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Scientific Data Documentation
National Nursing Home Survey, 1995
This material provides documentation for users of the Micro-Data
Tape of the 1995 National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS) conducted by
the National Center for Health Statistics.  Section I "Description
of the NNHS" includes information on the history of the NNHS,
source of data, sample design, data collection procedures,
estimation procedures, reliability of estimates and presentation
of estimates. Section II provides technical details of the tape
(number of tracks, record length, etc.).  Section III provides a
detailed description of the contents of each data record, by
location.  Questionnaires used for data collection are in section IV.       
TABLE OF CONTENTS                  Page             
I. Description of the NNHS           2
II. Technical Description of Tape   12
III. Tape Record Formats            13
IV. Questionnaires                  39


The micro-data tape comprises data collected in the 1995 National Nursing
Home Survey (NNHS). This nationwide sample survey of nursing homes and their 
current residents was conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics 
from July through December 1995. The survey was conducted via a combination
of personal interviews and self-enumerated forms.  Data on nursing home
characteristics were obtained by personal interview with the administrator,
data on the financial characteristics of the facility were self-enumerated 
by the nursing home's accountant or bookkeeper.  Data on a sample of 
residents currently residing in the facility were obtained by interviewing 
a staff person most familiar with the medical records. Responses are for 
8,056 current residents from the 1,409 nursing homes that participated in 
the survey.  For a description of the sample design and data collection 
methods, see below.


The 1995 NNHS, a segment of the Long-Term Care Component of the National 
Health Care Survey (1), is the fourth survey of nursing home facilities and 
their current residents. The first NNHS was conducted between August 1973 
and April 1974; the second from May through December 1977; and the third 
survey was conducted from August 1985 through January 1986.

Prior to the creation of this continuing data collection system, NCHS 
conducted a series of three ad hoc sample surveys of nursing and personal 
care homes called the Resident Places Surveys (RPS 1, 2, 3).  These surveys 
provided much of the background information and experience used to develop 
the first NNHS. These surveys were conducted during April-June 1963, May-June 
1964, and June-August 1969, respectively. RPS-1, the first of these surveys,
collected data on nursing homes, chronic disease and geriatric hospitals, and 
nursing home units and chronic disease wards of general and mental hospitals. 
RPS-3, the last ad hoc survey, sampled nursing and personal care homes in the 
conterminous United States.


The sample for the 1995 NNHS was taken from a frame that consisted of all 
nursing home facilities identified in the 1991 National Health Provider
Inventory (NHPI) (2) and updated list. The updated list of facilities was 
obtained from the facilities that came from the Agency Reporting System (ARS) 
as of September, 1993 (3). The ARS is a system where organizations routinely 
send their most recent listings/directories to NCHS. The sampling frame was 
further updated using the ARS as of September, 1994. Therefore, the final
sampling frame consisted of lists of nursing homes from 1991 NHPI and the
updated lists from the 1993 and 1994 ARS.

The universe for the 1995 NNHS consisted of about 17,500 nursing and related 
care homes in the United States. Places that only provide room and board are 
excluded. Places are also excluded if they have fewer than three beds set up 
for use by persons not related to the owner. Facilities in the universe are 
freestanding or are nursing care units of hospitals, retirement centers, or
similar institutions where the unit maintains financial and resident records 
separate from those of the larger institution.

The sample consisted of 1,500 nursing and related care homes. Of these 
facilities, 44 refused to participate and 47 were out-of-scope for one or 
more of the following reasons: the nursing home had gone out of business, 
it failed to meet the definition of a nursing home as used in this survey, 
or it did not maintain separate financial records. A total of 1,409 nursing 
homes participated in the survey.   


The sampling was basically a stratified two-stage probability design. The 
first-stage was the selection of facilities and the second-stage was the 
selection of residents.  The primary sampling strata of facilities were 
defined by bed size and certification status. The strata of certified 
facilities consist of facilities which according to data in the sampling
frame were certified by either Medicare or Medicaid as a skilled nursing 
or intermediate care facility. Within primary strata, facilities were  
arrayed by ownership, geographic region, metropolitan status, State, and 
county. Facilities were then selected using systematic sampling with 
probability proportional to their bed size.

The number of nursing homes estimated by the survey (16,700) is less than the 
universe figure (17,500) for several reasons.  Some facilities went out of 
business or became ineligible for the scope of the survey between the time 
universe was frozen and the survey was conducted. A facility was considered 
out-of-scope if it did not provide nursing, personal or domiciliary care 
services e.g., facilities providing only room and board.

The second-stage sampling of residents was carried out by the interviewers 
at the time of their visits to the facilities in accordance with specific 
instructions given for each sample facility. The sample frame for residents 
was the total number of residents on the register of the facility as of 
midnight of the day prior to the day of the survey. Residents who were 
physically absent from the facility due to overnight leave or a hospital
visit but had a bed maintained for them at the facility were included in 
the sample frame. A sample of up to six current residents per facility was 


The 1995 NNHS utilized four questionnaires: Facility Questionnaire, Expense 
Questionnaire and Definition Booklet, Current Resident Sampling List, and 
Current Resident Questionnaire.

