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Financial Management

Anne Broome, Vice President Financial Management

About the Department

In consultation with the Senior Vice President for Business and Finance and others, the Financial Management Department is responsible for conducting financial analyses of University programs. The department develops and recommends financial policies, strategies, plans and programs for meeting current and future needs of the University. Advice, consultation, and assistance are provided to the University community regarding financial analysis, accounting, Office of the President budgeting, strategic sourcing, affirmative action business contracting, research and grant administration, and payroll.

In addition, the department is charged with University financial and accounting reporting and controls and with developing corporate reports and other information. Federal, state, and private sponsor audits and audits conducted by the Regents' external auditors are reviewed, negotiated and resolved. Finally, the department administers the University's risk management program, and reviews and monitors campus and hospital operations for conformance with established financial and business policies.

Business and Finance Division Principles

  • We strive for excellence in everything we do.
  • We foster the UC values of honesty, integrity, and respect for diversity.
  • We foster collaboration while respecting individual campus needs and approaches.
  • We provide the means to help all members of the UC community fulfill their business objectives in a responsible, ethical, and a cost-effective manner.
  • We balance current needs with the need to safeguard and cultivate future University resources.
  • We localize decision making authority whenever possible and link localized authority with responsibility and accountability.

The vision, mission statement and the guiding principles are the template upon which the division goals were formulated to serve UC faculty members pursuing UC's teaching, research, public service, and patient care mission and to fulfill the Division's fiduciary responsibilities.

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