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Office of Public Affairs

DOT 38-07
Friday, April 6, 2007

News Digest

DOT 2006 Performance Report Rated Best in Government. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Performance and Accountability Report for fiscal year 2006 was the best in government, according to an independent assessment by the Mercatus Center, an education, research and outreach organization based at George Mason University. DOT’s report outlines the Department’s progress in meeting its goals in the strategic areas of safety, mobility, global connectivity, security and environmental stewardship. In giving DOT’s report the top award, the Mercatus Center cited the ease in reading and understanding the report, the effective use of tables and graphics, and its helpful description of how the Department uses data to measure its progress. DOT’s performance report last achieved Mercatus’ top rating in fiscal year 2003. DOT’s report may be obtained at, while the Mercatus report is available at  Contact Bill Mosley: (202) 366-4570.

DOT, In Streamlining Move, Awards First New Blanket Open-Skies Certificate To American Airlines. On April 3, the U.S. Department of Transportation for the first time awarded a U.S. carrier a new type of blanket Open-Skies certificate that permits flights between the United States and all 74 U.S. foreign aviation partners where an Open-Skies aviation agreement is being applied. In announcing the award to American Airlines, the Department said it was already processing awards of the new Open-Skies certificate for several other U.S. carriers with pending applications, and it invited other U.S. airlines to apply for similar authority. The Department made its award as part of its initiative to streamline applications for international air service and reduce the regulatory burden both for carriers and for the Department. Carriers holding the new type of certificate will be able to add new service to existing Open-Skies countries, and add service to countries that agree to Open Skies in the future, without having to file for authority for each Open-Skies market. Open-Skies agreements allow unrestricted service by the airlines of each side to, from and beyond the other’s territory, without limitations on how often carriers fly, the kind of aircraft they use and the prices they charge. The Department’s order is available on the Internet at, dockets OST-2000-8516 and OST-2005-22228. Contact Bill Mosley: (202) 366-4570.




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