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Scientific Data Documentation
Mortality Followback Survey, 1986


 User Notes

 For further Tape Documenation Information, Contact:

 Gloria Kapantais          (or)          Eve Powell-Griner, Ph.D
 Project Director                        Demographer/Statistician

                Mortality Followback Survey
                  Followback Survey Branch
            National Center for Health Statistics
         3700 East-West Hwy., Room 1-44 Center Bldg.
                   Hyattsville, MD  20782

 Policy Statement

 The information on this tape was supplied to NCHS for statistical
 research and reporting purposes only, and may not be used for any
 other purposes.



 Use of NMFS Data


 Tape Characteristics

 Record 1

 Informant Questionnaire Data Items

 Multiple Cause-of-Death Data Items

 Record 2 - 7 (FARS Data Items)

 Control total tables 1 - 10


      A.  NMFS Informant Questionnaire and
          Facility Abstract Record

      B.  Index of Industries and Occupations

      C.  Multiple Cause-of-Death File Information

      D.  Titles and recodes for the 282, 72, 52, and 34
          cause-of-death lists

      E.  Titles and recodes for the 51 and 15 business or
          industry lists

      F.  Titles and recodes for the 59 and 9 usual occupation

      G.  Vital Statistics of the U.S.  Technical Appendix for 1986

      H.  Variance estimates for major NMFS populations

      I.  U.S. Standard Certificate of Death


 The data compilation and documentation for the 1986 National Mortality
 Followback Survey was prepared by the members of the NMFS staff:
 Charles Adams, Gloria Kapantais, Gamine Meckel, Eve Powell-Griner,
 Arlene Siller, and George Wolfe. Special thanks are extended to
 Dominic Ciccarelli, Gail Poe, and Isadore Seeman who were former
 members of the NMFS staff and who played an important role in the
 development and completion of this survey. The contribution of the
 Bureau of Census, the contractor for the survey, is also acknowledged.

 The 1986 NMFS was funded by NCHS, with additional financial support
 from the following agencies:  Health Care Financing Administration;
 Indian Health Service; National Cancer Institute; National Heart,
 Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institute of Aging; National
 Institute of Mental Health; National Institute of Child Health and
 Human Developement; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
 and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services; and the
 Veterans Administration.

 Use of NMFS Data

 With the goal of mutual benefit, NCHS requests the cooperation of
 users of this data tape in certain actions related to its use:

       A.  Any published material derived from the data should
           acknowledge the National Center for Health Statistics
           as the original source. It should also include a
           disclaimer that credits any analyses, interpretations,
           or conclusions reached to the author (user of the tape)
           and not to the Center, which is responsible only for the
           initial data.

       B.  Users who wish to publish a technical description of the
           data should make a reasonable effort to ensure that the
           description is consistent with that published by the

       C.  All data from the NMFS are to be used solely for statis-
           tical research or reporting purposes.

       D.  If you discover a problem with the tape or documentation,
           please inform the NMFS staff immediately; the information
           will be passed along to other tape users.

       E.  A copy of any paper containing NMFS data prepared for
           professional meetings or publication should be sent to
           the NMFS staff. These materials will be used to update
           our files (see Notice).


 Programmers and analysts working with this data tape are urged to
 send the following information to the National Mortality Followback
 Survey Staff (see cover page) as soon as possible:




 City, State, ZIP:

 Phone: (   )

 Main data interests:

 The NMFS staff will periodically send you a list of all reports which
 have been prepared from these data, a list of analysts currently
 working with this tape, and an errata sheet of tape and/or documen-
 tation problems that have been discovered since this document was

 This document describes the preliminary data tape for the 1986
 National Mortality Followback Survey (NMFS). The tape consists
 of 18,733 records. The records contain data from death certifi-
 cates and from the informant survey questionnaires as appropiate.
 The methods employed in these surveys are described at length in
 Methods and Response Characteristics: 1986 National Mortality
 Followback Survey (forthcoming). A brief description of the survey
 is given below.

 The 1986 NMFS is designed to fill a key research gap by supplementing
 the information obtained from death certificates in the vital statis-
 tics file with information on important characteristics of the dece-
 dent that may have affected mortality. These characteristics include
 patterns of lifetime behavior, health services experience prior to
 death, socioeconomic status, and many other aspects of life that
 may affect when and how death occurs. Reflecting these interests,
 the three broad foci of the survey are (1) socioeconomic status and
 mortality, (2) associates between risk factors and mortality, and
 (3) health care sought and provided in the last year of life.

 The NMFS is a nationally representative sample of adults aged 25 or
 more who died in 1986. While all 50 States and the District of
 Columbia granted their approval for use of a sample of their death
 certificates in the NMFS, Oregon is not included in the NMFS due to
 the State's respondent consent requirements. Therefore, the data
 are representative of deaths to adult residents to the U.S.,
 excluding Oregon.

 The universe for the 1986 NMFS is composed of all death certificates
 for 1986 decedents 25 years of age or older, filed in the U.S. The
 1986 sampling frame, however, is composed of the death certificates
 selected for the 1986 Current Mortality Sample (CMS). The CMS is a
 ten percent sample of the States' death certificates, which NCHS
 receives about three months after the deaths occur. Approximately
 2500 of the sampled death certificates from the CMS were selected
 with certainty to meet specific research needs. The characteristics
 of interest included in the certainty stratum are shown in Control
 Table 1. From the remaining CMS certificates, some populations were
 oversampled. For example, black decedents were oversampled 2.9 times
 and decedents under 55 were oversampled 3.1 times. The response rate
 for the informant questionnaire was 89 percent. The number of cases
 in each weighting strata, the reciprocal of the probability of
 selection, and response rates are shown in Control Table 2.

 NMFS data must be weighted in order to prepare nationally
 representative estimates. Unweighted NMFS data cannot be meaning-
 fully used for analysis because use of unweighted estimates ignores
 the NMFS disproportionate sampling. Final weights for each strata
 are located in positions 619-626. This final weight is the product
 of three factors: a basic sampling weight (the reciprocal of the
 probability of selection), an adjustment for nonresponse, and a
 post-stratified ratio adjustment. The basic sampling weight adjusts
 for the probability of selection, while the nonresponse adjustment
 reduces bias due to nonresponse, and the post-stratified ratio
 adjustment aligns NMFS population totals by age, sex, and race to
 those in the national vital registration system for the U.S.,
 excluding Oregon.

 The sampling variance for the NMFS will be approximated using a
 balanced repeated replication procedure, which is described in
 detail in other National Center for Health Statistics reports 2.
 Sets of variance estimates for major populations, and guidance on
 how to use them, are given in Appendix H.

 The outline which follows is arranged according to the location of
 data items in each of the records on the tape. Each record is 1,275
 positions in length. The tape location of each data item appears
 in the first column of the outline. The characteristics, which refer
 to a data name or brief description, appears in the second column of
 the outline. The third column indicates the universe for the item.
 The code outline describing responses and the values assigned to
 each are shown in columns four and five. There are four sources of
 data: data from the master file or informant questionnaire, the
 multiple cause-of-death file, and the facility abstract record. All
 18,733 cases included on this data tape have data from the master
 file; 16,598 (88.6 percent) have data from the informant question-
 naire; and 18,707 (99.9 percent) have data from the multiple cause-
 of-death file, and 12,275 have facility data records. The 35,757
 records on the tape consist of 18,733 records containing information
 from the master file, informant questionnaire and/or multiple cause-
 of-death file, and 12,275 records containing facility data. Among
 decedents with facility data, 8,437 had one FARS and 3,838 had more
 than one FARS (see Control Table 9).

 Many data items have codes corresponding to DK, NA, and Out-of-
 Universe. The DK code indicates that the respondent indicated that
 he did not know the answer to the particular question on the
 questionnaire. NA in the codebook means "not ascertainable" and
 includes illegible entries, blanks, and other noncodeable answers.
 The Out-of-Universe code appears only for the 2,135 decedents for
 whom no questionnaire are completed and for decedents involved in
 the skip patterns of a given item. Using item SC007 (card 1, posi-
 tion 46) as an example, the answers to the question "Did you ever
 live in the same home with the person since the person became 25
 years of age" is as follows: 11,338 respondents answered "yes";
 4,790 answered "no"; 1 refused to answer the question; the infor-
 mation was "not ascertainable" for 7; 8 answered "don't know"; and
 2,361 were "out-of-universe". The 2,361 out-of-universe cases
 include the 2,135 decedents for whom no questionnaire was returned
 and 226 decedents for whom the Staff Informant NMF-5 form was used.
 The out-of-universe counts for a particular item can only be under-
 stood by carefully considering the universe covered. The codebook
 provides information on the universe covered for every item on the
 data tape.

 During data processing, data reported by a responding source was
 not changed because it was inconsistent with information from
 another source. Reported data that was inconsistent was left
 inconsistent after data clean up was done since it was impossible
 to determine which source was correct. Furthermore, the presence
 of these comparable data items (which are sometimes inconsistent)
 is a major strength in that it allows flexibility in the analyst's
 choice of data items and permits certain methodological studies.
 Missing data were not imputed in the 1986 NMFS.

 The NMFS public use data tape has been subjected to a great deal of
 careful editing. However, due to the large volume of data, it is
 likely that a small number of errors or discrepancies remain
 undetected. Some continuous data items have extremely high or low
 values and we have verified that the values have not been incorrectly
 keyed. Some consistency checks between different items for an
 individual have been done, but there may be items on the file that
 have not been cross-checked. Generally, any inconsistencies between
 items have not been changed because it is impossible to determine
 which item is correct.

 It is NCHS policy that public use data tapes for elementary units
 (persons, events, or health facilities and services) be released
 in a manner that will not compromise the confidentiality guaranteed
 the respondents who supplied the original data. The measures taken
 to protect confidential information on NMFS decedents and respondents
 follow the practices of NCHS. Personal names and addresses, and
 certificate numbers of vital records do not appear on the data tape.
 In addition, because of the amount of information about each decedent
 obtained from the informant questionnaire, & the linking of multiple
 sources of data for each decedent, no geographic information below
 the state level is shown on this file.

 Additional information on data processing procedures is provided in
 Methods and Response Characteristics: 1986 National Mortality
 Followback Survey (forthcoming).

 1.  National Center for Health Statistics: Replication: An approach
 to the analysis of data from complex surveys, by P.J. McCarthy.
 Vital and Health Statistics. PHS Pub. No. 1000-Series 2 - No. 14.
 Public Health Service. Washington. U.S. Government Printing, April
 1966, p. 12.

 2.  World Health Organization.  The International Classification of
 Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Edward Brothers, Inc.,
 Ann Arbor. 1980



 1         Card number        ALL            Card sequence number          1

 2-6       Decedent control   ALL            Survey sample
           number                            number                 various

 7         Reserved position

 8         Flag for death     ALL            Matching death                0
           certificate                       certificate
                                             No matching certificate       1

 9         Veteran code       ALL            Yes, Veteran                  1
           (CMS)                             No, Not veteran               2
                                             Unknown                       8
                                             Not stated                    9

 10        Race (CMS)         ALL            White                         1
                                             Black                         2
                                             Other (other than White,
                                               Black, American Indian,
                                               Aleut or Eskimo)            3
                                             American Indian, Aluet,
                                                    Eskimo                  4

 11-12    State of Death      ALL                 Alabama   (AL)           01
           Code (From Death                       Alaska    (AK)           02
           Certificate)                           Arizona   (AZ)           03
                                                  Arkansas  (AR)           04
                                                  California(CA)           05
                                                  Colorado  (CO)           06
                                                  Connecticut(CT)          07
                                                  Delaware  (DE)           08
                                                  District of Columbia(DC) 09
                                                  Florida   (FL)           10
                                                  Georgia   (GA)           11
                                                  Hawaii    (HI)           12
                                                  Idaho     (ID)           13
                                                  Illinois  (IL)           14
                                                  Indiana   (IN)           15
                                                  Iowa      (IA)           16
                                                  Kansas    (KS)           17
                                                  Kentucky  (KY)           18
                                                  Louisiana (LA)           19
                                                  Maine     (ME)           20
                                                  Maryland  (MD)           21
                                                  Massachusetts (MA)       22
                                                  Michigan  (MI)           23
                                                  Minnesota (MN)           24
                                                  Mississippi (MS)         25
                                                  Missouri   (MO)          26
                                                  Montana    (MT)          27
                                                  Nebraska   (NE)          28
                                                  Nevada     (NV)          29
                                                  New Hampshire (NH)       30
                                                  New Jersey (NJ)          31
                                                  New Mexico (NM)          32
                                                  New York   (NY)          33
                                                  North Carolina  (NC)     34
                                                  North Dakota    (ND)     35
                                                  Ohio            (OH)     36
                                                  Oklahoma        (OK)     37
                                                  Oregon          (OR)     38
                                                  Pennsylvania    (PA)     39
                                                  Rhode Island    (RI)     40
                                                  South Carolina  (SC)     41
                                                  South Dakota    (SD)     42
                                                  Tennessee       (TN)     43
                                                  Texas           (TX)     44
                                                  Utah            (UT)     45
                                                  Vermont         (VT)     46
                                                  Virginia        (VA)     47
                                                  Washington      (WA)     48
                                                  West Virginia   (WV)     49
                                                  Wisconsin       (WI)     50
                                                  Wyoming         (WY)     51

 13     County of death       ALL            Less than 250,000 population  0
                                             250,000 population or more    1
                                             Unknown                   blank

 14     County of death       ALL            Counties & county       001-nnn
                                             equivalents (independent
                                             and coextensive cities)
                                             are alphabetically numbered
                                             within each state. (Note:
                                             To uniquely identify a county,
                                             both the state and county code
                                             must be used.)

 17-18  State of residence    ALL            (See description and values
                                             for state of occurence.)

 19     County of residence   ALL            Less than 250,000 population  0
        population size                      250,000 population or more    1
                                             Unknown                   blank

 20-22  County of residence   ALL            Counties & county       001-nnn
                                             equivalents (independent
                                             and coextensive cities)
                                             are alphabetically numbered
                                             within each state.
                                             (Note: To uniquely identify
                                             a county, both the state &
                                             county code must be used.)
                                             Unknown                   blank

 23-24  Total facilities      ALL            Number of facilities decedent
                                             stayed in during last year of
                                             Number                    00-94
                                             NA                           98
                                             Out-of-universe              99

 25-27  Nights in hospitals   ALL            Nights                  000-365
        and nursing homes                    NA                          998
                                             Out-of-universe             999

 28-30  Nights in other       ALL            Nights                  000-365
        facilities                           NA                          998
                                             Out-of-universe             999

 31-33  Total nights in       ALL            Nights                  000-365
        all facilities                       NA                          998
                                             Out-of-universe             999


 34     Relationship of Death       ALL  Husband or Wife                    1
          Certificate Informant          Father or Mother                   2
          From Death Certificate)        Son or Daughter                    3
                                         Brother or Sister                  4
                                         Neighbor or Friend                 5
                                         Other Female Relative              6
                                         Other Male Relative                7
                                         Other Relative, Sex                8
                                           Not Specificed
                                         Other Person (i.e.,                9
                                           None of the Above)
                                         Not Stated/Not on                  0
 35     Questionnaire Version       ALL  NMF-1, First Mail                  1
           (Final)1                      NMF-2, Second Mail                 2
                                         NMF-4, Field Follow-up             4
                                         NMF-5, Staff Informant             5
                                         No Questionnaire 2             BLANK

 36-37  Mailing Phase Check         ALL  Complete Return                   01
          -In Code                       Incomplete-Fail Edit              02
                                         Refused                           03
                                         Out-of-Scope3                     04
                                         No Informant Identifiable         05
                                         Facility Informant                06
                                         Deceased Informant,               07
                                           No New Informant
                                         Post Master Return                08
                                           (PMR) Without Correction
                                         Post Master Return                09
                                           (PMR) With Correction
                                         New Informant                     10
                                         Unresolved Return/Referral        11
                                         No Response                       00

 1 Version Processed
 2 Final status determined from other than a survey questionnaire
   (e.g., Congressional refusal, no informant identified from Death
   Certificate sources, etc.) and final questionnaire version unknown
   or no questionnaire ever mailed.
 3 Nonresident

 Informant Questionnaire Data Items (Locations 38-631)

 Locations 38-50


               SC 001
 38       Mode of Interview         ALL            Telephone                1
                                                   Personal                 2
                                                   Mail                     3
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   No Questionnaire4    BLANK
               SC 002
 39       Final status of         Check-in         Complete                 1
          case sent to field      Code = 06-       Partial                  2
                                   11,00           Refused                  3
                                                   Cannot Contact by        4
                                                    Phone/Lives Outside PSU
                                                   Cannot Contact           5
                                                    - Other Reason
                                                   Cannot Locate            6
                                                   Decedent Was Not         7
                                                    Resident of USA
                                                   Other                    8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9
               SC 004
 40       "Did you receive         Questionnaire   Yes                      1
           the Questionnaire       Version = 4,    No                       2
            we mailed you?"        SC 002 = 1      DK                       3
                                      or 2         Multiple Answers         5
                                                   Refused                  6
                                                   Dk (coded)               7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9
               SC 005
 41-43    Age at Death             Interviews5    Age                 015-120
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

   4 Includes no questionnaire ever sent because no informant ever identified.
   5 Mailing phase check-in code (position 36-37) = 1 or 2  or final status of
     field cases (SC 002) = 1 or 2


               SC 006
 44-45    Relationship- Decedent   Interviews     Husband or Wife          01
           Informant                              Father or Mother         02
                                                  Son or Daughter          03
                                                  Brother or Sister        04
                                                  Neighbor or Friend       05
                                                  Other - Undefined        06
                                                  Other Relative           07
                                                  Nonrelative              08
                                                  Staff Person             09
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99
               SC 007
 46       "Did you ever live          Interviews   Yes                      1
             in the same home with    (Not NMF-5)  No                       2
             the person since the                  Multiple Answers         5
             person became 25 years                Refused                  6
             of age?"                              DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                      Out-of-Universe       9
               SC 008
 47-48    Since person became      Interviews     Less than 1 Year         01
           25, how many years        (Not NMF-5), 1 Year to Less           02
           altogether did you                       than 5 Years
           live with the person?"    SC 007<> 2   5 Years to Less          03
                                                    than 10 Years
                                                  10 Years to Less
                                                    than 20 Years          04
                                                  20 Years or More         05
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


               SC 009
 49       "...was the person       Interviews     Yes                       1
           ever admitted to a                     No                        2
           nursing home?"                         Multiple Answers          5
                                                  REFUSED                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
               SC 010
 50       "What was total time     Interviews,    Less than 3 Months        1
           spent in nursing homes   SC 009 <>2    3 Months to Less than     2
           over entire lifetime?"                  1 year
                                                  1 Year to Less than       3
                                                   5 Years
                                                  5 Years or More           4
                                                  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
 Locations 51-102


                 SC 011
 51       "Was person an over-     Interviews     Yes                       1
            night patient in a                    No                        2
            hospital or a resident                Multiple Answers          5
            in a nursing home                     Refused                   6
            (during the last year                 DK                        7
            of life)?"                            NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

                SC 013
 52-54    Nights in Hospital(s) -  Interviews,    Nights              000-365
           Last year of life        SC 011 <>2    Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999


                SC 014
 55-57    Nights in nursing        Interviews,    Nights              000-365
           home(s) - Last year      SC 011 <>2    Refused                 996
           of life                                DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999
                SC 015
 58       "Did the person stay     Interviews     Yes                       1
           overnight in any other                 No                        2
           type of facility pro-                  Multiple Answers          5
           viding health care                     Refused                   6
           (during the last year                  DK                        7
           of life)?"                             NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 59          SC 023
          "Did the person          Interviews     Yes                       1
            receive hospice care    (Not NMF-5)   No                        2
            at home (during last                  Multiple Answers          5
            year of life)?"                       Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 60-61          SC 024
          "How many times did the  Interviews     None                     00
           person see a medical                   1                        01
           doctor (during the last                2-4                      02
           year of life)?"                        5-9                      03
                                                  10-14                    04
                                                  15-24                    05
                                                  25-49                    06
                                                  50 or More               07
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


               SC 025
 62       "Did the person see a         Interviews
           psychiatrist, etc. about
           personal, emotional, etc.
           problems (during the last
           year of life)?"
               SC 026
 63       "Was the person on a          Interviews
           waiting list to get into a   (Not NMF-5)
           nursing home (during the
           last year of life)?"
               SC 027
 64       "Did the person get into a    Interviews
           nursing home before he/she   (Not NMF-5),
           died?"                       SC 026 <>2
               SC 028
 65       "Was the person on a          Interviews
           waiting list to get Hospice  (Not NMF-5)
           care (during the last year
           of life)?"
               SC 029                                Yes                    1
 66       "Did the person get Hospice   Interviews   No                     2
           care before he/she died?"    (Not NMF-5), Multiple Answers       5
                                        SC 028 <>  2 Refused                6
                                                     DK                     7
               SC 030                                NA                     8
 67       "Was the person on a           Interviews  Out-of-Universe        9
            waiting list to get home-    (Not NMF-5)
            maker service (during the
            last year of life)?"


               SC 031
 68       "Did the person get home-     Interviews
           maker service before         (Not NMF-5),
           he/she died?"                SC 030 <> 2,
               SC 032
 69       "Was the person on a          Interviews   Yes                    1
           waiting list to get          (Not NMF-5)  No                     2
           visiting nurse service                    Multiple Answers       5
           (during the last year of                  Refused                6
           life)?"                                   DK                     7
               SC 033                                NA                     8
 70       "Did the person get           Interviews   Out-of-Universe        9
           visiting nurse service       (Not NMF-5),
           before he/she died?"         SC 032 <> 2
               SC 034
 71       "Was the person covered       Interviews
           by Medicare?"

               SC 037/038
 72-88    Sources Used for Health       Interviews
           Care Payment
 72       o Self or Family Living
             with Person
 73       o Family Not Living with                   Reported               1
             Person                                  Not Reported           2
 74       o Medicare                                 Refused          All6
 75       o Medicaid                                 DK               17    7
 76       o HMO                                      NA               Char- 8
 77       o Private Health Insurance                 Out-of-Universe   act- 9
 78       o Veterans Administration                  No payments      ers   0
 79       o Indian Health Service
 80       o Another Government Program
 (Note:  SC 037/038 continues on the next page.


 81  o Another Source (Undefined)
 82  o Social Security                 Reported                             1
 83  o Social Security Disability      Not Reported                         2
 84  o Public Assistance/Welfare       Refused            All 17            6
 85  o Employer or Union               DK                 Characters        7
 86  o Philanthropy                    NA                                   8
 87  o Federal Employee Health         Out-of-Universe                      9
       Benefit Program                 No Payments                          0

               SC 039
 89-90  Source Which        Interviews,  Self or Family Living with Person 01
        Paid Most for        SC 037/     Family Not Living with Person     02
        Health Care          038 <>0     Medicare                          03
                                         Medicaid                          04
                                         HMO                               05
                                         Private Health Insurance          06
                                         VA                                07
                                         Indian Health Service             08
                                         Undefined Government Program      09
                                         Undefined Other Source            10
                                         Social Security                   11
                                         Social Security Disability        12
                                         Public Assistance/Welfare         13
                                         Employer or Union                 14
                                         Philanthropy                      15
                                         F.E.H.B.P.                        16
                                         CHAMPUS/CHAMP-VA                  17
                                         Multiple Answers                  95
                                         Refused                           96
                                         DK                                97
                                         NA                                98
                                         Out-of-Universe                   99


               SC 040
 91-92   Total Amount of Own Money   Interviews   Less than $200           01
         Paid for Medical Care       (Not NMF-5)  $200   - $499            02
         (During Last Year of Life)               $500   - $999            03
                                                  $1000  - $1999           04
                                                  $2000  - $2999           05
                                                  $3000  - $4999           06
                                                  $5000  - $9999           07
                                                  $10000 - $14999          08
                                                  $15000 - $19999          09
                                                  $20000 - $24999          10
                                                  $25000 or more           11
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Service           99
               SC 041
 93         "Did the person receive    Interviews  Yes                      1
            help or use special equip-             No                       2
            ment in walking (during                Multiple Answers         5
            last year of life)?"                   Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9


               SC 042
 94-97    "How long was person    Interviews,
           unable to walk or      SC 041 <> 2
           receive help, or
           use special equip-
           ment in walking?"

 94-96    UNITS                    Units                              001-994
                                   Not Reported                           000
                                   Refused                                996
                                   DK                                     997
                                   NA                                     998
                                   Out-of-Universe                        999

    97    PERIOD                   Period: Minutes                          1
                                           Hours                            2
                                           Days                             3
                                           Weeks                            4
                                           Months                           5
                                           Years                            6
                                           Not Stated                       7
                                           Childhood Onset                  8
                                           Refused/DK/NA/Out-of-Universe    9
              SC 043
 98       "Did the person receive     Interviews   (See Description and Values
           help or use special equip-               for SC 041)
           ment in eating (during last
           of life)?"

               SC 044
 99-102   "How long did person        Interviews
          receive help or use         SC 043 <> 2
          special equipment in

 99-101   UNITS                    (See Description and Values for SC 042)
 102      PERIOD

 Locations 103-150


              SC 045
 103      "Did the person receive     Interviews  (See Description and Values
           help or use special equip-               for SC 041)
           ment in bathing (during
           last year of life)?"

               SC 046
 104      "How long did person        Interviews,
          receive help or use special SC 045 <> 2
          equipment in bathing?"

 104-106  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 042)
 107      PERIOD

               SC 047
 108      "Did the person receive     Interviews  (See Description and Values
          help or use special equip-               for SC 41)
          ment in dressing (during
          the last year of life)?"

               SC 048
 109-112  "How long did person        Interviews,
          receive help or use         SC 047 <> 2
          special equipment in

 109-111  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 042)
 112      PERIOD

               SC 049
          "Did the person receive     Interviews  (See Description and Values
          help or use special equip-               for SC 041)
          ment in using the toilet
          (during the last year of


               SC 050
 113      "How long did person        Interviews,
           receive help or use        SC 049 <> 2
           special equipment in
           using the toilet?"

 114-116  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 042)
 117      PERIOD

               SC 051
 118      "For how much of last year   Interviews None of the Year          0
          of life was the person                  Less than Half the Year   1
          in a nursing home,                      At Least Half, but        2
          health, care facility                    Not All the Year
          or institution?"                        All of the Year           3
                                                  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
               SC 052
 119      "Did the person receive     Interviews,   Yes                     1
          help at home in walking,    (Not NMF-5),  No                      2
          eating, bathing, dressing,  SC 051 <> 3   Multiple Answers        5
          or using the toilet (during               Refused                 6
          last year of life)?"                      DK                      7
                                                    NA                      8
               SC 053                               Out-of-Universe         9
 120      "Did anyone help the per-
          son at home in giving
          medicine, pills, injec-
          tions, changing bandages,
          or provide nursing care
          (during the last year
          of life)?"


               SC 055/056
 121-141  Who helped the person at     Interviews (Not NMF-5),
          home:                        SC 051 <> 3, and SC 052
 121      o Husband or Wife            and 053 <> 2
 122      o Son(s)
 123      o Daughter(s)
 124      o Other Relative (Undefined)
 125      o Neighbor or Friend(s)
 126      o Visiting Nurse
 127      o Visiting Homemaker             Reported                         1
 128      o Other (Undefined)              Not Reported                     2
 129      o Father                         Refused                          6
 130      o Mother                         DK               All 21          7
 131      o Brother(s)                     NA               Characters      8
 132      o Sister(s)                      Out-of-Universe                  9
 133      o Son(s)-in-Law
 134      o Daughter(s)-in-Law
 135      o Grandson(s)
 136      o Granddaughter(s)
 137      o Grandchild(ren)
 138      o Nephew(s)
 139      o Niece(s)
 140      o Other Male Relative(s)
 141      o Other Female Relative(s)


               SC 057
 142      "How often did person have  Interviews
          trouble understanding where               All or Most             1
                                                     of the Time
          he/she was (during last year              Some of the Time        2
          of life)?"                                Only in Last Few Hours  3
                                                     or Days before Death
               SC 058                               Never or Hardly Ever    4
 143      "How often did person have  Interviews    Multiple Answers        5
          trouble remembering what                  Refused                 6
          year it was (during last                  DK                      7
          year of life)?"                           NA                      8
                                                    Out-of-Universe         9
               SC 059
 144      "How often did person have  Interviews
          trouble recognizing family
          or friends (during last
          year of life)?"

               SC 060
 145      "Did the person ever sign   Interviews   Yes                      1
           a living will?"                         No                       2
                                                   Multiple Answers         5
                                                   Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9


               SC 061
 146      "Did anyone have a problem  Interviews
          finding or getting the      (Not NMF-5)
          person into a nursing home
          (during the last 3 years of
               SC 062
 147      "Did anyone have a problem  Interviews
          getting help for the person (Not NMF-5)
          at home (during the last
          year of life)?"                          Yes - Very Serious       1
                                                   Yes - Somewhat Serious   2
               SC 063
 148      "Did anyone have a problem  Interviews   No or Not Applicable     3
          paying the medical bills    (Not NMF-5)  Multiple Answers         5
          for the person (during the               Refused                  6
          last year of life)?"                     DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
               SC 064
 149      "Did anyone have a problem  Interviews   Out-of-Universe          9
          finding or getting treat-   (Not NMF-5)
          ment for the person from a
          doctor (during the last year
          of life)?"
               SC 065
 150      "Did the person ever have   Interviews   Yes                      1
          high blood pressure or                   No                       2
          hypertension?"                           Multiple Answers         5
                                                   Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9
 Locations 151-200


               SC 066
 151-154  "How long before death      Interviews
          was the high blood          SC 065 <> 2
          pressure or hypertenison
          first noticed?"

 151-153  UNITS               Units                                   001-994
                              Not Reported                                000
                              Refused                                     996
                              DK                                          997
                              NA                                          998
                              Out-of-Universe                             999

 154      PERIOD              Period:  Minutes                              1
                                       Hours                                2
                                       Days                                 3
                                       Weeks                                4
                                       Months                               5
                                       Years                                6
                                       Not Stated                           7
                                       Childhood Onset                      8
                                       Refused/DK/NA/Out-of-Universe        9

               SC 067
 155      Did a doctor prescribe  Interviews,  Yes                           1
          medicine for the high    SC 065 <> 2 No                            2
          blood pressure?"                     Multiple Answers              5
                                               Refused                       6
                                               DK                            7
                                               NA                            8
                                               Out-of-Universe               9


               SC 068
 156      "How often did the person   Interviews   Very Regularly           1
          take the prescribed high    SC 065 <> 2, Not Very Regularly       2
          blood pressure medicine?"     and        Hardly At All or Never   3
                                      SC 067 <> 2  Multiple Answers         5
                                                   Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9

               SC 069
 157      "Did the person ever        Interviews   Yes                      1
          have a heart attack?"                    No                       2
                                                   Multiple Answers         5
                                                   Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9

               SC 070
 158-161  "How long before death did  Interviews,
          the person have the first   SC 069 <> 2
          heart attack?"

 158-160  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 161      PERIOD

               SC 071
 162      "Did the person ever       Interviews   (See Description and Values
          have Angina Pectoris?"                      for SC 065)

               SC 072
 163-166  "How long before death was  Interviews,
          the Angina Pectoris first   SC 071 <> 2

 163-165  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 166      PERIOD


               SC 073
 167      "Did the person ever have   Interviews  (See Description and Values
          a stroke in which the con-                 for SC 065)
          ditions lasted one day or

               SC 074
 168-170  "At what age did the person Interviews   Age                001-120
          have the first stroke?"     SC 073 <> 2  Childhood Onset        995
                                                   Refused                996
                                                   DK                     997
                                                   NA                     998
                                                   Out-of-Universe        999

               SC 075
 176      "Did a doctor ever say     Interviews   (See Description and Values
          the person had Alzheimer's                for SC 065)
          disease, ..., or any other
          serious memory impairment?"

               SC 076
 172-175  "How long before death      Interviews,
          was the (memory impair-     SC 075 <> 2
          ment condition) first

 172-174  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 175      PERIOD

               SC 077
 176      "Did the person ever have  Interviews   (See Description and Values
          any other mental, nervous,                for SC 065)
          or emotional problem?"


               SC 078
 177-180  "How long before death      Interviews,
          was the mental, nervous,    SC 077 <> 2
          or emotional problem
          first noticed?"

 177-179  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 180      PERIOD

               SC 079
 181      "Did the person ever       Interviews   (See Description and Values
          have diabetes?"                          for SC 065)

 182-185       SC 080
          "How long before death      Interviews,
          was the diabetes first      SC 079 <> 2

 182-184  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 185      PERIOD

 186           SC 081
          "Was Cancer the main       Interviews   (See Description and Values
          condition leading to                      for SC 065)

 187-190       SC 082
          "How long before death      Interviews,
          was the Cancer first        SC 081 <> 2

 187-189  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 190      PERIOD

 191           SC 083
          "Did the person ever have  Interviews,  (See Description and Values
          Cancer, except skin         SC 081 <> 1   for SC 065)


 192-195       SC 084
          "How long before death    Interviews,
          was this Cancer first      SC 081 <> 1,
          noticed?"                      and
                                     SC 083 <> 2

 192-194  UNITS           (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 195      PERIOD

 196           SC 085
          "Did the person ever     Interviews   (See Description and Values
          have Asthma?"                          for 065)

 197-200       SC 086
          "How long before death      Interviews,
          was the Asthma first        SC 085 <> 2

 197-199  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 200      PERIOD

 Locations 201-252


 201           SC 087
          "Did the person ever have  Interviews   (See Description and Values
          any Other Lung Condition                  for SC 065)
          lasting 3 months or longer?"

 202-205     SC 088
          "How long before death was  Interviews,
          the first Lung Condition    SC 087 <> 2
          first noticed?"

 202-204  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 205      PERIOD

 206           SC 089
          "Did the person ever have  Interviews   (See Description and Values
          Cirrhosis of the liver?"                  for SC 065)


 207-210       SC 090
          "How long before death   Interviews,
          was the Cirrhosis first  SC 089 <> 2

 207-209  UNITS                       (See Description and Values for SC 066)
 210      PERIOD

 211           SC 091
          "Was person ever near  Interviews   (See Description and Values for
          to death, but lived                     SC 065)

 212           SC 092
          "How long before death   Interviews,  Less than 3 months          1
          was the person thought    SC 091 <> 2  3 months to less than      2
          to be near death, but                   1 year
          lived on?"                             1 year to less than        3
                                                  5 years
                                                 5 years or more            4
                                                 Multiple Answers           5
                                                 Refused                    6
                                                 DK                         7
                                                 NA                         8
                                                 Out-of-Universe            9

 213-214       SC 093
          "Where did the person  Interviews      Hospital Emergency Room   01
          die?"                                  Hospital (Excl.           02
                                                  Emergency Room)
                                                 On way to hospital        03
                                                 Nursing or personal       04
                                                  care home
                                                 Own home                  05
                                                 Other place (undefined)   06
                                                 Other's home              07
                                                 Multiple Answers          95
                                                 Refused                   96
                                                 DK                        97
                                                 NA                        98
                                                 Out-of-Universe           99


 215           SC 094
          "Was informant with       Interviews   Yes                        1
           person within the hour   (Not NMF-5)  No                         2
           before death?"                        Multiple Answers           5
                                                 Refused                    6
                                                 DK                         7
                                                 NA                         8
                                                 Out-of-Universe            9

 216-223       SC 095
          "What was the person      Interviews
          doing an hour before      (Not NMF-5)

    216   - Confined to bed or chair
    217   - Working                     Reported                            1
    218   - Quiet Recreation            Not reported                        2
    219   - Active Recreation           Refused                             6
    220   - Sleeping                    DK                                  7
    221   - Other (undefined)           NA                 All 8 Characters 8
    222   - Comatose/Unconscious        Out-of-Universe                     9
    223   - Eating

 224           SC 096
          "Did the person have a      Interviews   Yes                      1
          new or sharply increased    (Not NMF-5)  No                       2
          problem within the hour                  Multiple Answers         5
          before death?"                           Refused                  6
                                                   DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9


 225           SC 098
          "Did the person ever   Interviews   Yes                           1
          regularly take birth   (Not NMF-5), No                            2
          control pills?"        Sex6 = 2     Multiple Answers              5
                                              Refused                       6
                                              DK                            7
                                              NA                            8
                                              Out-of-Universe               9
 226           SC 099
          "How long did she take  Interviews   Less than 1 year             1
          birth control pills?"   (Not NMF-5), 1 year to less than 5 years  2
                                Sex = 2,       5 years to less than         3
                                  and           10 years
                               SC 098 <) 2    10 years or more              4
                                              Multiple Answers              5
                                              Refused                       6
                                              DK                            7
                                              NA                            8
                                              Out-of-Universe               9

 227-228       SC 100
          "At what age did she        Interviews   Age                  10-60
          start taking birth          (Not NMF-5), Childhood               95
          control pills?"             Sex = 2,     Refused                 96
                                       and         DK                      97
                                      SC 098 <> 2  NA                      98
                                                   Out-of-Universe         99

 229-230       SC 101
         "How many live births did   Interviews   Live births           00-30
         she ever have?"             (Not NMF-5), Refused                  96
                                     Sex = 2      DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

   6 Sex is found in position 33.


 231           SC 102
          "Did she ever have a      Interviews,  Yes                        1
          hysterectomy?"            Sex7 = 2     No                         2
                                                 Multiple Answers           5
                                                 Refused                    6
                                                 DK                         7
                                                 NA                         8
                                                 Out-of-Universe            9
 232-234       SC 103
          "How old was she when she   Interviews Age                  001-120
          had the hysterectomy?"    (Not NMF-5), Childhood                995
                                    Sex = 2,     Refused                  996
                                       and       DK                       997
                                   SC 102 <> 2   NA                       998
                                                 Out-of-Universe          999
 235           SC 104
          "Had her periods ended    Interviews   Yes                        1
          due to menopause          (Not NMF-5), No                         2
          before the                Sex = 2,     Multiple Answers           5
          hysterectomy?"               and       Refused                    6
                                      102 <> 2   DK                         7
                                                 NA                         8
                                                 Out-of-Universe            9
 236           SC 105
          "Had her periods ended    Interviews,  Yes                        1
          due to menopause?"        (Not NMF-5), No                         2
                                    Sex = 2,     Multiple Answers           5
                                      and        Refused                    6
                                  SC 102 <> 2    DK                         7
                                                 NA                         8
                                                 Out-of-Universe            9

   7 Sex is found in position 33.


 237-238       SC 106
          "How Old Was She When   Interviews      Age                30 to 70
          Her Menstrual Periods   (Not NMF-5),    Childhood                95
          ended"?                 Sex = 2,        Refused                  96
                                  SC 104 <> 2, or DK                       97
                                  SC 105 <> 2     NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 239           SC 107
          "Did the Person Ever     Interviews     Yes                       1
          Have an Operation                       No                        2
          to be Sterilized?"                      Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 240-242       SC 108
          "How Old Was the Person   Interviews,   Age              001 to 100
          When He/She Had the       SC 107 <> 2   Childhood               995
          Operation to Be                         Refused                 996
          Sterilized?"                            DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

 243-252  "How Often Did the        Interviews     Every Day               01
          Person Eat:"
  243-244  SC 109   Red Meat?        (Not NMF-5)   3-6 Times a Week        02
  245-246  SC 110   Eggs or Dairy Products?        1 or 2 Times a Week     03
  247-248  SC 111   Fruit?                         1-3 Times a Month       04
  249-250  SC 112   Vegetables?                    Less Than Once a Month  05
  251-252  SC 113   Salt-Cured or Smoked Foods?    Never                   06
                                                   Multiple Answers        95
                                                   Refused                 96
                                                   DK                      97
                                                   NA                      98
                                                   Out-of-Universe         99

 Locations 253-300

 253-254       SC 114
          Informant's Assessment of  Interviews   Very Overweight          01
          the Person's Usual Adult   (Not NMF-5)  Somewhat Overweight      02
          Weight.                                 A Little Overweight      03
                                                  Underweight              04
                                                  About Right              05
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 255-257     SC 115
          Person's Usual Adult        Interviews  Pounds           035 to 700
          Weight.                     (Not NMF-5) Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

 258-261  Person's Adult Height       Interviews
    258-259  SC 116   Feet            (Not NMF-5) Feet               02 to 08
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

    260-261  SC 117   Inches                      Inches             00 to 11
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


 262           SC 118
          "Did the Person Smoke at Least  Interviews    Yes                 1
           100 Cigarettes in His/Her     (Not NMF-5)    No                  2
           Entire Life?"                                Multiple Answers    5
                                                        Refused             6
                                                        DK                  7
                                                        NA                  8
                                                        Out-of-Universe     9
 263-265       SC 119
          "How Long Did the Person   Interviews        Never Soked        000
          Smoke Cigarettes           (Not NMF-5)        Regularly
          Regularly?"                SC 118 <> 2       Years       001 to 120
                                                       Childhood Onset    993
                                                       Less Than 1 Year   994
                                                       Multiple Answers   995
                                                       Refused            996
                                                       DK                 997
                                                       NA                 998
                                                       Out-of-Universe    999

 266-267       SC 120
          "How Many Cigarettes a Day  Interviews       Less Than 5         01
          Did the Person Smoke (When  (Not NMF-5),     5-14                02
          Smoked the Most)?"          SC 118 <> 2, and 15-24               03
                                      SC 119 <> 000    25-34               04
                                                       35-44               05
                                                       45 or more          06
                                                       Multiple Answers    95
                                                       Refused             96
                                                       DK                  97
                                                       NA                  98
                                                       Out-of-Universe     99


 268           SC 121
          "Did the Person Stop Smoking    Interviews   Yes                  1
           and Not Start Again?"          (Not NMF-5), No                   2
                                          SC 118 <> 2  Multiple Answers     5
                                                       Refused              6
                                                       DK                   7
                                                       NA                   8
                                                       Out-of-Universe      9

 269-272     SC 122
          "How Long Before Death Did      Interviews
          the Person Stop Smoking?"       (Not NMF-5),
                                          SC 118 <> 2,
                                          SC 121 <> 2
  269-271 UNITS                                        UNITS       001 TO 994
                                                       Not Reported       000
                                                       Refused            996
                                                       DK                 997
                                                       NA                 998
                                                       Out-of-Universe    999

   272    PERIOD                                       PERIOD:   Minutes    1
                                                                 Hours      2
                                                                 Days       3
                                                                 Weeks      4
                                                                 Months     5
                                                                 Years      6
                                                                 Not Stated 7
                                                                 Chidlhood  8
                                                                 Ref/DK/NA/ 9

 273           SC 123
          "Did the Person Ever Regularly  Interviews   Yes                  1
          Use Chewing Tobacco?"           (Not NMF-5)  No                   2
                                                       Multiple Answers     5
                                                       Refused              6
                                                       DK                   7
                                                       NA                   8
                                                       Out-of-Universe      9

 Page 32


 274-276       SC 124
          "How Long Did the Person Use    Interviews
           Chewing Tobacco?"              (Not NMF-5),  Years      001 to 120
                                           SC 123 <> 2  Childhood         993
                                                        Less Than 1 Year  994
                                                        Multiple Answers  995
                                                        Refused           996
                                                        DK                997
                                                        NA                998
                                                        Out-of-Universe   999

 277-278       SC 125
          "How Often Did the Person    Interviews       5+ Times a Day     01
          Use Chewing Tobacco?"       (Not NMF-5),      3-4 Times a Day    02
                                      SC 123 <> 2       1-2 Times a Day    03
                                                        3-6 Times a Week   04
                                                        1-2 Times a Week   05
                                                        1-3 Times a Month  06
                                                        Less Than Once     07
                                                         a Month
                                                        Multiple Answers   95
                                                        Refused            96
                                                        DK                 97
                                                        NA                 98
                                                        Out-of-Universe    99

 279           SC 126
          "Did the Person Ever      Interviews    (See Description and Values
          Regularly Use Snuff"?     (Not NMF-5)    for SC 123)

 280-282       SC 127
          "How Long Did the Person   Interviews    (See Description and Values
           Use Snuff?"               (Not NMF-5)    for SC 124)
                                     SC 126 <>2


 283-284       SC 128
          "How Often Did the Person  Interviews   (See Description and Values
           Use Stuff"?               (Not NMF-5)    for SC 125)
                                     SC 126 <> 2

 285           SC 129
          "Did the Person Have At    Interviews    Yes                      1
          Least 12 Drinks of Any     (Not NMF-5)   No                       2
          Kind of Alcoholic                        Multiple Answers         5
          Beverage (During Adult                   Refused                  6
          Life)?"                                  DK                       7
                                                   NA                       8
                                                   Out-of-Universe          9

 286-287       SC 130
          "How Often Did the Person  Interviews    Every Day               01
          Drink Alcoholic            (Not NMF-5),  3-6 Times a Week        02
          Beverages?"                 SC 129 <> 2  1-2 Times a Week        03
                                                   1-3 Times a Month       04
                                                   Less Than Once a        05
                                                   Multiple Answers        95
                                                   Refused                 96
                                                   DK                      97
                                                   NA                      98
                                                   Out-of-Universe         99

 288-289       SC 131
          "How Many Drinks Did the   Interviews    Twelve or more          01
           Person Have Per Day?"      (Not NMF-5), 7-11                    02
                                      SC 129 <> 2  5-6                     03
                                                   3-4                     04
                                                   2                       05
                                                   1                       06
                                                   Multiple Answers        95
                                                   Refused                 96
                                                   DK                      97
                                                   NA                      98
                                                   Out-of-Universe         99


 290           SC 132
          "How Frequently Did the    Interviews   Very Regularly            1
           Person Exercise          (Not NMF-5)   Not Very Regularly        2
           Vigorously At Least 3                  Hardly At All or Never    3
           Times a Week, For At                   Multiple Answers          5
           Least 20 Minutes Each                  Refused                   6
           Time (During The Last                  DK                        7
           10 Years)?"                            NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 291           SC 133
          "Did the Person Ever Work  Interviews   Yes                       1
           At A Paying Job or                     No                        2
           Business?"                             Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
 292-294       SC 134
          Longest Occupation-        Interviews,   3-digest          03 to 905
           Decedent                  SC 133 <> 2   Occupation Code
                                                   (See 1980 Industry and
                                                   Occupation  Classification)
                                                   Refused                 996
                                                   DK                      997
                                                   NA                      998
                                                   Out-of-Universe         999


 295-296       SC 135
          "How Many Years Did the    Interviews   Less Than 1 Year         01
           Person Do This Kind of    (Not NMF-5), 1 to Less Than 5 Years   02
           Work?"                    SC 133 <> 2  5 to Less Than 10 Years  03
                                                  10 to Less Than 20 Years 04
                                                  20 to Less Than 30 Years 05
                                                  30 to Less Than 40 Years 06
                                                  40 Years or More         07
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 297-299     SC 136
          Longest Industry-     Interviews,       Digit Industry    010 to 932
           Decedent             SC 133 <> 2       (See 1980 Industry and
                                                   Occupation Classification)
                                                   Armed Forces           942
                                                   Refused                996
                                                   DK                     997
                                                   NA                     998
                                                   Out-of-Universe        999

 300           SC 137
          "Was the Person Employed   Interviews   Yes                       1
          up Until the Time of       (Not NMF-5), No                        2
          Death?"                    SC 133 <> 2  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
 Locations 301-351


 301-302       SC 138
          "Why Did the Person    Interviews       Health or Disability     01
          stop Working?"         Not NMF-5)       Loss of Job              02
                                 SC 133 <>2,and   Normal Retirement        03
                                 SC 137 <> 1      Other Reason (Undefined) 04
                                                  Marriage                 05
                                                  Care of Family/          06
                                                   Children, Pregnancy
                                                  Moved                    07
                                                  Job Ended,               08
                                                   Company Closed
                                                  Laid Off                 09
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99
 303-306       SC 139
          "How Long Before Death Was    Interviews
          the Last Time the Person      SC 133 <>2,
          Worked?"                        and
                                        SC 137 <> 1
    303-305    UNITS                              Units            001 to 994
                                                  Not Reported            000
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999


 306      PERIOD                                  Period: Minutes           1
                                                          Hours             2
                                                          Days              3
                                                          Weeks             4
                                                          Months            5
                                                          Years             6
                                                          Not Stated        7
                                                          Childhood         8
                                                          Ref/DK/NA/        9

 307           SC 140
          "Did the Person's Spouse  Interviews    Yes                       1
          Ever Work At A Paying     (Not NMF-5)   No                        2
          Job or Business?"                       Never Married             3
                                                  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 308-310       SC 141
          Longest Occuptaion -  Interviews        3-Digit          003 to 905
           Spouse               (Not NMF-5),       Occupation Codes
                                SC 140,<>2 or     (See 1980 Industry and
                                 3                Occupation Classification)
                                                  Refused                  996
                                                  DK                       997
                                                  NA                       998
                                                  Out-of-Universe          999


 311-313       SC 142
          Longest Industry -    Interviews        3-Digit          010 to 932
           Spouse               (Not NMF-5),       Industry Code
                                SC 140 <> 2       (See 1980 Industry and
                                   or 3           Occupation Classification)
                                                  Armed Force             942
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

 314-315       SC 143
          Family Size           Interviews        Decedent Institution-    00
           During 1985          (Not NMF-5)        alized in 1985
                                                  1 (Decedent Lived Alone) 01
                                                  2 Persons                02
                                                  3 Persons                03
                                                  4 Persons                04
                                                  5 Persons                05
                                                  6 Persons                06
                                                  7 Persons                07
                                                  8 Persons                08
                                                  9+ Persons               09
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 316-317       SC 144
          Family's Income       Interviews        Less Than $5000          01
           in 1985              (Not NMF-5)       $5000-$6999              02
                                                  $7000-$8999              03
                                                  $9000-$10999             04
                                                  $11000-$12999            05
                                                  $13000-$14999            06
                                                  $15000-16999             07
                                                  $17000-$18999            08

 (Note:  Descriptions and values for SC 144 continue on the next page.)


