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Michael Potter, M.D.

Portait Photo of Michael Potter
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics
Head, Plasmacytomagenesis Section
Senior Investigator
Building 37
Room 3134B
37 Convent Drive, MSC4258
Bethesda, MD 20892-4258


Dr. Potter obtained his M.D. from the University of Virginia and joined the Leukemia Studies Section at the NCI under Dr. Lloyd Law in 1954. From 1982-2003 he served as Chief of the Laboratory of Genetics. He is currently Co-chair of the B Cell Lymphoma Working Group.


Pathogenesis of Plasma Cell Tumors in Mice

Our basic research focuses on understanding the process of plasma cell tumor (PCT) formation in mice and relating the critical factors to multiple myeloma development in humans. There are now several different models of PCT development in mice. PCTs can be induced in high incidence (60-70%) in genetically susceptible strains (e.g., BALB/cAn) by introducing certain poorly metabolized materials (the alkane, pristane and other paraffin oils, silicone gels and solid plastic objects) into the peritoneal cavities. Here chronic reactive inflammatory tissues, e.g., the pristane oil granuloma (OG), form in response. Over 90% of the PCTs that arise in the OG consistently have either chromosomal translocations (CT) t(12;15) or t(6;15) that constituitively activate and deregulate c-myc transcription. Understanding the pathogenesis of the illegitimate recombination of c-myc with Ig genes is a major pursuit of our lab. The nature of antigenic stimulation from gut flora appears to drive B-cell proliferation. The OG is a selective microenvironment that provides a rich source of IL-6 that permits plasma cell survival, proliferation of CT bearing cells and possibly encourages the development of CTs. The OG may also be potentially hostile as resulting PCTs have developed unusual mechanisms to overcome the apoptotic effects of TGF-β. In recently developed new models of high incidence PCT formation the tumors arise directly in the mucosal lymphoid tissues of BALB/c-IL-6 and BALB/c-IL-6/bclXL double transgenic mice. The NSAID indomethacin given in the diet or drinking water dramatically inhibits and prevents pristane induced PCT development. The various accelerated models provide new, challenging and intriguing systems for testing drugs and other mechanisms for inhibiting neoplastic development. We continue to develop and characterize new resistance loci from DBA/2 and C57BL/6.

This page was last updated on 6/12/2008.