News media information 202 / 418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202 / 418-2830 Internet: ftp.fcc.govPUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 1919 M St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 REPORT NO. 2264 March 18, 1998 82458 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS REFERENCE OPERATIONS DIVISION PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED (Interested persons may file statements opposing or supporting the Petition for Rulemaking listed herein by April 27, 1998; replies are due by May 26, 1998. An Acrobat version of the full text of the Petition for Rulemaking is available through the Mass Media internet page ( or can be downloaded directly from: http// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RM NO. RULES SEC. PETITIONER DATE REC'D NATURE OF PETITION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9246 Part 73, Subparts Gregory D. Deieso 06-24-96 Request amendment of AM and FM Broadcast A, B and C Service Rules to create a new class of station, known (Filed by Harold K. McCombs, Jr. as Event Broadcast Stations, to provide temporary Attorney stations operating in a small geographic area for short Duncan, Weinberg, Miller & periods of time for the purpose of providing very Pembroke localized coverage of sporting events or other events 1615 M St., N.W. to the audience present at the event. Suite 800 Washington, D.C., 20036) Transmitter power (typically 1 to 10 watts) and antenna height would be limited to the minimum (NOTE: The Petition for Rulemaking necessary for serving the event area. FM Channel 200 was originally filed by Web SportsNet, would be used wherever available. Inc. on September 27, 1996, a sup- plement was filed replacing replacing Web SportsNet, Inc. with Gregory D. Deieso as the named petitioner.) Petitioner proposes the issuance of licenses good for nationwide operation, subject to prior frequency coordination for each operation to avoid interference to existing full-service AM and FM stations and to other Event Broadcast Stations. The petitioner volunteers itself to act as the frequency coordinating authority for the United States. (Note: Creation of an Event Broadcasting service was also the subject of another recent petition for rule making, RM 9242. See FCC Public Notice 2262, released March 10, 1998). An Acrobat version of the full text of this Petition for Rule Making, RM 9242, is available through the Mass media Bureau's internet page ( or can be downloaded from: - FCC -