Data were collected according to the following procedures:

(I) A letter was sent to the administrators of sample facilities
    informing them of the survey and the fact that interviewers would
    contact them for appointments. Letters of endorsement by the
    American College of Health Care Administrators, American
    Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, and American
    Health Care Association were sent with the introductory letter to
    urge the administrator of the facility to participate in the
    survey. Also included with this introductory letter was one of the
    reports from the last survey to illustrate how the data would be

(II) After the mailing of the letters, the interviewer
     telephoned the sample facility and made an appointment with the

(III) At the time of the appointment, the following
      procedures were followed: The Facility Questionnaire was completed
      by the interviewer who interviewed the administrator of designee.
      After completing this form, the interviewer secured the
      administrator's permission to send the Expense Questionnaire to
      the facility's accountant. The interviewer then completed the
      Current Resident Sampling List (a list of all residents in the
      facility on the night before the day of the survey), selected the
      sample of residents from it, and completed a Current Resident
      Questionnaire for each sample person by interviewing the member of
      the nursing staff familiar with care provided to the resident. The
      nurse referred to the resident's medical records. No resident was
      interviewed directly.


The statistics contained on the micro-data tape reflect data concerning only 
a sample of nursing homes, and their residents. Because these data are based 
on a sample and not a complete count, an inflation factor or "record weight" 
is assigned to each record. By aggregating the "record weight", an estimated 
complete count for National data can be obtained for nursing homes, residents 
and related characteristics.

In general, each data file has only one record weight. The facility file, 
however, has two different weights: facility home weight (positions 453-460), 
and facility bed weight (positions 461-468). The facility home weight is used 
to estimate the number of nursing homes. The facility bed weight is used to 
estimate all characteristics related to bed size such as number of beds, and
admissions. The major reason for these different weights is that the best 
estimator for facility characteristics related to size included a bed ratio 
adjustment, while the best estimator for number of facilities does not.

A discussion of the estimation procedures follows:

  The weights used to inflate sample data on these data
  files are derived by a ratio estimating procedure. The
  purpose of ratio estimation is to take into account
  all relevant information in the estimation process,
  thereby reducing the variability of the estimate. The
  estimation of number of facilities and facility data
  not related to size are inflated by the reciprocal of
  the probability of selecting the sample facilities and
  adjusted for the nonresponding facilities within
  primary strata. Two ratio adjustments, one at each
  stage of sample selection, were also used in the
  estimation process. The first-stage ratio adjustment
  (along with the preceding inflation factors) was
  included in the estimation of facility data related to
  size, and of all resident data for all primary types
  of strata. The numerator was the total beds according
  to data in the universe, for all facilities in each
  stratum. The denominator was the estimate of the total
  beds obtained through a simple inflation of the data
  in the universe for the sample facilities in each
  stratum. The effect of the first-stage ratio
  adjustments was to bring the sample in closer
  agreement with the known universe of beds. The second-
  stage ratio adjustment was included in the estimation
  of all resident data. It is the product of two
  fractions: the first is the inverse of the sampling
  fraction for residents upon which the selection is
  based; the second is the ratio of the number of sample
  residents in the facility to the number of residents
  for whom questionnaires were completed within the facility. 
Reliability of estimates

Because the data presented on this tape are based on a sample, they will 
differ some what from data that would have been obtained if a complete census 
had been taken using the same schedules, instructions, and procedures.  As in 
any sample survey, the results are subject to both sampling and nonsampling 
errors.  Nonsampling errors include errors due to response bias, questionnaire 
and item nonresponse, recording, and processing errors.  To the extent possible, 
the latter types of errors are kept to a minimum by methods built into survey
procedures.  Because survey results are subject to both sampling and nonsampling 
errors, the total error is larger than errors due to sampling variability alone.

The standard error is primarily a measure of the variability that occurs by 
chance because only a sample, rather than the entire universe, is surveyed.  
The standard error also reflects part of the measurement error, but it does 
not measure any systematic biases in the data.  It is inversely proportional 
to the square root of the number of observations in the sample.  Thus, as the 
sample size increases, the standard error generally decreases.

The chances are about 68 in 100 that an estimate from the sample differs by 
less than the standard error from the value that would be obtained from a 
complete census.  The chances are about 95 in 100 that the difference is less 
than twice the standard error and about 99 in 100 that it is less than 2-1/2 
times as large.

The standard errors used in this report were approximated using SUDAAN 
software.  SUDAAN computes standard errors by using a first-order Taylor 
approximation of the deviation of estimates from their expected values.  
A description of the software and the approach it uses has been published(4).
To derive error estimates that would be applicable to a wide variety of 
statistics and could be prepared at moderate cost, several approximations 
were required.

Rather than calculate standard errors for particular estimates Sx, the 
calculated variances for a wide variety of estimates were fitted into curves 
using the empirically determined relationship between the size of an estimate 
X and its relative variance (rel var X).  This relationship is expressed as:

      rel~var~  X~=~S SUB { UNDERLINE x} SUP 2 OVER X SUP 2~=~
      UNDERLINE a~+~ {UNDERLINE b} OVER X        
where a and b are regression estimates determined by an iterative procedure.

The relative standard error is then derived by determining the square root 
of the relative variance curve.  The relative standard error estimates for 
estimated number of admissions; beds; total full-time equivalent staff and 
nurse's aides; full-time equivalent administrative, medical, and therapeutic 
staff; and facilities are shown in figure I. Figure II shows the relative
standard errors for estimated number of resident days of care, residents and 
registered nurses, respectively.

The relative standard error (RSE(X)) of an estimate X may be read directly 
from the curves in figures I and II or, alternatively, may be calculated by 
the formula:

     RSE(X)~=~ SQRT{A~+~B OVER X}
where the appropriate constants A and B for the estimate X are defined in 
Table 1.

