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Presentations and Discussions Technology Briefings May 1999 Forum


Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum


How Can We Effectively Communicate Hydrologic Information to Decision Makers and the Public?

Poster presented May 1999, at the South Florida Restoration Science Forum

By: Dr. Ken Tarboton, P.E. , Nadine Meece, and Dr. Luis Cadavid of SFWMD



The Central and Southern Florida Project, Comprehensive review Study, or RESTUDY is used to SHOWCASE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION between Scientists, Water Managers and the Public Central and S. FL Project, Comprehensive Review Study Logo

Setting up the Communication Process

Get BUY INdrawing of money

drawing of people holding hands

Create FEEDBACK loops

For effective communication a process needs to be established whereby all interested parties feel part of, or BUY IN to, the decision making process.Full participation can be encouraged by establishing small groups to ensure everyone has the opportunity to communicate their ideas. Feedback between groups and to managers within the process is essential to keep the lines of communication open. Outreach through public meetings and encouragement of public comment takes the level of communication to the public.

drawing of computer Using Cutting Edge Technology drawing of world globe
thumbnail of web page
(formerly the Restudy at

World wide Web

Restudy Web Page with links to Hydrologic Performance Measures Web Page

thumbnail of web page
Multiple formats
thumbnail of web page

All available technology that can make communication easier, cheaper, faster, more open and effective should be used. In the Restudy the world wide web was chosen as the prime means to communicate measures of performance between different water management alternatives evaluated. This made the process open to managers and the public at all times. It allowed automated feedback and was quicker and cheaper than other means of communication.

Information Exchange

Manager Briefingdrawing of people sitting at a table

Public Meetings

One-on-one photo of man in front of an easel

Educational outreach

Communication IS Talking and Listening. Talking to the public and project managers, as part of the communication and decision making process is essential. More essential is listening and responding to their concerns. Briefings, public meetings, individual and educational outreach are all part of getting the message across.

thumbnail of original poster View the original poster

Next Setting up the communication process

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:42 PM (KP)