                                                  $19000-$21999            09
                                                  $22000-$24999            10
                                                  $25000 And Over          11
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 318           SC 145
          "Was the Person Ever  Interviews        Yes                       1
           on Active Duty in                      No                        2
           U.S. Armed Forces?"                    Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 319           SC 146
          "Was the Person on     Interviews,      Yes                       1
           Full-Time Active      SC 145 <> 2      No                        2
           Duty with the                          Multiple Answers          5
           Armed Force At the                     Refused                   6
           Time of Death?"                        DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9
 320-321       SC 147
          Decedent's Race -     Interviews       (1) American Indian,      01
           Recoded                                    Aluet, or Eskimo
                                                 (2) Asian or              02
                                                      Pacific Islander
                                                 (3) Black                 03
                                                 (4) White                 04
                                                 (5) Other                 05
                                                Multiple Races: (1) and (2)15
                                                                (1) and (3)16

 (Note:  Descriptions and values for SC 147 continue on next page.)


                                                             (1) and (4)   17
                                                             (2) and (3)   18
                                                             (2) and (4)   19
                                                             (3) and (4)   20
                                                             Three or More 95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 322           SC 150
          "Was the Person of     Interviews       Yes                       1
           Spainish or Hispanic                   No                        2
           Origin or Descent?"                    Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 323           SC 151
          Decedent's Household  Interviews        Lived Alone               1
                                                  Lived With Others         2
                                                  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9


          Household Composition: Interviews,
          Relationships          SC 151 <> 1

 324-325  SC 152    Person 1              Spouse                           01
 326-327  SC 153    Person 2              Son                              02
 328-329  SC 154    Person 3              Daughter                         03
 330-331  SC 155    Person 4              Child (Sex Not Specified)        04
 332-333  SC 156    Person 5              Brother                          05
 334-335  SC 157    Person 6              Sister                           06
 336-337  SC 158    Person 7              Mother                           07
 338-339  SC 159    Person 8              Father                           08
                                          Parent (Sex Not Specified)       09
                                          Grandmother                      10
                                          Grandfather                      11
                                          Grandparent (Sex Not Specified)  12
                                          Other Male Relative              13
                                          Other Female Relative            14
                                          Other Relative (Sex Not          15
                                          Son Relative                     16
                                          Uncodable Entry                  17
                                          Refused                          96
                                          DK                               97
                                          NA                               98
                                          Out-of-Universe                  99


 340-341       SC 160
          "What Was the Highest   Interviews      Less Than 5 Years        01
           Grade or Year of                       5-7 Years                02
           Regular School the                     8 Years                  03
           Person Ever                            9-11 Years               04
           Completed?"                            High School Graduate     05
                                                  1-3 Years of College     06
                                                  4 or More Years of       07
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 342-343       SC 161
          Decedent's Marital       Interviews     Married                  01
           Status at Time of                      Widowed                  02
           Death                                  Divorced                 03
                                                  Separated                04
                                                  Never Married            05
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


 344-347       SC 162
          "How Long Before the    Interviews
           Person's Death Did     SC 161 <> 1,
           the Spouse Die?"       3,4,5
    344-346                  UNITS                Units            001 to 994
                                                  Not Reported            000
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

    347                         PERIOD            Period:   Minutes         1
                                                            Hours           2
                                                            Days            3
                                                            Weeks           4
                                                            Months          5
                                                            Years           6
                                                            Not Stated      7
                                                            Childhood       8
                                                            Ref/DK/NA/      9
 348-349       SC 163
          "For How Many Years      Interviews,    Less Than 1              00
           Altogether Was the       SC 16 <> 5    Years              01 to 94
           Person Married?"                       Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 350-351       SC 164
          "How Many Different    Interviews       Number of Spouses  01 to 15
           Persons Was the       (Not NMF-5),     Refused                  96
           Person Ever           SC 161 <> 5      DK                       97
           Married To?"                           NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 Locations 352-400


 352-353       SC 165
          "What Was the Highest   Interviews      Less Than 5 Years        01
           Grade or Year of      (Not NMF-5),     5-7 Years                02
           Regular School the    SC 161 <> 5      8 Years                  03
           (Most Recent) Spouse                   9-11 Years               04
           Completed?"                            High School Graduate     05
                                                  1-3 Years of College     06
                                                  4 or More Years of       07
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 354           SC 166
          "Did (Any) Spouse        Interviews     Yes                       1
           Smoke at Least         (Not NMF-5),    No                        2
           100 Cigarettes?"        SC 161 <> 5    Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 355-356       SC 167
          "How Many Cigarettes    Interviews      Less Than 5              01
           A Day Did (This)       (Not NMF-5),    5-14                     02
           Spouse Smoke?"         SC 161 <> 5,    15-24                    03
                                    and           25-34                    04
                                  SC 166 <> 2     35-44                    05
                                                  45 or More               06
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


 357-360       SC 168
          "In What Year was    Interviews         Year of Birth  1800 to 1959
           the Person's        (Not NMF-5)        Refused                9996
           Natural Father                         DK                     9997
           Was Born?"                             NA                     9998
                                                  Out-of-Universe        9999

 361-363     SC 169
          "At What Age Did the   Interviews       Still Living            000
           Person's Natural      (Not NMF-5)      Age At Death       0 to 120
           Father Die?"                           Multiple Answers        995
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

 364-367       SC 170
          "In What Year Was     Interviews        Year of Birth  1800 to 1959
           the Person's         (Not NMF-5)       Refused                9996
           Natural Mother                         DK                     9997
           Born?"                                 NA                     9998
                                                  Out-of-Universe        9999

 368-370       SC 171
          "At What Age Did the   Interviews       Still Living            000
           Person's Natural      (Not NMF-5)      Age At Death     010 to 120
           Mother Die?"                           Multiple Answers        995
                                                  Refused                 996
                                                  DK                      997
                                                  NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999

 371           SC 172
          "Did the Person's    Interviews         Yes                      1
           Natural Father       (Not NMF-5)       No                        2
           Ever Have a Heart                      Multiple Answers          5
           Attack?"                               Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9


 372-374       SC 173
          "About How Old Was    Interviews        Age              001 to 120
           the Person's          (Not NMF-5),     Childhood               995
           Natural Father When   SC 172 <> 2      Refused                 996
           He Had the First                       DK                      997
           Heart Attack?"                         NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999
 375           SC 174
          "Did the Person's     Interviews        Yes                       1
           Natural Mother Ever  (Not NMF-5)       No                        2
           Have a Heart Attack?"                  Multiple Answers          5
                                                  Refused                   6
                                                  DK                        7
                                                  NA                        8
                                                  Out-of-Universe           9

 376-378       SC 175
          "About How Old Was      Interviews      Age              001 to 120
           the Person's Natural  (Not NMF-5),     Childhood               995
           Mother When She Had   SC 174 <> 2      Refused                 996
           the First Heart                        DK                      997
           Attack?"                               NA                      998
                                                  Out-of-Universe         999
 379-380     SC 176
          "How Many Brother Did   Interviews      None                     00
           the Person Have Who   (Not NMF-5)      Number of Brother  01 to 30
           lived to Be 25+ Years                  Multiple Answers         95
           Old?"                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


 381-382       SC 177
          "How Many Brothers     Interviews       None                     00
           Ever Had A Heart      (Not NMF-5),     Number of Brothers 01 to 30
           Attack?"              SC 176 <> 00     Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 383-400            Age of Brothers At Heart
 383-385 SC 178  o First Brother  Interviews   Age At Heart Attack 001 to 120
 386-388 SC 179  o Second Brother (Not NMF-5), Childhood Onset            995
 389-391 SC 180  o Third Brother  SC 176 <> 00 Refused                    996
 392-394 SC 181  o Fourth Brother  and  SC     DK                         997
 395-397 SC 182  o Fifth Brother   177 <> 00   NA                         998
 398-400 SC 183  o Sixth Brother               Out-of-Universe            999

 Locations 401-567


 401-402       SC 184
          "How Many Sisters   Interviews          None                     00
           Did the Person     (Not NMF-5)         Number of Sisters  01 to 30
           Have Who Lived                         Multiple Answers         95
           to Be 25+ Years                        Refused                  96
           Old?"                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 403-404       SC 185
          "How Many Sisters     Interviews        None                     00
           Ever Had A Heart     (Not NMF-5),      Number of Sisters  01 to 30
           Attack?"             SC 184 <> 00      Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99


 405-422       Age of Sisters at Heart
 405-407 SC 186  o First Sister  Interviews   Age At Heart Attack  001 to 120
 408-410 SC 187  o Second Sister (Not NMF-5), Childhood Onset             995
 411-413 SC 188  o Third Sister  SC 184 <> 00 Refused                     996
 414-416 SC 189  o Fourth Sister  and SC 185  DK                          997
 417-419 SC 190  o Fifth Sister   <> 00       NA                          998
 420-422 SC 191  o Sixth Sister               Out-of-Universe             999

 423-424     SC 192
          Value of Things Owned  Interviews       Zero Net Worth           00
           By the Person (And    (Not NMF-5)      $    1-$  4999           01
           Spouse) At Time of                     $  5000-$ 24999          02
           Death                                  $ 25000-$ 49999          03
                                                  $ 50000-$ 99999          04
                                                  $100000-$249999          05
                                                  $250000-$499999          06
                                                  $500000 or More          07
                                                  Multiple Answers         95
                                                  Refused                  96
                                                  DK                       97
                                                  NA                       98
                                                  Out-of-Universe          99

 425-430       SC 195
          Continuation of   (See SC 152-159)  (See Description and Values for
           Household Composition                  SC 152-159)

    425-426           Eleventh Household Member
    427-428           Tenth Household Member
    429-430           Ninth Household Member


 431         SC 197
          Status of Authorization/ Interviews   Authorization Signed        1
           Proxy Consent                        Proxy Consent - "Yes"       2
                                                Authorization Refused       3
                                                Proxy Consent - "No"        4
                                                None of the Above/All Other
                                                  (includes blanks)8        5
                                                NA                          8
                                                Out-of-Universe             9

 432         Payment Source(s) Recode           Government Sources Only     1
             (From SC 037/038)                  Private Sources Only        2
                                                Self or Family Only         3
                                                Combination of Sources      4
                                                No Payments                 5
                                                NA                          8
                                                Out-of-Universe             9

 433-437     SC 042 Days Recode
 438-442     SC 044 Days Recode
 443-447     SC 046 Days Recode
 448-452     SC 048 Days Recode
 453-457     SC 050 Days Recode
 458-462     SC 066 Days Recode
 463-467     SC 070 Days Recode
 468-472     SC 072 Days Recode        Less Than 1 Day                  00000
 473-477     SC 076 Days Recode        Days                    00001 to 43800
 478-482     SC 078 Days Recode        Childhood Onset (Undefined Days) 99997
 483-487     SC 080 Days Recode        NA                               99998
 488-492     SC 082 Days Recode        Out-of-Universe                  99999
 493-497     SC 084 Days Recode
 498-502     SC 086 Days Recode
 503-507     SC 088 Days Recode
 508-512     SC 090 Days Recode
 513-517     SC 122 Days Recode
 518-522     SC 139 Days Recode
 523-527     SC 162 Days Recode
 528-529     SC 042 Period Recode         Less Than 1 Day                  01
 530-531     SC 044 Period Recode         1 Day to Less Than 2 Weeks       02
 532-533     SC 046 Period Recode         2 Weeks to Less Than 1 Month     03
 534-535     SC 048 Period Recode         1 Month to Less Than 3 Months    04
 536-537     SC 050 Period Recode         3 Months to Less Than 6 Months   05
 538-539     SC 066 Period Recode         6 Months to Less Than 1 Year     06
 540-541     SC 070 Period Recode         1 Year to Less Than 2 Years      07
 542-543     SC 072 Period Recode         2 Years to Less Than 3 Years     08
 544-545     SC 076 Period Recode         3 Years to Less Than 4 Years     09
 546-547     SC 078 Period Recode         4 Years to Less Than 5 Years     10
 548-549     SC 080 Period Recode         5 Years to Less Than 10 Years    11
 550-551     SC 082 Period Recode         10 Years to Less Than 15 Years   12
 552-553     SC 084 Period Recode         15 Years to Less Than 20 Years   13
 554-555     SC 086 Period Recode         20 Years to Less Than 25 Years   14
 556-557     SC 088 Period Recode         25 Years to Less Than 30 Years   15
 558-559     SC 090 Period Recode         30 Years to Less Than 40 Years   16
 560-561     SC 122 Period Recode         40 Years to Less Than 50 Years   17
 562-563     SC 139 Period Recode         50 or More Years                 18
 564-565     SC 162 Period Recode         Childhood Onset - Undefined      97
                                          NA                               98
                                          Out-of-Universe                  99

 566   Related Care Providers Recode      Relative Provided Care            1
                                          Relative Did Not Provide Care     2
                                          NA                                8
                                          Out-of-Universe                   9
 567   Professional Care Providers        Visiting Nurse/Homemaker
        Recode                                     Provided Care            1
                                          Visiting Nurse/Homemaker
                                                    Did Not Provide Care    2
                                          NA                                8
                                          Out-of-Universe                   9
 Locations 568-600


 568-569       SC 134
      Decedent's Detailed  Managerial and Professional Speciality: (01 to 12)
       Occupation Record   Executive,Administrative,and Managerial:(01 to 03)
                            Officials and Administrators, Public Admin.    01
 570-571      SC 141        Other Executives, Admin. and Managerial        02
      Spouse's Detailed     Management Related Occupations                 03
       Occupation Record   Professional Speciality Occupations:    (04 to 12)
                            Engineers                                      04
 572-573 Death Certificate  Mathematical and Computer Scientists           05
       Detailed Occupation  Natural Scientists                             06
       Record               Health Diagnosing Occupations                  07
                            Health Assessment and Treating Occupations     08
                            Teachers, College and University               09
                            Teachers, Except College and University        10
                            Lawyers and Judges                             11
                            Other Professional Speciality Occupations      12
                            Technical, Sales, and Administrative
                            Support                                (13 to 26)
                           Technicians and Related Support:        (13 to 15)
                            Health Technologists and Technicians           13
                            Engineering and Science Technicians            14
                            Other Technicians                              15
                           Sales Occupations:                      (16 to 20)
                            Supervisors and Proprietors                    16
                            Sales Reps., Finance and Business Serv.        17
                            Sales Reps., Commodities Except Retail         18
                            Sales Workers, Retail and Personal Serv.       19
                            Sales Related Occupations                      20
                           Administrative Support, Incl. Clerical: (21 to 26)
                            Supervisors                                    21
                            Computer Equipment Operators                   22
                            Secretaries, Stenographers, and Typists        23

 (Note: Descriptions and values for occupation recodes
        continued on the next page.)

   8 Includes authorization not signed or proxy consent not asked for.


                            Financial Records Processing                   24
                            Mail and Message Distributing                  25
                            Other Admin. Support, Incl. Clerical           26
                           Service Occupations                      (27 to 32)
                            Private Household                              27
                            Protective Services                            28
                           Other Service:                          (29 to 32)
                            Food Service                                   29
                            Health Service                                 30
                            Cleaning and Building Service                  31
                            Personal Service                               32
                           Precision Production,Craft,and Repair    (33 to 35)
                            Mechanics and Repairers                        33
                            Construction Trades                            34
                            Other Precision Production,Craft,and Repair    35
                           Operators, Fabricators, and Laborers     (36 TO 42)
                           Machine Operators, Assemblers, and
                            Inspectors:                             (36 to 37)
                           Machine Operators and Tenders, except Precision 36
                            Fabricators, Assemblers, Inspectors & Samplers 37
                           Transportation and Material Moving:      (38 to 39)
                           Motor Vehicle Operators                         38
                            Other Transportation and Material Moving Occ.  39
                           Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers,
                            and Laborers                           (40 to 42)
                             Construction Laborers                         40
                             Freight, Stock, and Material Handlers         41
                             Other Handlers, Equip. Cleaners, Helpers and
                             Laborers                                     42
                           Farming, Forestry, & Fishing Occupations(43 to 45)
                            Farm Operators and Managers                    43
 (Note:  Descriptions and values for occupation recodes
         continued on the next page.)


                             Farm Workers and Related Occupations          44
                             Forestry and Fishing Occupations              45
                            Armed Forces                                   46
                            Retired (Death Certificate Only)               47
                            Homemaker, Student, Volunteer (Death
                             Certificate Only)                             48
                            None/Never Worked (Death Certificate Only)     49
                            Refused/DK/NA                                  98
                            Out-of-Universe, Blank (Death Certificate)     99

 574-575                       Goods-Producing Industries -        (01 to 28)
                                Agriculture:                       (01 to 02)
 576-577                          Agriculture Services                     01
                                  Other Agriculture                        02
 578-579                        Mining                                     03
                                Construction                               04
                                Manufacturing:                      (05 to 28)
                                  Durable Goods                     (05 to 18)
                                   Lumber and Wood, Except Furniture       05
                                   Furniture and Fixtures                  06
                                   Stone, Clay, Glass, Concrete            07
                                  Metal Industries                  (08 to 10)
                                   Primary Metals                          08
                                   Fabricated Metals                       09
                                   Not Specified Metal Industries          10
                                  Machinery, Except Electrical             11
                                  Electrical Machinery, Equip.,and Supplies12
                                Transportation Equipment            (13 to 15)
                                  Motor Vehicles and Equipment             13
                                  Other Transportation Equipment    (14 to 15)
                              Aircraft and Parts                           14
                            Other Transportation Equip.                    15
                          Professional and Photo Equip., Watches           16
                          Toys,  musement, and Sporting Goods              17
                          Misc. and Nec. Manufacturing Industries          18
                          Nondurable Goods                          (19 to 28)
                          Food and Kindred Products                        19
                          Tobacco Manufacturers                            20
                            Textile Mill Products                          21
                            Apparel and Other Finished Textile Products    22
                            Paper and Allied Products                      23
                            Printing, Publishing, and Allied Ind.          24
                            Chemicals and Allied Products                  25
                            Petroleum and Coal Products                    26
                            Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products             27
                            Leather and Leather Products                   28
                          Service-Producing Industries -           (29 to 46)
                          Transportation, Communications, and Public
                               Utilities:                          (29 to 31)
                            Transportation                                 29
                            Communications and Public Utilities    (30 to 31)
                            Communications                                 30
                            Utilities and Sanitary Services                31
                          Wholesale and Retail Trade:              (32 to 33)
                            Wholesale Trade                                32
                            Retail Trade                                   33
                          Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate      (34 to 35)
                            Banking and Other Finance                      34
                            Insurance and Real Estate                      35
                          Services                                 (36 to 46)
                            Private Household                              36
                            Misc. Services                         (37 to 46)
                          Business and Repair Services             (37 to 38)
                                Business Services                          37
                                Repair Services                            38
                              Personal Services, Except Private Household  39
                              Entertainment and Recreation Services        40
                              Professional and Related Services    (41 to 45)
                                Hospitals                                  41
                                Health Services, Except Hospitals          42
                                Educational Services                       43
                                Social Services                            44
                                Other Professional Services                45
                              Forestry and Fisheries                       46
                              Public Administration:                (47 to 50)
                                Justice, Public Order and Safety           47
                                Human Resource Programs                    48
                                National Security and International Affairs49
                                Other Public Administration                50
                              Armed Forces                                 51
                              Retired from Unknown Industry (Death         52
                               Certificate Only)
                              None/Never Worked/Home Housework (Death      53
                                    Certificate Only)
                              Refused/DK/NA                                98
                              Out-of-Universe, Blank (Death Certificate)   99

 580-581     SC 134            Managerial and Professional Speciality
                                 Occupations -                      (01 to 02)
 582-583     SC 141             Executive, Administrative, and Managerial  01
                                Professional Speciality                    02
 584-585                       Technical, Sales, and Administrative
                                 Support -                          (03 to 05)
                                Technical and Related Support              03
                                Sales                                      04
                           Administrative Support, including Chemical      05
                           Service Occupations -                   (06 to 08)
                            Private Household                              06
                            Protective Service                             07
                            Other Service Occupations                      08
                           Precision Production, Craft and Repair
                             Occupations                                   09
                           Operators, Fabricators, and Laborers -   (10 to 12)
                             Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors 10
                             Transportation and Material Moving            11
                             Handlers, Equip. Cleaners, Helpers, Laborers  12
                           Farming, Forestry, and Fishing                  13
                           Armed Forces                                    14
                           Retired (Death Certificate Only)                15
                           Homemaker, Student, Volunteer (Death Certificate
                              Only)                                        16
                           None/Never Worked (Death Certificate Only)      17
                           Refused/DK/NA                                   98
                           Out-of-Universe, Blank (Death Certificate)      99

 586-587  SC 136 Decedent's         Agriculture                            01
          Major Industry Record     Mining                                 02
 588-589  SC 142 Spouse's           Construction                           03
           Major Industry Record    Manufacturing                  (04 to 05)
 590-591  Death Certificate         Durable Goods                          04
           Major Industry Record    Nondurable Goods                       05
                                     Public Utilities              (06 to 08)
                                    Transportation                         06
                                    Communications                         07
                          Utilities and Sanitary Services                  08
                         Wholesale and Retail Trade -              (09 to 10)
                           Wholesale Trade                                 09
                           Retail Trade                                    10
                          Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate              11
                          Services -                               (12 to 21)
                           Private Households                              12
                          Misc. Services:                          (13 to 20)
                             Business and Repair Services                  13
                             Personal Services, Except Private Household   14
                             Entertainment and Recreation Services         15
                             Professional and Related Services     (16 to 20)
                               Hospitals                                   16
                               Medical Services, Except Hospitals          17
                               Educational Services                        18
                               Social Services                             19
                               Other Professional Services                 20
                              Forestry and Fisheries                       21
                            Public Administration                          22
                            Armed Forces                                   23
                            Retired from Unknown Ind. (Death Certificate
                                   Only)                                   24
                            None/Never Worked/Home Housework (Death
                                   Certificate Only)                       25
                            Refused/DK/NA                                  98
                            Out-of-Universe, Blank (Death Certificate)     99

 592-593 Decedent's Household
         Composition Recode-    Decedent Lived Alone                       00
         Total (From SC         Total Reported Persons, Excluding Decedent
         151-159,195)                                             ( 01 to 30)
                                NA                                         98
                                Out-of-Universe                            99


 594-595  Decedent's Household
           Composition Recode -       Decedent Lived Alone or With Only
   Relatives (From SC 151-159, 195)     Unrelated Persons                  00
                                      Total Reported Relatives,Excluding
                                        Decedent                    (01 to 30)
                                        NA                                 98
                                        Out-of-Universe                    99
 596-597  Decedent's Household
          Composition Recode -        Decedent Lived Alone or With Only
          Nonrelatives (From              Related Persons                  00
          SC 151-159, 195)               Total Reported Nonrelatives,
                                          Excluding Decedent        (01 to 30)
                                        NA                                 98
                                        Out-of-Universe                    99

 598-599     Decedent's Household
             Composition Recode -       Undefined Household Members,
             Undefined Persons
           (From SC 152-159, 195)       Excluding Decedent          (00 to 30)
                                        NA                                 98
                                        Out-of-Universe                    99


 600         Final Status Recode9   All Complete Interview (Mail and Field) 1
                                       Fail-Edit (Mail)                     2
                                     Partial (Field)                        3
                                     Refused (Mail and Field)               4
                                     Cannot Contact - Outside PSU (Field)   5
                                     Cannot Contact - Other Reason (Field)  6
                                     Cannot Locate (Field)                  7
                                     Other Noninterview (Field)             8
                                     No Informant Identified (Mail)         9

   9 Derived from mailing phase check-in code (36-37) and final status
   of field cases (SC 002).

 Locations 601-631


 601-603  Weighting Stratum   All    Stratum 1, 25-34 Am. Indian, Aleut,
           No.                           and Eskimo                       011
                                     35-44 Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                       and Eskimo                         012
                                     45-54 Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                       and Eskimo                         013
                                      55-64 Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                       and Eskimo                         014
                                     65-74 Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                        and Eskimo                        015
                                     75-84 Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                        and Eskimo                        016
                                     85+   Am. Indian, Aleut,
                                        and Eskimo                        017
                                     Stratum 2, 25-44 Black, Specified
                                        Heart Disease                     021
                                     25-34 NonBlack, Specified
                                        Heart Disease                     022
                                     35-44 NonBlack, Specified
                                        Heart Disease                     024
                                     45-54 Black, Specified
                                        Heart Disease10                   025
                                     45-54 NonBlack, Specified
                                        Heart Disease11                   026
                                     Stratum 3, Black, Specified Asthma   031
                                        25-64, NonBlack, Specified
                                           Asthma                         032
                                     65+, NonBlack, Specified
                                           Asthma                         033

 (Note:  Descriptions and values for weighting stratum continue on next page.)

  10 Females only
  11 ibid


                                     Stratum 4, Specified Cancer12        041

                                     Stratum 5, Nonexternal13 C.O.D.,
                                                       25-34, Black       051
                                                External14 C.O.D.,
                                                       25-34, Black       052

                                     Stratum 6, Nonexternal15 C.O.D.,
                                                       35-44, Black       061
                                                External16 C.O.D.,
                                                       35-44, Black       062
                                     Stratum 7, 45-54, Black              071
                                     Stratum 8, 55-64, Black              081
                                     Stratum 9, 65-74, Black              091
                                     Stratum 10, 75-84, Black             100
                                     Stratum 11, 85+, Black               110

 (Note:  Descriptions and values for weighting stratum continue on next page.)

  12 Nasopharynx (White, 25-64); Liver (Female, 25-49); Male Breast
       (Male, 25-74); Lip and Oral (White Male, 25-39); Small
     Intestine (White, 25-74); Nasal (White Male, 25-74); Other
      Endocrine (White, 25-64)
  13 External cause of death refers to ICD-9 codes E800-E999;
     Nonexternal are all other codes.
  14 ibid
  15 ibid
  16 ibid


                                         Stratum 12, Nonexternal17 C.O.D.,
                                                       25-34, NonBlack    121
                                                     External18 C.O.D.,
                                                       25-34, NonBlack    122

                                         Stratum 13, Nonexternal19 C.O.D.,
                                                       35-44, NonBlack    131
                                                     External20 C.O.D.,
                                                       35-44, NonBlack    132
                                         Stratum 14, Nonexternal21 C.O.D.,
                                                       45-54, NonBlack    141
                                                     External22 C.O.D.,
                                                       45-54, NonBlack    142
                                         Stratum 15, Nonexternal23 C.O.D.,
                                                       55-64, NonBlack    151
                                                     External24 C.O.D.,
                                                       55-64, NonBlack    152

 (Note:  Descriptions and values for weighting stratum continue on next page.)


  17 ibid
  18 ibid
  19 ibid
  20 ibid
  21 ibid
  22 ibid
  23 ibid
  24 ibid


                                          Stratum 16, Nonexternal25 C.O.D.,
                                                       65-74, NonBlack    161
                                                       External26 C.O.D.,
                                                       65-74, NonBlack    162
                                           Stratum 17, Nonexternal27 C.O.D.,
                                                       75-84, NonBlack    171
                                                       External28 C.O.D.,
                                                       75-84, NonBlack    172
                                            Stratum 18, 85+ NonBlack      180
 604-608  First Adjustment        All       Strata 1-4 factor           01000
          Factor (Reciprocal                Stratum 5 factor            03245
          of Probability of                 Stratum 6 factor            03678
          Selection)                        Strata 7-11 factor          05286
                                            Stratum 12 factor           03245
                                            Stratum 13 factor           03678
                                            Stratum 14 factor           07908
                                            Strata 15-18 factor         18512
                                                                   (2 implied
                                                              decimal places)

  25 ibid
  26 ibid
  27 ibid
  28 ibid


 609-613  Second Adjustment Factor      All         Responses         Various
          (Nonresponse Adjustment)                  Nonresponses29      00000
                                                                   (2 implied
                                                               decimal places)

 614-618   Post-Stratified Factor        All         Responses        Various
          (age, race, sex)                                         (2 implied
                                                               decimal places)

 619-626   Final Weight                  All         Responses        Various
           (First X Second X Post-Stratified         Nonresponses    00000000
                    Adjustment Factor)                             (2 implied
                                                               decimal places)

 627-631   Reserved Positions

                         (END INFORMANT FILE INFORMATION)

  29 Final status recode (field 600) <> 1,2,3
     (complete; fail-edit, mail; partial, field)

 Multiple Cause-Of-Death Data Items (Locations 632-962)

 3Locations 632-652



                    86        -    1986
                    Blank     -    No matched record

 634-635  2   SHIPMENT NUMBER

               01-nn - Shipments from each reporting area are numbered
               Blank - No matched record

 636     1  RECORD TYPE

               1 -  RESIDENT
               State and County Occurrence and Residence are the same.
               2 -  NONRESIDENTS
               State and/or of County of Occurrence and Residence are
               Blank - No matched record

 637      1   RESIDENT STATUS

               1 - RESIDENTS
               State and County Occurrence and Residence are the same.
               State of Occurrence and Residence are the same, but County is
               State of Occurrence and Residence are different, but both are
               in the U.S.
             4 - FOREIGN RESIDENTS
               State of Occurrence is one of the 50 States or the District of
               Columbia, but Place of Residence is outside of the U.S.
               Blank     -   No matched record


 638-644     7       PLACE OF OCCURRENCE

                     Refer to the Geographic Code Outline further back in
                     this document for a detailed list of areas and codes.

 638-639     2       STATE OCCURENCE

                     01      -   Alabama
                     02      -   Alaska
                     03      -   Arizona
                     04      -   Arkansas
                     05      -   California
                     06      -   Colorado
                     07      -   Connecticut
                     08      -   Delaware
                     09      -   District of Columbia
                     10      -   Florida
                     11      -   Georgia
                     12      -   Hawaii
                     13      -   Idaho
                     14      -   Illinois
                     15      -   Indiana
                     16      -   Iowa
                     17      -   Kansas
                     18      -   Kentucky
                     19      -   Louisiana
                     20      -   Maine
                     21      -   Maryland
                     22      -   Massachusetts
                     23      -   Michigan
                     24      -   Minnesota
                     25      -   Mississippi
                     26      -   Missouri
                     27      -   Montana
                     28      -   Nebraska
                     29      -   Nevada
                     30      -   New Hampshire
                     31      -   New Jersey
                     32      -   New Mexico
                     33      -   New York
                     34      -   North Carolina
                     35      -   North Dakota
                     36      -   Ohio
                     37      -   Oklahoma
                     38      -   Oregon
                     39      -   Pennsylvania
                     40      -   Rhode Island
                     41      -   South Carolina
                     42      -   South Dakota
                     43      -   Tennessee
                     44      -   Texas
                     45      -   Utah
                     46      -   Vermont
                     47      -   Virginia
                     48      -   Washington
                     49      -    West Virginia
                     50      -    Wisconsin
                     51      -    Wyoming
                     Blank   -    No matched record

 TAPE        FIELD

 640      1        REGION

                       Blank  -   No matched record

                      States are coded within Division.
                      640 is Region. 641 is Division.  642 is State subcode.

                      1                   -    NORTHEAST
                           1              -         New England
                                 1        -              Maine
                                 2        -              New Hampshire
                                 3        -              Vermont
                                 4        -              Massachusetts
                                 5        -              Rhode Island
                                 6        -              Connecticut
                           2              -         Middle Atlantic
                                 1        -              New York
                                 2        -              New Jersey
                                 3        -              Pennsylvania
                      2                   -    MIDWEST
                           3              -         East North Central
                                 1        -              Ohio
                                 2        -              Indiana
                                 3        -              Illinois
                                 4        -              Michigan
                                 5        -              Wisconsin
                           4              -         West North Central
                                 1        -              Minnesota
                                 2        -              Iowa
                                 3        -              Missouri
                                 4        -              North Dakota
                                 5        -              South Dakota
                                 6        -              Nebraska
                                 7        -              Kansas
                      3                   -    SOUTH
                           5              -         SOUTH ATLANTIC
                                 1        -            Delaware
                                 2        -            Maryland
                                 3        -            District of Columbia
                                 4        -            Virginia
                                 5        -            West Virginia
                                 6        -            North Carolina
                                 7        -            South Carolina
                                 8        -            Georgia
                                 9        -            Florida
                           6              -         East South Central
                                 1        -            Kentucky
                                 2        -            Tennessee
                                 3        -            Alabama
                                 4        -            Mississippi
                           7              -         West South Central
                                 1        -            Arkansas
                                 2        -            Louisiana
                                 3        -            Oklahoma
                                 4        -            Texas
                      4                   -    WEST
                           8              -         Mountain
                                 1        -              Montana
                                 2        -              Idaho
                                 3        -              Wyoming
                                 4        -              Colorado
                                 5        -              New Mexico
                                 6        -              Arizona
                                 7        -              Utah
                                 8        -              Nevada
                                 9        -              Pacific
                                 1        -              Washington
                                 2        -              Oregon
                                 3        -              California
                                 4        -              Alaska
                                 5        -              Hawaii
                                 Blank    -    No matched record


 643-644    2        EXPANDED OF OCCURRENCE CODE

                       This designed to separately identify New York
                       City from other New York State records.

                       01    -   Alabama
                       02    -   Alaska
                       03    -   Arizona
                       04    -   Arkansas
                       05    -   California
                       06    -   Colorado
                       07    -   Connecticut
                       08    -   Delaware
                       09    -   District of Columbia
                       10    -   Florida
                       11    -   Georgia
                       12    -   Hawaii
                       13    -   Idaho
                       14    -   Illinois
                       15    -   Indiana
                       16    -   Iowa
                       17    -   Kansas
                       18    -   Kentucky
                       19    -   Louisiana
                       20    -   Maine
                       21    -   Maryland
                       22    -   Massachusetts
                       23    -   Michigan
                       24    -   Minnesota
                       25    -   Mississippi
                       26    -   Missouri
                       27    -   Montana
                       28    -   Nebraska
                       29    -   Nevada
                       30    -   New Hampshire
                       31    -   New Jersey
                       32    -   New Mexico
                       33    -   New York
                       34    -   New York City
                       35    -   North Carolina
                       36    -   North Dakota
                       37    -   Ohio
                       38    -   Oklahoma
                       39    -   Oregon
                       40    -   Pennsylvania
                       41    -   Rhode Island
                       42    -   South Carolina
                       43    -   South Dakota
                       44    -   Tennessee
                       45    -   Texas
                       46    -   Utah
                       47    -   Vermont
                       48    -   Virginia
                       49    -   Washington
                       50    -   West Virginia
                       51    -   Wisconsin
                       52    -   Wyoming
                       Blank -   No matched record


 645-652     8         PLACE OF RESIDENCE

 645-646     2         STATE OF RESIDENCE

                       01    -   Alabama
                       02    -   Alaska
                       03    -   Arizona
                       04    -   Arkansas
                       05    -   California
                       06    -   Colorado
                       07    -   Connecticut
                       08    -   Delaware
                       09    -   District of Columbia
                       10    -   Florida
                       11    -   Georgia
                       12    -   Hawaii
                       13    -   Idaho
                       14    -   Illinois
                       15    -   Indiana
                       16    -   Iowa
                       17    -   Kansas
                       18    -   Kentucky
                       19    -   Louisiana
                       20    -   Maine
                       21    -   Maryland
                       22    -   Massachusetts
                       23    -   Michigan
                       24    -   Minnesota
                       25    -   Mississippi
                       26    -   Missouri
                       27    -   Montana
                       28    -   Nebraska
                       29    -   Nevada
                       30    -   New Hampshire
                       31    -   New Jersey
                       32    -   New Mexico
                       33    -   New York
                       34    -   North Carolina
                       35    -   North Dakota
                       36    -   Ohio
                       37    -   Oklahoma
                       38    -   Oregon
                       39    -   Pennsylvania
                       40    -   Rhode Isand
                       41    -   South Carolina
                       42    -   South Dakota
                       43    -   Tennessee
                       44    -   Texas
                       45    -   Utah
                       46    -   Vermont
                       47    -   Virginia
                       48    -   Washington
                       49    -   West Virginia
                       50    -   Wisconsin
                       51    -   Wyoming
                       52-57 -   Foreign residents
                       52    -   Puerto Rico
                       53    -   Virgin Islands
                       54    -   Guam
                       55    -   Canada
                       56    -   Cuba
                       57    -   Mexico
                       59    -   Remainder of the world
                       Blank -   No matched record


                       1     -   Metropolitan county
                       2     -   Nonmetropolitan county
                       Z     -   Foreign residents
                       Blank -   No matched record

 648       1   REGION


                  States are coded within Division.
                  648 is Region. 649 is Division.  650 is State subcode.

                       000                 -    Foreign residents

                       1                  -    NORTHEAST
                           1              -         New England
                               1          -              Maine
                               2          -              New Hampshire
                               3          -              Vermont
                               4          -              Massachusetts
                               5          -              Rhode Island
                               6          -              Connecticut
                           2              -         Middle Atlantic
                                 1        -              New York
                                 2        -              New Jersey
                                 3        -              Pennsylvania
                      2                   -    MIDWEST
                           3              -         East North Central
                                 1        -              Ohio
                                 2        -              Indiana
                                 3        -              Illinois
                                 4        -              Michigan
                                 5        -              Wisconsin
                           4              -         West North Central
                                 1        -              Minnesota
                                 2        -              Iowa
                                 3        -              Missouri
                                 4        -              North Dakota
                                 5        -              South Dakota
                                 6        -              Nebraska
                                 7        -              Kansas
                      3                   -    SOUTH
                           5              -         South Atlantic
                                 1        -              Delaware
                                 2        -              Maryland
                                 3        -              District of Columbia
                                 4        -              Virginia
                                 5        -              West Virginia
                                 6        -              North Carolina
                                 7        -              South Carolina
                                 8        -              Georgia
                                 9        -              Florida
                           6              -         East South Central
                                 1        -              Kentucky
                                 2        -              Tennessee
                                 3        -              Alabama
                                 4        -              Mississippi
                           7              -         West South Central
                                 1        -              Arkansas
                                 2        -              Louisiana
                                 3        -              Oklahoma
                                 4        -              Texas
                      4                   -    WEST
                           8              -         Mountain
                                 1        -              Montana
                                 2        -              Idaho
                                 3        -              Wyoming
                                 4        -              Colorado
                                 5        -              New Mexico
                                 6        -              Arizona
                                 7        -              Utah
                                 8        -              Nevada
                           9              -         Pacific
                                 1        -              Washington
                                 2        -              Oregon
                                 3        -              California
                                 4        -              Alaska
                                 5        -              Hawaii
                      Blank                         No match record



                     This item is designed to separately identify New York
                     City records from other New York State records.  It is
                     an expanded version of place of residence found in
                     position 645-646.

                       01    -   Alabama
                       02    -   Alaska
                       03    -   Arizona
                       04    -   Arkansas
                       05    -   California
                       06    -   Colorado
                       07    -   Connecticut
                       08    -   Delaware
                       09    -   District of Columbia
                       10    -   Florida
                       11    -   Georgia
                       12    -   Hawaii
                       13    -   Idaho
                       14    -   Illinois
                       15    -   Indiana
                       16    -   Iowa
                       17    -   Kansas
                       18    -   Kentucky
                       19    -   Louisiana
                       20    -   Maine
                       21    -   Maryland
                       22    -   Massachusetts
                       23    -   Michigan
                       24    -   Minnesota
                       25    -   Mississippi
                       26    -   Missouri
                       27    -   Montana
                       28    -   Nebraska
                       29    -   Nevada
                       30    -   New Hampshire
                       31    -   New Jersey
                       32    -   New Mexico
                       33    -   New York
                       34    -   New York City
                       35    -   North Carolina
                       36    -   North Dakota
                       37    -   Ohio
                       38    -   Oklahoma
                       39    -   Oregon
                       40    -   Pennsylvania
                       41    -   Rhode Island
                       42    -   South Carolina
                       43    -   South Dakota
                       44    -   Tennessee
                       45    -   Texas
                       46    -   Utah
                       47    -   Vermont
                       48    -   Virginia
                       49    -   Washington
                       50    -   West Virginia
                       51    -   Wisconsin
                       52    -   Wyoming
                       53    -   Puerto Rico
                       54    -   Virgin Islands
                       55    -   Guam
                       56    -   Canada
                       57    -   Cuba
                       58    -   Mexico
                       60    -   Remainder of the world
                       Blank -   No matched record

 Locations 653-700


 653-656     4          Reserved positions

 657-660     4          DATE OF DEATH

           (Note:  Year of data given in tape locations 632-633.)

 657-658     2          MONTH OF DEATH

                       01    -   January
                       02    -   February
                       03    -   March
                       04    -   April
                       05    -   May
                       06    -   June
                       07    -   July
                       08    -   August
                       09    -   September
                       10    -   October
                       11    -   November
                       12    -   December
                       Blank -   No matched record


 659-660     2          DAY OF DEATH

                       01 - 31        As applicable to month of death
                       9  -           Not stated day of death
                       Blank          No matched record

 661         1       SEX

                       1     -   Male
                       2     -   Female
                       Blank -   No matched record

 662-665     4       RACE

 662-663     2       DETAIL RACE

                   00        -   Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                   01        -   White
                   02        -   Black
                   03        -   American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                   04        -   Chinese
                   05        -   Japanese
                   06        -   Hawaiian (includes Part-Hawaiian)
                   07        -   All other races
                   08        -   Filipino
                   Blank     -   No matched record


 664        1           RACE RECODE 3

                       1     -   White
                       2     -   Races other than White or Black
                       3     -   Black
                       Blank -   No matched record

 665        1           RACE RECODE 2

                       1     -   White
                       2     -   All other races
                       Blank -   No matched record

 666-674    9           AGE

 666-668    3           DETAIL AGE

                         Three positions are usd to code detail age.
                         Location 666 identifies age in years, months, days,
                         etc. Locations 667-668 are the number of years,
                         months, days, etc.

                         0          01-99     -    Years less than 100
                         1          00-99     -    Years 100 or more
                         2          01-11,99  -    Months
                         3          01-03,99  -    Weeks
                         4          01-27,99  -    Days
                         5          01-23,99  -    Hours
                         6          01-59,99  -    Minutes
                         9          99        -    Age not stated
                         Blank                -    No matched record


 669-670     2          AGE RECODE 52

                      01     -   Under 1 hour (includes not stated hours
                                 and minutes)
                      02     -   1 to 23        hours
                      03     -   1 day (includes not stated days)
                      04     -   2 days
                      05     -   3 days
                      06     -   4 days
                      07     -   5 days
                      08     -   6 days
                      09     -   7 - 13 days (includes not stated weeks)
                      10     -   14 - 20 days
                      11     -   21 -  27 days
                      12     -   1 month (includes not stated months)
                      13     -   2 months
                      14     -   3 months
                      15     -   4 months
                      16     -   5 months
                      17     -   6 months
                      18     -   7 months
                      19     -   8 months
                      20     -   9 months
                      21     -   10 months
                      22     -   11 months
                      23     -   1 years
                      24     -   2 years
                      25     -   3 years
                      26     -   4 years
                      27     -   5 - 9 years
                      28     -   10 - 14 years
                      29     -   15 - 19 years
                      30     -   20 - 24 years
                      31     -   25 - 29 years
                      32     -   30 - 34 years
                      33     -   35 - 39 years
                      34     -   40 - 44 years
                      35     -   45 - 49 years
                      36     -   50 - 54 years
                      37     -   55 - 59 years
                      38     -   60 - 64 years
                      39     -   65 - 69 years
                      40     -   70 - 74 years
                      41     -   75 - 79 years
                      42     -   80 - 84 years
                      43     -   85 - 89 years
                      44     -   90 - 94 years
                      45     -   95 - 99 years
                      46     -   100 - 104 years
                      47     -   105 - 109 years
                      48     -   110 - 114 years
                      49     -   115 - 119 years
                      50     -   120 - 124 years
                      51     -   125 years and over
                      52     -   Age not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 TAPE        FIELD

 671-672      2         AGE RECODE 27

                      01     -   Under 1 month (includes not stated weeks,
                                  days, hours, and minutes)
                      02     -   1 month - 11 months (includes not stated
                      03     -   1 year
                      04     -   2 years
                      05     -   3 years
                      06     -   4 years
                      07     -   5 - 9 years
                      08     -   10 - 14 years
                      09     -   15 - 19 years
                      10     -   20 - 24 years
                      11     -   25 - 29 years
                      12     -   30 - 34 years
                      13     -   35 - 39 years
                      14     -   40 - 44 years
                      15     -   45 - 49 years
                      16     -   50 - 54 years
                      17     -   55 - 59 years
                      18     -   60 - 64 years
                      19     -   65 - 69 years
                      20     -   70 - 74 years
                      21     -   75 - 79 years
                      22     -   80 - 84 years
                      23     -   85 - 89 years
                      24     -   90 - 94 years
                      25     -   95 - 99 years
                      26     -   100 years and over
                      27     -   Age not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 TAPE        FIELD

 673-674      2      AGE RECODE 12
                      01     -   Under 1 year (includes not stated infant
                      02     -   1 - 4 years
                      03     -   5 - 14 years
                      04     -   15 - 24 years
                      05     -   25 - 34 years
                      06     -   35 - 44 years
                      07     -   45 - 54 years
                      08     -   55 - 64 years
                      09     -   65 - 74 years
                      10     -   75 - 84 years
                      11     -   85 years and over
                      12     -   Age not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 675     1             HOSPITAL AND STATUS

                      1      -   Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center -
                      2      -   Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center -
                                  Outpatient or admitted to Emergency Room
                      3      -   Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center - Dead on
                      4      -   Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center - Patient
                                  status unknown
                      5      -   Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center - Patient
                                  status not on certificate
                      6      -   Other Institutions providing patient care
                      7      -   All other reported entries
                      8      -   Dead on Arrival - Hospital, Clinic or Medical
                             -   Center name not given
                      9      -   Hospital and patient status not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record


 676         1       MARITAL

                      1      -   Never married, single
                      2      -   Married
                      3      -   Widowed
                      4      -   Divorced
                      8      -   Marital Status not on certificate
                      9      -   Marital Status not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 677-678     2          STATE OF BIRTH

                      01     -   Alabama
                      02     -   Alaska
                      03     -   Arizona
                      04     -   Arkansas
                      05     -   California
                      06     -   Colorado
                      07     -   Connecticut
                      08     -   Delaware
                      09     -   District of Columbia
                      10     -   Florida
                      11     -   Georgia
                      12     -   Hawaii
                      13     -   Idaho
                      14     -   Illinois
                      15     -   Indiana
                      16     -   Iowa
                      17     -   Kansas
                      18     -   Kentucky
                      19     -   Louisiana
                      20     -   Maine
                      21     -   Maryland
                      22     -   Massachusetts
                      23     -   Michigan
                      24     -   Minnesota
                      25     -   Mississippi
                      26     -   Missouri
                      27     -   Montana
                      28     -   Nebraska
                      29     -   Nevada
                      30     -   New Hampshire
                      31     -   New Jersey
                      32     -   New Mexico
                      33     -   New York
                      34     -   North Carolina
                      35     -   North Dakota
                      36     -   Ohio
                      37     -   Oklahoma
                      38     -   Oregon
                      39     -   Pennsylvania
                      40     -   Rhode Island
                      41     -   South Carolina
                      42     -   South Dakota
                      43     -   Tennessee
                      44     -   Texas
                      45     -   Utah
                      46     -   Vermont
                      47     -   Virginia
                      48     -   Washingto
                      49     -   West Virginia
                      50     -   Wisconsin
                      51     -   Wyoming
                      52     -   Puerto Rico
                      53     -   Virgin Islands
                      54     -   Guam
                      55     -   Canada
                      56     -   Cuba
                      57     -   Mexico
                      59     -   Remainder of the world
                      99     -   State of birth unknown
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 679-680     2         ORIGIN OR DESCENT

                      00     -   Non-Spanish
                      01     -   Mexican
                      02     -   Puerto Rican
                      03     -   Cuban
                      04     -   Central or South American
                      05     -   Other or Unknown Spanish
                      06     -   American
                      07     -   American Indian
                      08     -   British, Scottish, Welsh, Scotch-Irish
                      09     -   Irish
                      10     -   German
                      11     -   French
                      12     -   Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
                      13     -   Polish
                      14     -   Italian
                      15     -   Other North, Central, and South American
                      16     -   Other Western European
                      17     -   Other Northern European
                      18     -   Other Eastern European
                      19     -   Other Southern European (excluding Spain)
                      20     -   Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander
                      21     -   South Central Asian
                      22     -   Other Asian
                      23     -   North African
                      24     -   Other African
                      88     -   Not reported
                      99     -   Not classifiable
                      Blank  -   No matched record
 681         1             AUTOPSY PERFORMED

                      1      -   Yes
                      2      -   No
                      8      -   Autopsy performed not on certificate
                      9      -   Autopsy performed not stated
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 682-684     3             KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY

                      For a complete list of categories and codes refer to:
                          U.S. Bureau of the Census:  Classified index of
                          industries and occupations. 1980 Census of
                          Population.  First Edition.  Washington.
                          U.S. Government Printing Office,  October 1980.