       Parameters used to compute relative standard errors by type of
       Type of Estimate                A                 B
        Current residents        -0.000139           321.778954     
        Facilities               -0.001982            24.781718
        Admissions                0.013441           534.797538
        Bed size                 -0.000538           862.978462
        Full time employee       -0.000492           888.770235
To approximate the relative standard error (RSE(p)) and the standard error 
(SE(p)) of a percent p, the appropriate values of parameter B from table I 
are used in the following equations:

       RSE( UNDERLINE{p})~=~ SQRT {{(B~  ~(100~-~ UNDERLINE {p}))} 
       OVER  {{UNDERLINE p}~ ~Y}}          

where x = the numerator of the estimated percent, y = the denominator, 
and p = 100   X/Y.

The approximation of the relative standard error or the standard error of 
a percent is valid only when one of the following conditions is satisfied:  
the relative standard error of the denominator is 5 percent or less (5) or 
the relative standard errors of the numerator and the denominators are both 
10 percent or less (6).

Presentation of Estimates--Publication of estimates for the NNHS is based on 
the relative standard error of the estimate and the number of sample records 
on which the estimate is based (referred to as the sample size). Estimates 
are not presented in NCHS reports unless a reasonable assumption regarding 
the probability distribution of the sampling error is possible.

Based on consideration of the complex sample design of the NNHS, the following 
guidelines are used for presenting the NNHS estimates:

If the sample size is less than 30, the value of the estimate is not reported.          
If the sample size is 30-59, the value of the estimate is reported but should 
not be assumed reliable.          
If the sample size is 60 or more and the relative standard error is less than 
30 percent, the estimate is reported.                    
If the sample size is 60 or more but the relative standard error is over 30 
percent, the estimate is reported but should not be assumed reliable.          

Questions concerning data on this tape should be directed to the Long-Term 
Care Statistics Branch, Division of Health Care Statistics, National Center 
for Health Statistics, 6525 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782.
1.   Institute of Medicine. Toward a National Health Care Survey,
     A Data System for the 21st Century. National Academy Press,  
     Washington, D.C. 1992.          
2.   National Center for Health Statistics: Development and 
     maintenance of a national inventory survey of hospitals and 
     institutions. Vital Health Stat 1(3). 1965.                
3.   Eklund D. The Agency Reporting System for maintaining the 
     national inventory of hospitals and institutions. National 
     Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Statistics 1(6). 
4.   Shah BV, Barnwell BG, Hunt PN, and La Vange LM. SUDAAN 
     User's Manual, Release 5.50. Research Triangle Institute, 
     Research Triangle Park, NC,27709. 1991.                  
5.   Hansen MH, Hurwitz WN, Madow WG. Sample Survey Methods and 
     Theory, Vol. I. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1953.          
6.   Cochran WG. Sampling Techniques. New York: John Wiley and 
     Sons. 1953.
The tape is labeled and is suitable for IBM Computers.  The data are in 9-track 
codes in EBCDIC. Tape is 6250 or 1600 bpi. The dataset name, label, record length, 
and number of cases for each file are indicated below:
                                           VOL                RECORD  NUMBER 
FILE                             DSN       SER       LABEL    LENGTH  OF CASES
Facility Questionnaire           NNHS95NH.NTISFAC3   058968   SL       468    1,409
Current Resident Questionnaire   NNHS95NH.NTISRES3   058968   SL       490    8,056
Expense Questionnaire            NNHS95NH.NTISEXP3   058968   SL       490      839

NOTE: These 3 files have been copied into the CDC library and must be accessed 
      using the DSN assigned by CDC.

