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Office of Public Affairs

Monday, August 11, 2003
Contact:  Kristi Clemens, (202) 366-4043

FTA 27-03

U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $2 Million Grant To University of South Florida's Center for Urban Transportation Research

Tampa, FL-U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta today announced two grants totaling more than $2 million for the University of South Florida's Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR).  The grant will be used to provide education, research, and technology transfer for the transit industry.

"This grant reflects the Bush Administration's commitment to increased innovation by strengthening federal and university research and development funding.  Such strategic investments will benefit transit passengers around the country by providing a safer and more reliable national transportation system," said Secretary Mineta. 

During a press conference in Tampa, Federal Transit Administrator Jennifer L. Dorn presented a ceremonial check for more than $2 million to the University of South Florida.

"Public transportation is an engine of economic growth.  And, I am pleased that the FTA is partnering with the University of South Florida's Center for Urban Transportation Research to help people across the country experience the many benefits of public transportation, including a healthier economy, increased community mobility, reduced congestion, and energy conservation," said Administrator Dorn.  "The practical and relevant research coming out of CUTR will lead to cost effective, common sense transit solutions for communities throughout the country."

The funds awarded today, in the amount of $2,048,375, will be used to support research that will help increase transit ridership, identify methods to attract and retain transit's future workforce, improve the safety and security of transit passengers and operators, and improve the efficiency of transportation services.  The first grant of $1.8 million represents FY 2002 and 2003 funding of the University Transportation Centers (UTC) program as stipulated by TEA-21.  The second grant of $248,375 supports the National Bus Rapid Transit Institute, which disseminates information about BRT to major urban areas around the country.  

The UTC Program is administered by RSPA, the Research and Special Programs Administration of DOT, with funding from FTA and the Federal Highway Administration.  The grants must be matched by recipients on a dollar-for-dollar basis at a minimum, leveraging the value of the federal investment.  Information on the UTC program is available on the Web at:

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