                      010-990   -    Code range (not inclusive)

                      In addition to the codes shown in the Census
                      publication, the following codes are also applicable:

                      942    -   Armed Forces
                      951    -   Retired; with no other industry reported
                      961    -   Non-paid worker or non-worker
                      Blank  -   No matched record


 685-687    3          USUAL OCCUPATION

                      For a complete list of categories and codes refer to
                      the Census Bureau publication mentioned above.

                      003-999   -    Code range (not inclusive)

                      In addition to the codes shown in the Census
                      publication, the following codes are also applicable:

                      905    -   Military
                      913    -   Retired; with no other occupation reported
                      914    -   Homemaker
                      915    -   Student
                      916    -   Volunteer
                      917    -   None
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 688-690     3        52 CAUSE RECODE

                      A recode of the cause code into 52 groups designed for
                      use in producing tabulations. Further back in this
                      document is a complete list of recodes and categories.

                      010-560   -    Code range (not inclusive)
                      Blank     -    No matched record

 691-692     2        BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY RECODE 51

                      A recode of the business or industry code into 51
                       groups for use in producing tabulations.  Further
                       back in the document is a list of the recodes and

                      01-51     -    Code range (not inclusive)
                      Blank     -    No matched record

 TAPE         FIELD


                      A recode of the business or industry code into 15
                      groups for use in producing tabulations. Further
                      back in this document is a list of the recodes
                      and categories.

                      01-15     -    Code range
                      Blank     -    No matched record


                      A recode of the usual occupation code into 59 groups
                      for use in producing tabulations.  Further back in
                      this document is a list of the recodes and categories.

                      01-59     -    Code range (not inclusive)
                      Blank     -    No matched record


                      A recode of the usual occupation code into 9 groups
                      for use in producing tabulations.  Further back in
                      this document is a list of the recodes and categories.

                      01-09     -    Code range
                      Blank     -    No matched record

                      For an explanation of FIPS codes,30 should be made to
                      various National Bureau of Standards (NBS)

  30 Refer to the Geographic Code Outline further back in this document for a
  detailed list of areas and codes.

 TAPE        FIELD

 699-700      2         STATE OF OCCURRENCE

                      01     -   Alabama
                      02     -   Alaska
                      04     -   Arizona
                      05     -   Arkansas
                      06     -   California
                      08     -   Colorado
                      09     -   Connecticut
                      10     -   Delaware
                      11     -   District of Columbia
                      12     -   Florida
                      13     -   Georgia
                      15     -   Hawaii
                      16     -   Idaho
                      17     -   Illinois
                      18     -   Indiana
                      19     -   Iowa
                      20     -   Kansas
                      21     -   Kentucky
                      22     -   Louisiana
                      23     -   Maine
                      24     -   Maryland
                      25     -   Massachusetts
                      26     -   Michigan
                      27     -   Minnesota
                      28     -   Mississippi
                      29     -   Missouri
                      30     -   Montana
                      31     -   Nebraska
                      32     -   Nevada
                      33     -   New Hampshire
                      34     -   New Jersey
                      35     -   New Mexico
                      36     -   New York
                      37     -   North Carolina
                      38     -   North Dakota
                      39     -   Ohio
                      40     -   Oklahoma
                      41     -   Oregon
                      42     -   Pennsylvania
                      44     -   Rhode Island
                      45     -   South Carolina
                      46     -   South Dakota
                      47     -   Tennessee
                      48     -   Texas
                      49     -   Utah
                      50     -   Vermont
                      51     -   Virginia
                      53     -   Washington
                      54     -   West Virginia
                      55     -   Wisconsin
                      56     -   Wyoming
                      Bla    -   No matched record

 Locations 701-962

 TAPE        FIELD

 701-702    2             STATE OF RESIDENCE

                      00     -   Foreign residents
                      01     -   Alabama
                      02     -   Alaska
                      04     -   Arizona
                      05     -   Arkansas
                      06     -   California
                      08     -   Colorado
                      09     -   Connecticut
                      10     -   Delaware
                      11     -   District of Columbia
                      12     -   Florida
                      13     -   Georgia
                      15     -   Hawaii
                      16     -   Idaho
                      17     -   Illinois
                      18     -   Indiana
                      19     -   Iowa
                      20     -   Kansas
                      21     -   Kentucky
                      22     -   Louisiana
                      23     -   Maine
                      24     -   Maryland
                      25     -   Massachusetts
                      26     -   Michigan
                      27     -   Minnesota
                      28     -   Mississippi
                      29     -   Missouri
                      30     -   Montana
                      31     -   Nebraska
                      32     -   Nevada
                      33     -   New Hampshire
                      34     -   New Jersey
                      35     -   New Mexico
                      36     -   New York
                      37     -   North Carolina
                      38     -   North Dakota
                      39     -   Ohio
                      40     -   Oklahoma
                      41     -   Oregon
                      42     -   Pennsylvania
                      44     -   Rhode Island
                      45     -   South Carolina
                      46     -   South Dakota
                      47     -   Tennessee
                      48     -   Texas
                      49     -   Utah
                      50     -   Vermont
                      51     -   Virginia
                      53     -   Washington
                      54     -   West Virginia
                      55     -   Wisconsin
                      56     -   Wyoming
                      Blank  -   No matched record

 703         1         PLACE OF ACCIDENT FOR CAUSES E850-E929

                      Blank  -   Causes other than E850-E92931
                      0      -   Home
                      1      -   Farm
                      2      -   Mine and Quarry
                      3      -   Industrial Place and Premises
                      4      -   Place for Recreation and Sport
                      5      -   Street and Highway
                      6      -   Public Building
                      7      -   Resident Institution
                      8      -   Other Specified Places
                      9      -   Place of Accident not specified

  30 Also contains 26 cases with no matching death record. See introductions.

 TAPE        FIELD

 704-718     15       UNDERLYING CAUSE OF DEATH

 704-707     4        ICD CODE (9th REVISION)

                         See the "International Classification of Diseases,"
                         1975 Revision, Volume 1. For injuries and poisoning
                         the external cause is coded (E800-E999)  rather
                         than the Nature of Injury (800-999).  These positions
                         do not include the letter E for the external cause of
                         injury. For those causes that do not have a 4th
                         digit, location 707 is blank.
                         Blank     -    No matched record

 708-712     5         CAUSE RECODE 282

                         A recode of the ICD cause code into 282 groups for
                         NCHS publications. Further back in this document is
                         a complete list of recodes and the causes included.

                          00300-35800    -    Code range (not inclusive)
                          Blank          -    No matched record

 713-715     3         CASE RECODE 72

                          A recode of the ICD cause code into 72 groups for
                          NCHS publications.  Further back in this document
                          is a complete list of recodes and the causes

                          010-840   -    Code range (not inclusive)
                          Blank     -    No matched record


 716-718    3         CAUSE RECODE 34

                          A recode of the ICD cause code into 34 groups for
                          NCHS publications.  Further back in this document
                          is a complete list of recodes and the causes

                          010-370   -    Code range (not inclusive)
                          Blank     -    No matched record

 719-962   244         MULTIPLE CONDITIONS


                          00-20     -    Code range
                          Blank     -    No matched record

 721-860   140         ENTITY - AXIS CONDITIONS

                          Space has been provided for maximum of 20
                          conditions. Each condition takes 7 positions in the
                          Records that do not have 20 conditions are blank in
                          the unused area.  If all of the positions are blank
                          it indicates no matched record.

                          Position 1:  Part/line number on certificate

                                 1    -    Part I, line 1 (a)
                                 2    -    Part I, line 2 (b)
                                 3    -    Part I, line 3 (c)
                                 4    -    Part I, line 4 (d)
                                 5    -    Part I, line 5 (e)
                                 6    -    Part II

                          Position 2:  Sequence of condition within part/line
                             1-7  -    Code range

                          Position 3-6:  Condition code

                          Position 7:  Nature of Injury Flag

                             1 -  Indicates that the code in positions 3-6
                                  is a Nature of Injury code
                             0    -    All other codes

 721-727      7           1st Condition

 728-734      7           2nd Condition

 735-741      7           3rd Condition

 742-748      7           4th Condition

 749-755      7           5th Condition

 756-762      7           6th Condition

 763-769      7           7th Condition

 770-776      7           8th Condition

 777-783      7           9th Condition

 784-790      7           10th Condition

 791-797      7           11th Condition

 798-804      7           12th Condition

 805-811      7           13th Condition

 812-818      7           14th Condition

 819-825      7           15th Condition

 826-832      7           16th Condition

 833-839      7           17th Condition

 840-846      7           18th Condition

 847-853      7           19th Condition

 854-860      7           20th Condition


                          00-20     -    Code range

 TAPE         FIELD

 863-962      100      RECORD - AXIS CONDITIONS

                      Space has been provided for a maximum of 20 conditions.
                      Each condition takes 5 positions in the record.Records
                      that do not have 20 conditions are blank in the unused
                      area.  If all of the positions are blank it indicates
                      no matched record.

                      Positions 1-4:  Condition Code

                      Position 5:  Nature of Injury Flag

                         1  -  Indicates that the code in positions 1-4 is a
                                 Nature of Injury code
                         0  -  All other codes

 863-867       5      1st Condition

 868-872       5      2nd Condition

 873-877       5      3rd Condition

 878-882       5      4th Condition

 883-887       5      5th Condition

 888-892       5      6th Condition

 893-897       5      7th Condition

 898-902       5      8th Condition

 903-907       5      9th Condition

 908-912       5      10th Condition

 913-917       5      11th Condition

 918-922       5      12th Condition

 923-927       5      13th Condition

 928-932       5      14th Condition

 933-937       5      15th Condition

 938-942       5      16th Condition

 943-947       5      17th Condition

 948-952       5      18th Condition

 953-957       5      19th Condition

 958-962       5      20th Condition

 Record 2-7 (FARS Data Items) (Locations 963-1275)


 963     Facility record           ALL       No facility record            0
                                             One or more facility records  1

 964-966 Episodes                  ALL       Total episodes, all facilities
                                               in last year of
                                               life (FARS)           000-nnn
                                             No episodes reported      blank

 967-969 Facilities                ALL       Total facilities used in last
                                               year of life (FARS)   000-nnn
                                             No facilities reported    blank

 970-973 Length of stay            ALL       Length of stay in all facilities
                                               Position 1: Flag
                                                 < 365,no missing data1    0
                                                 < 365,missing data2       1
                                                 > 365,no missing data3    2
                                                 > 365 missing data4       3
                                               Position 2-4:  Days in
                                                 facilities          000-365
                                               No stay reported      000-365

        1Data on date of admissions and discharges were complete for all
 episodes and length of stay was 365 days or less.

        2Data on date of admissions and/or discharge were missing for one
 or more episodes and length of stay computed from nonmissing date(s) was
 365 days or less.

        3Data on date of admission(s) and discharge(s) were complete for all
 episodes and length of stay was greater than 365 days due to simultaneous
 admission in more than one facility.

        4Data on date of admissions, and/or discharges were missing for one
 or more episodes and length of stay compiled from nonmissing dates was
 greater than 365 days due to simultaneous admission in more than one


 974     Status at death           ALL       In a facility at time
                                              of death
                                                Yes                        1
                                                No                         2
                                                Unknown                    3
                                                No stay reported       blank

 975-1275  Reserved positions



                              RECORD NUMBER 2 THROUGH 7

 1       Record number                       Card sequence number        2-7

 2-6     Control number                      Survey sample number     various

 7-8     Number of episodes in
         this facility                       Episodes in this facility  01-20

 9-10    Facility type                       General medical/surgical      01
                                             Alcohol or drug               02
                                             Treatment hospital psychiatric
                                                facility                   03
                                             Other specialty, long
                                                stay hospital              04
                                             Skilled nursing facility      05
                                             Intermediate care facility,
                                              certified under Medicaid     06
                                             Other type of nursing or
                                              personal care home           07
                                             Hospice                       08
                                             Other                         09
                                             DK/NS                         99

 11-1270  Episodes                           Space has been provided for up
                                               to 20 episodes with data
                                               placed in fields as follows:

                                             Pos 1-6  Admission date
                                                   1-2  Month           01-12
                                                               DK          99
                                                   3-4  Day             01-31
                                                               DK          99
                                                   5-6  Year 1900-1986  00-86
                                                               DK          99
                                                  7-12  Discharge date
                                                   7-8  Month           01-12
                                                               DK          99
                                                  9-10  Day             01-31
                                                               DK          99
                                                 11-12  Year   1985        85
                                                               1986        86
                                                               DK          99
                                              Diagnoses codes  ICD-9-CM Codes
 Note:  ICD-9-CM "E" codes are specified      13-17   Code 1
        by a ")" in position 1 of the         18-22   Code 2
        code; the "V" codes are specified     23-27   Code 3
        by an "=" in position 1 of the        28-32   Code 4
        code. Codes have 2 implied            33-37   Code 5
        decimals. The fourth and fifth        38-42   Code 6
        position is not zero filled.          43-47   Code 7
                                              Surgical and diagnostic proce-
                                                   dures ICD-9-CM Codes
                                              48-51  Procedure 1
                                              52-55  Procedure 2
                                              56-59  Procedure 3
                                              60-63  Procedure 4

 11-73    Episode 1
                                             Pos 11-16 admission date
                                                 11-12  Month          01-12
                                                                 DK       99
                                                 13-14  Day            01-31
                                                                 DK       99
                                                 15-16  Year 1900-1986 00-86
                                                                 DK       99
                                                 17-18  Discharge date
                                                  17-18  Month         01-12
                                                                 DK       99
                                                  19-20  Day           01-31
                                                  21-22  Year 1985        85
                                                              1986        86
                                                                 DK       99
                                              Diagnoses codes  ICD-9-CM Codes
                                                  23-27  Code 1
                                                  28-32  Code 2
                                                  33-37  Code 3
                                                  38-42  Code 4
                                                  43-47  Code 5
                                                  48-52  Code 6
                                                  53-57  Code 7
                                                  Surgical & diagnostic
                                                  procedures ICD-9-CM Codes
                                                  58-61  Procedure 1
                                                  62-65  Procedure 2
                                                  66-69  Procedure 3
                                                  70-73  Procedure 4

 74-136  Episode 2                           See description of Episode 1
 137-199 Episode 3                           See description of Episode 1
 200-262 Episode 4                           See description of Episode 1
 263-325 Episode 5                           See description of Episode 1
 326-388 Episode 6                           See description of Episode 1
 389-451 Episode 7                           See description of Episode 1
 452-514 Episode 8                           See description of Episode 1
 515-577 Episode 9                           See description of Episode 1
 578-640 Episode 10                          See description of Episode 1
 641-703 Episode 11                          See description of Episode 1
 704-766 Episode 12                          See description of Episode 1
 767-829 Episode 13                          See description of Episode 1
 830-892 Episode 14                          See description of Episode 1
 893-955 Episode 15                          See description of Episode 1
 956-1018 Episode 16                         See description of Episode 1
 1019-1081 Episode 17                        See description of Episode 1
 1082-1144 Episode 18                        See description of Episode 1
 1145-1207 Episode 19                        See description of Episode 1
 1208-1270 Episode 20                        See description of Episode 1

 1271-1274 Length of stay                    Total days in this facility
                                             (See description and values for
                                                 position 970-973)

 1275      Status at death                   In a facility on day of death
                                                  Yes                      1
                                                  No                       2
                                                  Unknown                  3

 Table 1. Stratum Selected with Certainty
                          CONTROL TABLE 1


 1.  Cardiovascular deaths

      All deaths due to Ischemic Heart Disease (ICD-9 410-414) for
      males ages 25 through 44 years, and for females ages 25 through
      54 years.

 2.  Cancer deaths

      All deaths due to cancer as follows:

      Sites & ICD-9 Code       Sex      Age      Race

      Nasopharynx             M + F    25-64     White
      (ICD-9 147)

      Small Intestines        M + F    25-74     White
      (ICD-9 152)

      Liver                     F      25-49     All
      (ICD-9 155)

      Nasal                     M      25-74     White
      (ICD-9 160)

      Male Breast               M      25-74     All
      (ICD-9 175)

      Other Endocrine         M + F    25-64     White
      (ICD-9 194)

 3.  Asthma deaths

      All deaths due to asthma (ICD-9 493), age 25 or more

 4.  Indian deaths

      All deaths of American Indians, Aleutians or Eskimos, age 25 or more

 Table 2.Strata,# Cases in Survey,Reciprocal of Prob.,Response Rate

                             CONTROL TABLE 2

                            RESPONSE RATES

                          OF SELECTION

   011           55          10.00              7            87.27
   012           63          10.00              7            88.89
   013           80          10.00             12            85.00
   014           77          10.00              5            93.51
   015           85          10.00              7            91.76
   016          112          10.00             10            91.07
   017           68          10.00              2            97.06
   021          147          10.00             17            88.44
   022           76          10.00             10            86.84
   024          603          10.00             66            89.05
   025           94          10.00             11            88.30
   026          349          10.00             48            86.25
   031           61          10.00              6            90.16
   032           77          10.00              8            89.61
   033          182          10.00             13            92.86
   040          145          10.00             12            91.72
   051          209          32.45             33            84.21
   052          188          32.45             29            84.57
   061          283          36.78             44            84.48
   062           99          36.78             15            84.85
   071          405          52.86             63            84.44
   081          767          52.86             87            88.66
   091         1018          52.86            113            88.90
   100          940          52.86             78            91.70
   110          543          52.86             40            92.63
   121          532          32.45             82            84.59
   122          702          32.45            120            82.91
   131          868          36.78            127            85.37
   132          412          36.78             77            81.31
   141          941          79.08            116            87.67
   142          147          79.08             29            80.27
   151         1208         185.12            132            89.07
   152           50         185.12             10            80.00
   161         2205         185.12            256            88.39
   162           65         185.12              8            87.69
   171         2703         185.12            267            90.12
   172           58         185.12              3            94.83
   180         2116         185.12            165            92.20

 Table 3. Weighting Stratum, # Cases in Sample, Est. # Deaths,1986

                           CONTROL TABLE 3

                        DEATHS IN 1986

                            NUMBER IN      ESTIMATED
               STRATUM      SAMPLE         DEATHS 1

                 011          55             559
                 012          63             621
                 013          80             802
                 014          77             765
                 015          85             853
                 016         112            1130
                 017          68             681
                 021         147            1563
                 022          76             781
                 024         603            5938
                 025          94             919
                 026         349            3769
                 031          61             615
                 032          77             766
                 033         182            1849
                 040         145            1466
                 051         209            6914
                 052         188            6373
                 061         283           11002
                 062          99            3915
                 071         405           21585
                 081         767           40997
                 091        1018           54926
                 100         940           50698
                 110         543           28441
                 121         532           17406
                 122         702           23441
                 131         868           31507
                 132         412           15069
                 141         941           74749
                 142         147           11575
                 151        1208          224131
                 152          50            9371
                 161        2205          410866
                 162          65           12120
                 171        2703          505137
                 172          58           10822
                 180        2116          392747
                          --------       ---------
                TOTAL      18733          1986869

 1.  Weighted sample deaths, rounded to the nearest interger for
     purposes of presentation.

 Table 4. # Decedents & Est. # Deaths by Decedent's Age at Death

                           CONTROL TABLE 4

                   DECEDENT'S AGE AT DEATH

                            NUMBER IN      ESTIMATED
                 AGE        SAMPLE         DEATHS 1

                 025          161            4761
                 026          151            5024
                 027          159            5276
                 028          174            5543
                 029          212            6598
                 030          190            5720
                 031          162            5020
                 032          207            6368
                 033          196            5947
                 034          198            5717
                 035          167            5193
                 036          205            6203
                 037          216            6360
                 038          233            6904
                 039          291            8414
                 040          236            6347
                 041          233            6942
                 042          310            7759
                 043          296            7829
                 044          302            7768
                 045          131            7321
                 046          159            7733
                 047          151            7795
                 048          158            8742
                 049          181            9127
                 050          210           11684
                 051          252           13797
                 052          240           14257
                 053          276           15316
                 054          319           18284
                 055          133           16562
                 056          173           20637
                 057          177           21509
                 058          219           27526
                 059          196           22145
                 060          233           30999
                 061          254           33398
                 062          268           33143
                 063          270           33907
                 064          280           36425
                 065          329           45281
                 066          299           39834
                 067          322           42341
                 068          307           41501
                 069          327           43238
                 070          386           52972
                 071          358           49138
                 072          390           53033
                 073          405           58515
                 074          373           54171
                 075          434           60295
                 076          399           55667
                 077          402           57160
                 078          384           57114
                 079          398           57297
                 080          388           58425
                 081          379           55494
                 082          358           54713
                 083          384           57787
                 084          369           54661
                 085          337           47386
                 086          327           50292
                 087          289           46354
                 088          255           39047
                 089          254           38179
                 090          249           38004
                 091          201           31694
                 092          164           26038
                 093          169           25499
                 094          121           17142
                 095           95           15765
                 096           95           15461
                 097           54            8684
                 098           52            8979
                 099          101           13708
                            --------      ---------
               TOTAL         18733         1986869

 1.  Weighted sample deaths, rounded to the nearest interger for
     purposes of presentation

 Table 5. # Decendents & Est. # Deaths by Decendent's Race

                       CONTROL TABLE 5

                       DECEDENT'S RACE

                            NUMBER IN      ESTIMATED
                RACE         SAMPLE         DEATHS 1

                White         13303         1739773
                Black          4759          228003
                Other 2         131           13682
                Am. Indian 3    540            5411
                             ---------     ------------
                              18733          1986869

 1.  Weighted sample deaths
 2.  Other than white, black, American Indian, Aluet or Eskimo
 3.  American Indian, Aluet, Eskimo

 Table 6. # Decendents & Est. # of Deaths by Decedent's Sex

                       CONTROL TABLE 6

                       DECEDENT'S SEX

                            NUMBER IN      ESTIMATED
                 SEX         SAMPLE         DEATHS 1

                 Male         10238         1029748
                 Female        8495          957121
                             --------     -------------
                 Total        18733         1986869

 1.  Weighted sample deaths

 Table 7. Number of Decendents in Sample by Race, Age and Sex

                       CONTROL TABLE 7


     Race and age                Male         Female

     All races

     25-29 years                 623           234
     30-34 years                 669           284
     35-39 years                 788           324
     40-44 years                 953           424
     45-49 years                 423           357
     50-54 years                 766           539
     55-59 years                 886           698
     60-64 years                1075           837
     65-69 years                1070           947
     70-74 years                 831          1047
     75-79 years                 568           894
     80-84 years                 275           629
     85-89 years                 107           290
     90-94 years                 660           637
     95+ years                   544           354


     25-29 years                 461           163
     30-34 years                 483           198
     35-39 years                 588           228
     40-44 years                 754           314
     45-49 years                 273           240
     50-54 years                 488           467
     55-59 years                 325           203
     60-64 years                 484           323
     65-69 years                 600           432
     70-74 years                 769           562
     75-79 years                 772           651
     80-84 years                 618           777
     85-89 years                 439           688
     90-94 years                 215           492
     95+ years                    70           226

    Race and age                Male         Female


    25-29 years                  134            59
    30-34 years                  163            75
    35-39 years                  169            79
    40-44 years                  167            97
    45-49 years                  122            99
    50-54 years                  137           151
    55-59 years                  199           132
    60-64 years                  260           192
    65-69 years                  261           244
    70-74 years                  277           249
    75-79 years                  268           255
    80-84 years                  186           237
    85-89 years                  110           186
    90-94 years                   53           115
    95+ years                     27            56

    American Indian, Aleut, Eskimo

    25-29 years                  22             9
    30-34 years                  17             7
    35-39 years                  21            12
    40-44 years                  21             9
    45-49 years                  27            14
    50-54 years                  27            12
    55-59 years                  18            17
    60-64 years                  21            21
    65-69 years                  20            20
    70-74 years                  24            21
    75-79 years                  24            35
    80-84 years                  22            31
    85-89 years                  14            19
    90-94 years                   4            18
    95+ years                     7             6

    Race and age                Male         Female


    25-29 years                   6             3
    30-34 years                   6             4
    35-39 years                  10             5
    40-44 years                  11             4
    45-49 years                   1             4
    50-54 years                   8             7
    55-59 years                   2             2
    60-64 years                   1             3
    65-69 years                   5             2
    70-74 years                   5             5
    75-79 years                   6             6
    80-84 years                   5             2
    85-89 years                   5             1
    90-94 years                   3             4
    95+ years                     3             2

 Table 8. Number of Sample Cases by Underlying Cause of Death

                          CONTROL TABLE 8

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
                    26       .             .         .
    0031             1      0.0            1        0.0
    0039             1      0.0            2        0.0
    0049             1      0.0            3        0.0
    0072             1      0.0            4        0.0
    0090             2      0.0            6        0.0
    0112             1      0.0            7        0.0
    0115             1      0.0            8        0.0
    0116             3      0.0           11        0.1
    0119            12      0.1           23        0.1
    0160             1      0.0           24        0.1
    0189             3      0.0           27        0.1
    0270             1      0.0           28        0.1
    0310             6      0.0           34        0.2
    0319             2      0.0           36        0.2
    0360             1      0.0           37        0.2
    0362             1      0.0           38        0.2
    0380             1      0.0           39        0.2
    0381             3      0.0           42        0.2
    0382             1      0.0           43        0.2
    0384            11      0.1           54        0.3
    0389           132      0.7          186        1.0
    0399             1      0.0          187        1.0
    0411             1      0.0          188        1.0
    0412             1      0.0          189        1.0
    0415             1      0.0          190        1.0
    0418             1      0.0          191        1.0
    0463             1      0.0          192        1.0
    0499             4      0.0          196        1.0
    0539             1      0.0          197        1.1
    0543             3      0.0          200        1.1
    0545             1      0.0          201        1.1
    0549             3      0.0          204        1.1
    0701             1      0.0          205        1.1
    0702             2      0.0          207        1.1
    0703             7      0.0          214        1.1
    0709             4      0.0          218        1.2
    0785             7      0.0          225        1.2
    0790             1      0.0          226        1.2
    0799             1      0.0          227        1.2
    0820             1      0.0          228        1.2
    0941             1      0.0          229        1.2
    1125             1      0.0          230        1.2
    1129             1      0.0          231        1.2
    114              1      0.0          232        1.2
    1160             1      0.0          233        1.2
    1173             2      0.0          235        1.3
    1175            16      0.1          251        1.3
    1177             1      0.0          252        1.3
    1179             2      0.0          254        1.4
    130              3      0.0          257        1.4
    135              6      0.0          263        1.4
    1363            54      0.3          317        1.7
    1369             2      0.0          319        1.7

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    1370             2      0.0          321        1.7
    138              1      0.0          322        1.7
    1398             1      0.0          323        1.7
    1410             1      0.0          324        1.7
    1419            19      0.1          343        1.8
    1420             5      0.0          348        1.9
    1429             1      0.0          349        1.9
    1430             2      0.0          351        1.9
    1431             1      0.0          352        1.9
    1439             2      0.0          354        1.9
    1449             1      0.0          355        1.9
    1455             4      0.0          359        1.9
    1459             7      0.0          366        2.0
    1460             1      0.0          367        2.0
    1461             1      0.0          368        2.0
    1469             2      0.0          370        2.0
    1479            22      0.1          392        2.1
    1481             2      0.0          394        2.1
    1489             3      0.0          397        2.1
    1490            12      0.1          409        2.2
    1505             1      0.0          410        2.2
    1509            83      0.4          493        2.6
    1510             4      0.0          497        2.7
    1519           110      0.6          607        3.2
    1520            19      0.1          626        3.3
    1521             5      0.0          631        3.4
    1522             2      0.0          633        3.4
    1529            21      0.1          654        3.5
    1531             2      0.0          656        3.5
    1532             2      0.0          658        3.5
    1533            12      0.1          670        3.6
    1534            11      0.1          681        3.6
    1535             1      0.0          682        3.6
    1536             7      0.0          689        3.7
    1539           317      1.7         1006        5.4
    1540            11      0.1         1017        5.4
    1541            55      0.3         1072        5.7
    1543             2      0.0         1074        5.7
    1548             4      0.0         1078        5.8
    1550            28      0.1         1106        5.9
    1551            11      0.1         1117        6.0
    1552            23      0.1         1140        6.1
    1560            21      0.1         1161        6.2
    1561             4      0.0         1165        6.2
    1562             2      0.0         1167        6.2
    1569             4      0.0         1171        6.3
    1570             6      0.0         1177        6.3
    1574             1      0.0         1178        6.3
    1579           162      0.9         1340        7.2
    1580             5      0.0         1345        7.2
    1589             2      0.0         1347        7.2
    1590             6      0.0         1353        7.2
    1599             2      0.0         1355        7.2
    1602            12      0.1         1367        7.3

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    1603             1      0.0         1368        7.3
    1605             1      0.0         1369        7.3
    1609            10      0.1         1379        7.4
    1610             1      0.0         1380        7.4
    1611             1      0.0         1381        7.4
    1619            28      0.1         1409        7.5
    1620             5      0.0         1414        7.6
    1622             3      0.0         1417        7.6
    1623             8      0.0         1425        7.6
    1625             6      0.0         1431        7.6
    1629           979      5.2         2410       12.9
    1639             1      0.0         2411       12.9
    1649             4      0.0         2415       12.9
    1702             1      0.0         2416       12.9
    1706             2      0.0         2418       12.9
    1707             1      0.0         2419       12.9
    1709            11      0.1         2430       13.0
    1710             1      0.0         2431       13.0
    1712             1      0.0         2432       13.0
    1713             5      0.0         2437       13.0
    1716             2      0.0         2439       13.0
    1719            19      0.1         2458       13.1
    1723             2      0.0         2460       13.2
    1725             3      0.0         2463       13.2
    1726             1      0.0         2464       13.2
    1727             4      0.0         2468       13.2
    1729            60      0.3         2528       13.5
    1732             1      0.0         2529       13.5
    1734             6      0.0         2535       13.6
    1737             1      0.0         2536       13.6
    1739            22      0.1         2558       13.7
    1749           380      2.0         2938       15.7
    175             20      0.1         2958       15.8
    179             22      0.1         2980       15.9
    1800             1      0.0         2981       15.9
    1809            64      0.3         3045       16.3
    1820            26      0.1         3071       16.4
    1830           103      0.6         3174       17.0
    1832             1      0.0         3175       17.0
    1840             2      0.0         3177       17.0
    1844             4      0.0         3181       17.0
    185            206      1.1         3387       18.1
    1869             5      0.0         3392       18.1
    1874             2      0.0         3394       18.1
    1887             2      0.0         3396       18.2
    1889            74      0.4         3470       18.5
    1890            50      0.3         3520       18.8
    1891             1      0.0         3521       18.8
    1892             3      0.0         3524       18.8
    1899             2      0.0         3526       18.8
    1907             1      0.0         3527       18.9
    1909             2      0.0         3529       18.9
    1910             7      0.0         3536       18.9
    1911             6      0.0         3542       18.9

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    1912             1      0.0         3543       18.9
    1916             3      0.0         3546       19.0
    1917             1      0.0         3547       19.0
    1919            98      0.5         3645       19.5
    193              9      0.0         3654       19.5
    1940            18      0.1         3672       19.6
    1950            12      0.1         3684       19.7
    1952            12      0.1         3696       19.8
    1953             4      0.0         3700       19.8
    1955             1      0.0         3701       19.8
    1990            19      0.1         3720       19.9
    1991           251      1.3         3971       21.2
    2000            10      0.1         3981       21.3
    2001             9      0.0         3990       21.3
    2002             1      0.0         3991       21.3
    2008             3      0.0         3994       21.4
    2015             1      0.0         3995       21.4
    2019            22      0.1         4017       21.5
    2020             1      0.0         4018       21.5
    2021             3      0.0         4021       21.5
    2024             1      0.0         4022       21.5
    2028           100      0.5         4122       22.0
    2030            77      0.4         4199       22.4
    2040             8      0.0         4207       22.5
    2041            19      0.1         4226       22.6
    2049             2      0.0         4228       22.6
    2050            38      0.2         4266       22.8
    2051            22      0.1         4288       22.9
    2059             1      0.0         4289       22.9
    2070             3      0.0         4292       22.9
    2080            22      0.1         4314       23.1
    2081             2      0.0         4316       23.1
    2089             7      0.0         4323       23.1
    2117             1      0.0         4324       23.1
    2125             1      0.0         4325       23.1
    2127             1      0.0         4326       23.1
    2250             2      0.0         4328       23.1
    2252             6      0.0         4334       23.2
    2273             1      0.0         4335       23.2
    2280             2      0.0         4337       23.2
    2355             1      0.0         4338       23.2
    2357             1      0.0         4339       23.2
    2370             1      0.0         4340       23.2
    2375             1      0.0         4341       23.2
    2384             1      0.0         4342       23.2
    2387            10      0.1         4352       23.3
    2389             1      0.0         4353       23.3
    2390             5      0.0         4358       23.3
    2391             1      0.0         4359       23.3
    2394             1      0.0         4360       23.3
    2396            17      0.1         4377       23.4
    2397             2      0.0         4379       23.4
    2398             3      0.0         4382       23.4
    2409             1      0.0         4383       23.4

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    2429             2      0.0         4385       23.4
    2449             5      0.0         4390       23.5
    2500           245      1.3         4635       24.8
    2501            16      0.1         4651       24.9
    2502            17      0.1         4668       25.0
    2503            36      0.2         4704       25.1
    2505             3      0.0         4707       25.2
    2506            26      0.1         4733       25.3
    2507             6      0.0         4739       25.3
    2509             2      0.0         4741       25.3
    2510             1      0.0         4742       25.3
    2512             1      0.0         4743       25.4
    2520             2      0.0         4745       25.4
    2554             3      0.0         4748       25.4
    261              2      0.0         4750       25.4
    262              1      0.0         4751       25.4
    2639            14      0.1         4765       25.5
    2699             2      0.0         4767       25.5
    2724             1      0.0         4768       25.5
    2727             1      0.0         4769       25.5
    2732             1      0.0         4770       25.5
    2733             2      0.0         4772       25.5
    2738             2      0.0         4774       25.5
    2741             1      0.0         4775       25.5
    2750             1      0.0         4776       25.5
    2754             3      0.0         4779       25.5
    2760             2      0.0         4781       25.6
    2761             2      0.0         4783       25.6
    2762             8      0.0         4791       25.6
    2763             1      0.0         4792       25.6
    2765            18      0.1         4810       25.7
    2767             3      0.0         4813       25.7
    2768             2      0.0         4815       25.7
    2769             4      0.0         4819       25.8
    2770             3      0.0         4822       25.8
    2773             8      0.0         4830       25.8
    2775             1      0.0         4831       25.8
    2778             1      0.0         4832       25.8
    2779             1      0.0         4833       25.8
    2780            19      0.1         4852       25.9
    2788             4      0.0         4856       26.0
    2791           126      0.7         4982       26.6
    2793             9      0.0         4991       26.7
    2794             1      0.0         4992       26.7
    280              2      0.0         4994       26.7
    2812             1      0.0         4995       26.7
    2819             1      0.0         4996       26.7
    2826             6      0.0         5002       26.7
    2829             1      0.0         5003       26.7
    2848             4      0.0         5007       26.8
    2849             5      0.0         5012       26.8
    2859            15      0.1         5027       26.9
    2866            11      0.1         5038       26.9
    2869             4      0.0         5042       27.0

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    2873             2      0.0         5044       27.0
    2875             3      0.0         5047       27.0
    2879             1      0.0         5048       27.0
    2880             5      0.0         5053       27.0
    2898             4      0.0         5057       27.0
    2899             1      0.0         5058       27.0
    2900             9      0.0         5067       27.1
    2901            11      0.1         5078       27.1
    2904             2      0.0         5080       27.2
    2910             2      0.0         5082       27.2
    2911             1      0.0         5083       27.2
    2912             1      0.0         5084       27.2
    2918             1      0.0         5085       27.2
    2953             1      0.0         5086       27.2
    2979             1      0.0         5087       27.2
    2989            16      0.1         5103       27.3
    303             55      0.3         5158       27.6
    3049            39      0.2         5197       27.8
    3050            11      0.1         5208       27.8
    3051             1      0.0         5209       27.8
    3055             1      0.0         5210       27.9
    3059            14      0.1         5224       27.9
    3062             1      0.0         5225       27.9
    3071             4      0.0         5229       28.0
    3089             2      0.0         5231       28.0
    3109            39      0.2         5270       28.2
    311              1      0.0         5271       28.2
    3181             1      0.0         5272       28.2
    319              4      0.0         5276       28.2
    3201             2      0.0         5278       28.2
    3203             1      0.0         5279       28.2
    3209             1      0.0         5280       28.2
    3229             3      0.0         5283       28.2
    3239             7      0.0         5290       28.3
    3240             3      0.0         5293       28.3
    3249             1      0.0         5294       28.3
    326              1      0.0         5295       28.3
    3301             1      0.0         5296       28.3
    3310            62      0.3         5358       28.6
    3311             1      0.0         5359       28.6
    3314             2      0.0         5361       28.7
    3319             8      0.0         5369       28.7
    3320            35      0.2         5404       28.9
    3330             1      0.0         5405       28.9
    3334             2      0.0         5407       28.9
    3351             1      0.0         5408       28.9
    3352            31      0.2         5439       29.1
    3369             2      0.0         5441       29.1
    340             14      0.1         5455       29.2
    3429             5      0.0         5460       29.2
    3432             1      0.0         5461       29.2
    3439             6      0.0         5467       29.2
    3441             3      0.0         5470       29.2
    3446             1      0.0         5471       29.2

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    3448             1      0.0         5472       29.3
    3451             3      0.0         5475       29.3
    3453            12      0.1         5487       29.3
    3459             7      0.0         5494       29.4
    3481            24      0.1         5518       29.5
    3482             1      0.0         5519       29.5
    3483             5      0.0         5524       29.5
    3484             1      0.0         5525       29.5
    3485             2      0.0         5527       29.5
    3488             1      0.0         5528       29.6
    3489             2      0.0         5530       29.6
    3568             3      0.0         5533       29.6
    3569             1      0.0         5534       29.6
    3580             2      0.0         5536       29.6
    3591             5      0.0         5541       29.6
    3599             2      0.0         5543       29.6
    3940            11      0.1         5554       29.7
    3941             2      0.0         5556       29.7
    3949            11      0.1         5567       29.8
    3951             1      0.0         5568       29.8
    3952             1      0.0         5569       29.8
    396              4      0.0         5573       29.8
    3970             1      0.0         5574       29.8
    3979             5      0.0         5579       29.8
    3989            14      0.1         5593       29.9
    4019            36      0.2         5629       30.1
    4020             1      0.0         5630       30.1
    4029           192      1.0         5822       31.1
    4039            38      0.2         5860       31.3
    4049            21      0.1         5881       31.4
    410           2512     13.4         8393       44.9
    411             48      0.3         8441       45.1
    412              8      0.0         8449       45.2
    413              8      0.0         8457       45.2
    4140          1552      8.3        10009       53.5
    4141             1      0.0        10010       53.5
    4148            84      0.4        10094       54.0
    4149           516      2.8        10610       56.7
    4151            86      0.5        10696       57.2
    4160            11      0.1        10707       57.2
    4161             3      0.0        10710       57.3
    4169            12      0.1        10722       57.3
    4209             1      0.0        10723       57.3
    4210            11      0.1        10734       57.4
    4229             5      0.0        10739       57.4
    4239             2      0.0        10741       57.4
    4240            15      0.1        10756       57.5
    4241            36      0.2        10792       57.7
    4249            15      0.1        10807       57.8
    4251             4      0.0        10811       57.8
    4254           149      0.8        10960       58.6
    4255            16      0.1        10976       58.7
    4259             3      0.0        10979       58.7
    4260             4      0.0        10983       58.7

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    4268             1      0.0        10984       58.7
    4269             1      0.0        10985       58.7
    4271             2      0.0        10987       58.7
    4273            22      0.1        11009       58.8
    4274            12      0.1        11021       58.9
    4275           401      2.1        11422       61.1
    4276             1      0.0        11423       61.1
    4278             7      0.0        11430       61.1
    4279            29      0.2        11459       61.3
    4280           223      1.2        11682       62.4
    4281             1      0.0        11683       62.5
    4289            48      0.3        11731       62.7
    4290             8      0.0        11739       62.8
    4291            11      0.1        11750       62.8
    4292           521      2.8        12271       65.6
    4293             9      0.0        12280       65.6
    4299            17      0.1        12297       65.7
    430             73      0.4        12370       66.1
    431            163      0.9        12533       67.0
    4321             1      0.0        12534       67.0
    4329            20      0.1        12554       67.1
    4330             3      0.0        12557       67.1
    4331             3      0.0        12560       67.1
    4340            99      0.5        12659       67.7
    4341             6      0.0        12665       67.7
    4349            72      0.4        12737       68.1
    435              3      0.0        12740       68.1
    436            568      3.0        13308       71.1
    4370            37      0.2        13345       71.3
    4371             5      0.0        13350       71.4
    4372             2      0.0        13352       71.4
    4373             2      0.0        13354       71.4
    4378             3      0.0        13357       71.4
    4379            26      0.1        13383       71.5
    438             36      0.2        13419       71.7
    4402             5      0.0        13424       71.8
    4409           130      0.7        13554       72.5
    4410            23      0.1        13577       72.6
    4411             9      0.0        13586       72.6
    4412             4      0.0        13590       72.6
    4413            34      0.2        13624       72.8
    4414             8      0.0        13632       72.9
    4415            15      0.1        13647       73.0
    4416             4      0.0        13651       73.0
    4423             2      0.0        13653       73.0
    4428             2      0.0        13655       73.0
    4429             2      0.0        13657       73.0
    4439            23      0.1        13680       73.1
    4440             1      0.0        13681       73.1
    4441             2      0.0        13683       73.1
    4442             6      0.0        13689       73.2
    4448             2      0.0        13691       73.2
    4449             3      0.0        13694       73.2
    4460             2      0.0        13696       73.2

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    4464             1      0.0        13697       73.2
    4465             1      0.0        13698       73.2
    4466             1      0.0        13699       73.2
    4471             1      0.0        13700       73.2
    4472             1      0.0        13701       73.2
    4476             4      0.0        13705       73.3
    4479             2      0.0        13707       73.3
    4511             5      0.0        13712       73.3
    4512             6      0.0        13718       73.3
    4519             7      0.0        13725       73.4
    4532             1      0.0        13726       73.4
    4533             1      0.0        13727       73.4
    4538             1      0.0        13728       73.4
    4556             1      0.0        13729       73.4
    4560             3      0.0        13732       73.4
    4561             1      0.0        13733       73.4
    4568             1      0.0        13734       73.4
    4589             5      0.0        13739       73.4
    4590             4      0.0        13743       73.5
    4592             1      0.0        13744       73.5
    4599             5      0.0        13749       73.5
    4643             1      0.0        13750       73.5
    4660             1      0.0        13751       73.5
    4661             1      0.0        13752       73.5
    475              1      0.0        13753       73.5
    4788             1      0.0        13754       73.5
    4809             5      0.0        13759       73.6
    481             29      0.2        13788       73.7
    4820             4      0.0        13792       73.7
    4821             5      0.0        13797       73.8
    4822             1      0.0        13798       73.8
    4823             3      0.0        13801       73.8
    4824             2      0.0        13803       73.8
    4828             6      0.0        13809       73.8
    4829             4      0.0        13813       73.8
    483              4      0.0        13817       73.9
    485             68      0.4        13885       74.2
    486            379      2.0        14264       76.2
    4870             1      0.0        14265       76.3
    4871             7      0.0        14272       76.3
    4878             1      0.0        14273       76.3
    490              4      0.0        14277       76.3
    4910             1      0.0        14278       76.3
    4912            13      0.1        14291       76.4
    4919             5      0.0        14296       76.4
    492             87      0.5        14383       76.9
    4930             2      0.0        14385       76.9
    4931             1      0.0        14386       76.9
    4939           311      1.7        14697       78.6
    494              5      0.0        14702       78.6
    496            359      1.9        15061       80.5
    500              3      0.0        15064       80.5
    502              1      0.0        15065       80.5
    505              2      0.0        15067       80.5

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    5070            68      0.4        15135       80.9
    5109             7      0.0        15142       80.9
    5118             1      0.0        15143       80.9
    5119             3      0.0        15146       81.0
    512              4      0.0        15150       81.0
    5130             7      0.0        15157       81.0
    514              4      0.0        15161       81.0
    515             25      0.1        15186       81.2
    5168             8      0.0        15194       81.2
    5183             3      0.0        15197       81.2
    5184             1      0.0        15198       81.2
    5185            12      0.1        15210       81.3
    5188            30      0.2        15240       81.5
    5191             1      0.0        15241       81.5
    5192             1      0.0        15242       81.5
    5198             5      0.0        15247       81.5
    5199             1      0.0        15248       81.5
    5301             1      0.0        15249       81.5
    5303             1      0.0        15250       81.5
    5305             1      0.0        15251       81.5
    5306             1      0.0        15252       81.5
    5307             1      0.0        15253       81.5
    5308             1      0.0        15254       81.5
    5309             1      0.0        15255       81.5
    5314            12      0.1        15267       81.6
    5315             9      0.0        15276       81.7
    5316             1      0.0        15277       81.7
    5317             1      0.0        15278       81.7
    5319             1      0.0        15279       81.7
    5324             7      0.0        15286       81.7
    5325             6      0.0        15292       81.7
    5333             1      0.0        15293       81.8
    5334            14      0.1        15307       81.8
    5335             7      0.0        15314       81.9
    5337             1      0.0        15315       81.9
    5339             3      0.0        15318       81.9
    5344             1      0.0        15319       81.9
    5350             1      0.0        15320       81.9
    5354             3      0.0        15323       81.9
    5355             1      0.0        15324       81.9
    5361             1      0.0        15325       81.9
    5374             1      0.0        15326       81.9
    5378             1      0.0        15327       81.9
    5379             3      0.0        15330       81.9
    5400             3      0.0        15333       82.0
    5401             1      0.0        15334       82.0
    543              1      0.0        15335       82.0
    5501             2      0.0        15337       82.0
    5522             1      0.0        15338       82.0
    5523             1      0.0        15339       82.0
    5532             1      0.0        15340       82.0
    5533             2      0.0        15342       82.0
    5559             3      0.0        15345       82.0
    556              8      0.0        15353       82.1

