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Alumni and Friends

The University of California has more than 1.4 million alumni living and working around the globe. They are leaders and contributors to the vitality of our communities, our businesses and our culture.

UC's campus web sites have identified a number of resources, activities and items of interest to alumni, friends and visitors on their individual campuses. Check out these UC gateways and the other links below to find out how the University of California stays connected with its alumni and friends.

Campus Web Pages for Alumni, Friends and Visitors
Los Angeles (visitors)
San Diego (visitors)
San Francisco
Santa Barbara (visitors)
Santa Cruz

Alumni Associations of the University of California
The AAUC web site includes links to helpful campus and systemwide alumni resources:

Campus Alumni Associations
Campus Bookstores
Alumni Publications
Career Services
Reciprocal Extension Benefits
Keeping in Touch
San Joaquin Valley Alumni Network
UC Alumni in Europe
UC Alumni in Mexico

Systemwide Office of Alumni Affairs


Campus Tours (in-person and online)

Libraries, Museums, Arts, Science Centers

Continuing Education

Transcript Requests

Campus Career Centers

Giving to UC

Become an Advocate for UC
UC's best advocates are its alumni and alumnae, parents, students, corporate leaders and other friends. As an advocate, you can help support and defend UC on major issues pending before the state legislature. You can also participate in your community by speaking with local leaders and organizations. Join fellow alumni and friends for the annual UC Day in Sacramento.

UC News and Information
UC News Room
Statistics on UC Students, Faculty and Staff
Campus Fact Sheets on Students, Faculty and Staff



Find out more about UC alumni events and services.

Reciprocal Benefits for Extension courses

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