This section consists of a detailed breakdown of each file, providing a brief 
description of each item of data.  The data are arranged sequentially according 
to their physical location on the tape record.  The variables are referenced by 
a field name (usually the question number from which the data were gathered), 
the tape positions and format.          
The tape record formats for the three files are presented in the following 
      File                               Page          
      Facility Questionnaire                  14
      Current Resident Questionnaire          23   
      Expense Questionnaire                   36
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQID      1    4    4    FACILITY ID NUMBER
          FQINTVM   5    6    2    DATE OF INTERVIEW: MONTH
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
          FQINTVY   7    8    2    DATE OF INTERVIEW (YEAR)
                                   95 = 1995   96 = 1996
          FQE1      9    10   2    PERSONAL OR NURSING CARE SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
          FQ2A      11   12   2    TYPE OF OWNERSHIP OF FACILITY
                                   01 = PROFIT                    
                                   02 = ALL OTHERS
          FQ2B      13   14   2    MEMBER OF A CHAIN OR GROUP
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          BLANK          15   17   3    BLANK
          FQ3       18   18   1    BEDS AVAILABLE
                                   1 = 3-49  BEDS           
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100-199 BEDS
                                   4 = 200+ BEDS
          BLANK          19   26   8    BLANK
          FQ5       27   28   2    AREA FOR COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED RESIDENT 
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          BLANK          29   31   3    BLANK
          FQ6       32   32   1    BEDS FOR COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED RESIDENT
                                   1 = 0-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100+  BEDS
                                   4 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   5 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ7       33   34   2    CERTIFICATION
                                   01 = CERTIFIED
                                   02 = NOT CERTIFIED                  
          BLANK          35   37   3    BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ8A      38   38   1    BEDS CERTIFIED UNDER MEDICARE
                                   1 = 0-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100-199 BEDS
                                   4 = 200+  BEDS
                                   5 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   6 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN     
          FQ8B      39   42   4    MEDICARE PER DIEM RATE
                                   RANGE = 0000-9997                    
                                        9998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   9999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          BLANK          43   45   3    BLANK
          FQ9A      46   46   1    BEDS CERTIFIED UNDER MEDICAID
                                   1 = 0-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100-199 BEDS
                                   4 = 200+  BEDS
                                   5 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   6 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ9B      47   50   4    MEDICAID PER DIEM RATE
                                   RANGE = 0000-9997                    
                                        9998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   9999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ10A          51   52   2    BEDS NOT CERTIFIED
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          BLANK          53   55   3    BLANK
          FQ10B          56   56   1    NUMBER OF BEDS NOT CERTIFIED
                                   1 = 0-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100-199 BEDS
                                   4 = 200+  BEDS
                                   5 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   6 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ11A          57   60   4    ADMISSIONS
                                   RANGE = 0000-9997                   
                                   9999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ11B          61   62   2    ADMISSIONS: NONE
                                   00 = NONE
                                   01 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   02 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ1201    63   64   2    DENTAL SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1202    65   66   2    HELP WITH ORAL HYGIENE
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1203    67   68   2    HOME HEALTH SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1204    69   70   2    HOSPICE SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1205    71   72   2    MEDICAL SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1206    73   74   2    MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1207    75   76   2    NURSING SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1208    77   78   2    NUTRITION SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1209    79   80   2    OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1210    81   82   2    PERSONAL CARE
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1211    83   84   2    PHYSICAL THERAPY
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1212    85   86   2    PODIATRY SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1213    87   88   2    PRESCRIBED OR NONPRESCRIBED MEDICINE
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1214    89   90   2    SHELTERED EMPLOYMENT
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ1215    91   92   2    SOCIAL SERVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED     
          FQ1216    93   94   2    SPECIAL EDUCATION
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED     
          FQ1217    95   96   2    SPEECH OR HEARING THERAPY
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1218    97   98   2    TRANSPORTATION
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1219    99   100  2    VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1220    101  102  2    EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ1221    103  104  2    OTHER
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ12SP    105  129  25   OTHER: SPECIFY (ALPHA)
          FQ13      130  131  2    INFLUENZA VACCINE PROGRAM
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          FQ14A          132  134  3    PROPORTION OF RESIDENTS VACCINATED
                                   RANGE = 000-100
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ14B          135  136  2    PROPORTION OF RES. VACC.: DON'T KNOW
                                   01 = DON'T KNOW
                                   02 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   03 = BLANK OR INVALID
          FQ15A          137  138  2    PNEUMONIA VACCINATION PROGRAM
