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Office of Public Affairs

RSPA 9-03                         
Contact:  James Mitchell
Joe Delcambre 
Tel:  (202) 366-4831

Wednesday, July 16, 2003                                

DOT Awards Over $14.7 Million in Federal Grants for Transportation Research And Education 

      U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson today announced 13 grants totaling over $14.7 million in support of advanced transportation-related research at University Transportation Centers (UTC) nationwide.   

      "Making substantial investments in transportation research and education will yield solid returns for America," Deputy Secretary Jackson stated.  "These grants are part of a significant Bush Administration commitment to stimulate transportation innovation and help train tomorrow's transportation workforce." 

      More than 75 colleges and universities throughout the United States participate in UTCs to conduct combined programs of transportation research, education and technology transfer.  Last year, the UTC colleges and universities graduated over 1,000 students with advanced transportation-related degrees, offered almost 2,000 undergraduate and graduate transportation courses, conducted over 400 research projects, and trained over 25,000 practicing transportation professionals.  

      UTC grants are administered by the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and must be matched by recipients on a dollar-for-dollar basis at a minimum, leveraging the value of the federal investment. 

      DOT awarded $2 million to the University of Minnesota for its Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute.  The department also awarded  $1.8 million to each of the following: 

* University of South Florida - National Center for Transit Research

* George Mason University - National Intelligent Transportation Systems Implementation Research Center 

DOT awarded $916,300 to each of the following: 

* South Carolina State University - South Carolina State University Transportation Center

* Rutgers University - Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation 

DOT awarded $906,000 to each of the following: 

* Pennsylvania State University - Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center

* University of Idaho - National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology

* San Jose State University - Mineta Transportation Institute

* North Dakota State University - Mountain-Plains Consortium

* University of Missouri-Rolla - Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies

* University of Central Florida - Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation

* University of Southern California - National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research

* University of Arkansas - Mack Blackwell Transportation Center     

      RSPA works for the advancement of science and technology for national transportation needs. RSPA also has responsibilities for ensuring the safe and secure movement of hazardous materials to industry and consumers by all modes of transportation, including pipelines, and coordination of rapid response to transportation emergencies. Information on the UTC program is available on the Web at:


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