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    5570            33      0.2        15386       82.2
    5571             2      0.0        15388       82.3
    5579             9      0.0        15397       82.3
    558              6      0.0        15403       82.3
    5600             1      0.0        15404       82.3
    5601             2      0.0        15406       82.4
    5602             2      0.0        15408       82.4
    5603             1      0.0        15409       82.4
    5608             2      0.0        15411       82.4
    5609            18      0.1        15429       82.5
    5621            18      0.1        15447       82.6
    5641             1      0.0        15448       82.6
    5647             1      0.0        15449       82.6
    5672             6      0.0        15455       82.6
    5679            10      0.1        15465       82.7
    5680             2      0.0        15467       82.7
    5698            12      0.1        15479       82.7
    5699             4      0.0        15483       82.8
    570              5      0.0        15488       82.8
    5710            14      0.1        15502       82.9
    5711             9      0.0        15511       82.9
    5712           108      0.6        15619       83.5
    5713            29      0.2        15648       83.6
    5714             8      0.0        15656       83.7
    5715           114      0.6        15770       84.3
    5716             2      0.0        15772       84.3
    5718            12      0.1        15784       84.4
    5719             4      0.0        15788       84.4
    5720             1      0.0        15789       84.4
    5722             5      0.0        15794       84.4
    5723             4      0.0        15798       84.4
    5724             5      0.0        15803       84.5
    5728            29      0.2        15832       84.6
    5733             7      0.0        15839       84.7
    5734             1      0.0        15840       84.7
    5738             2      0.0        15842       84.7
    5739            11      0.1        15853       84.7
    5740             1      0.0        15854       84.7
    5741             1      0.0        15855       84.8
    5743             1      0.0        15856       84.8
    5744             1      0.0        15857       84.8
    5750             5      0.0        15862       84.8
    5751             6      0.0        15868       84.8
    5758             1      0.0        15869       84.8
    5759             1      0.0        15870       84.8
    5761             4      0.0        15874       84.9
    5762             2      0.0        15876       84.9
    5770            23      0.1        15899       85.0
    5771             3      0.0        15902       85.0
    5772             1      0.0        15903       85.0
    5789            47      0.3        15950       85.3
    5819             1      0.0        15951       85.3
    5828             1      0.0        15952       85.3
    5829             8      0.0        15960       85.3

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    5837             1      0.0        15961       85.3
    5839             4      0.0        15965       85.3
    5845             1      0.0        15966       85.3
    5849            24      0.1        15990       85.5
    585             44      0.2        16034       85.7
    586            100      0.5        16134       86.2
    5888             1      0.0        16135       86.3
    5900             8      0.0        16143       86.3
    5901             4      0.0        16147       86.3
    5902             1      0.0        16148       86.3
    5908             8      0.0        16156       86.4
    5920             4      0.0        16160       86.4
    5934             2      0.0        16162       86.4
    5938             1      0.0        16163       86.4
    5939            28      0.1        16191       86.6
    5959             2      0.0        16193       86.6
    5960             1      0.0        16194       86.6
    5990            65      0.3        16259       86.9
    5996             1      0.0        16260       86.9
    6029             1      0.0        16261       86.9
    6142             1      0.0        16262       86.9
    6144             1      0.0        16263       86.9
    6161             1      0.0        16264       86.9
    6190             1      0.0        16265       86.9
    6191             1      0.0        16266       87.0
    6202             1      0.0        16267       87.0
    6339             1      0.0        16268       87.0
    641              1      0.0        16269       87.0
    6424             1      0.0        16270       87.0
    6426             1      0.0        16271       87.0
    673              2      0.0        16273       87.0
    6826             1      0.0        16274       87.0
    6829             2      0.0        16276       87.0
    6951             1      0.0        16277       87.0
    6954             3      0.0        16280       87.0
    7070            27      0.1        16307       87.2
    7100            12      0.1        16319       87.2
    7101             4      0.0        16323       87.3
    7102             1      0.0        16324       87.3
    7103             2      0.0        16326       87.3
    7104             2      0.0        16328       87.3
    7110             4      0.0        16332       87.3
    7140            10      0.1        16342       87.4
    7148             1      0.0        16343       87.4
    7159             2      0.0        16345       87.4
    7211             1      0.0        16346       87.4
    7219             1      0.0        16347       87.4
    7222             1      0.0        16348       87.4
    7288             1      0.0        16349       87.4
    7289             1      0.0        16350       87.4
    7293             1      0.0        16351       87.4
    7294             2      0.0        16353       87.4
    7310             1      0.0        16354       87.4
    7330             3      0.0        16357       87.4

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    7371             1      0.0        16358       87.4
    7373             2      0.0        16360       87.5
    7419             1      0.0        16361       87.5
    7421             1      0.0        16362       87.5
    7423             2      0.0        16364       87.5
    7452             1      0.0        16365       87.5
    7454             1      0.0        16366       87.5
    7455             1      0.0        16367       87.5
    7464             3      0.0        16370       87.5
    7468             1      0.0        16371       87.5
    7469             2      0.0        16373       87.5
    7470             1      0.0        16374       87.5
    7472             1      0.0        16375       87.5
    7478             6      0.0        16381       87.6
    7531             9      0.0        16390       87.6
    7580             3      0.0        16393       87.6
    7597             2      0.0        16395       87.6
    7598             3      0.0        16398       87.7
    7802             1      0.0        16399       87.7
    7803             9      0.0        16408       87.7
    7830             1      0.0        16409       87.7
    7854             2      0.0        16411       87.7
    7855            15      0.1        16426       87.8
    7863             2      0.0        16428       87.8
    7895             1      0.0        16429       87.8
    7903             1      0.0        16430       87.8
    797              9      0.0        16439       87.9
    7981             1      0.0        16440       87.9
    7989             2      0.0        16442       87.9
    7991            18      0.1        16460       88.0
    7998             4      0.0        16464       88.0
    7999           187      1.0        16651       89.0
    8052            11      0.1        16662       89.1
    8100             2      0.0        16664       89.1
    8102             1      0.0        16665       89.1
    8109             1      0.0        16666       89.1
    8110             1      0.0        16667       89.1
    8120           107      0.6        16774       89.7
    8121            46      0.2        16820       89.9
    8122            19      0.1        16839       90.0
    8123             1      0.0        16840       90.0
    8129            32      0.2        16872       90.2
    8135             1      0.0        16873       90.2
    8136             7      0.0        16880       90.2
    8147            77      0.4        16957       90.6
    8150            45      0.2        17002       90.9
    8151            19      0.1        17021       91.0
    8152             9      0.0        17030       91.0
    8153             1      0.0        17031       91.0
    8159            17      0.1        17048       91.1
    8160            65      0.3        17113       91.5
    8161            19      0.1        17132       91.6
    8162             7      0.0        17139       91.6
    8169            15      0.1        17154       91.7

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    8180             4      0.0        17158       91.7
    8181             4      0.0        17162       91.7
    8182             1      0.0        17163       91.7
    8189            10      0.1        17173       91.8
    8190             9      0.0        17182       91.8
    8191             7      0.0        17189       91.9
    8192             1      0.0        17190       91.9
    8193             1      0.0        17191       91.9
    8199            46      0.2        17237       92.1
    8200             1      0.0        17238       92.1
    8209             2      0.0        17240       92.2
    8218             1      0.0        17241       92.2
    8227             1      0.0        17242       92.2
    8250             1      0.0        17243       92.2
    8259             3      0.0        17246       92.2
    8282             2      0.0        17248       92.2
    8300             2      0.0        17250       92.2
    8301             2      0.0        17252       92.2
    8309             3      0.0        17255       92.2
    8320             3      0.0        17258       92.3
    8322             2      0.0        17260       92.3
    8329             7      0.0        17267       92.3
    8381             1      0.0        17268       92.3
    8388             1      0.0        17269       92.3
    8389             1      0.0        17270       92.3
    8403             2      0.0        17272       92.3
    8411             1      0.0        17273       92.3
    8412             1      0.0        17274       92.3
    8413            10      0.1        17284       92.4
    8415             7      0.0        17291       92.4
    8419             2      0.0        17293       92.4
    8500            21      0.1        17314       92.6
    8501             1      0.0        17315       92.6
    8502             1      0.0        17316       92.6
    8505             3      0.0        17319       92.6
    8508             4      0.0        17323       92.6
    851              2      0.0        17325       92.6
    8528             1      0.0        17326       92.6
    8530             1      0.0        17327       92.6
    8532             1      0.0        17328       92.6
    8540             2      0.0        17330       92.6
    8542             2      0.0        17332       92.6
    8552            20      0.1        17352       92.8
    856              1      0.0        17353       92.8
    8580             1      0.0        17354       92.8
    8586             2      0.0        17356       92.8
    8588            15      0.1        17371       92.9
    8589            12      0.1        17383       92.9
    8601             4      0.0        17387       92.9
    8624             2      0.0        17389       93.0
    8664             1      0.0        17390       93.0
    8682             5      0.0        17395       93.0
    8683             3      0.0        17398       93.0
    8689             2      0.0        17400       93.0

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    8698             1      0.0        17401       93.0
    8741             1      0.0        17402       93.0
    8781             2      0.0        17404       93.0
    8782             2      0.0        17406       93.0
    8783             2      0.0        17408       93.1
    8784             1      0.0        17409       93.1
    8785             3      0.0        17412       93.1
    8786             3      0.0        17415       93.1
    8788             7      0.0        17422       93.1
    8789             9      0.0        17431       93.2
    8798             1      0.0        17432       93.2
    8809            12      0.1        17444       93.2
    8810             3      0.0        17447       93.3
    8811             3      0.0        17450       93.3
    882             14      0.1        17464       93.4
    8830             1      0.0        17465       93.4
    8841             1      0.0        17466       93.4
    8842             2      0.0        17468       93.4
    8849             5      0.0        17473       93.4
    885              2      0.0        17475       93.4
    887              8      0.0        17483       93.5
    888             39      0.2        17522       93.7
    8902            31      0.2        17553       93.8
    8903             6      0.0        17559       93.9
    8908             1      0.0        17560       93.9
    8912             1      0.0        17561       93.9
    8919             2      0.0        17563       93.9
    8930             3      0.0        17566       93.9
    894              2      0.0        17568       93.9
    8981             1      0.0        17569       93.9
    899              4      0.0        17573       93.9
    9000             1      0.0        17574       93.9
    9009             3      0.0        17577       94.0
    9010             7      0.0        17584       94.0
    9019             4      0.0        17588       94.0
    9022             1      0.0        17589       94.0
    9041             1      0.0        17590       94.0
    9050             1      0.0        17591       94.0
    9051             1      0.0        17592       94.0
    9068             2      0.0        17594       94.1
    907              1      0.0        17595       94.1
    9102             7      0.0        17602       94.1
    9103             1      0.0        17603       94.1
    9104             3      0.0        17606       94.1
    9108            32      0.2        17638       94.3
    9109             6      0.0        17644       94.3
    911             17      0.1        17661       94.4
    912             17      0.1        17678       94.5
    9131             1      0.0        17679       94.5
    9133             1      0.0        17680       94.5
    9138             7      0.0        17687       94.5
    9139             1      0.0        17688       94.6
    916             12      0.1        17700       94.6
    9170             2      0.0        17702       94.6

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    9179             2      0.0        17704       94.6
    918              3      0.0        17707       94.7
    9190            11      0.1        17718       94.7
    9191             1      0.0        17719       94.7
    9192             4      0.0        17723       94.7
    9193             1      0.0        17724       94.7
    9196             1      0.0        17725       94.8
    9197             2      0.0        17727       94.8
    9198             1      0.0        17728       94.8
    9199             1      0.0        17729       94.8
    9218             1      0.0        17730       94.8
    9220             1      0.0        17731       94.8
    9229            11      0.1        17742       94.8
    9232             3      0.0        17745       94.9
    9238             2      0.0        17747       94.9
    9239             2      0.0        17749       94.9
    9250             1      0.0        17750       94.9
    9251             3      0.0        17753       94.9
    9258             4      0.0        17757       94.9
    9259             5      0.0        17762       94.9
    927              1      0.0        17763       95.0
    9289            25      0.1        17788       95.1
    9290             1      0.0        17789       95.1
    9293             1      0.0        17790       95.1
    9298             1      0.0        17791       95.1
    9299             2      0.0        17793       95.1
    9478             1      0.0        17794       95.1
    9500             2      0.0        17796       95.1
    9502             1      0.0        17797       95.1
    9503            19      0.1        17816       95.2
    9504            18      0.1        17834       95.3
    9505            11      0.1        17845       95.4
    9506             2      0.0        17847       95.4
    9509             4      0.0        17851       95.4
    9510             1      0.0        17852       95.4
    9511             1      0.0        17853       95.4
    9520            41      0.2        17894       95.7
    9521             6      0.0        17900       95.7
    9530            56      0.3        17956       96.0
    9531             6      0.0        17962       96.0
    9538             1      0.0        17963       96.0
    954             13      0.1        17976       96.1
    9550            47      0.3        18023       96.3
    9551            31      0.2        18054       96.5
    9552            22      0.1        18076       96.6
    9553             1      0.0        18077       96.6
    9554           169      0.9        18246       97.5
    956              8      0.0        18254       97.6
    9570             4      0.0        18258       97.6
    9571            12      0.1        18270       97.7
    9579             2      0.0        18272       97.7
    9580             5      0.0        18277       97.7
    9581             2      0.0        18279       97.7
    9620             2      0.0        18281       97.7

                                   CUMULATIVE   CUMULATIVE
    9622             1      0.0        18282       97.7
    963             14      0.1        18296       97.8
    9650            18      0.1        18314       97.9
    9651            24      0.1        18338       98.0
    9652             3      0.0        18341       98.0
    9654           193      1.0        18534       99.1
    966             80      0.4        18614       99.5
    9680             8      0.0        18622       99.5
    9682             7      0.0        18629       99.6
    9688            15      0.1        18644       99.7
    9689            15      0.1        18659       99.7
    970              3      0.0        18662       99.8
    9800             4      0.0        18666       99.8
    9803             1      0.0        18667       99.8
    9804             8      0.0        18675       99.8
    9805             2      0.0        18677       99.8
    9809             2      0.0        18679       99.9
    9820             2      0.0        18681       99.9
    9821             4      0.0        18685       99.9
    984              1      0.0        18686       99.9
    9854             6      0.0        18692       99.9
    9870             1      0.0        18693       99.9
    9879             1      0.0        18694       99.9
    9881             1      0.0        18695       99.9
    9888             4      0.0        18699      100.0
    9889             5      0.0        18704      100.0
    989              2      0.0        18706      100.0
    999              1      0.0        18707      100.0

 Table 9. # Decendents w/FARS Recs by # Facilities Used in Last Yr

                               CONTROL TABLE 9


   NUMBER OF                                               CUMULATIVE
   FACILITIES                  FREQUENCY                   FREQUENCY

       1                         8,437                        8,347
       2                         3,066                       11,503
       3                           659                       12,162
       4                            90                       12,252
       5                            20                       12,272
       6                             3                       12,275

 Table 10. # Decedents w/FARS Recs by # Episodes of Care/Last Yr

                              CONTROL TABLE 10


   NUMBERS OF                                           CUMULATIVE
    EPISODES                 FREQUENCY                   FRQUENCY

       1                       5,046                      5,046
       2                       2,779                      7,825
       3                       1,790                      9,615
       4                       1,080                     10,695
       5                         730                     11,425
       6                         360                     11,785
       7                         237                     12,022
       8                         109                     12,131
       9                          91                     12,192
      10                          32                     12,224
      11                          15                     12,239
      12                          13                     12,252
      13                           7                     12,259
      14                           7                     12,266
      15                           3                     12,269
      16                           2                     12,271
      17                           2                     12,273
      20                           2                     12,275


 Appendix A - NMFS Informant Questionnaire

 From the Director

 You can help the U.S. Public Health Service to learn more about ways
 to prevent illness and to improve care for sick and dying persons.
 You or a relative provided some of the information that was included
 on the death certificate for the person named above. This information
 is helpful in understanding about deaths from various causes. Still,
 we need to learn more so that we can assure the best health care for
 ill persons and prevent early death when possible. We are therefore
 having the Bureau of the Census conduct a survey for us, and have
 randomly selected a sample of deaths in the United States in 1985 and
 1986. We ask you to complete the questionnaire about the life and
 death of the person named above, even if the person died from old age
 or an accident.

 We know that this reminder of the person who died recently may be
 painful, but we believe that you will want to help others, and your
 answers will do that. Some of the questions may be difficult to
 answer, and you may not know the answers to all of them. Many
 questions may not apply to the person because we are using the same
 form for all persons in the study. We ask you to recall, to the best
 of your ability, and answer all that you can. A few general instruc-
 tions appear on page 2.

 All of your answers are strictly confidential. The identity of
 individuals will not be disclosed by either the Bureau of the Census
 or the Public Health Service without your written approval. We will
 not include any information that could identify an individual in the
 statistics we release. This survey is voluntary and is authorized
 by the Public Health Service Act (Title 42, United States Code,
 Section 242k). To add to our knowledge, we are requesting your
 authorization to secure medical information from hospitals or other
 health care facilities used by the person in the last year of life.

 Although there are no penalties for falling to reply, each unanswered
 question substantially lessons the accuracy of the final data. The
 success of this study depends on receiving information on every
 questionnaire we send out. Your reply is extremely important. Please
 mail the completed form to the Bureau of the Census within 5 DAYS in
 the enclosed envelope which requires no postage. Your prompt attention
 to this request is appreciated.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     Manning Feinleib.,Dr.P.H.

 Form NMF-1

                   U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                      BUREAU OF THE CENSUS
                   U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE


   (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code)

 NOTICE - Information contained on this form which would permit identi-
 fication of any individual or establishment has been collected with a
 guarantee that it will be held in strict confidence, will be used
 only for purposes stated for this study, and will not be disclosed or
 released to others without the consent of the individual or the
 establishment in accordance with Section 308(d) of the Public Health
 Service Act (42 USC 242m).

 PLEASE RETURN                  Bureau of the Census
 WITHIN 5 DAYS                  1201 East Tenth Street
      TO                        Jeffersonville, Indiania  47132


 1. Several items on this form refer to the person's last year of life.
    This means the time starting one year before the date of death and
    ending on the day of death. Example: If the date of death was
    January 5, 1986, the period referred to as the "last year of life"
    is January 5, 1985, to January 5, 1986.

 2. Please answer each question to the best of your ability. In some
    cases you may wish to refer to records or ask other persons. Some
    questions ask for the amount of time before death that an event
    occurred, for example, the amount of time before death that the
    person last worked. If you do not know the exact amount of time,
    please give your best estimate or a range.  Example: 12 to 14
    years; or 2 to 3 months.

 3. Since some questions will not apply in all cases, instructions for
    which question to answer next are printed after some of the answer
    categories. If there is no instruction after the answer, go to the
    very next question.

 4. If the answer does not fit one of the printed answer categories,
    mark the "other" box and write in the answer. If there is no
    "other" category, write in the answer without marking a box.

 5. If you still don't know the answer to a question, put a question
    mark (?) or write "Don't know" in the answer space.

 6. We welcome any additional information you wish to provide. Use the
    space on the last page of the questionnaire.

                    PLEASE BEGIN WITH PART A BELOW.

 Part A - Background Information


 1. How old was the person at the time of death?
                                                      Ages in years

 2. How was the person who died             The person was -
    related to you ?                        1   My husband or wife
                                            2   My father or mother
    Mark (X) only one box.                  3   My son or daughter
                                            4   My brother or sister
                                            5   My neighbor or friend
                                            6   Someone else - Specify

 3. Did you ever live in the same home
    with the person since the person
    became 25 years old ?                   1   Yes-Go to next question
                                            2   No-Skip to question 1
    Do not count visits at the person's         in Part B on page 3.
    home while you had a home somewhere

 4. Since the person became 25 years old,   1   Less than one year
    how many years ALTOGETHER did you live  2   1 year to less than
    with him or her ?                                5 years
                                            3   5 years to less than
                                                    10 years
    Mark (X) only one box                   4   10 years to less than
                                                    20 years
                                            5   20 years or more

 Part B - Care in the Last Year of Life


 1. During his or her entire life,           1   Yes-Go to next question
    was the person ever admitted to          2   No-Skip to question 3
    a nursing home ?

 2. What was the total amount of             1   Less than 3 months
    time the person spent in a               2   3 months to less than
    nursing home over his or her                      1 year
    entire lifetime ?                        3   1 year to less than
                                                      5 years
    Mark (X) only one box.                   4   5 years or more

    YEAR OF LIFE, was the person             1   Yes-Go to next question
    an overnight patient in a                2   No-Skip to question 6
    hospital or a resident in a                        on page 4
    nursing home ?

 4. What were the names and addresses of all hospitals and nursing
    homes in which the person stayed at least one night DURING THE
    LAST YEAR OF LIFE ? (Please give as much of the address as you

 1) Hospital or nursing home name    2) Hospital or nursing home name

   Address (Number & street)           Address (Number & street)

   City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

   State          ZIP Code             State          ZIP Code


 3) Hospital or nursing home name    4) Hospital or nursing home name

   Address (Number & street)           Address (Number & street)

   City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

   State          ZIP Code             State          ZIP Code

 5) Hospital or nursing home name     6) Hospital or nursing home name

   Address (Number & street)           Address (Number & street)

   City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

   State          ZIP Code             State          ZIP Code

 NOTE: If more room is needed to list more hospitals or nursing homes,
 please continue on the last page of this questionnaire.

 5. DURING THE LAST YEAR OF LIFE,           Numbers of nights during
    how many total nights did the           year before death
    person spend in hospitals &
    nursing homes ?                              Nights in hospital(s)
                                                 Nights in nursing
    NOTE: If you are unsure, please                 home(s)
    give your best estimate.

 6. During the last year of life, did
    the person stay overnight in any         1    Yes-Go to next
    other type of facility providing                 question
    health care ?                            2    No-Skip to question
                                                     9 on page 5
    Include places known as hospices,
    mental hospitals, drug and alcohol
    treatment centers, & so forth. A
    hospice gives care to dying persons.

 7. What were the names and addresses of all these other facilities in
    which the person stayed during the last year of life ? (Please
    give as much of the address as you can.)

    1) Name of place                    2) Name of place

       Address (Number and street)         Address (Number and street)

       City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

       State            ZIP Code           State            ZIP Code


    3) Name of place                    4) Name of place

       Address (Number and street)         Address (Number and street)

       City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

       State            ZIP Code           State            ZIP Code


    5) Name of place                    6) Name of place

       Address (Number and street)         Address (Number and street)

       City or Post Office                 City or Post Office

       State            ZIP Code           State            ZIP Code

 NOTE: If more room is needed to list additional facilities, please
 continue on the last page of this questionnaire.

 8. How many nights during the        Numbers of nights during year
    last year of life did the               before death
    person spend in each of the
    places listed above ?                    Nights in first place
                                             Nights in second place
    NOTE: If you are unsure,                 Nights in third place
    please give your best                    Nights in fourth place
    estimate.                                Nights in fifth place
                                             Nights in sixth place
                                      If more than 6 places, continue
                                      on last page of this questionnaire

 9. During the last year of life,
    did the person receive hospice         1   Yes
    care at home ?                         2   No

    Include only care provided by
    an organized hospice agency,
    one that gives special atten-
    tion to dying persons.

 10. During the last year of life,
     about how many times did the
     person see a medical doctor?          0   None
                                           1   1
     Include all types of doctors          2   2 - 4
     such as dermatologists,               3   5 - 9
     psychiatrists, and ophthalmolo-       4   10 - 14
     gists, as well as general practi-     5   15 - 24
     tioners and osteopaths.               6   25 - 49
                                           7   50 or more
     Do not count doctors seen
     while an overnight patient in a
     hospital, nursing home, or other

     Mark (X) only one box.

 11. During the last year of life,
     did the person see a psychiarist,
     psychologist, or any other mental       1   Yes
     health professional about any           2   No
     personal, emotional, behavioral,
     or mental problem?

     Do NOT count visits while an over-
     night patient in a hospital, nursing
     home, or other institution.

 12. At any time during the last
     year of life, was the person       1   Yes - Go to next question
     on a waiting list to go into       2   No - Skip to question 14
     a nursing home ?

 13. After being on the waiting
     list, did the person get into      1   Yes
     a nursing home before he or        2   No
     she died ?

 14. During the last year of life
     was the person on a waiting        1   Yes - Go to next question
     list to get hospice care either    2   No - Skip to question 16
     at home or in a facility ?

 15. After being on the waiting list,    1   Yes
     did the person get hospice care     2   No
     before he or she died ?

 16. During the last year of life, was   1   Yes - Go to next question
     the person on a waiting list to     2   No - Skip to question 18
     get homemaker service ?

 17. After being on the waiting list,    1   Yes
     did the person get homemaker        2   No
     service before he or she died ?

 18. During the last year of life was    1   Yes - Go to next question
     the person on a waiting list to     2   No - Skip to question 20
     get visiting nurse service ?

 19. After being on the waiting list,    1   Yes
     did the person get visiting         2   No
     nurse service before he or she
     died ?

     As part of this survey we would like to learn about how much
     Medicare helps pay for health care ?

 20. Was the person covered              1   Yes - Go to next question
     by Medicare ?                       2   No - Skip to question 22

 21. What was the person's Medicare
     claim number ?                       Medicare claim number
                                             -  -    -
     Provision of this number is volun-   This number may be found on
     tary & failure to provide the        the person's Medicare card
     number will not have any effect      which is white with a red &
     on the receipt of any benefits.      blue stripe. The number may
     The information we receive will      be found on the Explanation
     be used only for statistical         of Medicare Benefits Forms
     purposes. Data from this survey      that are sent after each
     will be linked with data supplied    service used.
     by the Health Care Financing
     Administration. This information
     is collected under the aurthority
     of Section 306 of the Public
     Health Service Act.

 22. During the last year of life,
     what sources were used to help       1   The person or other family
     pay for health care in hospitals,        members living with the
     nursing homes, physician services,       person
     or care in the home ?                2   Family members not living
                                              with the person
     Mark (X) all that apply.             3   Medicare
                                          4   Medicaid
                                          5   A prepaid health main-
                                              tenance organization
                                          6   Private health insurance

                                          1   Veterans Administration
                                          2   Indian Health Service
                                          3   Other government program
                                          4   Other - Specify
                                          0   Didn't have any payments
                                              Skip to question 24

 23. Which source marked in question
     22 paid MOST of the costs of health      Name of source
     care during the last year of life ?

 24. What was the total amount of the     Person's OWN money. NOT
     person's own money that was paid      total bill.
     for the person's medical care
     during the last year of life ?       1   Less than $200
     Also include payments made by        2       $200 - $499
     related persons living in the        3       $500 - $999
     same household.                      4     $1,000 - $1,999
                                          5     $2,000 - $2,999
     Include expenses for doctors,        6     $3,000 - $4,999
     hospitals, nursing homes, dental,    7     $5,000 - $9,999
     optical, medicines, & other health   8    $10,000 - $14,999
     expenses.                            9    $15,000 - $19,999
                                         10    $20,000 - $24,999
     Also include payments made TO       11    $25,000 or more
     Medicare and any other health

     Do not include any amounts paid
     by or received from insurance,
     Medicare, or Medicaid.

     If you are unsure, please make
     your best estimate.

     Mark (X) only one box.

 25. At any time during the last year
     of life did the person receive        1   Yes - Go to next question
     help from others in WALKING OR        2   No - Skip to question 27
     use special equipment in
     WALKING ?

     Mark "Yes" if the person
     couldn't walk.

     (Special equipment includes canes,
      walkers, wheelchairs, handlebars,

 26. How long was the person unable to
     walk or did the person receive help     Length of time
     in WALKING or use equipment in
     WALKING during his or her entire
     life ?

     (For example, 5 years or 1 week)

 27. At any time during the last year of
     life did the person receive help         1   Yes - Go to next
     from others in EATING OR use special               question
     equipment in EATING ?                    2   No - Skip to question

 28. How long did the person receive
     help in EATING or use special        Length of time
     equipment in EATING during his
     or her entire life ?

     (For example, 5 years or 1 week)

 29. At any time during the last year      1   Yes - Go to next question
     of life did the person receive        2   No - Skip to question 31
     help from others in BATHING OR use
     special equipment for BATHING ?

 30. How long did the person receive
     help in BATHING or use equipment      Length of time
     in BATHING during his or her
     entire life ?

     (For example, 5 years or 1 week)

 31. At any time during the last year
     of life did the person receive        1   Yes - Go to next question
     help from others in DRESSING OR       2   No - Skip to question 33
     use special equipment in DRESSING ?

 32. How long did the person receive
     help in DRESSING or use equip-        Length of time
     ment in DRESSING during his or
     her entire life ?

     (For example, 5 years or 1 week)

 33. At any time during the last year
     of life did the person receive       1   Yes - Go to next question
     help from others in using the        2   No - Skip to question 35
     TOLIET OR use special equipment
     in using the TOLIET ?

 34. How long did the person receive
     help in using the TOLIET or use           Length of time
     equipment in using the TOLIET
     during his or her entire life ?

     (For example, 5 years or 1 week)

 35. For how much of the last year of     0   None - Go to next question
     life was the person in a nursing     1   At least one night but less
     home or other health facility or         than half of the last year
     any other type of institution ?          Go to next question
                                          2   At least half but not all
     Mark (X) only one box.                   of the last year - Go to
                                              next question
                                          3   All of the last year -
                                              Skip to question 39

 36. During the last year of life, did
     the person receive help AT HOME      1   Yes
     from other persons in walking,       2   No
     eating, bathing, dressing, or
     using the toliet ?

 37. During the last year of life, did
     anyone help the person AT HOME in     1   Yes
     giving medicines, pills, shots,       2   No
     injections, in changing bandages,
     or by providing nursing care ?

     If you marked No in both questions 36 AND 37, skip to question 39.

 38. Who helped the person AT HOME         1   Husband or wife
     during the last year of life ?        2   Son
                                           3   Daughter
     Mark (X) all that apply.              4   Other relative - what
                                               relation ?

                                           5   Neighbor or friend
                                           6   Visiting nurse
                                           7   Visiting homemaker
                                           8   Other - Specify

 39. During the last year of life, how
     often did the person have trouble     1   All or most of the time
     understanding where he or she was ?   2   Some of the time
                                           3   Only in last few hours or
     Mark (X) only one box.                    days before death
                                           4   Never or hardly ever

 40. During the last year of life, how
     often did the person have trouble     1   All or most of the time
     remembering what year it was ?        2   Some of the time
                                           3   Only in last few hours
     Mark (X) only one box.                    or days before death
                                           4   Never or hardly ever

 41. During the last year of life, how
     often did the person have trouble     1   All or most of the time
     recognizing family members or         2   Some of the time
     good friends ?                        3   Only in last few hours
                                               or days before death
                                           4   Never or hardly ever

 42. Did the person ever sign a paper
     stating NOT to use life-sustaining
     equipment or procedures if the
     person was definitely dying ?         1   Yes
     This paper is sometimes called a      2   No
     "living will."

 43. During the LAST THREE YEARS OF
     LIFE, did anyone have any problems    1   Yes - very serious problem
     in finding a nursing home for the     2   Yes - Somewhat serious
     person or getting the person into                  problem
     a nursing home ?                      3   No - Not a problem or
                                                     not applicable

 44. During the LAST YEAR OF LIFE, did
     anyone have any problems in getting   1   Yes - very serious problem
     help to care for the person at home ? 2   Yes - Somewhat serious
                                           3   No - Not a problem or
                                                     not applicable

 45. During the last year of life, did     1   Yes - Very serious problem
     anyone have any problems in paying    2   Yes - Somewhat serious
     the medical bills for the person ?                problem
                                           3   No - Not a problem or
                                                     not applicable

 46. During the last year of life, did     1   Yes - Very serious problem
     anyone have any problems in finding   2   Yes - Somewhat serious
     and getting treatment from a doctor               problem
     for the person ?                      3   No - Not a problem or
                                                     not applicable

               Continue with Part C on the next page.

 Part C - Life Style and Health

                  PART C - LIFE STYLE AND HEALTH

 1. AT ANY TIME IN THE PERSON'S LIFE,     1   Yes - Go to next question
    did he or she ever have high blood    2   No - Skip to question 5
    pressure (hypertension) ?

 2. How long before death was the high
    blood pressure (hypertension) first
    noticed ?
    (For example, 3 years or 2 weeks)     Time before death

 3. Did a doctor prescribe medicine       1   Yes - Go to next question
    for the high blood pressure ?         2   No - Skip to question 5

 4. On the average over the time
    prescribed, did the person take       1    Very regularly
    the medicine regularly ?              2    Not very regularly
                                          3    Hardly at all or never
    (If more than one medicine was
     prescribed, did the person take
     all or most of them regularly ?)

 5. At any time in the person's life,     1    Yes - Go to next question
    did he or she ever have a heart       2    No - Skip to question 7
    attack ?

 6. How long before death did the           ______________________
    person have the FIRST heart                Time before death
    attack ?

    (For example, 3 years or 2 weeks)

 7. At any time in the person's life,
    did he or she ever have angina         1   Yes - Go to next question
    pectoris ?                             2   No - Skip to question 9

 8. How long before death was the angina
    pectoris first noticed ?                   ______________________
                                                  Time before death
    (For example, 3 years or 2 weeks)

 9. At any time in his or her life, did
    the person have a stroke in which       1   Yes - Go to next question
    any resulting conditions (such as       2   No - Skip to question 11
    paralysis, loss of vision or speech)

 10. How old was the person when he
     or she had the first stroke in       ________Ages in years
     which there were resulting
     conditions lasting at least
     one day ?

     If not sure, give approximate

     did a doctor say that the person       1   Yes - Go to next question
     had Alzheimer's disease, chronic       2   No - Skip to question 13
     brain syndrome, dementia, senility,
     or any other serious memory impair-
     ment ?

 12. How long before death was this
     diagnosis first made ?               _______________________
                                             Time before death
     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 13. At any time in the person's life,      1   Yes - Go to next question
     did he or she have any OTHER mental,   2   No - Skip to question 15
     nervous, or emotional health problem ?

 14. How long before death was the other
     mental, nervous, or emotional health        _____________________
     first noticed ?                               Time before death

     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 15. At any time during the person's     1   Yes - Go to next question
     life, did he or she have             2   No - Skip to question 17
     diabetes ?

 16. How long before death was the
     diabetes first noticed ?                 ____________________
                                                Time before death
     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 17. Was cancer the main condition         1   Yes - Go to next question
     leading to death ?                    2   No - Skip to question 19

 18. How long before death was this        _____________________
     cancer first noticed ?                  Time before death

     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)        Skip to question 21

 19. At any time during the person's
     life, did he or she have cancer of   1   Yes - Go to next question
     any kind, except skin cancer ?       2   No - Skip to question 21

 20. How long before death was cancer,
     except skin cancer, first noticed ?      _______________________
                                                Time before death
     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 21. At any time during the person's      1   Yes - Go to next question
     life, did he or she have asthma ?    2   No - Skip to question 23

 22. How long before death was the asthma      _____________________
     first noticed?                              Time before death

     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 23. At any time during the person's
     life, did he or she have any other    1    Yes - Go to next question
     lung condition such as emphysema or   2    No - Skip to question 25
     bronchitis lasting 3 months or
     longer ?

 24. How long before death was the first
     lung condition first noticed ?             ____________________
                                                  Time before death
     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 25. At any time in the person's life,
     did he or she have cirrhosis of       1    Yes - Go to next question
     the liver ?                           2    No - Skip to question 27

 26. How long before death was the
     cirrhosis first noticed ?                 _____________________
                                                 Time before death
     (For example, 3 years or 2 months)

 27. Was there ever a time in the
     person's life that he or she was     1    Yes - Go to next question
     thought to be extremely near to      2    No - Skip to question 29
     death but lived on ?

 28. When was this time in the person's   1   Less than 3 months before
     life when he or she was thought to         actual death
     be extremely near to death but       2   3 months to less than a
     lived on ?                                 year before death
                                          3   1 year to less than 5
     (If there was more than one time,          years before death
      please answer for the first time.)  4   5 years or more before
     Mark (X) only one box.

 29. Where did the person die ?           1   In a hospital emergency
     Mark (X) only one box                2   In a hospital, not in
                                                emergency room
                                          3   On the way to a hospital
                                          4   In a nursing home or
                                               personal care home
                                          5   In his or her own home
                                          6   In some other place -

 30. At any time during the hour
     before death were you with           1   Yes
     the person ?                         2   No

 31. What was the person doing an         1   Confined to bed or chair
     hour before death ?                        because of illness or
     Mark (X) all that apply.             2   Working
                                          3   Quiet recreation such as
                                                watching TV or playing
                                          4   Active recreation such as
                                                yard work, exercise or
                                          5   Sleeping
                                          6   Other - Specify

 32. Within the hour before death, did
     the person start having a new or     1   Yes
     sharply increased problem such as    2   No
     chest pain, difficulty breathing,
     or fainting ?


 33. Did she EVER regularly take           1   Yes - Go to next question
     birth control pills ?                 2   No - Skip to question 36

 34. Altogether, about how long did        1   Less than one year
     she take birth control pills ?        2   1 year but less than
                                                 5 years
                                           3   5 years but less than
                                                 10 years
                                           4   10 years or longer

 35. At what age did she start taking
     birth control pills ?                  _________Ages in years

     If not sure, give approximate

 36. How many LIVE BIRTHS did she ever
     have ? Please include children who     _______Number of live births
     died very young.

 37. Did she ever have a hysterectomy ?   1   Yes - Go to next question
                                          2   No - Skip to question 40
     (An operation to remove the uterus)

 38. How old was she when she had the
     hysterectomy ?                       ______Ages in years

     If unsure, give approximate age.

 39. Before the hysterectomy, had her
     menstrual periods already ended       1    Yes - Skip to question 41
     due to menopause or the "change       2    No - Skip to question 42
     of life"?

 40. Had her menstrual periods ever        1    Yes - Go to next question
     ended due to menopause or the         2    No - Skip to question 42
     "change of life"?

 41. How old was she when her menstrual
     periods ended ?                        _______Age in years

     If unsure, give approximate age.


 42. Did the person ever have an          1    Yes - Go to next question
     operation to be sterilized ?         2    No - Skip to question 44

     (For males, a vasectomy. For
     females, "tubes tied" or tubal

 43. How old was the person when he or
     she had an operation to be steri-       _______Age in years
     lized ?

     If unsure, give approximate age.

 In these next questions, we are interested in the person's usual prac-
 tice, not in any possible recent change because of a health problem.

 DURING MOST OF HIS OR HER ADULT LIFE, on the average, how often did the
 person usually eat the following foods -

 44. Red meat, such as beef, pork, lamb,   1    Every day
     or hamburger ?                        2    3 to 6 times a week
                                           3    1 or 2 times a week
     Mark (X) only one box.                4    1 to 3 times a month
                                           5    Less than once a month
                                           6    Never

 45. Eggs or dairy products, such as       1    Every day

     milk, cheese, or butter ?             2    3 to 6 times a week
                                           3    1 or 2 times a week
     Mark (X) only one box.                4    1 to 3 times a week
                                           5    Less than once a month
                                           6    Never

 46. Fruit ?                               1    Every day
                                           2    3 to 6 times a week
     Mark (X) only one box.                3    1 or 2 times a week
                                           4    1 to 3 times a month
                                           5    Less than once a month
                                           6    Never

 47. Vegetables ?                          1    Every day
                                           2    3 to 6 times a week
     Mark (X) only one box.                3    1 or 2 times a week
                                           4    1 to 3 times a month
                                           5    Less than once a month
                                           6    Never

 48. Foods prepared by salt-curing or      1    Every day
     smoking, such as bacon, hot dogs,     2    3 to 6 times a week
     or smoked fish ?                      3    1 or 2 times a week
                                           4    1 to 3 times a month
     Mark (X) only one box.                5    Less than once a month
                                           6    Never

 49. During MOST of his or her adult       1    Very overweight
     life, was the person overweight,      2    Somewhat overweight
     underweight, or just about right ?    3    Only a little overweight
                                           4    Underweight
     Mark (X) only one box.                5    About right

 50. On the average, approximately what
     was the person's usual adult weight ?   ______Pounds

 51. What was the person's adult height ?    _______Feet

     Enter both feet & inches, such as "5       AND
     feet & 6 inches." If no inches, enter
     "0."                                    _______Inches

 52. Did the person smoke at least 100
     cigarettes in his or her entire life?     1    Yes - Go to next
     (There are usually 20 or 25 cigarettes    2    No - Skip to ques-
      in a pack.)                                        tion 57

 53. How long did he or she smoke        _______Years-go to next question
     cigarettes regularly ?               x    Less than 1 year
                                          o    Never smoked regularly -
     Enter years or mark (X) a box.            Skip to question 55

 54. During the period he or she       1    Less than 5 cigarettes a day
     smoked most, on the average,      2    5 - 14 a day
     about how many cigarettes a       3   15 - 24 a day
     day did the person usually        4   25 - 34 a day
     smoke ?                           5   35 - 44 a day
                                       6   45 or more a day
     Mark (X) only one box.

 55. Did the person stop smoking and   1   Yes - Go to next question
     not start again ?                 2   No - Skip to question 57

 56. How long before death did the
     person stop smoking ?                   ____________________
                                              Time before death
     (For example: 3 years or 2 months)

 57. Did the person ever regularly use    1    Yes - Go to next question
     chewing tobacco ?                    2    No - Skip to question 60

 58. How long did he or she regularly
     use chewing tobacco ?                     __________Years
                                                x    Less than 1 year
     Enter years or mark (X) the box.

 59. When he or she was regularly using     1    5 or more times a day
     chewing tobacco, on the average, how   2    3 - 4 times a day
     often did the person use it ?          3    1 - 2 times a day
                                            4    3 - 6 times a day
     Mark (X) only one box.                 5    1 or 2 times a week
                                            6    1 to 3 times a month
                                            7    Less than once a month

 60. Did the person ever regularly         1    Yes - go to next question
     use snuff ?                           2    No - Skip to question 63

 61. How long did he or she regularly
     use snuff ?                             __________Years
                                              x    Less than 1 year
     Enter years or mark (X) the box.

 62. When he or she was regularly using    1    5 or more times a day
     snuff, on the average, how often      2    3 - 4 times a day
     did the person use it ?               3    1 - 2 times a day
                                           4    3 - 6 times a week
     Mark (X) only one box.                5    1 or 2 times a week
                                           6    1 to 3 times a month
                                           7    Less than once a month

 63. In the person's entire adult life,
     did he or she have at least 12
     drinks of any kind of alcoholic      1   Yes - Go to next question
     beverage, such as beer, wine, or     2   No - Skip to question 66
     liquor ?

 64. On the average, during adult life,   1   Every day
     how often did he or she drink any    2   3 TO 6 times a week
     alcoholic beverages, such as beer,   3   1 OR 2 times a week
     wine, or liquor ?                    4   1 TO 3 times a month
                                          5   Less than once a month
     Mark (X) only one box.

 65. On the days that the person drank,   1   Twelve or more
     how many drinks did he or she have   2   Seven to eleven
     on the average, per day ?            3   Five or six
                                          4   Three or four
     Mark (X) only one box.               5   Two
                                          6   One

 66. Over the last 10 years (and not
     counting the last illness), did      1   Very regularly
     the person exercise vigorously at    2   Not very regularly
     least three times a week, for at     3   Hardly at all or never
     least 20 minutes each time ?
     (For example: running, swimming,
     bicycling, walking briskly, aerobic
     exercise, etc.)

     Mark (X) only one box.

 Part D - Characteristics of Person


 1. Did the person EVER work at a         1    Yes - Go to next question
    paying job or a business full or      2    No - Skip to question 8
    part time ?

 2. Of all the PAID jobs or businesses
    the person ever had, what KIND OF     ____________________________
    WORK did he or she do the longest ?   ____________________________
    (For example, electrical engineer,    ____________________________
    stock clerk, typist, farmer, in       ____________________________
    Armed Forces, etc.)

 3. For how many years did the person     1    Less than one year
    do this kind of work ?                2    1 to less than 5 years
                                          3    5 to less than 10 years
    Mark (X) only one box.                4    10 to less than 20 years
                                          5    20 to less than 30 years
                                          6    30 to less than 40 years
                                          7    40 years or more

 4. In this occupation, what KIND OF
    BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY did he or she    ____________________________
    work in the longest? Describe the     ____________________________
    activity at the location where        ____________________________
    employed. (For example: TV and radio  ____________________________
    manufacturing, retail shoe store,     ____________________________
    State Labor Department, farm, Armed
    Forces, etc.)

 5. Was the person employed at a          1    Yes - Skip to question 8
    paying job or business up until       2    No - Go to next question
    the time he or she died ?

 6. Why did the person stop working ?     1   Because of a health problem
                                                 or disability
    Mark (X) only one box.                2   Because of loss of job
                                          3   Normal retirement
                                          4   Other reason - Specify

 7. How long before death was the
    last time the person worked at            _______________________
    a paying job or business (full                Time before death
    or part time) ?
    (For example: 3 years or 2 months)

 8. Did the person's husband or wife       1   Yes - Go to next question
    ever work at a paying job or business  2   No
    full or part time ?                    3   Never married-Skip to
    If married more than once, answer for        question 11
    most recent husband or wife.

 9. Of all the PAID jobs or businesses
    the person's husband or wife ever       _________________________
    had, what KIND OF WORK did the          _________________________
    husband or wife do the longest ?        _________________________
    (For example, electrical engineer,      _________________________
    stock clerk, typist, farmer, in
    Armed Forces, etc.)

 10. In this occupation, what KIND OF
     BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY did the husband     ________________________
     or wife work in the longest ? Describe   ________________________
     the activity at the location where       ________________________
     employed. (For example, TV and radio     ________________________
     manufacturing, retail shoe store,        ________________________
     State Labor Department, farm, Armed
     Forces, etc.)

 11. What was the size of the family
     during most of 1985 ? (Include the   0   Person lived in nursing
     person and all of his or her             home, other health facility
     relatives living in the same house       or other institution during
     hold ?                                   most of 1985
                                          1   One (Person either lived
     Mark (X) only one box.                   alone or with unrelated
                                          2   Two
                                          3   Three
                                          4   Four
                                          5   Five
                                          6   Six
                                          7   Seven
                                          8   Eight
                                          9   Nine or more

 12. What was the family's income in 1985 ?
     (Please include the person's income &      1   Less than $5,000
     the income of all other related persons    2   $5,000 - $6,999
     living in the same household as the        3   $7,000 - $8,999
     person. Include money from jobs, social    4   $9,000 - $10,999
     security, retirement income, unemployment  5   $11,000 - $12,999
     payments, public assistance, etc. Also     6   $13,000 - $14,999
     include from interest, dividends, net      7   $15,000 - $16,999
     income from business, farm, or rent, &     8   $17,000 - $18,999
     any other money income received.)          9   $19,000 - $21,999
                                               10   $22,000 - $24,999
     Mark (X) only one box.                    11   $25,000 and over

 13. Was the person ever on active duty in
     the U.S. Armed Forces ?                  1   Yes-Go to next question
     Note-Mark "No" if all of the active      2   No-Skip to question 15
     duty service was related to training
     in the National Guard or military

 14. At the time of death, was the person     1    Yes
     on full-time active duty with the        2    No
     Armed Forces ?

 15. Which category BEST represents the       1    American Indian,
     person's race ?                                Aleut, or Eskimo
                                              2    Asian or Pacific
     Mark (X) only one box.                          Islander
                                              3    Black
                                              4    White

 16. Was this person of Spanish or Hispanic   1    Yes
     origin or descent ?                      2    No

 17. Who did the person live with at the    1   Lived alone-Go to next
     time of death ? (If the person was          question
     living in an institution at the time   2   Lived with other persons
     of death, who did he or she live with      (List relationship for
     BEFORE entering the institution ?)         each other person below,
     If more room is needed to list addi-       for example, husband/
     tional persons, continue on the last       wife, son, friend, etc.
     page of this questionnaire.            Person        Relationship

 18. What was the highest grade or year   1   Less than 5 years
     of regular school the person ever    2   5 - 7 years
     completed ?                          3   8 years
                                          4   9 - 11 years
     Mark (X) only one box.               5   High school graduate
                                          6   1 - 3 years of college
                                          7   4 years of college or more

 19. At the time of his or her death,     1   Married-Skip to question 21
     what was the marital status of       2   Widowed-Go to next question
     the person ?                         3   Divorced-Skip to question21
                                          4   Separated- Skip to
                                                question 21
                                          5   Never married - Skip to
                                                question 26

 20. About how long before the person's
     death did the person's husband or      _________________________
     wife die ?                              Time before person's death
     (For example: 3 years or 2 months)

 21. Counting all marriages which the
     person may have had, for how many       ___________Years
     years ALTOGETHER was he or she          x    Less than 1 year
     married ?
     Enter number or mark (X) the box.

 22. How many different persons was he
     or she ever married to during his       ______Number of different
     or her entire life ?                          husbands or wives

 23. What was the highest grade or year     1    Less than 5 years
     of regular school completed by the     2    5 - 7 years
     person's husband or wife ?             3    8 years
     If the person was married more than    4    9 - 11 years
     once, answer for the most recent       5    High school graduate
     husband or wife.                       6    1 - 3 years of college
     Mark (X) only one box.                 7    4 years of college or

 24. While the person was married, did
     his or her husband or wife smoke at    1   Yes-Go to next question
     least 100 cigarettes ?                 2   No-Skip to question 26
     If the person was married more than
     once & any of the husbands or wives
     smoked at least 100 cigarettes, mark

 25. On the average, how many cigarettes   1    Less than 5 cigarettes
     a day did the person's husband or           a day
     wife smoke ?                          2    5 - 14 a day
     If the person was married more than   3    15 - 24 a day
     once, answer for the most recent      4    25 - 34 a day
     husband or wife who smoked.           5    35 - 44 a day
                                           6    45 or more a day

 26. In what year was the person's
     natural father born ?                           Year of father's
     If unsure, please give approximate                 birth

 27. If the person's natural father has
     died, how old was the father when
     the father died ?                      _______Father's age of death
     Give age or mark (x) the box.           x    Still living

 28. In what year was the person's
     natural mother born ?                         Year of mother's birth
     If unsure, please give approximate

 29. If the person's natural mother has
     died, how old was the mother when
     the mother died ?                      _______Mother's age at death
     Give age or mark (X) the box.           x    Still living

 30. Did the person's natural father     1    Yes-Go to next question
     ever have a heart attack ?          2    No-Skip to question 32

 31. About how old was the person's
     natural father when he had his
     first heart attack ?                 _________Age of father
     If unsure, please give approxi-
     mate age.

