Heliophysics Research

Over the past decade and more, physics-based modeling has played an increasingly important role both in defining the missions and in interpreting the observations.  It is anticipated that within three years vast arrays of datasets will be available for real-time assimilation into predictive models.  Working with universities, other government facilities, and industrial labs, individual and group theory, modeling, and research and analysis efforts are conducted through three competitive programs:

  • The Supporting Research and Technology program comprises an ever-evolving suite of individual PI-proposed investigations that cover the complete range of science disciplines and techniques essential to achieve Heliophysics Division objectives;
  • The Theory Program supports larger PI-proposed team efforts that require a critical mass of expertise in order to make significant progress in understanding complex physical processes with broad importance, such as magnetic reconnection or particle acceleration; and,
  • The Guest Investigator program is a synergistic component of the Heliophysics Great Observatory.  This program enables the broadest community of researchers in universities and institutions across the country to use Great Observatory data in innovative scientific research.

Launch Date A-Z Phase
19941102 November 01, 1994 Operating
20000717 July 16, 2000 Operating
19920724 July 24, 1992 Operating
19901007 October 06, 1990 Operating
19960225 February 24, 1996 Past
19770906 September 05, 1977 Operating
19951203 December 02, 1995 Operating