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          FQ16A          139  141  3    PROPORTION OF RESIDENTS VACCINATED
                                   RANGE = 000-100
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ16B          142  143  2    PROPORTION OF RES. VACC.: DON'T KNOW
                                   01 = DON'T KNOW
                                   02 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   03 = BLANK OR INVALID
          FQ17A          144  145  2    PATIENTS IN COMA
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ17B          146  148  3    NUMBER OF PATIENTS IN COMA
                                   RANGE = 001-997                 
                                   998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ18A          149  150  2    DENTIST SERVICES AVAILABLE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ18B          151  152  2    TYPE OF DENTAL SERVICES AVAILABLE
                                   01 = DENTIST ON PREMISES AT ALL TIMES
                                   02 = DENTIST ON PREMISES DURING DAY ON
                                        WEEKDAYS & ON CALL OTHERWISE 
                                   03 = DENTIST ON PREMISES AT SCHEDULED 
                                   04 = DENTISTS AVAILABLE ON-CALL ONLY
                                   05 = OTHER
                                   06 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   07 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ18BSP   153  177  25   OTHER, SPECIFY (ALPHA)
          FQ19A          178  179  2    DENTAL HYGIENIST SERVICES AVAILABLE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ19B          180  181  2    TYPE OF HYGIENIST SERV. AVAILABLE
                                   01 = HYGIENIST ON PREMISES AT ALL 
                                   02 = HYGIENIST ON PREMISES DURING DAY 
                                        WEEKDAYS AND ON CALL OTHERWISE 
                                   03 = HYGIENIST ON PREMISES DURING 
                                        SCHEDULED TIMES AT LEAST ONCE A 
                                        MONTH & ON CALL OTHERWISE
                                   04 = HYGIENIST AVAILABLE ON CALL ONLY
                                   05 = OTHER
                                   06 = LEGITIMATE SKIP     
                                   07 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ19BSP   182  206  25   OTHER, SPECIFY
          FQ20A          207  210  4    TOTAL FTE EMPLOYEES
                                   RANGE = 0001-9996
                                   9997 = 9997 OR MORE 
                                   9999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B01   211  213  3    ADMINISTRATOR
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B02   214  216  3    REGISTERED NURSES
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE   
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN 
          FQ20B03   217  219  3    LPN OR LVN
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B04   220  222  3    NURSES AIDES/ORDERLIES
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN 
          FQ20B05   223  225  3    PHYSICIANS, RESIDENTS & INTERNS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B06   226  228  3    DENTIST
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B07   229  231  3    DENTAL HYGIENIST
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN 
          FQ20B08   232  234  3    PHYSICAL THERAPISTS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B09   235  237  3    SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS / AUDIOLOGISTS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN 
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          FQ20B10   238  240  3    DIETICIANS OR NUTRITIONIST
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B11   241  243  3    PODIATRISTS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B12   244  246  3    SOCIAL WORKERS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20B13   247  249  3    ALL OTHERS
                                   RANGE = 000-996
                                   997 = 997 OR MORE
                                   999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ20BSP   250  274  25   OTHER, SPECIFY
          FQ2100    275  276  2    VOLUNTEERS PROVIDE SERV.: NONE
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2101    277  278  2    GENERAL OFFICE HELP
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2102    279  280  2    RECEPTION
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2103    281  282  2    VISITING, GENERAL AIDS
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2104    283  284  2    EMOTIONAL OR MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2105    285  286  2    DENTAL CARE
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ2106    287  288  2    OTHER
                                   01 = RESPONSE CHECKED
                                   02 = RESPONSE NOT CHECKED
          FQ21SP    289  313  25   OTHER, SPECIFY
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION    
          FQ22A1    314  318  5    BASIC CHARGES PRIVATR PAY: SKILLED
                                   RANGE = 00000 - 99997    
                                   99998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   99999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ22A2    319  320  2    PRIVATE PAY TIME PERIOD: SKILLED
                                   01 = DAY
                                   02 = MONTH
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE
                                   04 = BLANK OR INVALID
          FQ22B1    321  325  5    BASIC CHARGES PRIV.PAY: INTERMEDIATE
                                   RANGE = 00000 - 99997                
                                        99998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP  
                                   99999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ22B2    326  327  2    PRIVATE PAY TIME PERIOD: INTERMEDIATE
                                   01 = DAY
                                   02 = MONTH
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE
                                   04 = BLANK OR INVALID
          FQ22C1    328  332  5    BASIC CHARGES PRIV.PAY: RESIDENTIAL
                                   RANGE = 00000 - 99997                
                                   99998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   99999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ22C2    333  334  2    PRIVATE PAY TIME PERIOD: RESIDENTIAL
                                   01 = DAY
                                   02 = MONTH
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE
                                   04 = BLANK OR INVALID
          FQ22D1    335  339  5    BASIC CHARGES PRIV.PAY: OTHER
                                   RANGE = 00000 - 99997
                                   99998 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   99999 = BLANK OR UNKNOWN
          FQ22D2    340  341  2    PRIVATE PAY TIME PERIOD: OTHER
                                   01 = DAY
                                   02 = MONTH
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE
                                   04 = BLANK OR INVALID