 32. Did the person's natural mother      1    Yes-Go to next question
     ever have a heart attack ?           2    No-Skip to question 34

 33. About how old was the person's
     natural mother when she had her
     first heart attack ?                 _________Age of mother
     If unsure, please give approxi-
     mate age.

 34. How many brothers who lived to be
     25 years old or older did the person     _______Number of brothers -
     have ?                                     Go to next question
     (Do not include half, step, or adoptive  0    None-Skip to question
     brothers.)                                      37
     Enter number or mark (X) the box.

 35. How many of the person's brothers ever
     had a heart attack ?                     ________Number who had a
     (Count only brothers who lived to be      heart attack.
      at least 25 years old.)
      Enter number or mark (X) the box.    0   None-Skip to question 37

 36. How old were these brothers when   _____Brother's age at time of
     they had a heart attack ?                heart attack
     For each brother who had a heart   _____Brother's age at time of
     attack, enter that brother's age         heart attack
     when he had the first heart attack._____Brother's age at time of
     If unsure, give approximate ages.        heart attack
                                        _____Brother's age at time of
                                              heart attack
                                        _____Brother's age at time of
                                              heart attack
                                        _____Brother's age at time of
                                              heart attack

 37. How many sisters who lived to be
     25 years old or older did the        ______Number of sisters-Go
     person have ?                               to next question
     (Do not include half, step, or       0    None-Skip to question 40
     adoptive sisters.)
     Enter number or mark (X) the box.

 38. How many of the person's sisters
     ever had a heart attack ?            ______Number who had a heart
     (Count only sisters who lived to            attack-Go to next
     be at least 25 years old.)                  question
     Enter number or mark (X) the box.    0    None-Skip to question 40

 39. How old were these sisters when
     they had a heart attack ?            ______Sister's age at time of
     For each sister who had a heart             heart attack
     attack, enter that sister's age      ______Sister's age at time of
     when she had the first heart                heart attack
     attack.                              ______Sister's age at time of
     If unsure, give approximate ages.           heart attack
                                          ______Sister's age at time of
                                                 heart attack
                                          ______Sister's age at time of
                                                 heart attack
                                          ______Sister's age at time of
                                                 heart attack

 40. At the time of death, what was the          0   Zero net worth (or
     total value of things (including a               loss)
     home if any) owned by the person            1   $1 - $4,999
     (and husband or wife) ?                     2   $5,000 - $24,999
     Subtract any debts & mortgages.             3   $25,000 - $49,999
     Include cash in bank accounts, stocks,      4   $50,000 - $99,999
     bonds, cars, jewelry, business interests,   5   $100,000 - $249,999
     etc.                                        6   $250,000 - $499,999
     If unsure, please make your best estimate.  7   $500,000 or more

     Mark (X) only one box.

 41. Is there anyone else who might be        Yes - What is his or her
     able to add to the information you             name, address, and
     gave on this questionnaire ?                   telephone number ?
                                              No - Go to next question
                                              Address (Number & street)
                                              City or Post Office
                                              State           ZIP Code
                                              Area code  Telephone number
                                                        No telephone

 42. Sometimes particular questions are
     not clear to the person answering     Your name
     them. Would you please give us your   ______________________________
     name & telephone number so that we    Area code   Telephone number
     can call you in case we have some     _________   __________________
     questions ?                                   No telephone

 Please go to the next page, read and complete the authorization.

 Authorization to Obtain Information from Medical Records

         I hereby give my consent for hospitals, nursing homes,
         and other medical sources that maintain records on the
         person named below to provide the required information
         to the National Center for Health Statistics through the
         U.S.  Bureau  of  the  Census.  I understand  that  the
         National Center  for  Health  Statistics  will  use this
         Information  only  for  statistics  purposes  and  no
         information  which  identifies  me,  the  person  names
         below, or  the  medical  source will ever be released or

         ______________     _____________________________________
         (Today's date)     (Your signature)

                            (Relationship to the deceased)

                            (Name of the deceased. Please print)

         This authorization expires one year from data of signature.

             Please return this entire questionnaire to the
             Bureau of the Census in the envelope provided.

 Additional Answers or Comments
 (Continued from earlier questions.PLEASE SHOW THE PAGE & QUESTION NUMBER
 Please add any comments or suggestions that you think can help in this
 Page 24   *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1986-646-009/40017

 Appendix A - NMFS Facility Abstract Record

 FORM NMF-6 (8-22-86)

                            FACILITY ABSTRACT RECORD

 OMB No. 0937-0144: Approved Expires December 30, 1987

 NOTICE - Information contained on this form which would permit identification
 of any individual or establishment has been collected with a guarantee
 that it will be held in strict confidence, will be used only for purposes
 stated for this study, and will not be disclosed or released to others
 without the consent of the individual or the establishment in accordance
 with Section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 242m).

 I - IV.

 I. Name of decedent

 II. Date of death                  III. Date of birth

 IV. Address of decedent
     Number and street                 City             State       ZIP Code

 V. Name of hospital or institution

 VI. Decedent's control number              VII. Facility control number

 A. Was the person named above discharged (either dead or alive) from this
 hospital or institution since January 1, 1985?
                  1    Yes-Go to item B
                  2    No-Skip to item D

 B. For each discharge, what were the admission and discharge dates, diagnoses
 established at the time of discharge, and surgical and diagnostic procedures?
 (The principal diagnosis is the condition after study, chiefly responsible
 for the stay; if unknown, enter first listed diagnosis. The principal proce-
 dure is the procedure most related to the principal diagnosis; if unknown,
 enter first listed procedure.) Then go to item C.

 1)  a. Admission date (Month, day, year)

     b. Discharge date (Month, day, year)

     c. Diagnoses                                               ICD-9-CM codes
                                                                (if available)

     d. Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures                      ICD-9-CM codes
        (Mark "None" if there were no procedures                (if available)
          for this stay.)       None


 2)  a. Admission date (Month, day, year)

     b. Discharge date (Month, day, year)

     c. Diagnoses                                               ICD-9-CM codes
                                                                (if available)

     d. Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures                      ICD-9-CM codes
        (Mark "None" if there were no procedures                (if available)
          for this stay.)       None


 3)  a. Admission date (Month, day, year)

     b. Discharge date (Month, day, year)

     c. Diagnoses                                               ICD-9-CM codes
                                                                (if available)

     d. Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures                      ICD-9-CM codes
        (Mark "None" if there were no procedures                (if available)
          for this stay.)       None


 4)  a. Admission date (Month, day, year)

     b. Discharge date (Month, day, year)

     c. Diagnoses                                               ICD-9-CM codes
                                                                (if available)

     d. Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures                      ICD-9-CM codes
        (Mark "None" if there were no procedures                (if available)
          for this stay.)       None


 5)  a. Admission date (Month, day, year)

     b. Discharge date (Month, day, year)

     c. Diagnoses                                               ICD-9-CM codes
                                                                (if available)

     d. Surgical and Diagnostic Procedures                      ICD-9-CM codes
        (Mark "None" if there were no procedures                (if available)
          for this stay.)       None


 C. Which of these categories best describes the facility or a unit of
        the facility in which the decedent was a patient?
               1    General medical/surgical  hospital
               2    Alcohol or drug treatment hospital
               3    Psychiatric facility
               4    Other speciality, long stay hospital
               5    Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), certified under either
                     Medicare or Medicaid
               6    Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), certified under
               7    Other type of nursing or personal care home
               8    Hospice
               9    Other type of facility - Specify

 D. According to your records or your personal knowledge, was the decedent
    a patient since January 1, 1985 in any other hospital, nursing home, or
    institution providing medical care ?
                    1    Yes-Go to item E
                    2    No-Skip to item F

 E. What were the names and addresses of all other hospitals or institutions
    in which the decedent was a patient since January 1, 1985 ?

 (1) Name of hospital or institution

     Address (Number and street)

     City or post office

     State                              ZIP code

 (2) Name of hospital or institution

     Address (Number and street)

     City or post office

     State                              ZIP code

 (3) Name of hospital or institution

     Address (Number and street)

     City or post office

     State                              ZIP code

 Please record additional hospital/institution stays in the "Remarks"
       section below.

 F. In case we need to ask a question about this form, please enter the
    name and telephone number of the person to contact for additional
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               Please return this form in the envelope provided to:

                              Bureau of the Census
                             1201 East Tenth Street
                          Jeffersonville, Indiana  47132

 Appendix B - Index of Industries and Occupations

 Occupational Classification System

 Equivalent numeric codes follow the alphabetic code. Either code may be
 used, depending on the processing method. Numbers in parentheses follow-
 ing the occupation categories are the 1977 Standard Occupational Classi-
 fication code equivalents. The abbrevation "pt" means "part" and
 "n.e.c." means "not elsewhere classified."

 pation                Occupation category


         Executive, Administrative, and Managerial

 003     Legislators (112)
 004     Chief executives and general administrators, public
          administration (111)
 005     Administrators and officals, public administration (pt 113 and
          119, except 1136)
 006     Administrators, protective services (pt 113)
 007     Financial managers (122)
 008     Personnel and labor relations managers (123)
 009     Purchasing managers (124)
 013     Managers, marketing, advertising, and public relations (125)
 014     Administrators, education and related fields (128)
 015     Managers, medicine and health (131)
 016     Managers, properties and real estate (1353)
 017     Postmasters and mail superintendents (1344)
 018     Funeral directors (pt 1359)
 019     Managers and administrators, n.e.c.(1136,121,126,127,132-139,
          except 1344, 1353, pt 1359)
         Management related occupations
 023       Accountants and auditors (1412)
 024       Underwriters (pt 1419)
 025       Other financial officers (pt 1419)
 026       Management analysts (142)
 027       Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists (143)
 028       Purchasing agents and buyers, farm products (pt 144)
 029       Buyers, wholesale and retail trade, except farm products (432)
 033       Purchasing agents and buyers, n.e.c. (pt 144)
 034       Business and promotion agents (145)
 035       Construction inspectors (1171,618)
 036       Inspectors and compliance officers, exc. construction (1172,
 037       Management related occupations, n.e.c.(149)

        Professional Specialty Occupations
 043    Architects (15)
        Engineers, surveyors and mapping scientists
 044      Aerospace engineers (1622)
 045      Metallurgical and materials engineers (1623)
 046      Mining engineers (1624)
 047      Petroleum engineers (1625)
 048      Chemical engineers (1626)
 049      Nuclear engineers (1627)
 053      Civil engineers (1628)
 054      Agricultural engineers (1632)
 055      Electrical and electronic engineers (1633,1636)
 056      Industrial engineers (1634)
 057      Mechanical engineers (1635)
 058      Marine engineers and naval architects (1637)
 059      Engineers, n.e.c. (1639)
 063      Surveyors and mapping scientists (1642)
        Mathematical and computer scientists
 064      Computer systems analysts and scientists (171)
 065      Operations and systems researchers and analysts (172)
 066      Actuaries (1732)
 067      Statisticians (1733)
 068      Mathematical scientists, n.e.c. (1739)
        Natural scientists
 069      Physicists and astronomers (1842,1843)
 073      Chemists, except biochemists (1845)
 074      Atmospheric and space scientists (1846)
 075      Geologists and geodesists (1847)
 076      Physical scientists, n.e.c. (1849)
 077      Agricultural and food scientists (1853)
 078      Biological and life scientists (1854,1859)
 079      Forestry and conservation scientists (1852)
 083      Medical scientists (1855)
        Health diagnosing occupations
 084      Physicians (261)
 085      Dentists (262)
 086      Veterinarians (27)
 087      Optometrists (281)
 088      Podiatrists (283)
 089      Health diagnosing practitioners, n.e.c.,(289)
        Health assessment and treating occupations
 095      Registered nurses (29)
 096      Pharmacists (301)
 097      Dietitians (302)
 098        Inhalation therapists (pt 303)
 099        Occupational therapists (pt 303)
 103        Physical therapists (pt 303)
 104        Speech therapists (py 303)
 105        Therapists, n.e.c.(pt 303)

 106        Physicans' assistants (304)
          Teachers, postsecondary
 113        Earth, environmental, and marine science teachers (2212)
 114        Biological science teachers (2213)
 115        Chemistry teachers (2214)
 116        Physics teachers (2215)
 117        Natural science teachers, n.e.c. (2216)
 118        Psychology teachers (2217)
 119        Economics teachers (2218)
 123        History teachers (2222)
 124        Political science teachers (2223)
 125        Sociology teachers (2224)
 126        Social science teachers, n.e.c. (2225)
 127        Engineering teachers (2226)
 128        Mathematical science teachers (2227)
 129        Computer science teachers (2228)
 133        Medical science teachers (pt 2232)
 134        Health specialties teachers (pt 2232)
 135        Business, commerce, and marketing teachers (2233)
 136        Agriculture and forestry teachers (2234)
 137        Art, drama, and music teachers (2235)
 138        Physical education teachers (2236)
 139        Education teachers (2237)
 143        English teachers (2238)
 144        Foreign language teachers (2242)
 145        Law teachers (2243)
 146        Social work teachers (2244)
 147        Theology teachers (2245)
 148        Trade and industrial teachers (2246)
 149        Home economics teachers (pt 2249)
 153        Teachers, postsecondary, n.e.c. (pt 2249)
 154        Postsecondary teachers, subject not specified
          Teachers, except postsecondary
 155        Teachers, prekindergarten and kindergarten (231)
 N(156)     Teachers, elementary school (232)
 P(157)     Teachers, secondary school (233)
 158        Teachers, special education (235)
 159        Teachers, n.e.c. (234,239)
 163      Counselors, educational and vocational (24)
          Librarians, archivists, and curators
 164        Librarians (251)
 165        Archivists and curators (252)
          Social scientists and urban planners
 166        Economists (1912)
 167        Psychologists (1915)
 168        Sociologists (1916)
 169        Social scientists, n.e.c.(1913,1914,1919)
 173        Urban planners (192)
          Social, recreation, and religious workers
 174        Social workers (2032)
 175        Recreation workers (2033)
 176        Clergy (2042)
 177        Religious workers, n.e.c.(2049)
          Lawyers and judges
 178        Lawyers (211)
 179        Judges (212)
          Writers, artists, entertainers, and athletes
 183        Authors (pt 321)
 184        Technical writers (pt 321)
 185        Designers (322)
 186        Musicians and composers (323)
 187        Actors and directors (324)
 188        Painters, sculptors, craft-artists, and artist
             printmakers (325, pt 7263)
 189        Photographers (326)
 193        Dancers
 194        Artists, performers, and related workers, n.e.c.,(328,329)
 195        Editors and reporters (331)
 197        Public relations specialists (332)
 198        Announcers (333)
 199        Athelets (34)

            Technicians and Related Support Occupations
            Health technologists and technicians
 203          Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians (362)
 204          Dental hygienists (363)
 205          Health record technologists and technicians (364)
 206          Radiologic techinicians (365)
 207          Liscensed practical nurses (366)
 208          Health technologists and technicians, n.e.c. (369)
            Technologists and technicians, except health
              Engineering and related technologists and technicians
 213            Electrical and electronic technicians (3711)
 214            Industrial engineering technicians (3712)
 215            Mechanical engineering technicians (3713)
 216            Engineering technicians, n.e.c. (3719)
 217            Drafting occupations (3721)
 218            Surveying and mapping technicians (3722)
              Science technicians
 223            Biological technicians (382)
 224            Chemical technicians (3831)
 225            Science technicians, n.e.c.(3832,3833,384,389)

 226           Airplane pilots and navigators (645)
 227            Air traffic controllers (391)
 228            Broadcast equipment operators (392)
 229            Computer programmers (3931,3932)
 233            Tool programmers, numerical control (3934)
 234            Legal assistants (396)
 235            Technicians, n.e.c.(399)

             Sales Occupations
 243         Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations (40,
               pt 4518)
             Sales occupations, business goods and services
 253           Insurance sales occupations (4222)
 254           Real estate sales occupations (4223)
 255           Securities and financial services sales occupations (4224)
 256           Advertising and related sales occupations (4253)
 257           Sales occupations, other business services (4252)
 258         Sales engineers (pt 16)
 259         Sales representatives, mining, manufacturing, and wholesale
             Sales occupations, personal goods and services
 263           Sales workers, motor vehicles and boats (4142,4144)
 264           Sales workers, apparel (pt 4146)
 265           Sales workers, shoes (pt 4146)
 266           Sales workers, furniture and home furnishings (4148)
 267           Sales workers; radio, television, hi-fi, and appliances
                (4143, 4152)
 268           Sales workers, hardware and building supplies (4153)
 269           Sales workers, parts (4167)
 274           Sales workers, other commodities (4145,4147,4154,4156,
                4159,pt 4162,4169,4259,4665)
 275           Sales counter clerks (pt 4162)
 Q(276)        Cashiers (4683)
 277           Street and door-to-door sales workers (4163)
 278           News vendors (4165)
             Sales related occupations
 283           Demonstrators, promoters and models, sales (435)
 284           Auctioneers (pt 439)
 285           Sales support occupations, n.e.c.(434,436,pt 439)

             Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical

             Supervisors, administrative support occupations
 303           Supervisors, general office (4511-4514, 4516, pt 4518,
                4519, 4529, 4537)
 304           Supervisors, computer equipment operators (4535)
 305           Supervisors, financial records processing (4521, 4536)
 306           Chief communications operators (4515)
 307           Supervisors; distribution, scheduling, and adjusting
                clerks (4522-4528)
             Computer equipment operators
 308           Computer operators (4852)
 309           Peripheral equipment operators (4853)
             Secretaries, stenographers, and typists
 R(313)        Secretaries (4612)
 314           Stenographers (4613)
 315           Typists (4622)
             Information clerks
 316           Interviewers (4642)
 317           Hotel clerks (4643)
 318           Transportation ticket and reservation agents (4644)
 319           Receptiontists (4645)
 323           Information clerks, n.e.c.(4649)
             Records processing occupations, except financial
 325           Classified-ad clerks (4662)
 326           Correspondence clerks (4663)
 327           Order clerks (4664)
 328           Personnel clerks, except payroll and timekeeping (4692)
 329           Library clerks (4694)
 335           File clerks (4696)
 336           Records clerks (4693, 4699)
             Financial records processing occupations
 S(337)        Bookkeepers, accounting, and auditing clerks (4712)
 338           Payroll and timekeeping clerks (4713)
 339           Billing clerks (4715)
 343           Cost and rate clerks (4716)
 344           Billing, posting, and calculating machine operators (486)
             Duplicating, mail and other office machine operators
 345           Duplicating machine operators (4872)
 346           Mail preparing and paper handling machine operators (4873)
 347           Office machine operators, n.e.c.(4879)
             Communications equipment operators
 348           Telephone operators (4652)
 349           Telegraphers (4623)
 353           Communications equipment operators, n.e.c.(4659)
             Mail and message distributing occupations
 354           Postal clerks, exc. mail carriers (4723)
 355           Mail carriers, postal service (4733)
 356           Mail clerks, exc. postal service (4722)
 357           Messengers (4732)
             Material recording, scheduling, and distributing clerks,
 359           Dispatchers (4741)
 363           Production coordinators (4742)

 364           Traffic, shipping, and receiving clerks (4743)
 365           Stock and inventory clerks (4744)
 366           Meter readers (4745)
 368           Weighers, measurers, and checkers (4746)
 369           Samplers (4747)
 373           Expediters (4748)
 374           Material recording, scheduling, and distributing
                clerks, n.e.c. (4749)
             Adjusters and investigators
 375           Insurance adjusters, examiners, and investigators (4782)
 376           Investigators and adjusters, except insurance (4783)
 377           Eligibility clerks, social welfare (4784)
 378           Bill and account collectors (4786)
             Miscellaneous administrative support occupations
 379           General office clerks (4632)
 383           Bank tellers (4682)
 384           Proofreaders (4792)
 385           Data-entry keyers (4624)
 386           Statistical clerks (4717)
 387           Teachers' aides (4695)
 389           Administrative support occupations, n.e.c. (4787, 4799)


             Private Household Occupations

 403         Launderers and ironers (533)
 404         Cooks, private household (534)
 405         Housekeepers and butlers (535)
 406         Child care workers, private household (536)
 T(407)      Private household cleaners and servants (532,537,539)

             Protective Service Occupations

             Supervisors, protective service occupations
 413           Supervisors, firefighting and fire prevention occupations
 414           Supervisors, police and detectives (5012)
 415           Supervisors, guards (5013)
             Firefighting and fire prevention occupations
 416           Fire inspection and fire prevention occupations (5112)
 417           Firefighting occupations (5113)
             Police and detectives
 418           Police and detectives, public service (5122)
 423           Sheriffs, bailiffs, and other law enforcement officers
 424           Correctional institution officers (5133)
 425           Crossing guards (5132)
 426           Guards and police, exc. public service (5134)
 427           Protective service occupation, n.e.c. (5139)

             Service Occupations, Except Protective and Private Household

             Food preparation and service occupations
 433           Supervisors, food preparation and service occupations
 434           Bartenders (5212)
 U(435)        Waiters and waitresses (5213)
 436           Cooks, except short order (5214)
 437           Short-order cooks (5215)
 438           Food counter, fountain and related occupations (5216)
 439           Kitchen workers, food preparation (5217)
 443           Waiters'/waitresses' assistants (5218)
 444           Miscellaneous food preparation occupations (5219)
             Health service occupations
 445           Dental assistants (5232)
 446           Health aides, except nursing (5233)
 447           Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants (5236)
             Cleaning and building service occupations, except private
 448           Supervisors, cleaning and building service workers (5024)
 449           Maids and housemen (5242, 5249)
 V(453)        Janitors and cleaners (5244)
 454           Elevator operators (5245)
 455           Pest control occupations (5246)
             Personal service occupations
 456           Supervisors, personal service occupations (5025)
 457           Barbers (5251)
 458           Hairdressers and cosmetologists (5252)
 459           Attendants, amusement and recreation facilities (5253)
 463           Guides (5254)
 464           Ushers (5255)
 465           Public transportation attendants (5256)
 466           Baggage porters and bellhops (5258)
 467           Welfare service aides (5262)
 468           Child care workers, except private household (5263)
 469           Personal service occupations, n.e.c.(5257, 5269)


             Farm operators and managers
 W(473)        Farmers, except horticultural (5512-5514)
 474           Horticultural specialty farmers (5515)
 475           Managers, farms, except horticultural (5522-5524)
 476           Managers, horticultural specialty farms (5525)

            Other agricultural and related occupations
             Farm occupations, except managerial
 477          Supervisors, farm workers (5611)
 479          Farm workers (5612-5617)
 483          Marine life cultivation workers (5618)
 484          Nursery workers (5619)
             Related agricultural occupations
 485          Supervisors, related agricultural occupations (5621)
 486          Groundskeepers and gardeners, except farm (5622)
 487          Animal caretakers, except farm (5624)
 488          Graders and sorters, agricultural products (5625)
 489          Inspectors, agricultural products (5627)
           Forestry and logging occupations
 494         Supervisors, forestry and logging workers (571)
 495         Forestry workers, except logging (572)
 496         Timber cutting and logging occupations (573,579)
           Fishers, hunters, and trappers
 497         Captains and other officers, fishing vessels (582)
 498         Fishers (583)
 499         Hunters and trappers (584)

           Mechanics and repairers
 503         Supervisors, mechanics and repairers (66)
             Mechanics and repairers, except supervisors
               Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics and repairers
 X(505)         Automobile mechanics (6711)
 506             Automobile mechanic apprentices (pt 6711)
 507            Bus, truck, and stationary engine mechanics (6712)
 508            Aircraft engine mechanics (6713)
 509            Small engine repairers (6714)
 514            Automobile body and related repairers (6715)
 515            Aircraft mechanics, exc. engine (6716)
 516            Heavy equipment mechanics (6717)
 517            Farm equipment mechanics (6718)
 518          Industrial machinery repairers (673)
 519          Machinery maintenance occupations (674)
              Electrical and electronic equipment repairers
 523            Electronic repairers, communications and industrial
                 equipment (6751, 6753, 6755)
 525            Data processing equipment repairers (6754)
 526            Household appliance and power tool repairers (6756)
 527            Telephone line installers and repairers (6757)
 529            Telephone installers and repairers (6758)
 533            Miscellaneous electrical and electronic equipment
                 repairers (6752, 6759)
 534            Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics
              Miscellaneous, mechanics and repairers
 535            Camera, watch, and musical instrument repairers
                 (6771, 6772)
 536            Locksmiths and safe repairers (6773)
 538            Office machine repairers (6774)
 539            Mechanical controls and valve repairers (6775)
 543            Elevator installers and repairers (6776)
 544            Millwrights (6778)
 547            Specified mechanics and repairers, n.e.c.(6777, 6779)
 549            Not specified mechanics and repairers
          Construction trades
             Supervisors, construction occupations
 553           Supervisors, brickmasons, stonemasons, and tile
                setters (6012)
 554           Supervisors, carpenters, and related workers (6013)
 555           Supervisors, electricians and power transmission
                installers (6014)
 556           Supervisors; painters, paperhangers, and plasterers
 557           Supervisors; plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
 558           Supervisors, n.e.c. (6011,6018)
             Construction trades, except supervisors
 563           Brickmasons and stonemasons (6112,6113)
 564             Brickmason and stonemason apprentices (pt 6112-6113)
 565           Tile setters, hard and soft (6114, pt 6162)
 566           Carpet installers (pt 6162)
 Y(567)        Carpenters (6122)
 569             Carpenter apprentices (pt 6122)
 573           Drywall installers (6124)
 575           Electricians (6132)
 576             Electrician apprentices (pt 6132)
 577           Electrical power installers and repairers (6133)
 579           Painters, construction and maintenance (6142)
 583           Paperhangers (6143)
 584           Plasterers (6144)
 585           Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters (6150)
 587             Plumber, pipefitter, and steamfitter apprentices
                  (pt 6150)
 588           Concrete and terrazzo finishers (6163)
 589           Glaziers (6164)
 593           Insulation workers (6165)
 594           Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators (6166)
 595           Roofers (6168)
 596           Sheetmetal duct installers (6172)
 597           Structural metal workers (6173)
 598           Drillers, earth (6174)

            Construction trades, except supervisors
 599           Construction trades, n.e.c.(6167, 6175, 6176, 6179)
            Extractive occupations
 613           Supervisors, extractive occupations (602)
 614           Drillers, oil well (622)
 615           Explosives workers (623)
 616           Mining machine operators (624)
 617           Mining occupations, n.e.c. (626)
            Precision production occupations
 633           Supervisors, production occupations (pt 711, 712)
               Precision metal working occupations
 634              Tool and die makers (7211)
 635                Tool and die maker apprentices (pt 7211)
 636              Precision assemblers, metal (7212)
 637              Machinists (7213)
 639                Machinist apprentices (pt 7213)
 643              Boilermakers (7214)
 644              Precision grinders, fitters, and tool sharpeners (7216)
 645              Patternmakers and model makers, metal (7217)
 646              Lay-out workers (7221)
 647              Precious stones and metals workers (jewelers)
 649              Engravers, metal (7223)
 653              Sheet metal workers (7224)
 654                Sheet metal worker apprentices (pt 7224)
 655              Miscellaneous precision metal workers (7229)
                Precision woodworking occupations
 656              Patternmakers and model makers, wood (7231)
 657              Cabinet makers and bench carpenters (7232)
 658              Furniture and wood finishers (pt 7234, pt 7756)
 659              Miscellaneous precision wood workers (pt 7234, 7239)
               Precision textile, apparel, and furnishings machine
 666              Dressmakers (7251, pt 7752)
 667              Tailors (7252)
 668              Upholsterers (7253)
 669              Shoe repairers (7254)
 673              Apparel and fabric patternmakers (pt 7259)
 674              Miscellaneous precision apparel and fabric workers
                   (pt 7259, pt 7752)
                Precision workers, assorted materials
 675              Hand molders and shapers, except jewelers (7261)
 676              Patternmakers, lay-out workers, and cutters (7262)
 677              Optical goods workers (7264, pt 7677)
 678              Dental laboratory and medical appliance technicians
 679              Bookbinders (pt 7249, pt 7449)
 683              Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
 684              Miscellaneous precision workers, n.e.c. (7269)
                Precision food production occupations
 686              Butchers and meat cutters (7271)
 687              Bakers (7272)
 688              Food batchmakers (7273, 7279)
                Precision inspectors, testers, and related workers
 689              Inspectors, testers, and graders (7281)
 693              Adjusters and calibrators (7282)
                Plant and system operators
 694              Water and sewage treatment plant operators (791)
 695              Power plant operators (pt 793)
 696              Stationary engineers (pt 793, 7668)
 699              Miscellaneous plant and system operators (792,
                   794, 795, 796)


             Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors

        Machine operators and tenders, except precision
           Metalworking and plastic working machine operators
 703         Lathe and turning machine set-up operators (7312)
 704         Lathe and turning machine operators (7512)
 705         Milling and planing machine operators (7313, 7513)
 706         Punching and stamping press machine operators
              (7314, 7317, 7514, 7517)
 707         Rolling machine operators (7316, 7516)
 708         Drilling and boring machine operators (7318, 7518)
 709         Grinding, abrading, buffing, and polishing machine
              operators (7322, 7324, 7522)
 713         Forging machine operators (7319, 7519)
 714         Numerical control machine operators (7326)
 715         Miscellaneous metal, plastic, stone, and glass
              working machine operators (7329, 7529)
 717       Fabricating machine operators, n.e.c. (7339, 7539)
           Metal and plastic processing machine operators
 719         Molding and casting machine operators (7315, 7342,
              7515, 7542)
 723         Metal plating machine operators (7343, 7543)
 724         Heat treating equipment operators (7344, 7544)
 725         Miscellaneous metal and plastic processing machine
              operators (7349, 7549)
           Woodworking machine operators
 726         Wood lathe, routing, and planing machine operators
              (7431, 7432, 7631, 7632)
 727         Sawing machine operators (7433, 7633)
 728         Shaping and joining machine operators (7435, 7635)

 729         Nailing and tacking machine operators (7636)
 733         Miscellaneous woodworking machine operators (7434,
              7439, 7634, 7639)
           Printing machine operators
 734         Printing machine operators (7443, 7643)
 735         Photoengravers and lithographers (7242, 7444, 7644)
 736         Typesetters and compositors (7241, 7442, 7642)
 737         Miscellaneous printing machine operators (pt 7249,
              pt 7449, 7649)
           Textile, apparel, and furnishings machine operators
 738         Winding and twisting machine operators (7451, 7651)
 739         Knitting, looping, taping, and weaving machine operators
              (7452, 7652)
 743         Textile cutting machine operators (7654)
 744         Textile sewing machine operators (7655, pt 7656)
 745         Shoe machine operators (pt 7656, pt 7659)
 747         Pressing machine operators (7657)
 748         Laundering and dry cleaning machine operators (7255, 7658)
 749         Miscellaneous textile machine operators (7453, 7653,
              pt 7659)
           Machine operators, assorted materials
 753         Cementing and gluing machine operators (7661)
 754         Packaging and filling machine operators (7462, 7662)
 755         Extruding and forming machine operators (7463, 7663)
 756         Mixing and blending machine operators (7664)
 757         Separating, filtering, and clarifying machine operators
              (7476, 7666, 7676)
 758         Compressing and compacting machine operators (7467, 7667)
 759         Painting and paint spraying machine operators (7669)
 763         Roasting and baking machine operators, food (7472, 7672)
 764         Washing, cleaning, and pickling machine operators (7673)
 765         Folding machine operators (7474, 7674)
 766         Furnance, kiln, and oven operators, exc. food (7668, 7671,
 768         Crushing and grinding machine operators (7477, pt 7677)
 769         Slicing and cutting machine operators (7478, 7678)
 773         Motion picture projectionists (pt 7679)
 774         Photographic process machine operators (pt 7263, pt 7679)
 777         Miscellaneous machine operators, n.e.c. (7479, 7665,
              pt 7679)
 779         Machine operators, not specified
          Fabricators, assemblers, and hand working occupations
 783        Welders and cutters (7332, 7532, 7714)
 784        Solderers and brazers (7333, 7533, 7717)
 785        Assemblers (772, 774)
 786        Hand cutting and trimming occupations (7753)
 787        Hand molding, casting, and forming occupations (7754, 7755)
 789        Hand painting, coating, and decorating occupations (pt 7756)
 793        Hand engraving and printing occupations (7757)
 794        Hand grinding and polishing occupations (7758)
 795        Miscellaneous hand working occupations (7759)
          Production inspectors, testers, samplers, and weighers
 796        Production inspectors, checkers, and examiners (782,
             786, 787)
 797        Production testers (783)
 798        Production samplers and weighers (784)
 799        Graders and sorters, except agricultural (785)

          Transportation and Material Occupations

          Motor vehicle operators
 803        Supervisors, motor vehicle operators (6311)
 Z(804)     Truck drivers, heavy (6412, 6413)
 805        Truck drivers, light (6414)
 806        Driver-sales workers (433)
 808        Bus drivers (6415)
 809        Taxi cab drivers and chauffeurs (6416)
 813        Parking lot attendants (6417)
 814        Motor transportation occupations, n.e.c. (6419)
          Transportation occupations, except motor vehicles
             Rail transportation occupations
 823           Railroad conductors and yardmasters (6313)
 824           Locomotive operating occupations (6432)
 825           Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators (6433)
 826           Rail vehicle operators, n.e.c. (6439)
             Water transportation occupations
 828           Ship captains and mates, except fishing boats (6441, 6442)
 829           Sailors and deckhands (6443)
 833           Marine engineers (6444)
 834           Bridge, lock, and lighthouse tenders (6445)
          Material moving equipment operators
 843        Supervisors, material moving equipment operators (632)
 844        Operating engineers (6512)

 845        Longshore equipment operators (6513)
 848        Hoist and winch operators (6514)
 849        Crane and tower operators (6515)
 853        Excavating and loading machine operators (6516)
 855        Grader, dozer, and scraper operators (6517)
 856        Industrial truck and tractor equipment operators (6518)
 859        Miscellaneous material moving equipment operators
             (6519, pt 659)

          Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers

 863      Supervisors; handlers, equipment cleaners, and laborers,
           n.e.c. (pt 711)
 864      Helpers, mechanics, and repairers (679)
          Helpers, construction and extractive occupations
 865        Helpers, construction trades (6191-6195, 6198)
 866        Helpers, surveyor (6196)
 867        Helpers, extractive occupations (629)
 869      Construction laborers (81)
 873      Production helpers (769, 779)
          Freight, stock, and material movers, hand
 875        Garbage collectors (822)
 876        Stevedores (823)
 877        Stock handlers and baggers (824)
 878        Machine feeders and offbearers (825)
 883        Freight, stock, and material movers, hand, n.e.c.
             (649, 826)
 885      Garbage and service station related occupations (672)
 887      Vehicle washers and equipment cleaners (83)
 888      Hand packers and packagers (841)
 889      Laborers, except construction (842, 846, pt 659)


 1Code used when not-reported cases are not allocated.

 Industrial Classification System

 Equivalent numeric codes follow the alphabetic codes. Either code may
 be used, depending on the processing method. Numbers in parenthess
 following the industry categories are the SIC definitions. The
 abbreviation "pt" means "part" and "n.e.c." means "not elsewhere

 try                   Industry category


 A(010)  Agricultural production, crops (01)
 011     Agricultural production, livestock (02)
 020     Agricultural services, except horticultural (07, except 078)
 021     Horticultural services (078)
 030     Forestry (08)
 031     Fishing, hunting, and trapping (09)


 040     Metal mining (10)
 041     Coal mining (11,12)
 042     Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction (13)
 050     Nonmetallic mining and quarrying, except fuel (14)

 B(060)  CONSTRUCTION (15,16,17)


         Nondurable Goods

         Food and kindred products
 100       Meat products (201)
 101       Dairy products (202)
 102       Canned and preserved fruits and vegetables (203)
 110       Grain mill products (204)
 111       Bakery products (205)
 112       Sugar and confectionery products (206)
 120       Beverage industries (208)
 121       Miscellaneous food preparations and kindred products
 122       Not specified food industries
 130     Tobacco manufactures (21)
         Textile mill products
 132       Knitting mills (225)
 140       Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool and knit
            goods (226)
 141       Floor coverings, except hard surface (227)
 142       Yarn, thread, and fabric mills (228,221-224)
 150       Miscellaneous textile mill products (229)
         Apparel and other finished textile products
 151       Apparel and accessories, except knit (231-238)
 152       Miscellaneous fabricated textile products (239)
         Paper and allied products
 160       Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (261-263,266)
 161       Miscellaneous paper and pulp products (264)
 162       Paperboard containers and boxes (265)
         Printing, publishing, and allied industries
 C(171)    Newspaper publishing and printing (271)
 172       Printing, publishing, and allied industries, except
            newspapers (272-279)
         Chemicals and allied products
 180       Plastics, synthetics, and resins (282)
 181       Drugs (283)
 182       Soaps and cosmetics (284)
 190       Paints, varnishes, and related products (285)
 191       Agricultural chemicals (287)
 192       Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals (281, 286, 289)
         Petroleum and coal products
 200        Petroleum refining (291)
 201        Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products (295, 299)
         Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products
 210        Tires and inner tubes (301)
 211        Other rubber products, and plastics footwear and
             belting (302-304, 306)
 212        Miscellaneous plastics products (307)
         Leather and leather products
 220        Leather tanning and finishing (311)
 221        Footwear, except rubber and plastic (313,314)
 222        Leather products, except footwear (315-317, 319)

         Durable Goods

         Lumber and wood products, except furniture
 230       Logging (241)
 231       Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork (242,243)
 232       Wood buildings and mobile homes (245)
 241       Miscellaneous wood products (244,249)
 242     Furniture and fixtures (25)
         Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products
 250       Glass and glass products (321-323)
 251       Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products (324,327)
 252       Structural clay products (325)
 261       Pottery and related products (326)
 262       Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral and stone products

 270       Blast furnaces, steelworks, rolling and finishing mills
 271       Iron and steel foundries (332)
 272       Primary aluminum industries (3334, pt 334, 3353-3355, 3361)
 280       Other primary metal industries (3331-3333,3339,pt 334,3351,
 281       Cutlery, hand tools, and other hardware (342)
 282       Fabricated structural metal products (344)
 290       Screw machine products (345)
 291       Metal forgings and stampings (346)
 292       Ordnance (348)
 300       Miscellaneous fabricated metal products (341, 343, 347, 349)
 301       Not specified metal industries

         Machinery, except electrical
 310       Engines and turbines (351)
 311       Farm machinery and equipment (352)
 312       Construction and material handling machines (353)
 320       Metalworking machinery (354)
 321       Office and accounting machines (357, except 3573)
 322       Electronic computing equipment (3573)
 331       Machinery, except electrical, n.e.c. (355,356,358,359)
 332       Not specified machinery
         Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies
 340       Household appliances (363)
 341       Radio, TV, and communication equipment (365,366)
 342       Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies, n.e.c.
 350       Not specified electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies
         Transportation equipment
 351       Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment (371)
 352       Aircraft and parts (372)
 360       Ship and boat building and repairing (373)
 361       Railroad locomotives and equipment (374)
 362       Guided missiles, space vehicles, and parts (376)
 370       Cycles and miscellaneous transportation equipment (375,379)

        Professional and photographic equipment, and watches
 371       Scientific and controlling instruments (381,382)
 372       Optical and health services supplies (383,384,385)
 380       Photographic equipment and supplies (386)
 381       Watches, clocks, and clockwork operated devices (387)
 382       Not specified professional equipment

 390     Toys, amusement, and sporting goods (394)
 391     Miscellaneous manufacturing industries (39 exc.394)
 392     Not specified manufacturing industries


 400       Railroads (40)
 401       Bus service and urban transit (41, except 412)
 402       Taxicab service (412)
 410       Trucking service (421, 423)
 411       Warehousing and storage (422)
 412       U.S. Postal Service (43)
 420       Water transportation (44)
 421       Air transportation (45)
 422       Pipe lines, except natural gas (46)
 432       Services incidental to transportation (47)
 440       Radio and television broadcasting (483)
 441       Telephone (wire and radio) (481)
 442       Telegraph and miscellaneous communication services (482,489)
         Utilities and sanitary services
 460       Electric light and power (491)
 461       Gas and steam supply systems (492,496)
 462       Electric and gas, and other combinations (493)
 470       Water supply and irrigation (494,497)
 471       Sanitary services (495)
 472       Not specified utilities


           Durable Goods

 500       Motor vehicles and equipment (501)
 501       Furniture and home furnishings (502)
 502       Lumber and construction materials (503)
 510       Sporting goods, toys, and hobby goods (504)
 511       Metals and minerals, except petroleum (505)
 512       Electrical goods (506)
 521       Hardware, plumbing and heating supplies (507)
 522       Not specified electrical and hardware products
 530       Machinery, equipment, and supplies (508)
 531       Scrap and waste materials (5093)
 532       Miscellaneous wholesale, durable goods (5094,5099)

           Nondurable Goods

 540       Paper and paper products (511)
 541       Drugs, chemicals, and allied products (512,516)
 542       Apparel, fabrics, and notions (513)
 550       Groceries and related products (514)
 551       Farm-product raw materials (515)
 552       Petroleum products (517)
 560       Alcoholic beverages (518)
 561       Farm supplies (5191)
 562       Miscellaneous wholesale, nondurable goods (5194,5198,5199)
 571       Not specified wholesale trade

           RETAIL TRADE

 580       Lumber and building material retailing (521,523)
 581       Hardware stores (525)
 582       Retail nurseries and garden stores (526)
 590       Mobile home dealers (527)
 D(591)    Department stores (531)
 592       Variety stores (533)
 600       Miscellaneous general merchandise stores (539)
 E(601)    Grocery stores (541)
 602       Dairy products stores (545)
 610       Retail bakeries (546)
 611       Food stores, n.e.c. (542,543,544,549)
 612       Motor vehicle dealers (551,552)
 620       Auto and home supply stores (553)
 621       Gasoline service stations (554)
 622       Miscellaneous vehicle dealers (555,556,557,559)
 630       Apparel and accessory stores, except shoe (56, except 566)
 631       Shoe stores (566)
 632       Furniture and home furnishings stores (571)
 640       Household appliances, TV, and radio stores (572,573)
 F(641)    Eating and drinking places (58)
 642       Drug stores (591)
 650       Liquor stores (592)
 651       Sporting goods, bicycles, and hobby stores (5941,5945,5946)
 652       Book and stationery stores (5942,5943)
 660       Jewelry stores (5944)
 661       Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores (5949)
 662       Mail order houses (5961)
 670       Vending machine operators (5962)
 671       Direct selling establishments (5963)
 672       Fuel and ice dealers (598)
 681       Retail florists (5992)
 682       Miscellaneous retail stores (593,5947,5948,5993,5994,5999)
 691       Not specified retail trade


 G(700)    Banking (60)
 701       Savings and loan associations (612)
 702       Credit agencies, n.e.c.(61, except 612)
 710       Security, commodity brokerage, and investment companies
 H(711)    Insurance (63,64)
 712       Real estate, including real estate-insurance-law offices


 721       Advertising (731)
 722       Services to dwellings and other buildings (734)
 730       Commercial research, development, and testing labs
 731       Personnel supply services (736)
 732       Business management and consulting services (7392)
 740       Computer and data processing services (737)
 741       Detective and protective services (7393)
 742       Business services, n.e.c.(732,733,735,7394,7395,
 750       Automotive services, except repair (751,752,754)
 751       Automotive repair shops (753)
 752       Electrical repair shops (762,7694)
 760       Miscellaneous repair services (763,764,7692,7699)


 J(761)    Private households (88)
 762       Hotels and motels (701)
 770       Lodging places, except hotels and motels (702,703,704)
 771       Laundry, cleaning, and garment services (721)
 772       Beauty shops (723)
 780       Barber shops (724)
 781       Funeral service and crematories (726)
 782       Shoe repair shops (725)
 790       Dressmaking shops (pt 729)
 791       Miscellaneous personal services (722, pt 729)


 800       Theaters and motion pictures (78,792)
 801       Bowling alleys, billiard and pool parlors (793)
 802       Miscellaneous entertainment and recreation services


 812       Offices of physicians (801,803)
 820       Offices of dentists (802)
 821       Offices of chiropractors (8041)
 822       Offices of optometrists (8042)
 830       Offices of health practitioners, n.e.c. (8049)
 K(831)    Hospitals (806)
 832       Nursing and personal care facilities (805)
 840       Health services, n.e.c. (807,808,809)
 841       Legal services (81)
 L(842)    Elementary and secondary schools (821)
 M(850)    Colleges and universities (822)
 851       Business, trade, and vocational schools (824)
 852       Libraries (823)
 860       Educational services, n.e.c. (829)
 861       Job training and vocational rehabilitation services (833)
 862       Child day care services (835)

 870       Residential care facilities, without nursing (836)
 871       Social services, n.e.c.(832,839)
 872       Museums, art galleries, and zoos (84)
 880       Religious organizations (866)
 881       Membership organizations (861-865,869)
 882       Engineering, architectural, and surveying services (891)
 890       Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services (893)
 891       Noncommercial educational and scientific research (892)
 892       Miscellaneous professional and related services (899)


 900       Executive and legislative offices (911-913)
 901       General government, n.e.c.(919)
 910       Justice, public order, and safety (92)
 921       Public finance, taxation, and monetary policy (93)
 922       Administration of human resources programs (94)
 930       Administration of environmental quality and housing
            programs (95)
 931       Administration of economic programs (96)
 932       National security and international affairs (97)

 1Code used when not-reported cases are not allocated.

 Appendix C - Multiple Cause-of-Death File Information

 Documentation of the Multiple Cause-of-Death Public-Use File for
  1986 Data


      Data on causes of death are released by NCHS in a variety of
      ways  including  published  reports, special tabulations  to
      answer data requests, and public-use  data tapes.  Since the
      inception of the multiple cause-of-death  program in 1968, a
      public-use tape file has been released for  each  data year.
      Each file contains a data record for all deaths processed by
      NCHS.  Each  data record contains underlying cause, multiple
      cause, and demographic data for a death.

      With the exception  of  calendar  years 1972, 1981 and 1982,
      all  deaths  occurring  annually in the  United  States  are
      processed. In 1972, underlying  and multiple cause data were
      coded  and  processed  for  only 50 percent  of  the  deaths
      occurring in each State. In 1981  and  1982,  multiple cause
      data  were  coded  on  a 50 percent sample basis for  deaths
      occurring in 19 registration  areas.  The registration areas
      are  the  50  States,  New  York  City and the  District  of
      Columbia. The 50 percent sample States are identified in the
      documentation of the 1981 and 1982 files.  For the remaining
      33 registration areas, multiple cause data were processed on
      a  100  percent basis. In 1981 and 1982,  underlying  cause,
      demographic,  and  geographic  data were processed for every
      death  occurring  in  every  State;   however  the  multiple
      cause-of-death public-use tape contains  only  those records
      where  the multiple cause field is also coded. A  public-use
      tape   containing   underlying   cause,   demographic,   and
      geographic  data  for  every  death  in the United States is
      available but contains no multiple cause data.

      This  document  is  intended  to  provide  guidance  to  the
      consumer   in   accessing   and   utilizing   the   multiple
      cause-of-death  public-use  tape  file for 1986. It provides
      the  technical  data  processing  information  necessary  to
      access the tapes and the classification structure and coding
      rules applied to create each variable  on the file such that
      the user can readily assess relevance at  varying  levels of
      detail to his/her own particular research.  Additionally, it
      conveys  the  characteristics  of  the  multiple cause files
      sufficient to guide the user in analyzing  and  interpreting
      multiple cause data. The user is alerted to certain pitfalls
      of interpretation; and the appropriateness of each  type  of
      multiple  cause  data  to  given  applications is discussed.

      Tape Format and Variable Definition

      It is noted that the following material, while used in the
      processing of mortality data, is not included in this package:

      A. Manual of the International Statisticial Classification of
         Diseases, Injuries, and the Cause-of-Death, Ninth Revision
         (ICD-9) Volumes 1 and 2.

