FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: April 28, 1999 David Fiske (202) 418-0500 Report No. CI 99-17 COMPLIANCE & INFORMATION ACTION FCC CLOSES AN UNLICENSED RADIO STATION IN BROOKLYN, NEW YORK The FCC, in conjunction with the U.S. Marshals Service and the United States Attorney's Office, seized radio transmission equipment used in the operation of an unlicensed FM radio station in Brooklyn, New York, on March 23, 1999. The illegal radio station was operating on FM frequency 88.5 MHz. The FCC determined that the unlicensed radio station was operating at power levels as high as 11,696 times in excess of permitted power levels for non-licensed broadcasting. The seizure of the equipment followed FCC warnings to the operator about the penalties for unauthorized operations, and attempts by FCC agents to have the station voluntarily discontinue transmissions. The FCC urges operators of all unlicensed stations to voluntarily cease their illegal broadcasting operations. Unlicensed or unauthorized operation of a radio transmitter or station (e.g., AM, FM, International Short Wave and TV) is a violation of Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  301. Under the Communications Act, violators may be subject to penalties up to $11,000 and the equipment used is subject to seizure and forfeiture by court order. Unlicensed operators also could be subject to criminal fines of up to $100,000 and/or imprisonment for up to one year, or both, for a first-time offense. -FCC- Compliance and Information Bureau contact: Pamera Hairston at (202) 418-1160; TTY (888) 835-5322