and child care, public safety, technology networks, job opportunities and benefits, recreation, public information. The following pages provide links to campus resources for the UC community in these areas:

Diversity at UC
Human Resources
Employee Benefits
Job Opportunities
Computing and Tech Resources
Health Services
Child Care Resources
Campus Safety
Campus Newspapers
Register to Vote
Whistleblower Policies
Ethical Values Statement and Standards of Ethical Conduct

Areas of Academic Interest
Academic Calendars
Academic Programs
Fellowships, Grants and Awards
Libraries, Museums, the Arts and Science Centers
Business Officers Institute
President's Task Force on Faculty Diversity

UC News and Information
Statistics on UC Students, Faculty and Staff
Campus Fact Sheets on Students, Faculty and Staff
Update on the State Budget



News and information about UC union negotiations

Update on UC and
the State Budget

UC 2025, long-range guidance process for UC

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