      B. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Preparation,Part 2a, Vital
         Statistics Instructions for Classifying the Underlying
         Cause-of-Death, 1985.

      C. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Preparation, Part 2b, Vital
         Statistics Instructions for Classifying Multiple
         Cause-of-Death, 1985.

      D. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Preparation, Part 2c, Vital
         Statistics ICD-9 ACME Decision Tables for Classifying
         Underlying Causes-of-Death, 1985.

      E. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Preparation, Part 2d, Vital
      Statistics NCHS Procedures for Mortality Medical Data System
      File Preparation and Maintenance, Effective 1979

      F. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Tabulation, Part 2f, Vital
      Statistics ICD-9 TRANSAX Disease Reference Tables for
      Classifying Multiple Causes-of-Death, 1982-85.

      G. NCHS Instruction Manual Data Preparation, Part 4, Vital
      Statistics Demographic Classification and Coding
      Instructions for Death Records, 1985.

      H. NCHS Instruction Manual Tabulation, Part 11, Vital
      Statistics  Computer  Edits  for  Mortality  Data, Effective

      These documents describe in detail the rules employed for
      demographic and medical classification on death records. Volumes
      1 and 2 of the ICD-9 may be purchased from WHO Publication Center
      USA, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, New York, 12210. The remaining
      documents (Items  B-H) , while not absolutely essential to the
      proper  interpretation  of  the  data for  a  number  of  general
      applications, should nevertheless  be  studied carefully prior to
      any detailed analysis of demographic or  medical  data variables.
      In particular, there are a number of exceptions to  the ICD rules
      in multiple cause-of-death coding which, if not treated properly,
      may result in faulty analysis of the data.

      Users who do not already have access to these documents  may
      request  them  from  the  Chief,  Data  Preparation  Branch,
      Division  of  Data  Processing,  National  Center for Health
      Statistics,  P.O.Box  12214, Research Triangle  Park,  North
      Carolina 27709.

      In  addition,  the  user  should   refer  to  the  Technical
      Appendices of the Vital Statistics of  the United States for
      information  on  the  source  of  data,  coding  procedures,
      quality of the data, etc. Technical Appendix  information is

     Multiple Cause Data

      The original scheme for coding conditions contained  on  the
      death  certificate was designed with two objectives in mind.
      First, to facilitate etiological studies of the relationships
      among  conditions, it was necessary to reflect accurately in
      coded form  each condition and its location onthe certification
      in the exact manner given by thecertifier. Secondly, the
      codification needed to be carried out in a manner by which the
      underlying cause-of-death couldbe assigned through computer
      applications. The approach was to suspend the linkage provisions
      of the ICD for the purpose of condition coding and code each
      entity with minimum regard to other conditions present on the
      certification. This general approach is hereafter called entity

      Unfortunately, the set of multiple cause  codes  produced by
      entity coding is not conducive to a third objective  --  the
      generation of person based multiple cause statistics. Person
      based  analysis requires that each condition be coded within
      the context of every other condition on the same certificate
      and modified  or  linked  to  such conditions as provided by
      ICD-9.  By  definition, the entity  data  cannot  meet  this
      requirement  since   the   linkage  provisions  distort  the
      character  and  placement  of  the   information  originally
      recorded by the certifying physician.

      Since the two objectives are incompatible, DVS has chosen to
      create from the original set of entity  codes a new code set
      called  record  axis  multiple cause data. Essentially,  the
      axis of classification  has  been  converted  from  a entity
      basis  to a record (or person) basis. The record axis  codes
      are assigned in terms of the set of codes that best describe
      the overall  medical  certification  portion  of  the  death

      This translation is accomplished by a computer system called
      TRANSAX (TRANSLATION OF AXIS) through  selective   use   of
      traditional linkage and modification rules for mortality coding.
      Underlying cause linkages which simply prefer one code  over
      another for purposes of underlying cause selection  are  not
      included. Each entity code on the record is examined and modified
      or deleted  as  necessary to create a set of codes which are free
      of contradictions and are the most precise within the constraints
      of ICD-9 and medical  information on the record. Repetitive codes
      are  deleted.   The process  may  (1)  combine  two  entity  axis
      categories together  to  a  new  category  thereby  eliminating a
      contradiction  or  standardizing  the data; or (2) eliminate  one
      category in favor of another to promote  specificity  of the data
      or  resolve  contradictions.   The following examples from  ICD-9
      illustrate the effect of this translation:

      Case 1:   When reported on the same  record as separate entities,
                cirrhosis of liver and alcoholism  are  coded  to  5715
                (cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol) and 303
                (alcohol  dependence  syndrome).  Tabulation of records
                with 5715 would on the  surface falsely imply that such
                records  had  no  mention  of   alcohol.  A  preferable
                codification  would  be  5712 (alcoholic  cirrhosis  of
                liver) in lieu of both 5715 and 303.

      Case 2:   If "gastric ulcer" and "bleeding gastric ulcer" are
                reported on a record they  are  coded  to 5319 (gastric
                ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without mention
                of hemorrhage or perforation) and 5314 (gastric  ulcer,
                chronic or unspecified, with hemorrhage) A more concise
                codification would be to code 5314 only since the  5314
                shows both the gastric ulcer and the bleeding.

      A. Entity Axis Codes

          The original conditions coded for selection of  the
          underlying cause-of-death are reformatted  and  edited prior
          to  creating  the  public-use tape. The following paragraphs
          describe the format and application of entity axis data.

          FORMAT:  Each entity-axis  code  is  displayed as an overall
          seven byte code with subcomponents as follows:

          l. Line indicator:      The first byte represents the line
                                  of the certificate on which the code
                                  appears. Six lines (1-6) are allowable
                                  with the fourth and fifth denoting one
                                  or two written in "due to"s beyond the
                                  three lines provided in Part I of the
                                  U.S. standard death certificate. Line
                                  "6" represents Part II of the

          2. Position indicator:  The next byte indicates the
                                  position of the code on the line,
                                  i.e., it is the first (1), second
                                  (2), third (3),... eighth (8) code
                                  on the line.

          3. Cause category:      The next four bytes represent the
                                  ICD-9 cause code.

          4. Nature of injury flag: ICD-9 uses the same series of
                                   numbers (800-999) to indicate
                                   nature of injury (N codes) and
                                   external cause codes (E codes).
                                   This flag distinguishes between the
                                   two with a one (1) representing
                                   nature of injury codes and a zero
                                   (0) representing all other cause

          A maximum of 20 of these seven byte codes are captured on a
          record for multiple cause purposes. This may consist of a
          maximum of 8 codes on any given line with up to 20 codes
          distributed across three or more lines depending on where the
          subject conditions are located on the certificate. Codes may be
          omitted from one or more lines, e.g., line 1 with one or more
          codes, line 2 with no codes, line 3 with one or more codes.

          In writing out these codes, they are ordered as follows: line 1
          first code, line 1 second code, etc. ----- line 2 first code,
          line 2 second code, etc. ----- line 3 ----- line 4 ----- line 5
          ----- line 6. Any space remaining in the field is left blank.
          The specifics of locations are contained in the record layout
          given later in this document.

          EDIT: The original conditions are edited to remove invalid
          codes, reverify the coding of certain rare causes of death,
          and assure age/cause and sex/cause compatibility. Detailed
          information relating to the edit criteria and the sets of cause
          codes which are valid to underlying cause coding and multiple
          cause coding are provided in Part 11 of the NCHS Vital Statis-
          tics Instruction Manual Series. Table 2, Number of Resident
          Deaths Tabulated by Mention of an Underlying Cause, Record
          Axis Multiple Cause, or Entity Axis Multiple Cause-of-Death
          by ICD-9 Category, provides a summary list of valid under-
          lying cause and multiple cause codes.

          ENTITY AXIS APPLICATIONS: The entity axis multiple cause data
          set is appropriate to analyses which require that each condi-
          tion be coded as a stand alone entity without linkage to other
          conditions and/or require information on the placement of such
          conditions in the certificate. Within this framework, the
          entity data are appropriate to the examination of etiological
          relationships  among conditions, accuracy of certification
          reporting, and the validity of traditional assumptions in
          underlying cause selection. Additionally, the entity data
          provide in certain categories a more detailed code assignment
          which is linked out in thecreation of record axis data. Where
          such detail is needed for a study, the user should selectively
          employ entity data. Finally,the researcher may not wish to be
          bound by the assumptions used in the axis translation process
          preferring rather to investigate hypotheses of his own

          By definition, the main limitation of entity axis data is that
          an entity code does not necessarily reflect the best code for a
          condition when considered within the context of the medical
          certification as a whole. As a result certain entity codes can
          be misleading or even contradict other codes in the record. For
          example, category 5750 is titled "Acute cholecystitis without
          mention of calculus". Within the framework of entity codes this
          is interpreted to mean that the codable entity itself contained
          no mention of calculus rather than that calculus was not
          mentioned anywhere on the record. Tabulation of records with a
          "5750" as a count of persons having acute cholecystitis without
          mention of calculus would therefore be erroneous. This illust-
          rates the fact that under entity  coding  the  ICD-9 titles
          cannot be taken literally. The user must study the rules for
          entity coding as they relate to his/her research prior to
          utilization of entity data. The user is further cautioned that
          the inclusion notes in ICD-9 which relate to modifying and
          combining categories are seldom applicable to entity coding
          (except where provided in Part 2b of the Vital Statistics
          Instruction Manual Series).

          In tabulating the entity axis data, one may count codes with
          the resultant tabulation of an individual code representing the
          number of times the disease(s) represented by the code appears
          in the file. In this kind of tabulation of morbid condition
          prevalence, the counts among categories may be added together
          to produce counts for groups of codes. Alternatively, subject
          to the limitations given above, one may count persons having
          mention of the disease represented by a code or codes. In this
          instance it is not correct to add counts for individual codes
          to create person counts for groups of codes. Since more than
          one code in the researcher's interest may appear together on
          the certificate, totaling must account for higher order inter-
          actions among codes. Up to 20 codes may be assigned on a
          record; therefore, a 20-way interaction is theoretically poss-
          ible. All totaling must be based on mention of one or more of
          the categories under investigation.

       B. Record Axis Codes

          The following paragraphs describe the format and application
          of record-axis data. Part 2f of the Vital Statistics
          Instruction Manual Series describes the TRANSAX process for
          creating record axis data from entity axis data.

          FORMAT: Each record (or person) axis code is displayed in five
          bytes. Location information is not relevant. The Code consists
          of the following components:

          1. Cause category:        The first four bytes represent the
                                    ICD-9 cause code.

          2. Nature of injury flag: The last byte contains a 0 or 1
                                    with the 1 indicating that the
                                    cause is a nature of injury

          Again, a maximum of 20 codes are captured on a record for
          multiple cause purposes. The codes are written in a 100-byte
          field in ascending code number (5 bytes) order with any unused
          bytes left blank.

          EDIT: The record axis codes are edited for rare causes and
          age/cause and sex/cause compatibility. Likewise, individual
          code validity is checked. The valid code set for record axis
          coding is the same as that for entity coding.

          RECORD AXIS APPLICATIONS: The record axis multiple cause data
          set is the basis for NCHS core multiple cause tabulations.
          Location of codes is not relevant to this data set and condi-
          tions have been linked into the most meaningful categories for
          the certification. The most immediate consequence for theuser
          is that the codes on the record already represent mention of a
          disease assignable to that particular ICD-9 category. This is
          in contrast to the entity code which is assigned each time
          such a disease is reported on two different lines of the
          certification. Secondly, the linkage implies that within the
          constraints of ICD-9 the most meaningful code has been assign-
          ed. The translation process creates for the user a data set
          which is edited for contradictions, duplicate codes, and
          imprecisions. In contrast to entily axis data, record axis data
          are classfied in a manner comparable to underlying cause of
          death classification thereby facilitating joint analysis of
          these variables. Likewise, they are comparable to general morbi
          dity coding where the linkage provisions of ICD-9 are usually
          utilized. A potential disadvantage of record axis data is that
          some detail is sacrificed in a number of the linkages.

          The user  can  take  the record axis codes as literally
          representing the information conveyed in ICD-9 category
          titles. While knowledge  of the rules for combining and
          linking and coding conditions  is  useful,  it is not a
          prerequisite to meaningful analysis of the data as long
          as one is willing to accept the assumptions of the axis
          translation  process.  The  user is cautioned, however,
          that due to special rules in  mortality coding, not all
          linkage notes in ICD-9 are utilized.   (See  Part 2f of
          the Vital Statistics Instruction Manual Series.)

           The  user  should proceed with caution in using  record
           axis data to count conditions as opposed to people with
           conditions  since   linkages   have  been  invoked  and
           duplicate codes have been eliminated.   As  with entity
           data, person based tabulations which combine individual
           cause  categories  must  take into account the possible
           interaction of up to 20 codes on a single certificate.

 Appendix D - Cause of Death Recodes

 282 Causes of Death Adapted for Use by DVS

      Ninth Revision  282  Causes  of Death Adapted for use by DVS
 ST:   1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males;  2=Females    Length=of
 Cause Title   Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

 *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  00100  1         057    I.  Infectious  and  parasitic  diseases
  00200  1         040 Intestinal infectious diseases (001-009)
  00300            054   Cholera and typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
  00400            019   Shigellosis (004)
  00500            076   Other salmonella infections and other food
                         poisoning (bacterial) (003,005)
  00600            017   Amebiasis (006)
  00700            066   Intestinal  infections  due  to  other
                         specified organisms (007-008)
  00800            041   Ill-defined intestinal infections (009)
  00900  1         022 Tuberculosis (010-018)
  01000            046   Tuberculosis of respiratory system(010-012)
  01100            030   Other tuberculosis (013-018)
  01200  1         047 Zoonotic and other bacterial diseases(020-041)
  01300            019   Brucellosis (023)
  01400            018   Oipntheria (032)
  01500            022   Whooping cough (033)
  01600            065   Streptococcal sore throat, scarlatina, and
                         erysipelas (034-035)
  01700            031   Meningococcal infection (036)
  01800            015   Tetanus (037)
  01900         3  018   Septicemia (038)
  02000            056   All other bacterial diseases

  02100  1         024 Viral diseases (045-079)
  02200            027   Acute poliomyelitis (045)
  02300            016   Smallpox (050)
  02400            015   Measles (055)
  02500            015   Rubella (056)
  02600            040   Arthropod-borne encephalitis (062-064)
  02700            023   Viral hepatitis (070)
  02800            064   Other viral diseases
  02900  1         058 Rickettsioses  and  other  arthropod-borne
                         diseases (080-088)
  03000            042   Typhus and other rickettsioses (080-083)
  03100            015   Malaria (084)
  03200            046   All other arthropod-borne diseases (085-088)
  03300  1         046 Syphilis and other venereal diseases (090-099)
  03400  1         020   Syphilis (090-097)
  03500            033    Cardiovascular syphilis (093)
  03600            023    Neurosyphills (094)
  03700            040    Ali other syphills (090-091,095-097)
  03800            029    Gonococcal infections (098)
  03900            031    Other venereal diseases (099)
  04000  1         103 Other infectious and parasitic diseases
                          and late effects of infectiousand
                          pandarasitic diseases (100-139)
  04100            019   Mycoses (110-118)
  04200            025   Helmlnthiases (120-129)
  04300            036   Late effects of tuberculosis (137)
  04400            043   Late effects of acute poliomyelitis (138)
  04500            127   All other infectious and parasiticdiseases
                          and late effects of otherinfectious and
                          parasiticdiseases (100-104,130-136,139)

  04600  1         033       II.Neoplasms (140-239)
  04700  1         089 Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasmsof
                           lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues(140-208)
  04800  1         064   Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity,
                           and pharynx (140-149)
  04900            016     Of lip (140)
  05000            019     Of tongue (141)
  05100            026     Of pharynx (146-149.0)
  05200            097     Of other and ill-defined sites withinthe
                           lip, oral cavity, and pharynx

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
   Length= of Cause Title   Age:  1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

      *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  05300  1         066   Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs
                           and peritoneum (150-159)
  05400            022     Of esophagus (150)
  05500            020     Of stomach (151)
  05600            048     Of small intestine, including duodenum(152)
  05700  1         018     Of colon (153)
  05800            075       Hepatic and splenic flexures and transverse
                             colon (153.0-153.1,153.7)
  05900            030       Descending colon (153.2)
  06000            027       Sigmoid colon (153.3)
  06100            056       Cecum, appendix, and ascending  colon
  06200            048       Other and colon, unspecified(153.8-153.9)
  06300            052     Of rectum, rectosigmoid junction, and
                           anus (154)
  06400   1        046     Of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (155)
  06500            028       Liver, primary (155.0)
  06600            037       Intrahepatic bile ducts (155.1)
  06700            058       Liver, not specified as primary or
                             secondary (155.2)
  06800            052     Of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile
                            ducts (156)
  06900            021     Of pancreas (157)
  07000            120     Of  retroperitoneum, peritoneum, and
                            other and ill-defined sites within the
                            digestive organs and peritoneum (158-159)

  07100   1        071   Malignant neoplasms of respiratory  and
                           intrathoracic organs (160-165)
  07200            019     Of larynx (161)
  07300            040     Of trachea, bronchus, and lung (162)
  07400            107     Of all other and ill-defined sites within
                             the respiratory system andintrathoracic
                             organs (160,163-165)

  07500   1        076   Malignant neoplasms of bone, connective
                             tissue, skin, and breast (170-175)
  07600            041    Of bone and articular cartilage (170)
  07700            045    Of connective and other soft tissue (171)
  07800            026    Melanoma of skin (172)
  07900            043    Other malignant neoplasms of skin (173)
  08000    2       026    Of female breast (174)
  08100    1       024    Of male breast (175)

  08200    1       049   Malignant neoplasms of genital organs (179-187)
  08300    2       025    Of cervix uteri (180)
  08400    2       042    Of other parts of uterus (179,181-182)
  08500    2       043    Of ovary and other uterlne adnexa (183)
  08600    2       056    Of other and unspecified female genltal
                            organs (184)
  08700    1       021    Of prostate (185)
  08800    1       019    Of testis (186)
  08900    1       048    Of pens and other male genital organs(187)

  09000    1       049   Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
  09100            020    Of bladder (188)
  09200            060    Of kidney and other and unspecified
                           urinary organs (189)

  09300    1       062   Malignant neoplasms of other and unspecified
                           sites (190-199)
  09400            016    Of eye (190)
  09500            018    Of brain (191)
  09600            058    Of other and unspecified parts of nervous
                           system (192)
  09700            080    Of thyroid gland and other endocrineglands
                           and related structures (193-194)
  09800            048    Of all other and unspecified sites (195-199)

  09900    1       070  Malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and
                          hematopoietic tissues (200-208)
  10000            043     Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma (200)
  10100            027     Hodgkin's disease (201)
  10200            070     Other malignant neoplasms of lymphold
                            and histiocytic tissue (202)

      ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=  Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over;  2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

 *****   Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

 10300           060     Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative
                           neoplasms (203)
 10400   1       022     Leukemia (204-208)
 10500           029     Lymphoid leukemia (204)
 10600           028     Myeloid leukemia (205)
 10700           030     Monocytic leukemia (206)
 10800           046     Other and unspecified leukemia (207-208)
 10900   1       108   Benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ, and
                          neoplasms of uncertain behavior and of
                          unspecified nature (210-239)
 11000   1       028   Benign neoplasms (210-229)
 11100   2       038    Of female genital organs (218-221)
 11200           062    Of eye, brain, and other parts of nervous
                         system (224-225)
 11300           064    Of all other and unspecified sites
 11400   1       029   Carcinoma in situ (230-234)
 11500           044    Of breast and genitourinary system (233)
 11600           052    Of all other and unspecified sites
 11700           043   Neoplasms of uncertain behavior (235-238)
 11800           039   Neoplasms of unspecified nature (239)

 11900  1        094       III. Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic
                              diseases and immunity disorders (240-279)
 11902  1        073 Endocrine and metabolic diseases and immunity
                         disorders (240-259,270-279)
 12100           038  Disorders of thyroid gland (240-246)
 12200           025  Diabetes mellitus (250)
 12300           069  Disorders of the pituitary gland and its
                        hypothalamic control (253)
 12400           032  Diseases of thymus gland (254)
 12500           035  Disorders of adrenal glands (255)
 12600           025  Cystic fibrosis (277.0)
 12700           017  Obesity (278.0)
 12800           115  All other endocrine and metabolic diseases and
                        immunity disorders (251-252,256-259,270-276,
 12900  1         034 Nutritional deficiencies (260-269)
 13000            028  Nutritional marasmus (261)
 13100            046  Other protein-calorie malnutrition (262-263)
 13200            050  All other nutritional deficiencies (260,264-269)

 13300  1         067      IV.  Diseases of blood and blood-forming
                                 organs (280-289)
 13400  1         017 Anemias (280-285)
 13500            030   Deficiency anemias (280-281)
 13600            029   Hemolytic anemias (282-283)
 13700            023   Aplastic anemia (284)
 13800            037   Other and unspecified anemias (285)
 13900            046 Purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions (287)
 14000            066 All other diseases of blood and blood-forming
                       organs (286,288-289)

 14100  1         040      V.   Mental disorders (290-319)
 14200            055 Senile and presenile organic psychotic
                       conditions (290)
 14300            025 Alcoholic psychoses (291)
 14400            029 All other psychoses (292-299)
 14500            033 Alcohol dependence syndrome (303)
 14600            021 Drug dependence (304)
 14700            080 Other neurotic, personality. and nonpsychotic
                       mental disorders (300-302,305-316)
 14800            028 Mental retardation (317-319)

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

    *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age 9th Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  14900  1         072      VI.  Diseases of the nervous system and
                                   sense organs (320-389)
  15000  1         040 Diseases of the nervous system (320-359)
  15100            022   Meningitis (320-322)
  15200            027   Parkinson's disease (332)
  15300            092   Other hereditary and degenerative diseases
                          of the central nervous system (330-331,333-337)
  15400            026   Multiple sclerosis (340)
  15500            032   Infantile cerebral palsy (343)
  15600            016   Epilepsy (345)
  15700            068   Other diseases of the nervous system
  15800            041 Disorders of the eye and adnexa (360-379)
  15900            049 Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (380-389)

  16000   1        060         VII.  Diseases of the circulatory system
  16100  1         053 Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
  16200            033   Acute rheumatic fever (390-392)
  16300  1         043   Chronic rheumatic heart disease (393-398)
  16400            034     Diseases of mitral valve (394)
  16500            034     Diseases of aortic valve (395)
  16600            046     Diseases of mitral and aortic valves (396)
  16700            059     All other chronic rheumatic heart disease
  16800  1         030 Hypertensive disease (401-404)
  16900            030   Essential hypertension (401)
  17000            034   Hypertensive heart disease (402)
  17100            034   Hypertensive renal disease (403)
  17200            044   Hypertensive heart and renal disease (404)
  17300  1         032 Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
  17400            035   Acute myocardial infarction (410)
  17500            064   Other acute and subacute forms of ischemic
                          heart disease (411)
  17600            023   Angina pectoris (413)
  17700            087   Old myocardial infarction and other forms
  17800            043   Diseases of pulmonary circulation (415-417)
  17900  1         038   Other forms of heart disease (420-429)
  18000            039   Acute and subacute endocarditis (421)
  18100            088   Acute pericarditis, acute myocarditis,
                          and other diseases of pericardium (420,422-423)
  18200  1         037  Other diseases of endocardium (424)
  18300            034   Mitral valve disorders (424.0)
  18400            034   Aortic valve disorders (424.1)
  18500            051   All other diseases of endocardium (424.2-424.9)
  18600            021   Heart failure (428)
  18700            068   Myocarditis, unspecified and myocardial
                          degeneration  429.0-429.1)
  18800            072   All other and ill-defined forms of heart
                          disease (425-427.429.2-429.9)
  18900  1         034 Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
  19000            031   Subarachnoid hemorrhage (430)
  19100            059   Intracerebral and other intracranial
                          hemorrhage (431-432)
  19200            054   Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral
                          arteries (433)
  19300            082   Cerebral thrombosis and unspecified occlusion
                          of cerebral arteries (434.0,434.9)
  19400            027   Cerebral embolism (434.1)
  19500            053   Acute but ill-defined cerebrovascular
                          disease (436)
  19600            066   Other and late effects of Cerebrovascular
                          diseases (435,437-438)
  19700   1        059 Diseases of arteries, arterioles, and
                          capillaries (440-448)
  19800            023   Atherosclerosis (440)
  19900            023   Aortic aneurysm (441)
  20000            071   All other diseases of arteries, arterioles,
                          and capillaries (442-448)
  20100   1        084 Diseases of veins and lymphatics, and
                        other diseases of circulatory system (451-459)
  20200            075   Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, and venous
                          embolism and thrombosis (451-453)
  20300            095   Other diseases of veins and lymphatics
                          and all other diseases of circulatory
                          system (454-459)

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
   Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

    *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

 20400   1         061     VIII.  Diseases of the respiratory system
 20500   1         057 Diseases of the upper respiratory tract
 20600             046   Acute upper respiratory infections (460-465)
 20700             053   Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
 20800   1         054 Other diseases of the respiratory system
 20900             042   Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (466)
 21000   1         021   Pneumonia (480-486)
 21100             025   Viral pneumonia (480)
 21200             056   Pneumococcal and other bacterial pneumonia
 21300             048   Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified (485)
 21400             061   Pneumonia due to other and unspecified
                          organism (483,486)
 21500             017   Influenza (487)
 21600   1         072   Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and
                          allied conditions (490-496)
 21700   1         071  Bronchitis, chronic and unspecified,
                         emphysema and asthma (490-493)
 21800             057    Bronchitis, not specified as acute orchronic
 21900             030    Chronic bronchitis (491)
 22000             021    Emphysema (492)
 22100             018    Asthma (493)
 22200             062  Bronchiectasis and extrinsic allergic
                         alveolitis (494-495)
 22300             063  Chronic airways obstruction, not elsewhere
                         classified (496)
 22400            073   Pneumoconioses and other lung diseases due
                         to external agents (500-508)
 22500            055   Empyema and abscess of lung and mediastinum
 22600            016   Pleurisy (511)
 22700            056   All other diseases of respiratory system

 22800  1         057        IX.   Diseases of the digestive system
 22900            060 Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands,
                       and jaws (520-529)
 23000  1         057 Diseases  of  other  parts of the digestive
                       system (530-579)
 23100  1         041   Ulcer of stomach and duodenum (531-533)
 23200            023    Gastric ulcer (531)
 23300            024    Duodenal ulcer (532)
 23400            040    Peptic ulcer, site unspecified (533)
 23500            032  Gastritis and duodenitis (535)
 23600            024  Appendicitis (540-543)
 23700            095  Hernia of abdominal cavity  and intestinal
                         obstruction without mention of hernia
 23800            059  Regional enteritis and idiopathic proctocolitis
 23900            062  All other noninfective gastroenteritis and
                         colitis (557-558)
 24000            032  Diverticula of intestine (562)
 24100  1         043  Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis  (571)
 24200            077    Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis,
                            specified as alcoholic (571.0-571.3)
 24300            057    Chronic hepatitis and biliary cirrhosis
 24400            117    Cirrhosis of liver and other and unspecified
                           chronic liver disease without mention of
                           alcohol (571.5,571.8-571.9)
 24500            061   Cholelithiasis and other disorders of
                          gallbladder (574-575)
 24600            082   All other diseases of digestive system

 24700   1        060       X. Diseases of the genitourinary system
 24800   1        036 Diseases of urinary system  (580-599)
 24900   1        056   Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and
                         nephrosis (580-589)
 25000            034     Acute glomerulonephritis (580)
 25100            028     Nephrotic syndrome (581)
 25200            140     Chronic glomerulonephritis, nephritis and
                           nephropathy, not specified as acute or
                           chronic and renal sclerosis, unspecified
 25300            120     Renal failure, disorders resulting from
                           imparied renal function, and small kidney
                           of unknown cause (584-586,588-589)
 25400            028   Infections of kidney (590)
 25500            028   Urinary calculus (592,594)
 25600            056   All other diseases of urinary system

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
 Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

    *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  25700  1 1       041 Diseases of male genital organs (600-608)
  25800    1       031   Hyperplasia of prostate (600)
  25900    1       049   Other diseases of male genital organs
  26000            029 Disorders of breast (610-611)
  26100    2       057 Diseases of female genital organs except
                        breast (614-629)

  26200  1 2    2  083      XI.Complicaton of pregnancy, childbirth,
                               and the puerperium (630-676)
  26300  1 2    2  041 Pregnancy with abortive outcome (630-638)
  26400    2    2  025   Ectopic pregnancy (633)
  26500    2    2  028   Spontaneous abortion (634)
  26600    2    2  032   Legally induced abortion (635)
  26700    2    2  034   Illegally induced abortion (636)
  26800    2    2  057   Other pregnancy with abortive outcome
  26900  1 2    2  041 Direct obstetric causes (640-646,651-676)
  27000    2    2  054   Hemorrhage  of  pregnancy  and childbirth
  27100    2    2  040   Toxemia of pregnancy (642.4-642.9,643)
  27200    2    2  024   Obstructed labor (660)
  27300    2    2  043   Complications of the puerperium (670-676)
  27400    2    2  077   Other direct obstetric causes
  27500    2    2  035 Indirect obstetric causes (647-648)
  27600    2    2  042 Delivery in a completely normal  case (650)

  27700    1       070       XII.Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous
                                  tissue (680-709)
  27800            052 Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  27900            060 All other diseases of skin and subcutaneous
                       tissue (690-709)

  28000   1        087        XIII.   Diseases  of the musculoskeletal
                                 system and connective tissue (710-739)
  28100            067 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory
                        polyarthropathies (714)
  28200            059 Other arthropathies and related disorders
  28300            022 Dorsopathes (720-724)
  28400            040 Rheumatism, excluding the back (725-729)
  28500            080 Osteopathies, chondropathies, and acquired
                        musculoskeletal deformities (730-739)

  28600  1         046          XIV.  Congenital anomalies (740-759)
  28700            018 Spina biflda (741)
  28800            058 All other congenital anomalies of nervous
                        system (740,742)
  28900            039 Congenital anomalies of heart (745-746)
  29000            054 Other congenital anomalies of circulatory
                        system (747)
  29100            048 All other congenital anomalies (743-744,748-759)

  29200  1         079          XV. Certain conditions originating
                                     in the perinatal period (760-779)
  29300            018 Birth trauma (767)
  29400            081 Intrauterine hypoxia, birth asphyxia, and
                        respiratory distress syndrome (768-769)
  29500            070 Other conditions originating in theperinatal
                        period (760-766,770-779)

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
 Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

     *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included
  29600  1         069         XVI.Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined
                                    conditions (780-799)
  29700            043 Senility without mention of psychosis (797)
  29800            067 Symptoms, signs, and other ill-defined
                        conditions (780-796,798-799)
  29900  1         093         Supplementary classification of external
                              causes of injury and poisoning (E800-E999)
  30000  1         041 Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
  30100  1         033   Transport accidents (E800-E848)
  30200            033    Railway accidents (E800-E807)
  30300  1         039    Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
  30400  1         049     Motor vehicle traffic accidents (E810-E819)
  30500            045       Involving collision with train (E810)
  30600            066       Involving collision with another motor
                              vehicle (E811-E812)
  30700            050       Involving collision with pedestrian (E814)
  30800            068       Involving collision with other vehicle
                              or object (E813,E815)
  30900            054       Not involving collision on highway
  31000            067       Motor vehicle traffic accident of
                              unspecified nature (E819)
  31100            052     Motor vehicle nontraffic accidents
  31200            044    Other road vehicle accidents (E826-E829)
  31300            041    Water transport accidents (E830-E838)
  31400            049    Air and space transport accidents
  31500            060    Vehicle accidents not elsewhere
                           classifiable (E846-E848)
  31600  1         034    Accidental poisoning (E850-E869)
  31700            075      Accidental poisoning by drugs,
                             medlcaments, and biologicals (E850-E858)
  31800            072      Accidental poisoning by other solid or
                             liquid substances (E860-E866)
  31900            056      Accidental poisoning by gases and vapors
  32000            091    Misadventures during medical care, abnormal
                           reactions, and late complications (E870-E879)
  32100  1         030    Accidental falls (E880-E888)
  32200            046      Fall from one level to another (E880-E884)
  32300            034      Fall on same level (E885-E886)
  32400            076      Fracture, cause unspecified, and other
                             and unspecified falls (E887-E888)
  32500            049     Accidents caused by fire and flames
  32600   1        053     Other accidents, including late effects
  32700            020       Lightning (E907)
  32800            045       Accidental drowning and submersion (E910)
  32900            120       Inhalation and ingestion of food or other
                              object causing obstruction of respiratory
                              tract or suffocation (E911-E912)
  33000            039       Accident caused by handgun (E922.0)
  33100            074       Accidents caused by all other and
                              unspecified firearms (E922.1-E922.9)
  33200            048       Accident caused by explosive material (E923)
  33300            123       Accident caused by hot substance or object,
                              caustic or corrosive material, steam, and
                              exposure to radiation (E924,E926)
  33400            046       Accident caused by electric current (E925)
  33500            103       All other accidents and late effects of
                              accidental injury (E900-E906,E908-E909,

  33600            102   Drugs, medicaments, and biological substances
                           causing adverse effects in therapeutic use

  33700 1       1  019 Suicide (E950-E959)
  33800         1  064   Suicide by drugs, medicaments, and
                          biologicals (E950.0-E950.5)
  33900         1  061   Suicide by other solid or liquid substances
  94000         1  041   Suicide by gases and vapors (E951-E952)
  34100         1  059   Suicide by hanging, strangulation, and
                          suffocation (E953)
  34200         1  029   Suicide by handgun (E955.0)
  34300         1  063   Suicide by all other and unspecified
                          firearms (E955.1-E955.4)
  34400         1  089   Suicide by all other means and late effects
                          of self-inflicted injury (E954,E955.5-E959)

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

     *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 282     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  34500  1         043 Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
  34600            029   Assault by handgun (E965.0)
  34700            063   Assault by all other and unspecified
                          firearms (E965.1-E965.4)
  34800            051   Assault by cutting and piercing instrument
  34900            127   Assault by all other means and late effects
                          of injury purposely inflicted by other
                          person (E960-E964,E965.5-E965.9,E967-E969)
  35000            024   Legal execution (E978)
  35100            091   Other legal intervention and late effects
                          of injury due to legal intervention
  35200  1         075 Injury undetermined whether accidentally or
                        purposely inflicted (E980-E989)
  35300            071   From poisoning by drugs, medicaments, and
                             biologicals (E980.0-E980.5)
  35400            068   From poisoning by other solid or liquid
                          substances (E980.6-E980.9)
  35500            033   From injury by handgun (E985.0)
  35600            067   From injury by all other and unspecified
                          firearms (E985.1-E985.4)
  35700            141   From injury by all other means and late
                          effects of injury, undetermined whether
                          accidentally or purposely inflicted
  35800            051 Injury resulting from operations of war

 72 Causes of Death Adapted for Use by DVS

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age:  1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

      *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File *****
  72     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  010              035 Shigellosis and amebiasis (004,006)
  020              045 Certain other intestinal infections (007-009)
  030    1         022 Tuberculosis (010-018)
  040              046   Tuberculosis of respiratory system (010-012)
  050              030   Other tuberculosis (013-018)
  060              020 Whooping cough (033)
  070              063 Streptococcal sore throat, scarlatina, and
                        erysipelas (034-035)
  080              029 Meningococcal infection (036)
  090           3  016 Septicemia (038)
  100              025 Acute poliomyelitis (045)
  110              013 Measles (055)
  120              021 Viral hepatitis (070)
  130              018 Syphilis (090-097)
  140              109 All other infectious and parasitic diseases

  150  1           089 Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of
                        lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
  160              064   Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity,
                          and pharynx (140-149)
  170              066   Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and
                          peritoneum (150-159)
  180              071   Malignant neoplasms of respiratory  and
                          intrathoracic organs (160-165)
  190              040   Malignant neoplasm of breast (174-175)
  200              049   Malignant neoplasms of genital organs
  210              049   Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
  220              074   Malignant neoplasms of all other and
                          unspecified sites (170-173,190-199)
  230              020   Leukemia (204-208)
  240              076   Other malignant neoplasms of lymphatic
                          and hematopoietic tissues (200-203)
  250              108 Benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ, and
                        neoplasms of uncertain behavior and of
                        unspecified nature (210-239)

  260              023 Diabetes mellitus (250)
  270              034 Nutritional deficiencies (260-269)
  280              017 Anemias (280-285)
  290              020 Meningitis (320-322)

  300    1         039 Major cardiovascular diseases (390-448)
  310    1         041   Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
  320              057     Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart
                            disease (390-398)
  330              036     Hypertensive heart disease (402)
  340              046     Hypertensive heart and renal disease (404)
  350    1         036     Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
  360              039       Acute myocardial infarction (410)
  370              068       Other acute and subacute forms of
                              ischemlc heart disease (411)
  380              027       Angina pectoris (413)
  390              091       Old myocardial infarction and other
                              forms of chronic ischemic
                              heart disease (412,414)
  400              039      Other diseases of endocardium (424)
  410              054      All other forms of heart disease

  420              054  Hypertension with or without renal
                         disease (401,403)
  430    1         036  Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
  440              061    Intracerebral and other intracranial
                           hemorrhage (431-432)
  450              084    Cerebral thrombosis and unspecified
                           occlusion of cerebral arteries (434.0.434.9)
  460              029    Cerebral embolism (434.1)
  470              076    All other and late effects of cerebrovascular
                           diseases (430,433,435-438)
  480              023    Atherosclerosls (440)
  490              067    Other diseases of arteries, arterioles, and
                           capillaries (441-448)

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age:  1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

   *****   Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 72      S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  500              040 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (466)
  510    1         033 Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
  520              021   Pneumonia (480-486)
  530              017   Influenza (487)

  540    1         070 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and
                           allied conditions (490-496)
  550              047   Bronchitis, chronic and unspecified (490-491)
  560              017   Emphysema (492)
  570              014   Asthma (493)
  580              078   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary
                          diseases and allied conditions (494-496)

  590              039 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum (531-533)
  600              022 Appendicitis (540-543)
  610              093 Hernla of abdominal cavity and intestinal
                        obstruction without mention of hernia
  620              041 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)
  630              059 Cholelithiasis and other disorders of
                        gallbladder (574-575)
  640      1       054 Nephrltis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
  650              059   Acute glomerulonephritis and nephrotic
                          syndrome (580-581)
  660              138   Chronic glomerulonephritis, nephritls and
                          nephropathy, not specified as acute or
                          chronic, and renal sclerosis, unspecified
  670              118   Renal failure, disorders resulting from
                          impaired renal function, and small kidney
                          of unknown cause (584-586,588-589)
  680              026 Infections of kidney (590)
  690      1       029 Hyperplasia of prostate (600)

  700   1  2    2  068 Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and
                        the puerperium (630-676)
  710      2    2  043   Pregnancy with abortive outcome (630-638)
  720      2    2  076   Other complications of pregnancy, childbirth,
                          and the puerperium (640-676)
  730              030 Congenital anomalies (740-759)
  740      1       064 Certain conditions originating in the
                        perinatal period (760-779)
  750              097   Birth trauma, intrauterine hypoxia, birth
                          asphyxla, and respiratory distress syndrome
  760              072   Other conditions originating in the
                          perinatal period (760-766,770-779)
                   053 Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions
  780              029 All other diseases (Residual)

  790    1         041 Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
  800              037   Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
  810              063   All other accidents and adverse effects
  820           1  019 Suicide (E950-E959)
  830              043 Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
  840              037 All other external causes (E980-E999)

 61 Causes of Death Adapted for Use by DVS

             Ninth Revision  61 Causes of Death Adapted for use by DVS

             ST:  1     Subtotal     Limited:  Sex:  1  = Males;  2 = Females
    Length    of Cause Title                   Age:  1  = 5 & Over; 2 = 10-54;
                                                     3 = 28 Days & Over

                    Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File

  61     S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

 010                  039  Certain intestinal infections (008-009)
 020                  020  Whooping cough (033)
 030                  029  Meningococcal  infection (036)
 040             3    016  Septicemia (038)
 050                  024  Viral diseases (045-079)
 060                  025  Congenital syphilis (090)
 070                  100  Remainder of infectious and parasitic
                                   diseases (001-007,010-032,034-035,037,039-

 080                  089 Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lympha-
                                   tic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
 090                  108 Benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ, and neoplasms
                                   of uncertain behavior and of unspecified
                                   nature (210-239)

 100                  030  Diseases of thymus gland (254)
 110                  023  Cystic fibrosis (277.0)
 120                  052  Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs (280-
 130                  020  Meningitis (320-322)
 140                  059  Other diseases of nervous system and sense organs
 150                  044  Acute upper respiratory infections (460-465)
 160                  042  Bronchitis and bronchiolitis (466,490-491)

 170     1            033  Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
 180                  021    Pneumonia (480-486)
 190                  017    Influenza (487)

 200                  061  Remainder of diseases of respiratory system (470-
 210                  093  Hernia of abdominal cavity and intestinal obstruc-
                                   tion without mention of hernia (550-553,
 220                  075  Gastritis,  duodenitis, and noninfective enteritis
                                   and colitis (535,555-558)
 230                  067  Remainder of diseases of digestive system (520-534,

 240     1            030  Congenital anomalies (740-759)
 250                  042    Anencephalus and similar anomalies (740)
 260                  020    Spina bifida (741)
 270                  034    Congenital hydrocephalus (742.3)
 280                  092    Other congenital anomalies of central nervous
                                   system and eye (742.0-742.2,742.4-742.9,
 290                  041    Congenital anomalies of heart (745-746)
 300                  056    Other congenital anomalies of circulatory system
 310                  050    Congenital anomalies of respiratory system (748)
 320                  052    Congenital anomalies of digestive system (749-
 330                  056    Congenital anomalies of genitourinary system
 340                  058    Congenital anomalies of musculoskeletal system
 350                  025    Downs syndrome (758.0)
 360                  043    Other chromosomal anomalies (758.1-758.9)
 370                  062    All other and unspecified congenital anomalies

            ST:   1  = Subtotal     Limited: Sex:  1 = Males;  2 = Females
  Length = of Cause Title                    Age:  1 = 5 & Over;  2 =  10-54;
                                                   3 = 28 Days & Over

                   Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File

  61     S Limited Len-
 Recooe  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And 100-9 Codes Included

 380     1            064  Certain conditions originating in the perinatal
                                   period (760-779)
 390                  091    Newborn affected by maternal conditions which may
                                   be unrelated to present pregnancy (760)
 400                  063    Newborn affected by maternal complications of
                                   pregnancy (761)
 410                  074    Newborn affected by complications of placenta,
                                   cord, and membranes (762)
 420                  069    Newborn affected by other complications of labor
                                   and delivery (763)

 430                  048    Slow fetal  growth and fetal malnutrition (764)
 440                  077    Disorders relating to short gestation and
                                   unspecified low birthweight (765)
 450                  065    Disorders relating to long gestation and high
                                   birthweight (766)
 460                  020    Birth trauma (767)

 470     1            047    Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia (768)
 480                  051      Fetal distress in liveborn infant (768.2-768.4)
 490                  032      Birth asphyxia (768.5-768.9)

 500                  037    Respiratory distress syndrome (769)
 510                  047    Other respiratory conditions of newborn (770)
 520                  051    Infections specific to the perinatal period (771)
 530                  027    Neonatal hemorrhage (772)
 540                  094    Hemolytic disease of newborn, due to isoimmuni-
                                   zation, and other perinatal  jaundice (773-
 550                  088    Syndrome of "infant of a diabetic mother" and
                                   neonatal diabetes mellitus (775.0-775. 1)
 560                  040    Hemorrhagic disease of newborn (776.0)
 570                  098    All other and ill-defined conditions originating
                                   in the perinatal period (775.2-775.9,776.1-

 580     1            053  Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions (780-
 590                  038    Sudden infant death syndrome (798.0)
 600                  075    Symptoms, signs, and all other ill-defined
                                   conditions (780-797,798.1-799)
 610     1            041  Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
 620                  118    Inhalation and ingestion of food or other object
                                   causing obstruction of respiratory tract or
                                   suffocation (E911-E912)
 630                  042    Accidental mechanical  suffocation (E913)
 640                  067    Other accidental causes and adverse effects
 650     1            020  Homicide (E960-E969)
 660                  047    Child battering and other maltreatment (E967)
 670                  038    Other homicide (E960-E966,E968-I969)
 680                  027  All other causes (Residual)

 52 Causes of Death Adapted for Use by DVS

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

  *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 52      S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

  010              050 Tuberculosis, including late effects
  020           3  016 Septicemia (038)
  030    1         089 Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of
                        lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
  040              064   Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity,
                          and pharynx (140-149)
  050              039   Malignant neoplasm of esophagus (150)
  060              037   Malignant neoplasm of stomach (151)
  070              035   Malignant neoplasm of colon (153)
  080              070   Malignant neoplasms of rectum, rectosigmoid
                          junction, and anus (154)
  090              064   Malignant neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic
                          bile ducts (155)
  100              070   Malignant neoplasms of gallbladder and
                          extrahepatic bileducts (156)
  110              038   Malignant neoplasm of pancreas (157)
  120              036   Malignant neoplasm of larynx (161)
  130              058   Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus,
                          and lung (162)
  140              036   Malignant neoplasm of pleura (163)
  150              059   Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular
                          cartilage (170)
  160              063   Malignant neoplasms of connective and
                          other soft tissue (171)
  170              034   Malignant melanoma of skin (172)
  180     2        043   Malignant neoplasm of female  breast (174)
  190     2        042   Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri  (180)
  200     2        044   Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus (182)
  210     2        061   Malignant neoplasms of ovary and other
                          uterine adnexa (183)
  220      1       038   Malignant neoplasm of prostate (185)
  230      1       036   Malignant neoplasm of test is (186)
  240              037   Malignant neoplasm of bladder (188)
  250              078   Malignant neoplasms of kidney and other and
                          unspecified urinary organs (189)
  260              090   Malignant neoplasms of brain and other and
                          unspecified parts of nervous system (191-192)
  270              025   Hodgkin's disease (201)
  280              059   Malignant lymphoma other than Hodgkin's
                          disease (200,202)
  290              058   Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative
                          neoplasms (203)
  300              020   Leukemia (204-208)
  310              149   All other malignant neoplasms, including
                          neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic
                          tissues (152,158-160,164-165,173,175,179,181,
  320              023 Diabetes mellitus (250)
  330              021 Aplastic anemia (284)
  340    1         039 Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
  350              034   Hypertensive heart disease (402)
  360              044   Hypertensive heart and renal disease  (404)
  370    1         034   Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
  380              037     Acute myocardial infarction (410)
  390              046     All other ischemic heart disease (411-414)
  400              047   All other diseases of heart (390-398,415-429)
  410              052 Hypertension with or without renal disease
  420              034 Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
  430              021 Atherosclerosls (440)
  440              033 Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
  450              070 Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and
                        allied conditions (490-496)
  460              072 Pneumoconioses and pneumopathy due to
                        inhalation of other dust (500-505)
  470              039 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum (531-533)
  480              041 Chronic liver disease and clrrhosis (571)
  490              054 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
  500    1         041 Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)
  510              037   Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
  520              079   Accidents mainly of industrial type
  530              099   Other accidents and adverse effects
  540           1  019 Suicide (E950-E959)
  550              043 Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)
  560              049 All other diseases and external causes (Redidual)

 34 Causes of Death Adapted for Use by DVS

          ST:  1=Subtotal   Limited: Sex: 1=Males; 2=Females
  Length=of Cause Title  Age: 1=5 & Over; 2=10-54; 3=28 Days & Over

    *****  Cause Subtotals are not Identified in this File  *****

 34      S Limited Len-
 Recode  T Sex Age gth Cause Title And ICD-9 Codes Included

 010              022 Tuberculosis (010-018)
 020              018 Syphilis (090-097)
 030              071 Residual of infectious and parasitic
                      diseases (001-009020-088,098-139)
  040 1            089 Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of
                        lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)
  050              066 Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs and
                        peritoneum (150-159)
  060              071 Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and
                        intrathoracic organs (160-165)
  070              040 Malignant neoplasm of breast (174-175)
  080              049 Malignant neoplasms of genital organs
  090              049 Malignant neoplasms of urinary organs (188-189)
  100              020 Leukemia (204-208)
  110              053 Other malignant neoplasms
  120              023 Diabetes mellitus (250)
  130    1         039 Major cardiovascular diseases (390-448)
  140    1         041 Diseases of heart (390-398,402,404-429)
  150              057 Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
 160                070  Hypertensive heart disease with or without
                          renal disease (402,404)
 170                036  Ischemic heart disease (410-414)
 180                034  Other heart diseases (415-429)
 190                054 Hypertension with or without renal disease
 200                036 Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)
 210                023 Atherosclerosis (440)
 220                067 Other diseases of arteries, arterioles, and
                         capillaries (441-448)

 230                033 Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)
 240                070 Chronic  obstructive  pulmonary diseases and
                         allied conditions (490-496)
 250                039 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum (531-533)
 260                041 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)
 270                054 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
 280      2    2    068 Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and
                         the puerperium (630-676)
 290                030 Congenital anomalies (740-759)
 300                064 Certain conditions originating in the
                         perinatal period (760-779)
 310                053 Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions
 320                029 All other diseases (Residual)

 330                035 Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)
 340                061 All other accidents and adverse effects
 350           1    019 Suicide (E950-E959)
 360                043 Homicide and legal intervention  (E960-E978)
 370                037 All other external causes (E980-E999)

 Appendix E - Business and Industry Recodes



   01        Agriculture forestry, and fisheries
   02        Mining
   03        Construction
   04     1  Manufacturing
   05     1    Nondurable goods
   06            Food and kindred products
   07            Textile mill and finished products
   08            Paper and allied products
   09            Printing, publishing and allied products
   10            Chemicals and allied products
   11            Petroleum and coal products
   12            Rubber, plastics and leather products
   13     1    Durable goods
   14            Lumber and other wood products, and furniture
   15            Stone, clay, glass and concrete products
   16            Primary metal industries
   17            Fabricated metal industries
   18            Machinery, except electrical
   19            Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies
   20            Transportation equipment
   21            Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
   22     1  Transportation, communications, and other public utilities
   23     1    Transportation
   24            Railroads
   25            Trucking and warehousing
   26            Other transportation
   27          Communications
   28          Utilities and sanitary services
   29        Wholesale trade
   30     1  Retail trade
   31          Food, bakery, and dairy stores
   32          Auto dealers and supply stores
   33          Eating and drinking places
   34          Other retail trade
   35        Finance, insurance, and real estate
   36     1  Business and repair services
   37          Automotive services and repair
   38          Other business and repair services
   39     1  Personal services
   40          Private households
   41          Beauty and barber shops
   42          Other personal services
   43        Entertainment and recreation services
   44     1  Professional and related services
   45          Health services
   46          Educational services
   47          Social services
   48          Legal, engineering, and other services
   49        Public administration
   50        Military
   51        Industry unknown or not reported



   01     Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
   02     Mining
   03     Construction
   04     Manufacturing
   05     Transportation, communications, and other publicutilities
   06     Wholesale trade
   07     Retail trade
   08     Finance, insurance, and real estate
   09     Business and repair services
   10     Personal services
   11     Entertainment and recreation services
   12     Professional ana related services
   13     Public administration
   14     Military
   15     Industry Unknown or not reported

 Appendix F - Selected Occupation Recodes




   01     1  Executive, administrative, and managerial occupations
   02          Executive and administrative occupations
   03          Management related occupations
   04     1  Professional specialty occupations
   05          Architects, engineers, and scientists
   06          Health diagnosis and treatment occupations
   07          Teachers
   08          Other professional specialty occupations
   09        Technicians and related support
   10        Sales occupations
   11     1  Administrative support occupations, including clerical
   12          Secretaries, stenographers, and typists
   13          Records processing occupations
   14          Mail and message distributing occupations
   15          Other administrative support occupations
   16     1  Service occupations
   17          Private household occupations
   18          Protective service occupations
   19          Food preparation and service occupations
   20          Health service occupations
   21          Cleaning and building service occupations
   22          Personal service occupations
   23     1  Farming, forestry, fishing occupations
   24          Farm and other agricultural occupations
   25          Forestry, fishing and hunting occupations
   26     1  Precision production, craft and repair occupations
   27     1    Mechanics and repairers
   28            Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics and repairers
   29            Other mechanics and repairers
   30     1    Construction trades
   31            Carpenters and apprentices
   32            Electricians, apprentices, and electrical power
                  installers and repairers
   33            Painters, construction and maintenance
   34            Other contruction trades
   35          Extractive occupations
   36     1    Precision production occupations
   37            Supervisors, production occupations
   38            Precision metal and wood working occupations
   39            Precision textile, apparel, and furnishings
                  machine workers
   40            Precision food production occupations
   41            Other precision production occupations
   42     1  Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors
   43     1    Machine operators and tenders, except precision
   44            Metal, plastic, and woodworking machine operators
   45            Printing machine operators
   46            Textile, apparel, and furnishing machine operators
   47            Machine operators, assorted materials
   48          Fabricators, assemblers, and hand working occupations
   49          Production inspectors, testers, samplers, and weighers
   50     1  Transportation and material moving occupations
   51          Motor vehicle operators
   52          Other transportation occupations
   53     1  Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers and laborers
   54          Construction laborers
   55          Laborers, except construction
   56          Other handlers, cleaners, and laborers
   57        Military
   58        Homemaker
   59        Occupation unknown or not reported



   01     Managerial and professional specialty occupations
   02     Technical, sales, and administrative support occupations
   03     Service occupations
   04     Farming, forestry, and fishing occupations
   05     Precision production, craft, and repair occupations
   06     Operators, fabricators, and laborers
   07     Military
   08     Homemaker
   09     Retired, student, volunteer, never worked, unknown, or
           not reported

Appendix G - Mortality Technical Appendix
 Sources of Data

 Death and Fetal-Death Statistics

 Mortality statistics for 1986 are, as for all previous years except 1972,
 based on information from records of all deaths occurring in the United
 States.Fetal-death statistics for every year are based on all reports of
 fetal death received by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

 The death-registration system and the fetal-death reporting system of the
 United States encompass the 50 States, the District of Columbia, New York
 City (which is independent of New York State for the purpose of death
 registration),Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa,and the
 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.In the statistical tabulations of this
 publication,United States refers only to the aggregate of the 50 States
 (including New York City) and the District of Columbia.Tabulations for Guam,
 Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are shown separately in this volume. No
 data have ever been included for American Samoa or the Trust Territory of the
 Pacific Islands.

