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Unanimous Vote for New Council President Debbie O'Malley

On Monday, December 4, 2006 Debbie O'Malley, who represents District 2, was unanimously elected the next Council President. She will hold the office for a one-year term and succeeds Martin Heinrich.

Sally Mayer, who represents District 7, was elected Vice-President. Council President O'Malley is the second councilwoman to be elected Council President in the history of Albuquerque City Council, and it is the first time that both positions of Council President and Vice-President will be held by women.

The Council President presides over council meetings, publicly represents the council as a whole, and is the lead negotiator with the Mayor. O'Malley said, "I am very honored to serve as Council President for the coming year. It is important to me to work to continue to build the trust and respect within the Council, and to communicate effectively with the Mayor and his administration."

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