          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION    
          FQ22DSP   342  366  25   BASIC CHARGES PRIV.PAY: OTHER SPECIFY
          FLAG BEDS      367  367  1    FLAG FOR IMPUTED TOTAL BEDS
                                   1 = IMPUTED FROM 1991 NHPI
                                   2 = IMPUTED FROM OTHER 1995 NNHS DATA
                                   BLANK IF NOT IMPUTED
                                   1 = IMPUTED FROM 1991 NHPI
                                   2 = IMPUTED FROM OTHER 1995 NNHS DATA
                                   BLANK IF NOT IMPUTED
          BLANK          369  451  82   BLANK
          FQMSA          452  452  1    MSA INDICATOR
                                   1 = MSA
                                   2 = NON MSA
          FQWT      453  460  8    FACILITY HOME WEIGHT (RB8.)
          FQBEDWT   461  468  8    FACILITY BED WEIGHT (RB8.)
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CRID      1    6    6    PATIENT ID NUMBER
                                   COL 1 - 6 = RESIDENT ID NUMBER       
          CRINTVM   7    8    2    DATE OF INTERVIEW: MONTH
                                   RANGE = 08 - 12
          CRINTVY   9    10   2    DATE OF INTERVIEW (YEAR)
                                   95 = 1995
          CR1       11   12   2    SEX
                                   01 = MALE
                                   02 = FEMALE
          CR2DOBM   13   14   2    DATE OF BIRTH: MONTH
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
                                   13    = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   14    = BLANK
          CR2DOBY   15   18   4    DATE OF BIRTH: YEAR
                                   RANGE = 1873 - 1996 
                                   9998  = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   9999  = BLANK
          CR2AGE    19   21   3    CURRENT AGE IN YEARS
                                   RANGE = 000 - 120 
                                   998   = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   999   = BLANK
          CR3A      22   23   2    RACE
                                   01 = WHITE
                                   02 = BLACK
                                   03 = AMERICAN INDIAN, ESKIMO, ALEUT
                                   04 = ASIAN, PACIFIC ISLANDER
                                   05 = OTHER
                                   06 = DON'T KNOW
                                   07 = BLANK     
          CR3B      24   25   2    HISPANIC ORIGIN
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR4       26   27   2    MARITAL STATUS 
                                   01 = MARRIED
                                   02 = WIDOWED
                                   03 = DIVORCED
                                   04 = SEPERATED
                                   05 = NEVER MARRIED
                                   06 = SINGLE
                                   07 = DON'T KNOW 
                                   08 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR5A      28   29   2    WHERE LIVING
                                   01 = PRIVATE RESIDENCE
                                   02 = RENTED ROOM, BOARDING HOUSE
                                   03 = RETIREMENT HOUSE
                                   04 = BOARD & CARE OR RES.CARE FACILITY
                                   05 = NURSING HOME
                                   06 = HOSPITAL
                                   07 = MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY
                                   08 = OTHER
                                   09 = DON'T KNOW
                                   10 = BLANK
          CR5ASP    30   54   25   OTHER, SPECIFY (ALPHA)
          CR5B      55   56   2    WHO LIVED WITH
                                   01 = WITH FAMILY MEMBERS
                                   02 = WITH NONFAMILY MEMBERS
                                   03 = WITH BOTH FAM.& NON FAM. MEMBERS
                                   04 = ALONE
                                   05 = DON'T KNOW
                                   06 = BLANK 
          CR701          57   58   2    DATE OF ADMISSION: MONTH
                                   RANGE = 01-12
                                   13    = BLANK
          CR702          59   60   2    DATE OF ADMISSION: DAY
                                   RANGE = 01-31
                                   32    = BLANK
          CR703          61   62   2    DATE OF ADMISSION: YEAR
                                   RANGE 73-96
                                   99 = BLANK
          CR8       63   64   2    HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN A RESIDENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR9A1          65   69   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: FIRST LISTED
          CR9A2          70   74   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: SECOND LISTED
          CR9A3          75   79   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: THIRD LISTED
          CR9A4          80   84   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: FOURTH LISTED
          CR9A5          85   89   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: FIFTH LISTED
          CR9A6          90   94   5    ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: SIXTH LISTED 
          BLANK          95   96   2    BLANK 
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR9B1          97   101  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: FIRST LISTED 
          CR9B2          102  106  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: SECOND LISTED 
          CR9B3          107  111  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: THIRD LISTED 
          CR9B4          112  116  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: FOURTH LISTED 
          CR9B5          117  121  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: FIFTH LISTED 
          CR9B6          122  126  5    CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: SIXTH LISTED 
          CR10      127  128  2    LEVEL OF CARE
                                   01 = SKILLED CARE
                                   02 = INTERMEDIATE CARE
                                   03 = RESIDENTIAL CARE
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR1100    129  130  2    AIDS CURRENTLY USED
                                   00 = NO AIDS USED
                                   01 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1101    131  132  2    AIDS USED: EYEGLASSES
                                   01 = EYEGLASSES (INCLUDING CONTACT 
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1102    133  134  2    AIDS USED: HEARING AIDS
                                   01 = HEARING AID
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1103    135  136  2    AIDS USED: TRANSFER EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = TRANSFER EQUIPMENT
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1104    137  138  2    AIDS USED: WHEELCHAIR
                                   01 = WHEELCHAIR
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1105    139  140  2    AIDS USED: CANE
                                   01 = CANE
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1106    141  142  2    AIDS USED: WALKER
                                   01 = WALKER
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1107    143  144  2    AIDS USED: CRUTCHES
                                   01 = CRUTCHES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1108    145  146  2    AIDS USED: BRACE
                                   01 = BRACE
                                   02 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR1109    147  148  2    AIDS USED: OXYGEN
                                   01 = OXYGEN
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1110    149  150  2    AIDS USED: HOSPITAL BED
                                   01 = HOSPITAL BED
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1111    151  152  2    AIDS USED: COMMODE
                                   01 = COMMODE
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR1112    153  154  2    AIDS USED: OTHER AIDS OR DEVICES
                                   01 = OTHER AIDS OR DEVICES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR11SP    155  179  25   AIDS USED: OTHER/SPECIFY
          CR1113    180  181  2    AIDS USED: DON'T KNOW
                                   01 = DON'T KNOW
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR12A          182  183  2    DIFFICULTY SEEING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE (E.G., COMATOSE)
                                   04 = DON'T KNOW
                                   05 = BLANK
          CR12B          184  185  2    SIGHT LEVEL
                                   01 = PARTIALLY IMPAIRED
                                   02 = SEVERELY IMPAIRED
                                   03 = COMPLETELY LOST, BLIND
                                   04 = DON'T KNOW
                                   05 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   06 = BLANK
          CR13A          186  187  2    DIFFICULTY HEARING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = NOT APPLICABLE (E.G., COMATOSE)
                                   04 = DON'T KNOW
                                   05 = BLANK
          CR13B          188  189  2    HEARING LEVEL
                                   01 = PARTIALLY IMPAIRED
                                   02 = SEVERELY IMPAIRED
                                   03 = COMPLETELY LOST, BLIND
                                   04 = DON'T KNOW