 The Virgin Islands was admitted to the "registration area" for deaths in
 1924; Puerto Rico, in 1932; and Guam, in 1970.Tabulations of death statistics
 for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were regularly shown in the annual
 volumes of Vital Statistics of the United States from the year of their
 admission through 1971 except for the years 1967 through 1969, and
 tabulations for Guam were included for 1970 and 1971.Death statistics for
 Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam were not included in the 1972
 volume but have been included in section 8 of the volumes for each of the
 years 1973-78 and in section 9 beginning with 1979.  Information for 1972 for
 these three areas was published in the respective annual vital statistics
 reports of the Department of Health of the Virgin Islands, and the Department
 of Public Health and Social Services of the Government of Guam.

 Procedures used by NCHS to collect death statistics have changed over the
 years.  Before 1971, tabulations of deaths and fetal deaths were based
 solely on information obtained by NCHS from copies of the original certifi-
 cates.The information from these copies was edited, coded, and tabulated.
 For 1960-70, all mortality information taken from these records was trans-
 ferred by NCHS to magnetic tape for computer processing.

 Beginning with 1971, an increasing number of States have provided NCHS with
 computer tapes of data coded according to NCHS specifications and provided
 to NCHS through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program.  The year in which
 State-coded demographic data were first transmitted on computer tape to
 NCHS is shown below for each of the States, New York City, Puerto Rico, and
 the District of Columbia, all of which now furnish demographic or nonmedical
 data on tape.

     1971                                     1977
         Florida                                  Alaska
     1972                                         Massachusetts
         Maine                                    New York City
         Missouri                                 Ohio
         New Hampshire                            Puerto Rico
         Rhode Island
         Vermont                              1978
     1973                                         Utah
         Colorado                                 Washington
         New York (except New York City)      1979
     1974                                         Hawaii
         Illinois                                 Mississippi
         Iowa                                     New Jersey
         Kansas                                   Pennsylvania
         Montana                                  Wyoming
         Oregon                               1980
         South Carolina                           Arkansas
                                                  New Mexico
     1975                                         South Dakota
         Maryland                             1982
         North Carolina                           North Dakota
         Tennessee                            1985
         Virginia                                 Arizona
         Wisconsin                                California
     1976                                         Georgia
         Alabama                                  District of Columbia
         West Virginia

     For the Virgin Islands and Guam mortality statistics for 1986 are based
 on information obtained directly by NCHS from copies of the original
 certificates received from the registration offices.

     In 1974, States began coding medical (cause-of-death) data on computer
 tapes according to NCHS specifications.  The year in which State-coded
 medical data were first transmitted to NCHS is shown below for the 19 States
 now furnishing such data.

     1974                                     1980--Con.
         Iowa                                     Pennsylvania
         Michigan                                 South Carolina

     1975                                     1981
         Louisiana                                Maine
         North Carolina                       1983
         Virginia                                 Minnesota
     1980                                         Maryland
         Colorado                                 New York State (except
         Kansas                                     New York City)
         Massachusetts                            Vermont
         Mississippi                          1986
         New Hampshire                            California
         Pennsylvania                             Florida
         South Carolina                           Texas

     For 1986 and previous years except 1972, NCHS coded the medical
 information from copies of the original certificates received from the
 registration offices for all deaths occurring in those States that were not
 furnishing NCHS with medical data coded according to NCHS specifications.
 For 1981 and 1982, it was necessary to change these procedures because of a
 backlog in coding and processing that resulted from personnel and budgetary
 restrictions.To produce the mortality files on a timely basis with reduced
 resources, NCHS used State-coded underlying cause-of-death information
 supplied by 19 States for 50 percent of the records; for the other 50 percent
 of the records for these States as well as for 100 percent of the records for
 the remaining 21 registration areas, NCHS coded the medical information.

     Mortality statistics for 1972 were based on information obtained from a
 50-percent sample of death records instead of from all records as in other
 years.  The sample resulted from personnel and budgetary restrictions.
 Sampling variation associated with the 50-percent sample is described below
 in the section "Estimates of errors arising from 50-percent sample for 1972."

     Fetal-death data are obtained directly from copies of original reports
 of fetal deaths received by NCHS, except New York State (excluding New York
 City), which submitted State-coded data in 1986. Fetal-death data are not
 published by NCHS for the Virgin Islands and Guam.

 Standard Certificates and Reports

     The U.S. Standard Certificate of Death and the U.S. Standard Report of
 Fetal Death, issued by the Public Health Service, have served for many
 years as the principal means of attaining uniformity in the content of
 documents used to collect information on these events.They have been modified
 in each State to the extent required by the particular needs of the State or
 by special provisions of the State vital statistics law.  However, the
 certificates or reports of most States conform closely in content and
 arrangement to the standards.

     The first issue of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death appeared in
 1900. Since then, it has been revised periodically by the national vital
 statistics agency through consultation with State health officers and
 registrars; Federal agencies concerned with vital statistics; national,
 State, and county medical societies; and others working in such fields as
 public health, social welfare,demography, and insurance. This revision
 procedure has assured careful evaluation of each item in terms of its current
 and future usefulness for legal, medical and health, demographic,and research
 purposes.New items have been added when necessary; and old items have been
 modified to ensure better reporting, or in some cases have been dropped when
 their usefulness appeared to be limited.

     New revisions of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death and the U.S.
 Standard Report of Fetal Death were recommended for State use beginning
 January 1, 1978.The certificate of death is for use by a physician, a medical
 examiner, or a coroner.  Two other forms of the U.S. Standard Certificate
 of Death are available and are similar except that the section on
 certification is designed for the physician's signature on one, and for the
 medical examiner's or coroner's signature on the other.

     Among the changes in the new revision were the additions of (1) an item
 asking "If Hosp. or Inst., Indicate DOA, OP/Emer. Rm., Inpatient" and (2) an
 item "Was Decedent Ever in U.S. Armed Forces?"  The latter item was
 previously on the certificate but was deleted from 1968 through 1977.An item
 on whether autopsy findings were considered for determining cause of death
 was dropped.


     The first death statistics published by the Federal Government concerned
 events in 1850 and were based on statistics collected during the decennial
 census of that year.  In 1880 a national "registration area" was created for
 deaths.  Originally consisting of two States (Massachusetts and New Jersey),
 the District of Columbia, and several large cities having efficient systems
 for death registrations, the death-registration area continued to expand
 until 1933, when it included the entire United States for the first time.
 Tables that show data for death-registration States include the District of
 Columbia for all years; registration cities in nonregistration States are not
 included.For more details on the history of the death-registration area see
 the Technical Appendix in Vital Statistics of the United States, 1979, Volume
 II, Mortality, Part A, Section 7, pages 3-4, and the section "History and
 Organization of the Vital Statistics System," chapter 1, Vital Statistics of
 the United States, 1950, Volume I, pages 2-19.

     Statistics on fetal deaths were first published for the birth-
 registration area in 1918, and then every year beginning with 1922.

 Classification of Data

     The principal value of vital statistics data is realized through the
 presentation of rates, which are computed by relating the vital events of a
 class to the population of a similarly defined class.  Vital statistics and
 population statistics must therefore be classified according to similarly
 defined systems and tabulated in comparable groups.  Even when the variables
 common to both, such as geographic area, age, sex, and race, have been
 similarly classified and tabulated, differences between the enumeration
 method of obtaining population data and the registration method of obtaining
 vital statistics data may result in significant discrepancies.

     The general rules used in the classification of geographic and personal
 items for deaths and fetal deaths for 1986 are set forth in two instruction
 manuals (NCHS, 1986a, 1986b).

     A discussion of the classification of certain important items is
 presented on next page.

 Classification by Occurrence and Residence

     Tabulations for the United States and specified geographic areas in this
 report are by place of residence unless stated as by place of occurrence.
 Before 1970, resident mortality statistics for the United States included
 all deaths occurring in the United States, with deaths of "nonresidents of
 the United States" assigned to place of death.  "Deaths of nonresidents of
 the United States" refers to deaths that occur in the United States of
 nonresident aliens, nations residing abroad, and residents of Puerto Rico,
 the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other territories of the United States.
 Beginning with 1970, deaths of nonresidents of the United States are not
 included in tables by place of residence.

     Tables by place of occurrence, on the other hand, include deaths of both
 residents and nonresidents of the United States.  Consequently, for each
 year beginning with 1970, the total number of deaths in the United States by
 place of occurrence was somewhat greater than the total by place of
 residence.  For 1986 this difference amounted to 3,023 deaths.  Mortality
 statistics by place of occurrence are shown in tables 1-10, 1-18, 1-19, 1-28,
 1-29, 3-1, 3-8, 8-1, and 8-7.

     Before 1970, except for 1964 and 1965, deaths of nonresidents of the
 United States occurring in the United States were treated as deaths of
 residents of the exact place of occurrence, which in most instances was an
 urban area. In 1964 and 1965, deaths of nonresidents of the United States
 occurring in the United States were allocated as deaths of residents of the
 balance of the county in which they occurred.

     Residence error--Results of a 1960 study showed that the classification
 of residence information on the death certificates corresponded closely to
 the residence classification of the census records for the decedents whose
 records were matched (NCHS, 1969).

     A comparison of the results of this study of deaths with those for a
 previous matched record study of births (National Vital Statistics Division,
 1962) showed that the quality of residence data had considerably improved
 between 1950 and 1960.  Both studies found that events in urban areas were
 overstated by the NCHS classification in comparison with the U.S. Bureau of
 the Census classification. The magnitude of the difference was substantially
 less for deaths in 1960 than it was for births in 1950.

     The improvement is attributed to an item added in 1956 to the U.S.
 Standard Certificates of Birth and of Death, asking if residence was inside
 or outside city limits.  This new item aided in properly allocating the
 residence of persons living near cities but outside the corporate limits.

 Geographic Classification

     The rules followed in the classification of geographic areas for deaths
 and fetal deaths are contained in the two instruction manuals referred to
 previously (NCHS, 1986a, 1986b).

     The geographic codes assigned by the National Center for Health
 Statistics during data reduction of course information on birth, death, and
 fetal-death records are given in another instruction manual (NCHS, 1985).
 Beginning with 1982 data, the geographic codes were modified to reflect
 results of the 1980 census. For 1970-81, codes are based on results of the
 1970 census.

     Standard metropolitan statistical areas--The standard metropolitan
 statistical areas (SMSA's) used in this report are those established by the
 U.S. Office of Management and Budget (1981a, pp. 1-20) from final 1980
 census population counts and used by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, except
 in the New England States.

     Except in the New England States, an SMSA is a county or a group of
 contiguous counties containing a city of 50,000 inhabitants or more or an
 urbanized area of 50,000 with a total metropolitan population of at least
 100,000.  In addition to the county or counties containing such a city or
 urbanized area, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to
 specified criteria, they are essentially metropolitan in character and are
 socially and economically integrated with the central city or urbanized area
 (U.S. Office of Management and Budget, 1981b, p. 420).

     In the New England States, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget uses
 towns and cities rather than counties as geographic components of SMSA's.
 The National Center for Health Statistics cannot, however, use the SMSA
 classification for these States because its data are not coded to identify
 all towns.  Instead, NCHS uses New England County Metropolitan Areas
 (NECMA's).  Made up of county units, these areas are established by the U.S.
 Office of Management and Budget (1975, pp. 89-90; 1981b, p. 420).

     Metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties--Independent cities and
 counties included in SMSA's or in NECMA's are included in data for metropo-
 litan counties, all other counties are classified as nonmetropolitan.

     Population-size groups--Vital statistics data for cities and certain
 other urban places in 1985 are classified according to the population
 enumerated in the 1980 Census of Population.  Data are available for
 individual cities and other urban places of 10,000 or more population.
 Data for the remaining areas not separately identified are shown in the
 tables under the heading "balance of area" or "balance of county."  For the
 years 1970-81, classification of areas was determined by the population
 enumerated in the 1970 Census of Population. Beginning with 1982 data, as a
 result of changes in the enumerated population between 1970 and 1980, some
 urban places identified in previous reports are no longer included, and a
 number of other urban places have been added.

     Urban places other than incorporated cities for which vital statistics
 data are shown in this report include the following:

     o  Each town in New England, New York, and Wisconsin and each township
 in Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania that had no incorporated
 municipality as a subdivision and had either 25,000 inhabitants or
 more,or a population of 10,000 to 25,000 and a density of 1,000 persons or
 more per square mile.
     o  Each county in States other than those indicated above that had no
 incorporated municipality within its boundary and had a density of
 1,000 persons or more per square mile.  (Arlington County, Virginia, is the
 only county classified as urban under this rule.)
     o  Each place in Hawaii with 10,000 or more population, as there are no
 incorporated cities in the State.

     Before 1964, places were classified as "urban" or "rural."  The
 Technical Appendixes for earlier years discuss the previous classification

 State or Country of Birth

     Mortality statistics by State or country of birth (table 1-32) became
 available beginning with 1979.  State or country of birth of a decedent is
 assigned to 1 of the 50 States or the District of Columbia; or to Puerto
 Rico, the Virgin Islands, or Guam--if specified on the death certificate.
 The place of birth is also tabulated for Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and for the
 Remainder of the World. Deaths for which information on State or country of
 birth was unknown, not stated, or not classifiable accounted for a small
 proportion of all deaths in 1986, about 0.5 percent.

     Early mortality reports published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census
 contained tables showing nativity of parents as well as nativity of
 decedent. Publication of these tables was discontinued in 1933. Mortality
 data showing nativity of decedent were again published in annual reports for
 1939-41 and for 1950.


     The age recorded on the death record is the age at last birthday.  With
 respect to the computation of death rates, the age classification used by
 the U.S. Bureau of the Census is also based on the age of the person in
 completed years.

     For computation of age-specific and age-adjusted death rates, deaths
 with age not stated are excluded. For life table computation, deaths with age
 not stated are distributed proportionately.


     For vital statistics in the United States in 1986, deaths are
 classified by race--white, black, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Other
 Asian or Pacific Islander, and other races. Mortality data for Filipino and
 Other Asian or Pacific Islander were shown for the first time in 1979.

     The white category includes, in addition to persons reported as white,
 those reported as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and all other Caucasians.
 The Indian category includes American, Alaskan, Canadian, Eskimo, and Aleut.
 If the racial entry on the death certificate indicates a mixture of Hawaiian
 and any other race, the entry is coded to Hawaiian. If the race is given as a
 mixture of white and any other race, the entry is coded to the appropriate
 other race.  If a mixture of races other than white is given (except
 Hawaiian),the entry is coded to the first race listed. This procedure for
 coding the first race listed has been in use since 1969.  Before 1969, if the
 entry for race was a mixture of black and any other race except Hawaiian, the
 entry was coded to black.

     Most of the tables in this report, however, do not show data for this
 detailed classification by race.  In about half of all the tables the
 divisions are white, all other (including black), and black separately.
 In other tables by race, where the main purpose is to isolate the major
 groups, the classifications are simply white and all other.

     Race not stated--For 1986 the number of death records for which race was
 unknown,   not   stated,  or   not   classifiable  was  4,583,  or   0.2
 percent of the total deaths. Death records with race entry not stated are
 assigned to a racial designation as follows: If the preceding record is coded
 white, the code assignment is made to white; if the code is other than white,
 the assignment is made to black.Before 1964 all records with race not stated
 were assigned to white except records of residents of New Jersey for 1962-64.

     New Jersey, 1962-64--New Jersey omitted the race item from its
 certificates of live birth, death, and fetal death in use in the beginning
 of 1962.The item was restored during the latter part of 1962.The item was
 restored during the latter part of 1962.However, the certificate revision
 without the race item was used for most of 1962 as well as 1963. Therefore
 figures by race for 1962 and 1963 exclude New Jersey.For 1964, 6.8 percent
 of the death records in use for residents of New Jersey did not contain the
 race item.

     Adjustments made in vital statistics to take into account the omission
 of the race item in New Jersey for part of the certificates filed during 1962
 through 1964 are described in the Technical Appendix of Vital Statistics of
 the United States for each of those data years.

 Hispanic Origin

     Mortality statistics for the Hispanic-origin population were published
 in 1984 for the first time.  They are based on information for those States
 and the District of Columbia that included items on the death certificate to
 identify Hispanic or ethnic origin of decedents.  Data were obtained from
 the District of Columbia and the following 22 States:  Arizona, Arkansas,
 California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine,
 Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York (including
 New York City), North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.
 Generally, the reporting States used items similar to one of two basic
 formats recommended by NCHS.  The first format is open-ended to obtain the
 specific origin or descent of the decedent (for example, Italian, Mexican,
 Puerto Rican, English, and Cuban).  The second format is directed specifi-
 cally oward the Hispanic population and asks whether the decedent is of
 Spanish origin.If so, the specific origin--for example, Mexican,Puerto Rican,
 or Cuban--is to be indicated.

     For 1986, mortality data in tables 1-33 and 2-18 are based on deaths to
 residents of all 22 reporting States and the District of Columbia.  In
 tables 1-34, 2-19, 2-20, and 2-21 mortality data for the Hispanic-origin
 population are based on deaths to residents of 18 reporting States and the
 District of Columbia whose data were at least 90 percent complete and consi-
 dered to be sufficiently comparable to be used for analysis.The 18 States are
 Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii,Illinois,New Jersey,
 Indiana,Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York (including New York City),
 North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.  Excluded from these tables are
 data for New Mexico because the format for the Hispanic item on the New
 Mexico death certificate departs sufficiently from that of other areas to
 result in noncomparable data.  In addition, in tables 1-33 and 1-34 for New
 Mexico, no deaths are shown for the category "not stated" origin.  Because of
 the way in which the item on the death certificate for New Mexico is worded,
 it was not possible to determine whether a blank entry represented a response
 of "non-Hispanic origin" or of "unknown origin."  Accordingly, blank entries
 were coded to "non-Hispanic." The data for three other States--Maine, Nevada,
 and Tennessee--are excluded from tables 1-34, 2-19, 2-20, and 2-21
 because of the large proportion of deaths (in excess of 10 percent) occurring
 in these States for which Hispanic origin was not stated or was unknown.

     In 1980, the 18 reporting States and the District of Columbia accounted
 for about 80 percent of the Hispanic population in the United States,
 including about 89 percent of the Mexican population, 78 percent of the
 Puerto Rican population, 34 percent of the Cuban population, and 68 percent
 of the "Other Hispanic" population (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1982a).
 Accordingly, caution should be exercised in generalizing mortality patterns
 from the reporting area to the Hispanic-origin population (especially Cubans)
 of the entire United States. For qualifications regarding infant mortality of
 the Hispanic-origin population, see "Infant deaths."

 Marital Status

     Mortality statistics by marital status (table 1-31) were published in
 1979 for the first time since 1961.  (Previously they had been published in
 the annual reports for the years 1949-51 and 1959-61.)  Several reports
 analyzing mortality by marital status have been published,including the
 special study based on 1959-61 data (NCHS, 1970).Reference to earlier reports
 is given in the appendix of part B of the 1959-61 special study.

     Mortality statistics by marital status are tabulated separately for
 never married, married, widowed, and divorced.  Certificates in which the
 marriage is specified as being annulled are classified as never married.
 Where marital status is specified as separated or common-law marriage, it is
 classified as married. Of the 2,049,203 resident deaths 15 years of age and
 over in 1986, 10,171 certificates(0.5 percent)had marital status not stated.

 Place of Death and Status of Decedent

     Mortality statistics by place of death were published in 1979 for the
 first time since 1958 (tables 1-28 and 1-29).In addition, mortality data
 were also available for the first time in 1979 for the status of decedent
 when death occurred in a hospital or medical center (table 1-28).These data
 were obtained from the following two items that appear on the U.S. Standard
 Certificate of Death:

     o  Item 7c. Hospital or Other Institution--Name (If not in either, give
        street and number)
     o  Item 7d. If Hosp. or Inst. Indicate DOA, OP/Emer. Rm., Inpatient

     All of the States and the District of Columbia have item 7c (or its
 equivalent) on the death certificate.  For all States and the District of
 Columbia in the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program, NCHS accepts the State
 definition, classification, or codes for hospitals, medical centers, or
 other institutions.

     Table 1-28 shows mortality data for the total of the following 43 States
 (including New York City) that have item 7d or its equivalent on their death

          Alaska                             Nevada
          Arizona                            New Hampshire
          Arkansas                           New Jersey
          Colorado                           New Mexico
          Connecticut                        New York
          Florida                            North Carolina
          Georgia                            North Dakota
          Hawaii                             Ohio
          Idaho                              Oregon
          Illinois                           Pennsylvania
          Indiana                            Rhode Island
          Iowa                               South Carolina
          Kansas                             South Dakota
          Kentucky                           Tennessee
          Louisiana                          Utah
          Maine                              Vermont
          Michigan                           Virginia
          Mississippi                        Washington
          Missouri                           West Virginia
          Montana                            Wisconsin
          Nebraska                           Wyoming

     Effective with data for 1980, the coding of place of death and status of
 decedent was changed.  A new coding category was added:  "Dead on
 arrival--hospital, clinic, medical center name not given."  Deaths coded to
 this category are tabulated in table 1-28 as "Dead on arrival" and in table
 1-29 as "Not in hospital or medical center."  Had the 1979 coding categories
 been used, these deaths would have been tabulated as "Place unknown."

 Mortality by Month and Date of Death

     Deaths by month have been regularly tabulated and published in the
 annual report for each year beginning with data year 1900. For 1986,
 deaths by month are shown in tables 1-19, 1-20, 1-23, 1-30, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14,
 and 3-9.

     Date of death was first published for data year 1972.  In addition,
 unpublished data for selected causes by date of death for 1962 are available
 from NCHS.

     Numbers of deaths by date of death in this report are shown in table
 1-30 for the total number of deaths and for the number of deaths for the
 following three causes, for which the greatest interest in date of occurrence
 of death has been expressed: Motor vehicle accidents, Suicide, and Homicide
 and legal intervention.

     These data show the frequency distribution of deaths for the selected
 causes by day of week.  They also make it possible to identify holidays with
 peak numbers of deaths from specified causes.

 Report of Autopsy

     Before 1972, the last year for which autopsy data were tabulated was
 1958. Beginning in 1972, all registration areas requested information on the
 death certificate as to whether autopsies were performed.For 1986, autopsies
 were reported on 257,890 death certificates, 12.2 percent of the total (table

     Information as to whether the autopsy findings were used in determining
 the causes of death was tabulated for 1972-73 for all but nine registration
 areas and from 1974-77 for all but eight registration areas.The item "autopsy
 findings used" was deleted from the 1978 U.S. Standard Certificate of Death.

     For eight of the cause-of-death categories shown in table 1-27,
 autopsies were reported as performed for 50 percent or more of all deaths
 (Whooping cough;Meningococcal infection;Pregnancy with abortive outcome;Other
 complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium; Motor vehicle
 accidents; Suicide; Homicide and legal intervention; and All other external
 causes).There were three other categories for which 40 percent or more of
 the death certificates reported autopsies.Autopsies were reported for only
 7.8 percent of the Major cardiovascular diseases.

 Cause of Death

     Cause-of-death classification--Since 1949, cause-of-death statistics
 have been based on the underlying cause of death, which is defined as "(a)
 the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly
 to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced
 the fatal injury" (World Health Organization, 1977).

     For each death the underlying cause is selected from an array of
 conditions reported in the medical certification section on the death
 certificate.This section provides a format for entering the causes of death
 in a sequential order.These conditions are translated into medical codes
 through use of the classification structure and selection and modification
 rules contained in the applicable revision of the International Classifi-
 cation of Diseases (ICD) published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
 Selection rules provide guidance for systematically identifying the underly-
 ing cause of death. Modification rules are intended to improve the usefulness
 of mortality statistics by giving preference to certain classification
 categories over others and/or to consolidate two or more conditions on the
 certificate into a single classification category.

     As a statistical datum, the underlying cause of death is a simple,
 one-dimensional statistic; it is conceptually easy to understand and a
 well-accepted measure of mortality.  It identifies the initiating cause of
 death and is therefore most useful to public health officials in developing
 measures to prevent the start of the chain of events leading to death.  The
 rules for selecting the underlying cause of death are included with the ICD
 as a means of standardizing classification, which contributes toward
 comparability and uniformity in mortality medical statistics among countries.

     Beginning with data year 1979, the cause-of-death statistics published
 by the National Center for Health Statistics have been classified according
 to the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9)
 (World Health Organization, 1977).  In addition to specifying that the
 Classification be used, WHO also recommends how the data should be tabulated
 in order to promote international comparability.The recommended system for
 tabulating data in the Ninth Revision allows countries to construct their own
 mortality and morbidity tabulation lists from the rubrics of the WHO Basic
 Tabulation List as long as rubrics from the WHO mortality and morbidity
 lists, respectively, are included.  This tabulation system for the Ninth
 Revision is more flexible than that of the Eighth Revision in which specific
 lists were recommended for tabulating mortality and morbidity data.

     The Basic Tabulation List (BTL) recommended under the Ninth Revision
 consists of 57 two-digit rubrics that add to the "all causes" total. Within
 each two-digit rubric, up to 9 three-digit rubrics numbered from 0 to 8 are
 identified, but these do not add to the total of the two-digit rubric.  The
 two-digit rubrics of the BTL 01 through 46 provide for the tabulation of
 nonviolent deaths to ICD categories 001-799.  Rubrics relating to chapter 17
 (nature-of-injury causes 47 through 56) are not used by NCHS for selecting
 underlying cause of death; rather, preference is given to rubrics E47
 through E56.The 57th two-digit rubric VO is the Supplementary Classification
 of Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services and is
 not appropriate for the tabulation of mortality data.The WHO Mortality-List,
 a subset of the titles contained in the BTL, consists of 50 rubrics which are
 a minimum for the national display of mortality data.

     Five lists of causes have been developed for tabulation and publication
 of mortality data in this volume:  The Each-Cause List, List of 282 Selected
 Causes of Death, List of 72 Selected Causes of Death, List of 61 Selected
 Causes of Infant Death, and List of 34 Selected Causes of Death.  These
 lists were designed to be as comparable as possible with the NCHS lists more
 recently in use under the Eighth Revision.However, complete comparability
 could not always be achieved.

     The Each-Cause List is made up of each three-digit category of the WHO
 Detailed List to which deaths may be validly assigned and most four-digit
 subcategories.  The list is used for tabulation for the entire United
 States. The published Each-Cause table does not show the four-digit subca-
 tegories provided for Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825); however, these
 subcategories,which identify persons injured, are shown in the accident
 tables of this report (section 5).Special fifth-digit subcategories are also
 used in the accident tables to identify place of accident when deaths from
 nontransport accidents are shown.  These are not shown in the Each-Cause

     The List of 282 Selected Causes of Death is constructed from BTL rubrics
 01-46 and E47-E56.  Each of the 56 BTL two-digit titles can be obtained
 either directly or by combining titles in the List.The three-digit level of
 the BTL is modified more extensively.  Where more detail was desired,
 categories not shown in the three-digit rubrics were added to the List of 282
 Selected Causes of Death. Where less detail was needed, the three-digit
 rubrics were combined. Moreover, each of the 50 rubrics of the WHO Mortality
 List can be obtained from the List of 282 Selected Cases of Death.

     The List of 72 Selected Causes of Death was constructed by combining
 titles in the List of 282 Selected Causes of Death.It is used in tables
 published for the United States and each State, and for standard metropolitan
 statistical areas.

     The List of 61 Selected Causes of Infant Death shows more detailed
 titles for Congenital anomalies and Certain conditions originating in the
 perinatal period than any other list except the Each-Cause List.

     The List of 34 Selected Causes of Death was created by combining titles
 in the List of 72 Selected Causes.  A table using this list is published for
 detailed geographic areas.

     Effect of list revisions--The International Lists or adaptations of
 them, in use in this country since 1900, have been revised approximately
 every 10 years so that the disease classification may be consistent with
 advances in medical science and with changes in diagnostic practice.
 Each revision of the International Lists has produced some break in
 comparability of cause-of-death statistics.  Cause-of-death statistics
 beginning with 1979 are classified by NCHS according to the ICD-9 (World
 Health Organization, 1977).  For a discussion of each of the classifications
 used with death statistics since 1900, see the Technical Appendix in Vital
 Statistics of the United States, 1979, Volume II, Mortality, Part A, section
 7, pages 9-14.

     A dual coding study was undertaken between the Ninth and the Eighth
 Revisions to measure the extent of discontinuity in cause-of-death
 statistics resulting from introducing the new Revision.An initial study for
 the List of 72 Selected Causes of Death and the List of 10 Selected Causes of
 Infant Death has been published (NCHS, 1980).  The List of 10 Selected Causes
 of Infant Death is a basic NCHS tabulation list but is not used in this
 volume.  Comparability studies were also undertaken between the Eighth and
 Seventh, Seventh and Sixth, and Sixth and Fifth Revisions.  For additional
 information about these studies, again see the 1979 Technical Appendix.

     Significant coding changes during the Ninth Revision--Since the
 implementation of ICD-9 in the United States, effective with mortality data
 for 1979, several coding changes have been introduced.  The more important
 changes will be discussed below.  In early 1983, a change was made in the
 coding of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and Human immunodefi-
 ciency (HIV) infection, which affected data from 1981 onward.Also effective
 with data year 1981 was a coding change for poliomyelitis.For data year 1982,
 a change was made in the definition of child (which affects the classifica-
 tion of deaths to a number of categories, including Child battering and other
 maltreatment), and in guidelines for coding deaths to the category Child
 battering and other maltreatment (ICD No. E967).Detailed discussion of these
 changes may be found in the technical appendix for previous volumes.

     Coding in 1986--The rules for coding the 1986 mortality medical data
 remained essentially the same as in the previous year.  Notable changes
 include classifying "primary" and "invasive" tumors, unspecified, as
 "malignant" beginning 1986.  Previously, these neoplasms had been
 classified to Neoplasms of unspecified nature (ICD-9 No. 239).

     Medical certification--The use of a standard classification list,
 although essential for State, regional, and international comparison, does
 not assure strict comparability of the tabulated figures.A high degree of
 comparability between areas could be attained only if all records of cause of
 death were reported with equal accuracy and completeness. The medical certi-
 fication of cause of death can be made only by a qualified person, usually
 a physician, a medical examiner, or a coroner. Therefore, the reliability and
 accuracy of cause-of-death statistics are, to a large extent, governed by the
 ability of the certifier to make the proper diagnosis and by the care with
 which he or she records this information on the death certificate.

     A number of studies have been undertaken on the quality of medical
 certification on the death certificate.  In general, these have been for
 relatively small samples and for limited geographic areas.  A bibliography,
 prepared by NCHS (1982), covering 128 references over a period of 23 years
 indicates that no definitive conclusions have been reached about the quality
 of medical certification on the death certificate.  No country has a
 well-defined program for systematically assessing the quality of medical
 certifications reported on death certificates or for measuring the error
 effects on the levels and trends of cause-of-death statistics.

     One index of the quality of reporting causes of death is the proportion
 of death certificates coded to the Ninth Revision Chapter XVI Symptoms,
 signs, and ill-defined conditions (ICD-9 Nos. 780-799).  Although there are
 cases for which it is not possible to determine the cause of death, this
 proportion indicates the care and consideration given to the certification by
 the medical certifier.It may also be used as a rough measure of the specifi-
 city of the medical diagnoses made by the certifier in various areas.In 1986,
 1.5 percent of all reported deaths in the United States were assigned to ill-
 defined or unknown causes.However, this percentage varied among the States,
 from 0.3 percent to 4.0 percent.

     Automated selection of underlying cause of death--Beginning with data
 year 1968, NCHS began using a computer system for assigning the underlying
 cause of death.It has been used every year since to select the underlying
 cause of death. The system is called "Automated Classification of Medical
 Entities" (ACME).

     The ACME system applies the same rules for selecting the underlying
 cause as applied manually by a nosologist; however, under this system, the
 computer consistently applies the same criteria, thus eliminating intercoder
 variation in this step of the process.

     The ACME computer program requires the coding of all conditions shown on
 the medical certification.  These codes are matched automatically against
 decision tables that consistently select the underlying cause of death for
 each record according to the international rules. The decision tables provide
 the comprehensive relationships between the conditions classified by ICD when
 applying the rules of selection and modification.

     The decision tables were developed by NCHS staff on the basis of their
 experience in coding underlying causes of death under the earlier manual
 coding system and as a result of periodic independent validations. These
 tables are periodically updated to reflect additional new information on
 the relationship among medical conditions. For 1986, the content of these
 tables was identical to that in the 1985 table. Coding procedures for
 selecting the underlying cause of death by the ACME computer program,
 as well as the ACME decision tables, are documented in NCHS instruction
 manuals (NCHS, 1986a, 1986b, 1986c).

     Cause-of-death ranking--Cause-of-death ranking (except for infants) is
 based on the List of 72 Selected Causes of Death.  Cause-of-death ranking
 for infants is based on the List of 61 Selected Causes of Infant Death.The
 group titles Major cardiovascular diseases and Symptoms, signs, and ill-
 defined conditions are not ranked from the List of 72 Selected Causes; and
 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period and Symptoms, signs,
 and ill-defined conditions are not ranked from the List of 61 Selected Causes
 of Infant Death.  In addition, category titles that begin with the words
 "Other" or "All other" are not ranked to determine the leading causes of
 death.  When one of the titles that represents a subtotal is ranked (such
 as Tuberculosis),its component parts (in this case, Tuberculosis of
 respiratory system and Other tuberculosis) are not ranked.

 Maternal Deaths

     Maternal deaths are those for which the certifying physician has
 designated a maternal condition as the underlying cause of death.Maternal
 conditions are those assigned to Complications of pregnancy, childbirth,
 and the puerperium (ICD-9 Nos. 630-676).In the Ninth Revision, the World
 Health Organization (1977, p. 764) for the first time defined a maternal
 death as follows:

     A maternal death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or
     within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration
     and the site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated
     by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental

     Under the Eighth Revision, maternal deaths were assigned to category
 title "Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium" (ICDA-8
 Nos. 630-678).Although WHO did not define maternal mortality,there was an
 NCHS classification rule that limited a maternal death to a death within a
 year after termination of pregnancy from any "maternal cause," that is, any
 cause within the range of ICDA- Nos. 630-678.  This rule applied only if a
 duration of time for the condition was given.  If no duration was specified
 and the underlying cause of death was a maternal condition, then the duration
 was assumed to be within a year and the death was coded by NCHS as a maternal
 death.  The change from an under-1-year limitation on duration used in the
 Eighth Revision to an under-42-days limitation used in the Ninth Revision is
 not expected to have much effect on the comparability of maternal mortality
 statistics.  However, comparability is affected by the following
 classification change. Under the Ninth Revision, maternal causes have been
 expanded to include Indirect obstetric causes (ICD-9 Nos. 647-648).These
 causes include Infective and parasitic conditions and other current condi-
 tions in the mother that are classifiable elsewhere but which complicate
 pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, such as Syphilis, Tuberculosis,
 Diabetes mellitus, Drug dependence, and Congenital cardiovascular disorders.

     Maternal mortality rates are computed on the basis of the number of live
 births.  The maternal mortality rate indicates the likelihood that a
 pregnant woman will die from maternal causes.The number of live births used
 in the denominator is an approximation of the population of pregnant women
 who are at risk of a maternal death.

 Infant Deaths

     Age--An infant death is defined as a death under 1 year of age.  The
 term excludes fetal deaths.  Infant deaths are usually divided into two
 categories according to age, neonatal and postneonatal.Neonatal deaths are
 those that occur during the first 27 days of life, and postneonatal deaths
 are those that occur between 28 days and 1 year of age.It has generally been
 believed that different factors influencing the child's survival predominate
 in these two periods:Factors associated with prenatal development, heredity,
 and the birth process were considered dominant in the neonatal period; and
 environmental factors, such as nutrition, hygiene, and accidents, were
 considered more important in the postneonatal period.  Recently, however,
 the distinction between these two periods has blurred due in part to advances
 in neonatology, which have enabled more very small, premature infants to
 survive the neonatal period.

     Rates--Infant mortality rates shown in section 2 and section 8 are the
 most commonly used index for measuring the risk of dying during the first
 year of life; they are calculated by dividing the number of infant deaths in
 a calendar year by the number of live births registered for the same period
 and are presented as rates per 1,000 or per 100,000 live births.  Infant
 mortality rates use the number of live births in the denominator to approxi-
 mate the population at risk of dying before the first birthday.  This measure
 is an approximation of the risk of dying in infancy because some of the live
 births will not have been exposed to a full year's risk of dying and some of
 the infants that die during a year will have been born in the previous year.
 The error introduced in the infant mortality rate by this inexactness is
 usually small, especially when the birth rate is relatively constant from
 year to year (Guralnick and Winter, 1965; NCHS, 1968a).Other sources of error
 in the infant mortality rate have been attributed to differences in applying
 the definitions for infant death and fetal death when registering the event
 (McCarthy, et al., 1980; National Office of Vital Statistics, 1947).

     In contrast to infant mortality rates based on live births, infant death
 rates shown in section 1 are based on the estimated population under 1 year
 of age.Infant death rates, which appear in tabulations of age-specific death
 rates, are calculated by dividing the number of infant deaths in a calendar
 year by the estimated midyear population of persons under 1 year of age and
 are presented as rates per 100,000 population in this age group.Patterns and
 trends in the infant death rate may differ somewhat from those of the more
 commonly used "infant mortality rate" mainly because of differences in the
 nature of the denominator and in the time reference period.  Whereas the
 population denominator for the infant death rate is estimated using data on
 births, infant deaths, and migration for the 12-month period of July through
 June, the denominator for the infant mortality rate is a count of births
 occurring during the 12 months of January through December.  The difference
 in the time reference period can result in different trends between the two
 indices during periods when birth rates are moving up or down markedly.

     In addition, the infant death rate is also subject to greater
 imprecision than is the infant mortality rate because of problems of
 enumerating and estimating the population under 1 year of age (National
 Office of Vital Statistics, 1947).

     Race--Infant mortality rates for specified races other than white or
 black may be underestimated, based on results of studies in which race on the
 birth and death certificates for the same infant were compared(Frost and Shy,
 1980). The figures should be interpreted with caution because of possible
 inconsistencies in reporting of race between the numerator and denominator
 of the rates. This reflects differences in the nature of reporting and
 processing race on these two vital records.On the birth certificate, race of
 parents is reported by the mother at the time of delivery.On the death
 certificate, race of the deceased infant is reported by the funeral director
 based on observation or on information supplied by an informant, such as a
 parent. With respect to processing, race of infant at birth is coded using
 coding rules that take account of the race of each parent (see the Technical
 Appendix in Vital Statistics of the United States, 1986, Volume I, Natality,
 section entitled Race or national origin).For infant deaths, the race of
 child is coded directly from the race reported on the death certificate.

     Hispanic origin--Infant mortality rates for the Hispanic-origin
 population are based on numbers of resident infant deaths reported to be of
 Hispanic origin (see section "Hispanic origin") and numbers of resident live
 births by Hispanic origin of mother for the 18 reporting States and the
 District of Columbia.In computing infant mortality rates, deaths and live
 births of unknown origin are not distributed among the specified Hispanic and
 non-Hispanic groups.  Because for 1986 the percent of deaths of unknown
 origin was 8.1 percent and the percent of live births of unknown origin was
 3.1 percent, infant mortality rates by Hispanic origin may be somewhat

     Small numbers of infant deaths for specific Hispanic-origin groups can
 result in infant mortality rates subject to relatively large random
 variation (see section "Random variation in numbers of deaths, death rates,
 and mortality rates and ratios").

     Tabulation list--Causes of death for infants are tabulated according to
 a list of causes that is different from the list of causes for the population
 of all ages, except for the Each Cause List.  (See section "Causes-of-death

 Fetal Deaths

     In May 1950 the World Health Organization recommended the following
 definition of fetal death be adopted for international use (National Office
 of Vital Statistics, 1950):

     Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of
 a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy; the
 death is indicated by the fact that after such separation, the fetus does
 not breathe or show any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart,
 pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary

     The term "fetal death" was defined on an all-inclusive basis to end
 confusion arising from use of such terms as stillbirth, abortion, and

     Shortly thereafter, this definition of fetal death was adopted by the
 National Center for Health Statistics as the nationally recommended
 standard. Currently all registration areas except Puerto Rico have
 definitions similar to the standard definition. Puerto Rico has no formal
 definition.  (For definitions used by the States and registration areas,
 see NCHS (1981).)

     As another step toward increasing the comparability of data on fetal
 deaths for different countries, the World Health Organization recommended
 that for statistical purposes fetal deaths be classified as early,
 intermediate, and late.  These groups are defined as follows:

     Less than 20 completed weeks of gestation
       (early fetal deaths) ...................................... Group I

     20 completed weeks of gestation but less
       than 28 (intermediate fetal deaths)........................ Group II

     28 completed weeks of gestation and over
       (late fetal deaths) ....................................... Group III

     Gestation period not classifiable in
       Groups I, II, and III ..................................... Group IV

 Note that in table 3-13, Group IV consists of fetal deaths with gestation
 not stated but presumed to be 20 weeks or more gestation.

     Until 1939 the nationally recommended procedure for registration of a
 fetal death required the filing of both a live-bith and a death certificate.
 In 1939 a separate Standard Certificate of Stillbirth (fetal death) was
 created to replace the former procedure.This was revised in 1949, 1955, 1956,
 and 1968. In 1978 the Standard Certificate of Fetal Death was replaced by the
 Standard Report of Fetal Death (figure 7-B).

     The 1977 revision of the Model State Vital Statistics Act and Model
 State Vital Statistics Regulations (NCHS, 1978) recommended that spontaneous
 fetal deaths of 20 weeks or more gestation, or a weight of 350 grams or more,
 and all induced terminations of pregnancy regardless of gestational age be
 reported and further that they be reported on separate forms. These forms are
 to be considered legally required statistical reports rather than legal

     Beginning with 1970 fetal deaths, procedures were implemented that
 attempted to separate reports of spontaneous fetal deaths from those of
 induced terminations of pregnancy.  These procedures were implemented because
 the health implications are different for spontaneous fetal deaths and
 induced terminations of pregnancy.  These procedures are still in use.
     Comparability and completeness of data--Registration area requirements
 for reporting fetal deaths vary.  Most of these areas require reporting
 fetal deaths of gestations of 20 weeks or more. Table A shows the
 minimum period of gestation required by each State for fetal-death
 There is substantial evidence that not all fetal deaths for which reporting
 is required are reported (Gred, Pauli, an Kirby, 1987).

