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Campus Academic Programs

Summer Session

Engineering and Computer Science

Physical and
Biological Sciences

Arts and Humanities

Social Sciences

Professional Schools:
Health Professions
Other Fields

Continuing Education

Education Abroad

Washington Center

UC Division of Academic Affairs

Academics Home

  UC Academics: A World-Class University

In the relatively short period since it was chartered (1868), the University of California has become the premier public university in the United States and earned a place among the most distinguished institutions of higher learning anywhere.

UC is the principal point of access for people of talent and ambition, a force from which California's economic prowess and strength derive, one of the world's great intellectual treasure houses, the repository of much of our cultural heritage, a cauldron of discovery, a marketplace of ideas — in short, one of the greatest centers of learning the world has ever known.

Campus Academics Programs provides links to the academics pages of individual campus web sites, campus catalogs and calendars, and information about graduate studies around the UC system.

This web site is also an all-campuses portal to specific areas of study in engineering and computer science, physical and biological sciences, arts and humanities, and social sciences. In all, UC campuses offer programs in more than 150 disciplines — many of which are ranked among the top 10 nationally.

UC is also expanding its summer instruction opportunities — learn more about Summer Session classes at UC campuses. Other UC opportunities take faculty and students beyond the campuses — to our nation's capital and to countries around the globe.

In addition to these undergraduate and graduate programs, UC provides training in a number of important professions, including business, education, medicine and health, law, and other fields such as architecture, urban planning, social welfare, international relations and journalism.

The University of California is also a center for lifelong learning and continuing professional development. UC Extension, one of the world's largest providers of continuing education, enrolls 400,000 Californians in 17,000 different courses around the state each year.


Washington DC Center
This multi-campus instructional and research center provides UC students and faculty opportunities to research, work and study in the nation's capital.

UC Extension, one of the world's largest providers of continuing education, enrolls 400,000 Californians in 17,000 different courses around the state each year.


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