DOT News Masthead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           

Tuesday, June 5, 2001                                                                       

Contact:   Patricia Klinger

                Debbie Hinz

Tel.:  (202) 366‑4831
RSPA 16-01



U.S. Department of Transportation Grants Request for Restart of Former PEPCO Line in Southern Maryland


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) today approved a request by a pipeline operator to restart its Piney Point pipeline system, which has been closed since an April 7, 2000 oil spill into the Swanson Creek, Md., a tributary of the Patuxent River.


Immediately after the spill, OPS ordered the operator to shut down the line.  OPS also issued a corrective action order requiring specific actions to ensure the integrity of the line.  On Dec. 20, 2000, OPS issued a proposed civil penalty of $674,000 against Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) and pipeline operator ST Services for alleged safety violations.


“The department’s number one priority is safety.  We are interested in more than just compliance with regulation -- we want assurance that the pipeline is sound and that the operator can respond correctly and quickly to problems,” said Edward A. Brigham, acting deputy administrator of the Research and Special Programs Administration, the DOT agency that oversees pipeline safety.


In compliance with the OPS order, the operator conducted a series of tests that showed the pipeline is fit for service.  Hydrostatic tests to 125 percent of the pipeline’s maximum operating pressure on the entire line were conducted.  Based on internal inspection results and engineering analysis, more than 70 locations along the pipeline were excavated and examined.  The operator’s integrity management plan, which OPS has approved, includes internal inspection of the pipeline every five years.


The pipeline supplies fuel oil to the Chalk Point and Morgantown Generating Stations.  At the time of the spill, the pipeline and generating stations were owned by PEPCO and the pipeline was operated by ST Services.  PEPCO has since sold the facilities to Mirant Mid-Atlantic, LLC.


OPS worked closely with state and local officials during the investigation and evaluation of this pipeline and will monitor the restart operation.



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