                                   05 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   06 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR14A          190  191  2    DIFFICULTY BITING OR CHEWING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR14B          192  193  2    LOST ALL UPPER PERMANENT NATURAL TEETH
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR14C          194  195  2    HAVE UPPER DENTURE OR PLATE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   05 = BLANK
          CR14D          196  197  2    LOST ALL LOWER PERMANENT NATURAL TEETH
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR14E          198  199  2    HAVE LOWER DENTURE OR PLATE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   05 = BLANK
          CR14F          200  201  2    HOW OFTEN WEAR THE DENTURES
                                   01 = ALL THE TIME
                                   02 = USUALLY
                                   03 = ABOUT HALF THE TIME
                                   04 = SELDOM
                                   05 = NEVER
                                   06 = DON'T KNOW
                                   07 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   08 = BLANK
          CR14G          202  203  2    WEAR DENTURES WHEN EATING 
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   05 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR14H          204  205  2    CONDITION OF TEETH OR GUMS
                                   01 = EXCELLENT
                                   02 = VERY GOOD
                                   03 = GOOD
                                   04 = FAIR
                                   05 = POOR
                                   06 = DON'T KNOW
                                   07 = BLANK
          CR15A          206  207  2    ASSISTANCE IN BATHING OR SHOWERING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR15B1    208  209  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR15B2    210  211  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK          
          CR16A          212  213  2    ASSISTANCE IN DRESSING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR16B1    214  215  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR16B2    216  217  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR17A          218  219  2    ASSISTANCE IN EATING
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR17B1    220  221  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR17B2    222  223  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR18A          224  225  2    BEDFAST
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR18B          226  227  2    CHAIRFAST
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR19A          228  229  2    ASSISTANCE IN TRANSFERRING 
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR19B1    230  231  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR19B2    232  233  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR20A          234  235  2    ASSISTANCE IN WALKING 
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR20B1    236  237  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR20B2    238  239  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR21A          240  241  2    GOES OUTSIDE  
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR21B1    242  243  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR21B2    244  245  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR22A          246  247  2    HAVE AN OSTOMY, AN INDWELLING CATHETER 
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR22B          248  249  2    RECEIVE HELP FROM ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO        
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR22C          250  251  2    RECEIVE ASSISTANCE USING TOILET ROOM
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK     
          CR22D1    252  253  2    WITH THE HELP OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR22D2    254  255  2    WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR23      256  257  2    DIFFICULTY IN CONTROLLING BOWELS
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR24      258  259  2    DIFFICULTY IN CONTROLLING BLADDER
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   04 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR25A          260  261  2    CARE OF PERSONAL POSSESSIONS
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR25B          262  263  2    MANAGING MONEY
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR25C          264  265  2    SECURING PERSONAL ITEMS
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR25D          266  267  2    USING TELEPHONE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = BLANK
          CR26      268  269  2    FLU SHOT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR27      270  271  2    PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = NO
                                   03 = DON'T KNOW
                                   04 = BLANK
          CR2800    272  273  2    SERVICES PROVIDED: NONE
                                   00 = NONE
                                   01 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2801    274  275  2    SERV. PROV.: DENTAL CARE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2802    276  277  2    SERV. PROV.: EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2803    278  279  2    SERV. PROV.: HOSPICE SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2804    280  281  2    SERV. PROV.: MEDICAL SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2805    282  283  2    SERV. PROV.: MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR2806    284  285  2    SERV. PROV.: NURSING SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2807    286  287  2    SERV. PROV.: NUTRITIONAL SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2808    288  289  2    SERV. PROV.: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2809    290  291  2    SERV. PROV.: PERSONAL CARE
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2810    292  293  2    SERV. PROV.: PHYSICAL THERAPY
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2811    294  295  2    SERV. PROV.: MEDICINES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2812    296  297  2    SERV. PROV.: SHELTERED EMPLOYMENT
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2813    298  299  2    SERV. PROV.: SOCIAL SERVICES
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2814    300  301  2    SERV. PROV.: SPECIAL EDUCATION
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2815    302  303  2    SERV. PROV.: SPEECH & HEARING THERAPY
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2816    304  305  2    SERV. PROV.: TRANSPORTATION
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2817    306  307  2    SERV. PROV.: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR2818    308  309  2    SERV. PROV.: OTHER
                                   01 = YES
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR28SP    310  334  25   SERV. PROV.: OTHER/SPECIFY
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR29      335  336  2    PRIMARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT: ADMISSION
                                   01 = PRIVATE INSURANCE
                                   02 = OWN INCOME, FAMILY SUPPORT
                                   03 = SSI
                                   04 = MEDICARE
                                   05 = MEDICAID
                                   06 = OTHER GOVT. ASSISTANCE
                                   07 = RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS
                                   08 = VA CONTRACTS
                                   09 = PAYMENT SOURCE NOT YET DETERMINED
                                   10 = OTHER 
                                   11 = DON'T KNOW
                                   12 = BLANK
          CR29SP    337  361  25   PRM.SOURCE OF PAYMENT: OTHER SPECIFY
          CR30      362  363  2    PRIMARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT: LAST MONTH
                                   01 = PRIVATE INSURANCE
                                   02 = OWN INCOME, FAMILY SUPPORT
                                   03 = SSI
                                   04 = MEDICARE
                                   05 = MEDICAID
                                   06 = OTHER GOVT. ASSISTANCE
                                   07 = RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS
                                   08 = VA CONTRACTS
                                   09 = PAYMENT SOURCE NOT YET DETERMINED
                                   10 = OTHER 
                                   11 = BLANK
          CR30SP    364  388  25   PRM.SOURCE OF PAYMENT: LAST MONTH
          CR3100    389  390  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   00 = NONE
                                   01 = LEGITIMATE SKIP
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3101    391  392  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT   
                                   01 = PRIVATE INSURANCE
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3102    393  394  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = OWN INCOME, FAMILY SUPPORT
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3103    395  396  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT   
                                   01 = SUPP. SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3104    397  398  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = MEDICARE
