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Last updated: December 21, 2001
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Turning Everglades Restoration Visions into Reality

The Everglades Construction Project


Visit the Everglades Constrution Project website

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Table of Contents:

Turning Everglades Restoration Visions into Reality

Take Home Messages


PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Everglades Restoration

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Initial Solutions

Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENR)

Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENR)

PPT Slide

1994 Everglades Forever Act

Everglades Construction Project Objectives

Everglades Construction. Project - Location

PPT Slide

Design Process

Design Criteria

Evaluation of Alternatives

Design criteria: Phosphorus removal performance

PPT Slide

Phosphorus Load Reduction (loads in metric tons per year)

STA Design Simplifying Assumptions

Sizing of the STAs

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

STA Sizing

Biological Criteria

Design criteria: Hydrology

Design Criteria: Hydraulics

Additional Hydraulic Design Issues

Everglades Construction Project

PPT Slide

STA Summary

Beyond 50 ppb: STA Optimization

Everglades Forever Act Long Term Solutions

Advanced Treatment

Take Home Messages

For More Information

Common Terms

References (partial list)

Sunrise over STA 5

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 21 December, 2001 @ 01:55 PM (KP)