                                   02 = BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR3105    399  400  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = MEDICAID
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3106    401  402  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = OTHER GOVT. ASSISTANCE
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3107    403  404  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3108    405  406  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = VA CONTRACTS/PENSIONS
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3109    407  408  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = SOURCE NOT YET DETERMINED
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR3110    409  410  2    SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   01 = OTHER
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR31SP    411  435  25   SECONDARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
                                   OTHER/SPECIFY (ALPHA)         
          CR32A          436  440  5    TOTAL CHARGE BILLED
                                   RANGE = 00000 - 99999
          CR32B          441  442  2    CHARGE TIME PERIOD
                                   01 = MONTH
                                   02 = DAY
                                   03 = WEEK
                                   04 = OTHER PERIOD
          CR32FM    443  444  2    COVERED TIME PERIOD: FROM MONTH
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
          CR32FD    445  446  2    COVERED TIME PERIOD: FROM DAY
                                   RANGE = 01 - 31
          CR32TM    447  448  2    COVERED TIME PERIOD: TO MONTH  
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
          CR32TD    449  450  2    COVERED TIME PERIOD: TO DAY
                                   RANGE = 01 - 31
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          CR32C          451  452  2    NOT BILLED YET/NO CHARGE WAS MADE
                                   00 = NO CHARGE
                                   01 = NOT BILLED YET
                                   02 = BLANK
          CR33      453  454  2    PRIMARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT: DENTAL CARE
                                   01 = OWN INCOME ETC
                                   02 = MEDICAID
                                   03 = VA CONTRACT ETC
                                   04 = GOVT. ASSISTANCE
                                   05 = COVERED IN BASIC PATIENT CHARGES
                                   06 = PAYMENT SOURCE NOT YET DETERMINED
                                   07 = NO DENTAL SERV. RECEIVED 
                                   08 = BLANK
          BLANK          455  455  1    BLANK
          CRFMSA    456  456  1    MSA INDICATOR [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   1 = MSA
                                   2 = NON MSA
          CRWT      457  464  8    CURRENT PATIENT WEIGHT (RB8.)
          CRFOWN    465  466  2    OWNERSHIP [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   01 = PROFIT
                                   02 = ALL OTHERS
          BLANK          467  469  3    BLANK
          CRFBEDS   470  470  1    BEDS [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   1 = 3-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100+  BEDS
                                   01 = CERTIFIED
                                   02 = NOT CERTIFIED
          IMPMOADM  473  473  1    IMPUTE MONTH OF ADMISSION
                                   1 = MONTH IMPUTED AS '06'
                                   BLANK = NOT IMPUTED
          IMPDAADM  474  474  1    IMPUTE DAY OF ADMISSION
                                   1 = DAY IMPUTED AS '15'
                                   BLANK = NOT IMPUTED
          BLANK          475  490  16   BLANK
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          EQID      1    4    4    EXPENSE ID NUMBER
          EQC1      5    6    2    MONTH MOST RECENT FISCAL PERIOD BEGAN
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
                                   BLANK = 13
          EQC2      7    8    2    YEAR MOST RECENT FISCAL PERIOD BEGAN
                                   RANGE = 93 - 96
                                   BLANK = 97
          EQC3      9    10   2    MONTH MOST RECENT FISCAL PERIOD ENDED
                                   RANGE = 01 - 12
                                   BLANK = 13
          EQC4      11   12   2    YEAR MOST RECENT FISCAL PERIOD ENDED
                                   RANGE = 93 - 96
                                   BLANK = 97
          EQ1A1          13   20   8    NURSING STAFF PAYROLL EXPENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ1A2          21   28   8    PHYSICIANS & OTHER PAYROLL EXPENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ1A3          29   36   8    DENTAL STAFF PAYROLL EXPENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ1A4          37   44   8    ALL OTHER PAYROLL EXPENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ1A5          45   53   9    SUBTOTAL WAGES AND SALARIES
                                   RANGE = 000000000 - 999999999
          EQ1B      54   61   8    PAYROLL TAXES & FRINGE BENEFITS
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ1C      62   71   8    TOTAL PAYROLL EXPENSES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ2A      72   79   8    OUTSIDE SOURCES: NURSING SERVICES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ2B      80   87   8    OUTSIDE SOURCES: DENTAL SERVICES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ2C      88   95   8    OUTSIDE SOURCES: MENTAL HEALTH
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ2D      96   103  8    OUTSIDE SOURCES: OTHER HEALTH
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ2E      104  113  10   OUTSIDE SOURCES: TOTAL EXPENSES
                                   RANGE = 0000000000 - 9999999999
          EQ3       114  121  8    EQUIPMENT RENT
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          EQ4       122  129  8    INSURANCE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ5       130  137  8    TAXES AND LICENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ6       138  145  8    INTEREST & FINANCING CHARGES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ7       146  153  8    RENT ON BUILDING AND LAND
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ9       162  169  8    DEPRECIATION CHARGES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ10      170  177  8    FOOD AND OTHER DIETARY ITEMS
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ11      178  185  8    DRUG EXPENSES               
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ12      186  193  8    SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT   
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ13      194  201  8    MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS ETC.
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ14      202  209  8    PURCHASED LAUNDRY & LINEN
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ15      210  217  8    UTILITIES                   
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ16      218  225  8    OTHER & MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ17      226  235  10   TOTAL EXPENSES
                                   RANGE = 0000000000 - 9999999999
          EQ18A          236  245  10   REVENUES: TOTAL PATIENT
                                   RANGE = 0000000000 - 9999999999
          EQ18A1A   246  253  8    REVENUES: PUBLIC PAYMENT/MEDICAID
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ18A1B   254  261  8    REVENUES: PUBLIC PAYMENTS/MEDICARE
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ18A1C   262  269  8    REVENUES: ALL OTHER PUBLIC PAYMENTS
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ18A2    270  277  8    REVENUES: PRIVATE PAYMENTS
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          LABEL          BC   EC   LEN  DESCRIPTION
          EQ18B          278  285  8    REVENUES: NON-PATIENT REVENUES
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQ18C          286  295  10   REVENUES: TOTAL REVENUES
                                   RANGE = 0000000000 - 9999999999
          EQF1DESP  296  330  35   DESCRIPTION 1: 20% MORE OF EQ16
          EQF1      331  338  8    AMOUNT 1: 20% MORE OF EQ16
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQF2DESP  339  373  35   DESCRIPTION 2: 20% MORE OF EQ16
          EQF2      374  381  8    AMOUNT 2: 20% MORE OF ITEM 16
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999
          EQF3DESP  382  416  35   DESCRIPTION 3: 20% MORE OF EQ16
          EQF3      417  424  8    AMOUNT 3: 20% MORE OF ITEM 16
                                   RANGE = 00000000 - 99999999          
          BLANK          425  434  10   BLANK
          EQFOWN    435  436  2    OWNERSHIP [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   01 = PROFIT
                                   02 = ALL OTHERS
          BLANK          437  439  3    BLANK
          EQFBEDS   440  440  1    BEDS [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   1 = 3-49  BEDS
                                   2 = 50-99 BEDS
                                   3 = 100+  BEDS
                                   01 = CERTIFIED
                                   02 = NOT CERTIFIED
          EQMSA          443  443  1    MSA CODE [FROM FACILITY FILE]
                                   1 = MSA
                                   2 = NON MSA
          BLANK          444  472  29   BLANK
          EQWT      473  480  8    EXPENSE WEIGHT (RB8.)
          BLANK          481  490  10   BLANK

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007