     Table A.  Period of gestation at which fetal-death reporting
               is required:  Each reporting area, 1986

                          / All periods /             /           /
                          /     of      /             /           / 20 wks or
           Area           /  gestation  /  16 weeks   / 20 weeks  /  350 grams
 Alabama                  /             /             /     X     /
 Alaska                   /             /             /     X     /
 Arizona                  /             /             /     X**   /
 Arkansas                 /     X       /             /           /
 California               /             /             /     X     /
 Colorado                 /     X       /             /           /
 Connecticut              /             /             /     X     /
 Delaware                 /             /             /     X     /
 District of Columbia     /             /             /           /
 Florida                  /             /             /     X     /
 Georgia                  /     X       /             /           /
 Hawaii                   /     X       /             /           /
 Idaho                    /             /             /           /     X
 Illinois                 /             /             /     X     /
 Indiana                  /             /             /     X     /
 Iowa                     /             /             /     X     /
 Kansas                   /             /             /           /
 Kentucky                 /             /             /           /     X
 Louisiana                /             /             /           /     X
 Maine                    /     X       /             /           /
 Maryland                 /             /             /     X**   /
 Massachusetts            /             /             /           /     X
 Michigan                 /             /             /           /
 Minnesota                /             /             /     X     /
 Mississippi              /             /             /           /     X
 Missouri                 /             /             /           /     X
 Montana                  /             /             /     X     /
 Nebraska                 /             /             /     X     /
 Nevada                   /             /             /     X     /
 New Hampshire            /             /             /           /     X
 New Jersey               /             /             /     X     /
 New Mexico               /             /             /           /
 New York                 /             /             /           /
   NY excluding NYC       /     X       /             /           /
   New York City          /     X       /             /           /
 North Carolina           /             /             /     X     /
 North Dakota             /             /             /     X     /
 Ohio                     /             /             /     X     /
 Oklahoma                 /             /             /     X     /
 Oregon                   /             /             /     X***  /
 Pennsylvania             /             /      X      /           /
 Rhode Island             /     X       /             /           /
 South Carolina           /             /             /           /     X
 South Dakota             /             /             /           /
 Tennessee                /             /             /           /
 Texas                    /             /             /     X     /
 Utah                     /             /             /     X     /
 Vermont                  /             /             /     X*****/
 Virginia                 /     X       /             /           /
 Washington               /             /             /     X     /
 West Virginia            /             /             /     X     /
 Wisconsin                /             /             /           /   X
 Wyoming                  /             /             /     X     /

           Table A.  Period of gestation at which fetal-death reporting
                     is required:  Each reporting area, 1986

                         / 20 weeks  / 20 weeks  /          /         /
                         /     or    /    or     /          /   350   /   500
           Area          / 400 grams / 500 grams / 5 months /  grams  /grams
 Alabama                 /           /           /          /         /
 Alaska                  /           /           /          /         /
 Arizona                 /           /           /          /         /
 Arkansas                /           /           /          /         /
 California              /           /           /          /         /
 Colorado                /           /           /          /         /
 Connecticut             /           /           /          /         /
 Delaware                /           /           /          /         /
 District of Columbia    /           /     X     /          /         /
 Florida                 /           /           /          /         /
 Georgia                 /           /           /          /         /
 Hawaii                  /           /           /          /         /
 Idaho                   /           /           /          /         /
 Illinois                /           /           /          /         /
 Indiana                 /           /           /          /         /
 Iowa                    /           /           /          /         /
 Kansas                  /           /           /          /    X    /
 Kentucky                /           /           /          /         /
 Louisiana               /           /           /          /         /
 Maine                   /           /           /          /         /
 Maryland                /           /           /          /         /
 Massachusetts           /           /           /          /         /
 Michigan                /     X     /           /          /         /
 Minnesota               /           /           /          /         /
 Mississippi             /           /           /          /         /
 Missouri                /           /           /          /         /
 Montana                 /           /           /          /         /
 Nebraska                /           /           /          /         /
 Nevada                  /           /           /          /         /
 New Hampshire           /           /           /          /         /
 New Jersey              /           /           /          /         /
 New Mexico              /           /           /          /         /  X
 New York                /           /           /          /         /
   New York excluding NYC/           /           /          /         /
   New York City         /           /           /          /         /
 North Carolina          /           /           /          /         /
 North Dakota            /           /           /          /         /
 Ohio                    /           /           /          /         /
 Oklahoma                /           /           /          /         /
 Oregon                  /           /           /          /         /
 Pennsylvania            /           /           /          /         /
 Rhode Island            /           /           /          /         /
 South Carolina          /           /           /          /         /
 South Dakota            /           /           /          /         /  X
 Tennessee               /           /           /          /         /  X****
 Texas                   /           /           /          /         /
 Utah                    /           /           /          /         /
 Vermont                 /           /           /          /         /
 Virginia                /           /           /          /         /
 Washington              /           /           /          /         /
 West Virginia           /           /           /          /         /
 Wisconsin               /           /           /          /         /
 Wyoming                 /           /           /          /         /

 *    If gestational age is unknown, weight of 350 grams or more.
 **   If gestational age is unknown, weight of 500 grams or more.
 ***  If gestational age is unknown, weight of 400 grams or more, or
      crown-heel length of 28 centimeters or more.
 **** If weight is unknown, 22 completed weeks' gestation or more.
 *****If gestational age is unknown, weight of 400 or more grams, 15 or more

     For registration areas not requiring the reporting of fetal deaths of
 all periods of gestation, underreporting is more likely to occur in the
 earlier gestational periods.  This is illustrated by the fact that for most
 areas requiring reporting of fetal deaths of 20 weeks or more, the total
 number reported for 20-23 weeks is lower than the numbers reported for 24-27
 and 28-31 weeks.For areas requiring the reporting of all fetal deaths,
 however, the opposite is generally true.

     To maximize the comparability of data by year and by State, most of the
 tables in section 3 are based on fetal deaths occurring at gestations of
 20 weeks or more.  These tables also include fetal deaths of not stated
 gestation for those States requiring reporting at 20 weeks or more only.
 Beginning with 1969,fetal deaths of not stated gestation were excluded for
 States requiring reporting of all products of conception except for those
 with a stated birth weight of 500 grams or more.  In 1985 this rule was
 applied to the following States:  Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, New York
 (including New York City), Rhode Island, and Virginia.  Each year there are
 some exceptions to this procedure.

   The data in Table 3-3 include only fetal deaths to residents of selected
 areas in the United States that report all periods of gestation.  The areas
 are Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, New York (including New York City), Rhode
 Island, and Virginia; excluded are fetal deaths to residents of Maine.

     Arkansas--Since 1971, Arkansas has been using two reporting forms for
 fetal deaths:  A confidential Spontaneous Abortion form that is not sent to
 the National Center for Health Statistics and a Fetal Death Certificate that
 is.During the period 1971 through 1980, it is believed that most spontaneous
 fetal deaths of less than 20 weeks' gestation were reported on the
 confidential frm and, therefore, were not reported to NCHS.During the period
 1981 through 1983, Arkansas specified that fetal deaths of less than 28
 weeks' gestation or weighing less than 1,000 grams could be reported on the
 confidential form; beginning with 1984 data, the State specified that fetal
 deaths of 20 weeks' gestation or weighing 500 grams be reported on the Fetal
 Death Certificate. Because of these changes, the comparability of counts of
 early fetal deaths may be affected.In particular, counts of fetal deaths
 aged 20-27 weeks during 1981-83 were not comparable between Arkansas and
 other reporting areas nor with data for 1984 and 1985.  It is believed that
 reporting has improved but is still not comparable with data for 1980 and
 earlier years.

     Idaho--Beginning in 1983, Idaho changed its reporting requirements for
 spontaneous fetal deaths from "after 20 weeks" to "after 20 weeks or a
 weight of 350 grams or more."
     Maine--Maine used two reporting forms for fetal deaths.  A Report of
 Abortion (Spontaneous and Induced) and a Report of Fetal Death.  Most
 spontaneous fetal deaths of less than 20 weeks' gestation are reported
 on the Report of Abortion and therefore, are excluded from fetal death
 counts in this volume.
     Missouri--Beginning in 1984, Missouri changed its reporting requirements
 for spontaneous fetal deaths from "after 20 weeks" to "after 20 weeks or a
 weight of 350 grams or more."
     Wisconsin-Beginning in 1986, Wisconsin changed its reporting requirements
 for spontaneous fetal deaths from "20 weeks" to "20 weeks or 350 grams."

     Period gestation--The period of gestation is the number of completed
 weeks elapsed between the first day of the last normal menstrual period
 and the date of delivery.The first day of the last normal menstrual period
 (LMP) is used as the initial date because it can be more accurately deter-
 mined than the date of conception, which usually occurs 2 weeks after LMP.
 Data on period of gestation are computed from information on "date of deli-
 very" and "date last normal menses began." If"date last normal menses began"
 is not on the record or the calculated gestation falls beyond a duration
 considered biologically plausible, "gestation in weeks" or "Physician's
 estimate of gestation" is used. When the period of gestation is reported in
 months on the report, it is allocated to gestational intervals in weeks as

     1-3 months to under 16 weeks
     4 months to 16-19 weeks
     5 months to 20-23 weeks
     6 months to 24-27 weeks
     7 months to 28-31 weeks
     8 months to 32-35 weeks
     9 months to 40 weeks
     10 months and over to 43 weeks and over

 All areas reported LMP in 1986 except Delaware, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and
 South Dakota.

     Birth weight--Most of the 55 registration areas do not specify how
 weight should be given, that is, in pounds and ounces or in grams.  In the
 tabulation and presentation of birth weight data, the metric system (grams)
 has been used to facilitate comparison with other data published in the
 United States and internationally.  Birth weight specified in pounds and
 ounces is assigned the equivalent of the gram intervals as follows:

     Less than 350 grams =  0 lb 12 oz or less
         350 - 499 grams =  0 lb 13 oz- 1 lb  1 oz
         500 - 999 grams =  1 lb  2 oz- 2 lb  3 oz
     1,000 - 1,499 grams =  2 lb  4 oz- 3 lb  4 oz
     1,500 - 1,999 grams =  3 lb  5 oz- 4 lb  6 oz
     2,000 - 2,499 grams =  4 lb  7 oz- 5 lb  8 oz
     2,500 - 2,999 grams =  5 lb  9 oz- 6 lb  9 oz
     3,000 - 3,499 grams =  6 lb 10 oz- 7 lb 11 oz
     3,500 - 3,999 grams =  7 lb 12 oz- 8 lb 13 oz
     4,000 - 4,499 grams =  8 lb 14 oz- 9 lb 14 oz
     4,500 - 4,999 grams =  9 lb 15 oz-ll lb  0 oz
     5,000 grams or more = 11 lb  1 oz or more

     With the introduction of the Ninth Revision, International
 Classification of Diseases,the birth-weight classification intervals for
 perinatal mortality statistics were shifted downward by 1 gram,
 as shown above.  Previously, the intervals were, for example, 1,001-1,500;
 1,501-2,000; etc.

     Race--The race of the fetus is ordinarily classified based on the race
 of the parents. If the parents are of different races, the following rules
 apply.(1) When only one parent is white, the fetus is assigned the other
 parent's race.(2) When neither parent is white the fetus is assigned the
 father's race with one exception: If the mother is Hawaiian or Part-Hawaiian,
 the fetus is classified as Hawaiian.

     When the race of one parent is missing or ill defined, the race of the
 other determines that of the fetus.  When race of both parents is missing,
 the race of the fetus is allocated to the specific race of the fetus on the
 preceding record.

     Total-birth order--Total-birth order refers to the sum of the live
 births and other terminations (including both spontaneous fetal deaths and
 induced terminations of pregnancy) that a woman has had including the fetal
 death being recorded.For example, if a woman has previously given birth to
 two live babies and to one born dead, the next fetal death to occur is
 counted as number four in total-birth order.

     In the 1978 revision of the Standard Report of Fetal Death, total-birth
 order is calculated from four items on pregnancy history:  Number of
 previous live births, now living; number of previous live births, now dead;
 number of other terminations before 20 weeks; and number of other
 terminations after 20 weeks.

     All registration areas use the two standard items pertaining to the
 number of previous live births.Most areas use the two standard items
 pertaining to the number of "other terminations" before and after 20 weeks'
 gestation, but some areas use other criteria.  Total-birth order for all
 areas is calculated from the sum of available information. Thus, information
 on total-birth order may not be completely comparable among the registration

     Marital status--Table 3-4 shows fetal deaths and fetal-death ratios by
 mother's marital status.  States excluded from this table are as follows:
 California, Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New York (including
 New York City), Ohio, Texas, and Vermont.  Because live births comprise the
 denominator of the ratio, marital status must also be reported for mothers
 of live births.  Marital status of the mother of the live birth is inferred
 for States that did not report it on the birth certificate.

     There are no quantitative data on the characteristics of unmarried women
 who may misreport their marital status or who fail to register fetal deaths.
 Underreporting may be greater for the unmarried group than for the married

     Age of mother--The fetal-death report asks for the mother's "age (at
 time of delivery)," and the ages are edited in NCHS for upper and lower
 limits. When mothers are reported to be under 10 years of age or 50 years
 and over, the age of the mother is considered not stated and is assigned
 as follows: Age on all fetal-death records with age of mother not stated
 is allocated according to the age appearing on the record previously
 processed for a mother of identical race and having the same total-birth
 order (total of live births and other terminations).

 Perinatal Mortality

     Perinatal definitions--Beginning with data year 1979, perinatal
 mortality data for the United States and each State have been published
 in section 4. The World Health Organization in the Ninth Revision of the
 International Classification of diseases (ICD-9) recommended that "national
 perinatal statistics should include all fetuses and infants delivered
 weighing at least 500 grams (or when birth weight is unavailable, the
 corresponding gestational age (22 weeks) or body length (25 cm crown-heel)),
 whether alive or dead...." It was further recommended that "countries should
 present, solely for international comparisons, 'standard perinatal stati-
 stics' in which both the numerator and denominator of all rates are restric-
 ted to fetuses and infants weighing 1,000 grams or more (or, where birth
 weight is unavailable, the corresponding gestational age (28 weeks) or body
 length (35 cm crown-heel))." Because birth weight and gestational age are not
 reported on the death certificate in the United States, NCHS was unable to
 recommend adopting these definitions.  Three definitions of perinatal mortal-
 ity are currently used by NCHS:  Perinatal Definition I, generally used for
 international comparisons, which includes fetal deaths of 28 weeks or more
 gestation and infant deaths of less than 7 days; Perinatal Definition II,
 which includes fetal deaths of 20 weeks or more gestation and infant deaths
 of less than 28 days; and Perinatal Definition III, which includes fetal
 deaths of 20 weeks or more gestation and infant deaths of less than 7 days.

     Variations in fetal death reporting requirements and practices have
 implications for comparing perinatal rates among States.  Because reporting
 is generally poorer near the lower limit of the reporting requirement, States
 that require reporting of all products of pregnancy regardless of gestation
 are likely to have more complete reporting of fetal deaths of 20 weeks or
 more than are other States.  The larger number of fetal deaths reported by
 these "all periods" States may result in higher perinatal rates compared with
 States whose reporting is less complete.  Accordingly, reporting completeness
 may account, in part, for differences among the State perinatal rates,
 particularly differences for Definitions II and III, which use data for fetal
 deaths of 20-27 weeks.

     Not stated--Fetal deaths with gestational age not stated are presumed
 to be of 20 weeks' gestation or more if (1) the State requires reporting of
 all fetal deaths of gestational age 20 weeks or more or (2) the fetus weighed
 500 grams or more,in those States requiring reporting of all fetal deaths
 regardless of gestational age. For Definition I, fetal deaths with gestation
 not stated but presumed to be 20 weeks or more are allocated to the category
 28 weeks or more, according to the proportion of fetal deaths with stated
 gestational age that falls into that category.  For Definitions II and III,
 fetal deaths with presumed gestation of 20 weeks or more are included with
 those of stated gestation of 20 weeks or more.

     For all three definitions, following the distribution of gestation not
 stated described above, fetal deaths with nonstated sex are allocated within
 gestational age groups on the basis of the distribution of stated cases.
 The allocation of non-stated gestational age and sex for fetal deaths is made
 individually for each State, for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, and
 separately for the United States as a whole.  Accordingly, the sum of
 perinatal deaths for the areas according to Definition I may not equal the
 total number of perinatal deaths for the United States.

 Quality of Data

     Completeness of Registration

     All States have adopted laws that require the registration of births and
 deaths, and the reporting of fetal deaths.  It is believed that over 99
 percent of the births and deaths occurring in this country are registered.

     Reporting requirements for fetal deaths vary somewhat from State to
 State (see "Comparability and completeness of data").  Overall reporting
 completeness is not as good for fetal deaths as for births and deaths, but
 it is believed to be relatively complete for fetal deaths of 28 weeks
 gestation or more. National statistical data on fetal deaths include only
 those fetal deaths with stated or presumed gestation of 20 weeks or more.

     Massachusetts Data

     The 1964 statistics for deaths exclude approximately 6,000 events
 registered in Massachusetts, primarily to residents of that State.
 Microfilm copies of these records were not received by NCHS. Figures for the
 United States and the New England Division are also somewhat affected.

     Quality Control Procedures

     Demographic items on the death certificate--As previously indicated, for
 1986 the mortality data for these items were obtained from two sources:  (1)
 Microfilm images of the original certificates furnished by the Virgin
 Islands and photocopies from Guam; and (2) records on data tape furnished by
 the 50 States, the District of Columbia, New York City, and Puerto Rico.
 For the Virgin Islands and Guam, which sent only copies of the original
 certificates, the demographic items were coded for 100 percent of the death
 certificates. The demographic coding for 100 percent of the certificates was
 independently verified.

     As part of the quality control procedures for mortality data, each
 registration area has to go through a calibration period during which it
 must achieve the specified error tolerance level of 2 percent per item for 3
 consecutive months, based on NCHS independent verification of a 50-percent
 sample of that area's records.  Once the area has achieved the required
 error tolerance level, a sample of 70-80 records per month is used to monitor
 quality of coding.

     All of the areas that were providing data on computer tapes prior to
 1986 had achieved the specified error tolerance; accordingly, for these areas
 the demographic items on about 70-80 records per area per month were
 independently verified by NCHS.  The estimated average error rate for all
 demographic items in 1986 was 0.25 percent.

     These verification procedures involve controlling two types of error
 (coding and entering into the data record tape) at the same time, and the
 error rates are a combined measure of both types.  While it may be assumed
 that the entering errors are randomly distributed across all items on the
 record, this assumption cannot be made as readily for coding errors.
 Although systematic errors in coding infrequent events may escape detection
 during sample verification, it is probable that some of these errors were
 detected during the initial period when 50 percent of the file was being
 verified, thus providing an opportunity to retrain the coders.

     Medical items on the death certificate--As for demographic data,
 mortality medical data are also subject to quality control procedures
 which control for errors of both coding and data entry.  Each of the 22
 registration areas that furnished NCHS with coded medical information
 according to NCHS specifications first had to qualify for sample verifica-
 tion.  During an initial calibration period,the area had to demonstrate that
 its staff could achieve a specified error tolerance level of less than 5
 percent for coding all medical items. After the area has achieved the
 required error tolerance level, a sample of 70-80 records per month is used
 to monitor quality of medical coding.  For these 22 States, the average
 coding error rate in 1986 was estimated at just over 4 percent.

     For the remaining 33 registration areas--28 States, the District of
 Columbia, New York City, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam--NCHS
 coded the medical items for 100 percent of the death records.A 1-percent
 sample of the records was independently coded for quality control purposes.
 The estimated average error rate for these areas was about 3 percent.

     The ACME system for selecting the underlying cause of death through
 computer application contributes to the quality control of medical items on
 the death certificate.  (See section "Automated selection of underlying cause
 of death.")

     Demographic items on the report of fetal death--For 1986, all data on
 fetal deaths, except for New York State (excluding New York City), were coded
 under contract by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Coding and entering
 information on data tapes were verified on a 100-percent basis
 because of the relatively small number of records involved.

     Other Control Procedures--After coding and entering on data tape are
 completed, record counts are balanced against control totals for each
 shipment of records from a registration area.  Editing procedures ensure
 that records with inconsistent or impossible codes are modified. Inconsistent
 codes are those, for example, where there is contradiction between cause of
 death and age or sex of the decedent.  Records so identified during the
 computer-editing process are either corrected by reference to the source
 record or adjusted by arbitrary code assignment (NCHS, 1979). Further,
 conditions specified on a list of infrequent or rare causes of death need
 to be confirmed by the certifier or State Health Officer.  For 1985 records,
 cryptosporidiosis was no longer confirmed by NCHS although this condition
 was still on the list of infrequent or rare causes of death through 1986.
 Because cryptosporidiosis has increased in frequency due to its association
 with the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) infection, it is no longer
 considered infrequent.  All subsequent operations in tabulating and in
 preparing tables are verified during the computer processing or by
 statistical clerks.

     Estimates of Errors Arising From 50-Percent Sample for 1972

     Death statistics for 1972 in this report (excluding fetal-death
 statistics) are based on a 50-percent sample of all deaths occurring in
 the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

     A description of the sample design and a table of the percent errors of
 the estimated numbers of deaths by size of estimate and total deaths in the
 area are shown in the Technical Appendix of Vital Statistics of the United
 States, 1972, Volume II, Mortality, Part A.

 Computation of Rates and Other Measures

  Population Bases

     The population bases from which death rates shown in this report are
 computed are prepared by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.  Rates for 1940,
 1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980 are based on the population enumerated as of April
 1 in the census of those years.  Rates for all other years use the estimated
 midyear (July 1) population. Death rates for the United States, individual
 States, and SMSA's are based on the total resident populations of the
 respective areas. Except as noted these populations exclude the Armed Forces
 abroad but include the Armed Forces stationed in each area.

     The resident populations of the birth- and death-registration States for
 1900-32 and of the United States for 1900-86 are shown in table 7-1.  In
 addition, the population including Armed Forces abroad is shown for the
 United States.  Table B lists the sources for these populations.

       Table B.  Sources for resident population and population including
           Armed Forces abroad:  Birth- and death-registration States,
                     1900-1932, and United States, 1900-1985

       Year      /                           Source
 1986------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 1022, Mar. 1988.
 1985------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 1000, Feb. 1987.
 1984------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 985, Apr. 1986.
 1983------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 965, Mar. 1985.
 1982------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 949, May 1984.
 1981------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 929, May 1983.
 1980------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population:
                 /   Number of Inhabitants, PC80-1-A1, United States Summary,
                 /   1983.
 1971-79---------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 917, July 1982.
 1970------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population:
                 /   Number of Inhabitants, Final Report PC(1)-A1,
                 /   United States Summary, 1971.
 1961-69---------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 519, April 1974.
 1960------------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population:
                 /   Number of Inhabitants, PC(1)-A1, United States Summary,
                 /   1971.
 1951-59---------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 310, June 30, 1965.
 1940-50---------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 499, May 1973.
 1930-39---------/ U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports,
                 /   Series P-25, No. 499, May 1973, and National Office of
                 /   Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics Rates in the United
                 /   States, 1900-1940, 1947.
 1920-29---------/   National Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Statistics
                 /   in the United States, 1900-1940, 1947.
 1917-19---------/   Same as for 1930-39.
 1900-1916-------/   Same as for 1920-29.

     Population estimates for 1986--The population of the United States
 estimated by age, race, and sex for 1986 is shown in table 7-2, and the
 population for each State by broad age groups follows in table 7-3.
 Population estimates for 1984 and 1986 incorporate new estimation procedures
 for net migration and net undocumented immigration.  The 1986 estimates are
 comparable with those for 1984-85 but are not strictly comparable with the
 postcensal estimates for 1981-83 shown in tables 7-2 and 7-3 of Vital
 Statistics of the United States, Volume II, for those years.  Although the
 death rates and estimates of life expectancy for 1984 and 1984-86 are not
 strictly comparable with those for previous years, the trends for the total
 population and most age-race-sex groups are not substantially affected.  For
 additional details, see the Technical Appendix in Vital Statistics of the
 United States, 1984, Volume II, and the report of the U.S. Bureau of the
 Census (1988). Population data by race are consistent with the modified
 (see below) 1980 population by race.
     Population for 1980--The population of the United States by age, race,
 and sex and the population for each State by age are shown in tables 7-2 and
 7-3, respectively, of Vital Statistics of the United States, 1980, Volume II.
 The figures by race have been modified as described below.
     The racial counts in the 1980 census are affected by changes in
 reporting practices, particularly of the Hispanic population, and in coding
 and classifying.  One particular change created a major inconsistency
 between the 1980 census data and historical data series, including censuses
 and vital statistics.  About 40 percent of the Hispanic population counted
 in 1980, over 5.8 million persons, did not mark one of the specified races
 listed on the census questionnaire but instead marked the "Other" category.

     In the 1980 census, coding procedures were modified for persons who
 marked "Other" race and wrote in a national origin designation of a Latin
 American country or a specific Hispanic-origin group in response to the
 racial question. These persons remained in the "Other" racial category in
 1980 census data; in previous censuses and in vital statistics such responses
 had almost always been coded into the "White" category.
     In order to maintain comparability, the "Other" racial category in the
 1980 census was reallocated to be consistent with previous procedures.
 Persons who marked the "Other" racial category and reported any Spanish
 origin on the Spanish origin question (5,840,648 persons) were distributed
 to white and black races in proportion to the distribution of persons of
 Hispanic origin who actually reported their race as "White" or "Black."
 This was done for each age-sex group.
     As a result of this procedure, 5,705,155 persons (98 percent) were
 added to the white population and 135,493 persons (2 percent) to the black
 population. Persons who marked the "Other" racial category and reported that
 they were not of Spanish origin (916,338 persons) were distributed as fol-
 lows: 20 percent in each age-sex group were added to the "Asian and Pacific
 Islander" category (183,268 persons),and 80 percent were added to the "White"
 category (733,070 persons). The count of American Indians, Eskimos,and Aleuts
 was not affected by these procedures.Unpublished tabulations of these modi-
 fied census counts were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of the Census and used
 to compute the rates of this report.

     Population estimates for 1971-79--Death rates in this volume for 1971-79
 used revised population estimates that are consistent with the 1980 census
 levels.  The 1950 census enumerated approximately 5.5 million more persons
 than had previously been estimated for April 1, 1980 (U.S. Bureau of the
 Census, 1982a).  These revised estimates for the United States by age, race,
 and sex are published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in Current Population
 Reports, Series P-25, Number 917.  Unpublished revised estimates for States
 were obtained from the U.S. Bureau of the Census.  For Puerto Rico, the
 Virgin Islands, and Guam, revised estimates are published in Current Popula-
 tion Reports, Series P-25, Number 919.
     Population estimates for 1961-69--Death rates in this volume for 1961-69
 are based on revised estimates of the population and thus may differ
 slightly from rates published before 1976.The rates shown in tables 1-1 and
 1-2, the life table values in table 6-5, and the population estimates in
 table 7-1 for each year in the period 1961-69 have been revised to reflect
 modified population bases, as published in the U.S. Bureau of the Census,
 Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Number 519. The data shown in table
 1-10 for 1961-69 have not been revised.
     Rates and ratios based on live births--Infant and maternal mortality
 rates, and fetal death and perinatal mortality ratios, are computed on the
 basis of the number of live births.  Fetal deaths and perinatal mortality
 rates are computed on the basis of the number of live births and fetal
 deaths.  Counts of live births are published annually in Vital Statistics of
 the United States, Volume I, Natality.
     New Jersey--As previously indicated, data by race are not available for
 New Jersey for 1962 and 1963.  Therefore, for 1962 and 1963 the National
 Center for Health Statistics estimated a population by age, race, and sex
 excluding New Jersey for rates shown by race.The methodology used to esti-
 mate the revised population excluding New Jersey is discussed in the Techni-
 cal Appendixes of the 1962 and 1963 reports.

  Net Census Undercount

     Just as the underenumeration of deaths and the misreporting of
 demographic characteristics on the death certificate can introduce error
 into the annual rates, so can enumeration errors in the latest decennial
 census.  This is because annual population estimates for the postcensal
 interval, which are used in the denominator for calculating death rates,
 are computed using the decennial census count as a base (U.S. Bureau of
 the Census, 1988).  Net census undercount is the result of miscounting and
 misreporting of demographic characteristics such as age.  Age-specific death
 rates are affected by both the net census undercount and the misreporting of
 age on the death certificate (NCHS, 1968b).  To the extent that the net
 undercount is substantial and that it varies among subgroups and geographic
 areas, it may have important consequences for vital statistics measures.
     Although death rates based on a population adjusted for net census
 undercount may be more accurate than rates based on an unadjusted
 population, rates in this volume are not adjusted; rather, they are computed
 using population estimates that preserve the age pattern of the net census
 undercount across the postcensal interval. Thus, it is important to consider
 the possible impact of net census undercount on death rates.
     The U.S. Bureau of the Census has conducted extensive research on
 completeness of coverage on the U.S. population (inluding underenumeration
 and misstatement of age, race, and sex) in the last four decennial
 censuses--1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980.  From this work have come estimates of
 the national population that was not counted by age, race, and sex (NCHS,
 1978; U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1974, 1977).  The reports for 1980 include
 estimates of net census undercount using alternative methodological
 assumptions for age, race, and sex subgroups of the national population(NCHS,
 1978; Passel and Robinson, 1985).These studies indicate that, although
 coverage was improved over previous censuses, there was differential coverage
 in the 1980 census among the population subgroups; that is, some age, race,
 and sex groups were more completely counted than others.
     Net census undercounts can affect (1) levels of the observed vital
 rates, (2) differences among groups, and (3) levels and group differences
 shown by summary measures such as age-adjusted death rates and life
     Levels and differentials--If adjustments were made for net census
 undercount, the size of denominators of the death rates generally would
 increase and the rates, therefore, would decrease.  Assuming undercounts
 remained consistent by age after the 1980 census, the estimated rates for
 1985 can be computed by multiplying the reported rates by ratios of the
 census-level resident population to the resident population adjusted for
 the estimated net census undercount (table 7-4).  A ratio of less than 1.0
 indicates a net census undercount and, when applied, results in a correspond-
 ing decrease in the death rate. A ratio greater than 1.0--indicating a net
 census overcount--multiplied by the reported rate results in an increase in
 the death rate.
     Coverage ratios for all ages show that, in general, females were more
 completely enumerated than males and the white population more completely
 than the population of all other races. The black population was undercounted
 relative to the total population of all other races.
     For the total population, underenumeration varied by age group with the
 greatest differences found for persons aged 8-34 and 85 years and over.  All
 other age groups were overcounted or undercounted by less than 3 percent.
        Among the age-sex-race groups, coverage was lowest for black males
 aged 40-44 and 45-49 years.Underenumeration for these groups was 19 percent.
 In contrast, white females in these age groups were essentially completely
 enumerated.  For black females and white males in these same age groups, the
 undercount ranged from 3 to 6 percent.  For the under-1-year age group the
 white population was overenumerated by 2 percent, whereas infants of other
 races were underenumerated by 9 percent.
     If vital statistics measures were calculated with adjustments for net
 census undercounts for each population subgroup, the resulting rates would
 be differentially reduced from their original levels; that is, rates for
 those groups with the greatest estimated undercounts would show the greatest
 relative reductions due to these adjustments.  Similar effects would be
 evident in the opposite direction for groups with overcounts.As a conse-
 quence, the ratio of mortality between the rates for males and females, and
 between the rates for the white population and the population of other races,
 or the black population, usually would be reduced.
     Similarly, the differences between the death rates among subgroups of
 the population by cause of death would be affected by adjustments for net
 census undercounts.  For example, for the age group 35-39 years in 1980, the
 ratio of the death rate for Homicide and legal intervention for black males
 to that for white males is 7.3, whereas the ratio of the death rates adjusted
 for net census undercount is 6.2.  For Ischemic heart disease for  males
 aged 40-44 years, the ratio of the death rate for the population of all
 other races to that for the white population is 1.2 using the unadjusted
 rates but it is 1.1 when adjusted for estimated underenumeration.
     Summary measures--The effect of net census undercount on age-adjusted
 death rates depends on the underenumeration of each age group and on the
 distribution of deaths by age.Thus, the age-adjusted death rate in 1980 for
 All causes would decrease from 585.8 to 579.3 per 100,000 population if the
 age-specific death rates were corrected for net census undercount.
     For Diseases of the heart, the age-adjusted death rate for white males
 would decrease from 277.5 to 273.0 per 100,000 population, a decline of 1.3
 percent.  For black males the change, from an unadjusted rate of 327.3 to an
 adjusted rate of 308.3, would amount to 5.8 percent.
     If death rates by age were adjusted, then the corresponding life
 expectancy at birth computed from these rates would change.The importance of
 adjustments varies by age; that is, when calculating life expectancy, the
 impact of an undercount or overcount is greatest at the younger ages.In
 general, the effect of correcting the death rates is to increase the estimate
 of life expectancy at birth.  Differential underenumeration among race-sex
 groups would lead to greater changes in life expectancy for some groups than
 for others.For white females who were completely enumerated in 1980, revised
 estimates of life expectancy would remain roughly constant; those for black
 males would show the greatest increase.

  Age-Adjusted Death Rates

     Age-adjusted death rates shown in this report are computed by using the
 distribution in 10-year age intervals of the enumerated populations of the
 United States in 1940 as the standard population.  Each figure represents
 the rate that would have existed if the age-specific rates of the particular
 year prevailed in a population whose age distribution was the same as that of
 the United States in 1940.  The rates for the total population and for each
 race-sex group were adjusted using the same standard population.  It is
 important not to compare age-adjusted death rates with crude rates.  The
 standard 1940 population, on the basis of one million total population is as

                 Age                                         Number

                     All ages ............................ 1,000,000
                 Under 1 year ............................    15,343
                 1-4 years ...............................    64,718
                 5-14 years ..............................   170,355
                 15-24 years .............................   181,677
                 25-34 years .............................   162,066
                 35-44 years .............................   139,237
                 45-54 years .............................   117,811
                 55-64 years .............................    80,294
                 65-74 years .............................    48,426
                 75-84 years .............................    17,303
                 85 years and over .......................     2,770

  Life Tables

     U.S. abridged life tables are constructed by reference to a standard
 table (NCHS, 1966).  Life tables for the decennial period 1979-81 are used as
 the standard life tables in constructing the 1980-86 abridged life tables.
 With the availability of the 1979-81 standard life tables, revised life table
 values were computed for 1980-82; these appeared for the first time in Vital
 Statistics of the United States, 1983.

     Life tables for the decennial period 1969-71 are used as the standard
 life tables in constructing the 1970-79 abridged life tables. Life table
 values for 1970-73 were first revised in Vital Statistics of the United
 States, 1977; before 1977, life table values for 1970-73 were constructed
 using the 1959-61 decennial life tables.  In addition, life table values
 for 1951-59, 1961-69, and 1971-79 appearing in this population are based
 on revised intercensal estimates of the population for those years. As such,
 these life table values may differ from life table values for those years
 published in previous volumes.
     The change in the population estimation methodology (see above section
 "Population bases") results in life expectancies at certain 5-year age
 intervals for 1984-86 that are lower than those that would have
 occurred had they been based on the same methodology used to compute 1983
 life expectancies.  For additional details, see Technical Appendix for Vital
 Statistics of the United States, 1984, Volume II.
     There has been an increasing interest in data on average length of life
 for single calendar years before the initiation of the annual abridged
 life table series for selected race-sex groups in 1945. The figures in table
 6-5 for the race and sex groups for the following years were estimated to
 meet these needs.  For estimating procedures, see National Office of Vital
 Statistics (1951).

     Years                                              Race and Sex Groups

     1900-45 .......................................... Total
     1900-47 .......................................... Male
     1900-47 .......................................... Female
     1900-50 .......................................... White
     1900-44 .......................................... White, male
     1900-44 .......................................... White, female
     1900-50 .......................................... All other
     1900-44 .......................................... All other, male
     1900-44 .......................................... All other, female

     The geographic areas covered in life tables before 1929-31 were limited
 to the death-registration areas.  Life tables for 1900-1902 and 1909-11 were
 constructed using mortality data from the 1900 death-registration States--10
 States and the District of Columbia--and for 1919-21 from the 1920
 death-registration States--34 States and the District of Columbia.  The
 tables for 1929-31 through 1958 cover the conterminous United States.
 Decennial life table values for the 3-year period 1959-61 were derived from
 data that include both Alaska and Hawaii for each year (table 6-4).Data for
 each year shown in table 6-5 include Alaska beginning in 1959 and Hawaii
 beginning in 1960.It is not believed that the inclusion of these two States
 materially affects life table values.

  Random Variation in # Deaths,Death Rates,Mortality Rates & Ratio

 Deaths and population-based rates--Except for 1972, the numbers of
 deaths reported for a community represent complete counts of such events.As
 such, they are not subject to sampling error, although they are subject to
 errors in the registration process.  However, when the figures are used for
 analytical purposes, such as the comparison of rates over a time period or
 for different areas, the number of events that actually occurred may be
 considered as one of a large series of possible results that could have
 arisen under the same circumstances (National Office of Vital Statistics,
 1961).  The probable range of values may be estimated from the actual figures
 according to certain statistical assumptions.
     In general, distributions of vital events may be assumed to follow the
 binomial distribution.  Estimates of standard error and tests of
 significance under this assumption are described in most standard statistics
 texts.  When the number of events is large, the standard error, expressed as
 a percent of the number of rate is usually small.
     When the number of events is small (perhaps less than 100) and the
 probability of such an event is small, considerable caution must be
 observed in interpreting the conditions described by the figures.This is
 particularly true for infant mortality rates, cause-specific death rates,
 and death rates for counties. Events of a rare nature may be assumed to
 follow a Poison probability distribution.  For this distribution, a simple
 approximation may be used to estimate a confidence interval, as follows:
     If N is the number of registered deaths in the population and R is the
 corresponding rate, the chances are 19 in 20 that:

     1.  N + or - 2 (SQRT N)

         covers the "true" number of events.

     2.   R + or - 2 (R/SQRT N)

          covers the "true" rate.

 If the rate R corresponding to N events is compared with the rate S
 corresponding to M events, the difference between the two rates may be
 regarded as statistically significant if it exceeds

                  2{SQRT{((r**2)/N) + ((S**2)/M)}}

     For example, if the observed death rate for Community A were 10.0 per
 1,000 population and if this rate were based on 20 recorded deaths, then the
 chances are 19 in 20 that the "true" death rate for that community lies
 between 5.5 and 14.5 per 1,000 population.If the death rate for Community A
 of 10.0 per 1,000 population were being compared with a rate of 20.0 per
 1,000 population for Community B; which is based on 10 recorded deaths, then
 the difference between the rates for the two communities is 10.0.This
 difference is less than twice the standard error of the difference

                  2 {SQRT{((10.0**2/20) + (20.0**2/10)}}

 of the two rates that is computed to be 13.4.  From this, it is concluded
 that the difference between the rates for the two communities is not
 statistically significant.

 Symbols Used in Tables

                             SYMBOLS USED IN TABLES

     Data not available --------------------------------------------   ---
     Category not applicable ---------------------------------------   ...
     Quantity zero -------------------------------------------------   -
     Quantity more than zero but less than 0.05 --------------------   0.0
     Quantity more than zero but less than 500 where
       numbers are rounded to thousands ----------------------------   Z
     Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision ----   *


 1.  Frost, F., and K.K. Shy.  1980.  Racial differences between linked birth
     and infant death records in Washington State.  Am J. Public Health 70:974-6.
 2.  Gred, A.E., R. M. Pauli, R. S. Kirby.  1987.  Accuracy of fetal death
     reports: Comparison with data from an independent stillbirth assessment
     program.  Am J. Public Health 77:1202-1206.
 3.  Guralnick, L., and E. D. Winter.  1965.  A note on cohort infant
     mortality rates.  Public Health Rep. 80:692-4.
 4.  McCarthy, B., J. Terry, R. Rochat, et al.  1980.  The underregistration
     of neonatal deaths: Georgia 1974-77.  Am. J. Public Health 70:977-82.
 5.  National Center for Health Statistics, M. G. Sirken.  1966.  Comparison
     of two methods of constructing abridged life tables by reference to a
     "standard" table.  Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 2, No. 4.  PHS Pub.
     No. 1000. Public Health Service. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 6.  National Center for Health Statistics, R. D. Grove and A. M. Hetzel.
     1968a.  Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1940-1960.  Public
     Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 7.  National Center for Health Statistics, T.Z. Hambright, 1968b.
     Comparability of age on the death certificate and matching census records,
     United States, May-August 1960.  Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 2, No.
     29.  PHS Pub. No. 1000.  Public Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government
     Printing Office.
 8.  National Center for Health Statistics, M. A. McCarthy.  1969.
     Comparison of the classification of place of residence on death certificates
     and matching census records, United States, May-August 1960. Vital and Health
     Statistics.Series 2, No. 30.  PHS Pub. No. 1000.  Public Health Service.
     Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 9.  National Center for Health Statistics, A. J. Klebba.  1970.  Mortality
     from selected causes by marital status, United States, Parts A & B. Vital and
     Health Statistics.  Series 20, No. 8a.  PHS Pub. No. 1000.  Public Health
     Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 10. National Center for Health Statistics.  1978.  Model State Vital
     Statistics Act and Model State Vital Statistics Regulations. DHEW Pub. No.
     (PHS) 78-1115. Public Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing
 11. National Center for Health Statistics.  1979.  Vital statistics,
     computer edits for mortality data, effective 1979. NCHS Instruction Manual,
     Part 11. Pubic Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 12. National Center for Health Statistics.  1980.  Estimates of selected
     comparability ratios based on dual coding of 1976 death certificates by the
     Eighth and Ninth Revisions of the International Classification of Diseases.
     Monthly Vital Statistics Report.  Vol. 28, No. 11 Supp. DHEW Pub. No. (PHS)
     80-1120.  Public Health Service, Hyattsville, Md.
 13. National Center for Health Statistics.  1981.  State Definitions and
     Reporting Requirements for Live Births, Fetal Deaths, and Induced
     Terminations of Pregnancy. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 81-1119.Public Health Service.
     Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 14. National Center for Health Statistics, A. Gittelsohn and P. N. Royston.
     1982.  Annotated bibliography of cause-of-death validation studies,
     1958-80. Vital and Health Statistics.  Series 2, No. 89.  DHHS Pub. No. (PHS)
     82-1363. Public Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 15. National Center for Health Statistics, 1984a.  Instructions for
     classifying multiple causes of death, 1985. NCHS Instruction Manual, Part 2b.
     Public Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 16. National Center for Health Statistics, 1984b.  Non-indexed terms,
     standard abbreviations, and state geographic codes used in mortality data
     classification, 1985.  NCHS Instruction Manual, Part 2e.  Public Health
     Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 17. National Center for Health Statistics, 1984c.  Vital statistics, ICD-9
     ACME decision tables for classifying underlying causes of death, 1985.  NCHS
     Instruction Manual, Part 2c.  Public Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 18. National Center for Health Statistics, 1985a.  Vital statistics,
     classification and coding instructions for fetal death records.  NCHS
     Instruction Manual, Part 3b.  Public Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 19. National Center for Health Statistics, 1985b.  Vital statistics,
     demographic classification and coding instructions for death records.  NCHS
     Instruction Manual, Part 4.  Public Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 20. National Center for Health Statistics, 1985c.  Vital statistics, vital
     records geographic classification, 1982.  NCHS Instruction Manual, Part 8.
     Public Health Service.  Hyattsville, Md.
 21. National Office of Vital Statistics, F. E. Linder and R. D. Grove.
     1947. Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1900-1940.  U.S. Public
     Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing.
 22. National Office of Vital Statistics.  1950.  International
     Recommendations on Definitions of Live Birth and Fetal Death.  PHS Pub. No.
     39. Public Health Service.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing.
 23. National Office of Vital Statistics, T. N. E., Greville and G. A.
     Carlson. 1951.  Estimated Average length of life in the death-registration
     States. Vital Statistics--Special Reports.  Vol. 33, No. 9.  Public Health
     Service. Washington. D.C.
 24. National Office of Vital Statistics, C. L. Chiang.  1961.  Standard
     error of the age-adjusted death rate.  Vital Statistics--Special Reports.
     Vol. 47, No. 9.  Public Health Service.  Washington. D.C.
 25. National Vital Statistics Division.  1962.  Matched record comparison of
     birth certificate and census information, United States, 1950.  Vital
     Statistics--Special Reports.  Vol. 47, No. 12.  Public Health Service.
     Washington. D.C.
 26. Passel, J. S., and J. G. Robinson.  1985.  Revised Demographic
     Estimates of the Coverage of the Population by Age, Sex, and Race in the 1980
     Census.Unpublished memorandum, Apr. 8, 1985.  U.S. Bureau of the Census.
     Washington, D.C.
 27. U.S. Bureau of the Census.  1974.  Estimates of coverage of the
     population by sex, race, and age--demographic analysis.  1970 Census of
     Population and Housing PHC(E)-4. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 28. U.S. Bureau of the Census.  1977.  Developmental estimates of the
     coverage of the population of States in the 1970 census--demographic analy-
     sis.  Current Population Reports.  Series P-23, No. 65.  Washington: U.S.
     Government Printing Office.
 29. U.S. Bureau of the Census.  1982a.  Coverage of the national population
     in the 1980 census by age, sex, and race.  Preliminary estimates by
     demographic analysis. Current Population Reports. Series P-23, No. 115.
     Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 30. U.S. Bureau of the Census.  1982b.  1980 Census of Population.  Persons
     of Spanish Origin by State, 1980.  Supplementary Report, PC80-S1-7.
     Washington, D.C.
 31. U.S. Bureau of the Census.  1986.  Estimates of the population of the
     United States, by age, sex, and race.  1980 to 1986.  Current Population
     Reports.  Series P-25, No. 1000.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing
 32. U.S. Office of Management and Budget.  1975.  Standard Metropolitan
     Statistical Areas, rev. ed.  Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 33. U.S. Office of Management and Budget.  1981a.  Standard metropolitan
     statistical areas and standard consolidated areas.  Statistical Reporter.
     Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 34. U.S. Office of Management and Budget.  1981b.  36 new standard
     metropolitan statistical areas.  Statistical Reporter.  Washington: U.S.
     Goernment Printing Office.
 35. World Health Organization.  1977.  Manual of the International
     Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death,
     Based on the Recommendations of the Ninth Revision Conference.  1975.
     Geneva: World Health Organization.


 7-1. Pop. Birth- & Death-Registration States,1900-32,U.S.,1900-8

   Table 7-1. Population of Birth- and Death-Registration States,
   1900-1932, and United States, 1900-1986

   (Population enumerated as of April 1 for 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970,
   and 1980 and estimated as of July 1 for all other years)

                               United States(1)

       Year       Population including          Population residing
                  Armed Forces abroad           in area

 1986.........    241,613,000                   241,096,000
 1985.........    239,283,000                   238,741,000
 1984.........    237,019,000                   236,495,000
 1983.........    234,538,000                   234,023,000
 1982.........    232,309,000                   231,786,000
 1981.........    229,849,000                   229,348,000

 1980.........    227,061,000                   226,545,805
 1979.........    225,055,000                   224,567,000
 1978.........    222,585,000                   222,095,000
 1977.........    220,239,000                   219,760,000
 1976.........    218,035,000                   217,563,000
 1975.........    215,973,000                   215,465,000

 1974.........    213,854,000                   213,342,000
 1973.........    211,909,000                   211,357,000
 1972.........    209,896,000                   209,284,000
 1971.........    207,661,000                   206,827,000
 1970.........    204,270,000                   203,211,926
 1969.........    202,677,000                   201,385,000

 1968.........    200,706,000                   199,399,000
 1967.........    198,712,000                   197,457,000
 1966.........    196,560,000                   195,576,000
 1965.........    194,303,000                   193,526,000
 1964.........    191,889,000                   191,141,000
 1963.........    189,242,000                   188,483,000

 1962.........    186,538,000                   185,771,000
 1961.........    183,691,000                   182,992,000
 1960.........    179,933,000                   179,323,175
 1959.........    177,264,000                   176,513,000
 1958.........    174,141,000                   173,320,000

 1957.........    171,274,000                   170,371,000
 1956.........    168,221,000                   167,306,000
 1955.........    165,275,000                   164,308,000
 1954.........    162,391,000                   161,164,000
 1953.........    159,565,000                   158,242,000

 1952.........    156,954,000                   155,687,000
 1951.........    154,287,000                   153,310,000
 1950.........    151,132,000                   150,697,361
 1949.........    149,188,000                   148,665,000
 1948.........    146,631,000                   146,093,000

 1947.........    144,126,000                   143,446,000
 1946.........    141,389,000                   140,054,000
 1945.........    139,928,000                   132,481,000
 1944.........    138,397,000                   132,885,000
 1943.........    136,739,000                   134,245,000

 1942.........    134,860,000                   133,920,000
 1941.........    133,402,000                   133,121,000
 1940.........    131,820,000                   131,669,275
 1939.........    131,028,000                   130,879,718
 1938.........    129,969,000                   129,824,939

 1937.........    128,961,000                   128,824,829
 1936.........    128,181,000                   128,053,180
 1935.........    127,362,000                   127,250,232
 1934.........    126,485,000                   126,373,773
 1933.........    125,690,000                   125,578,763
 1932.........    124,949,000                   124,840,471

 1931.........    124,149,000                   124,039,648
 1930.........    123,188,000                   123,076,741
 1929.........        ---                       121,769,939
 1928.........        ---                       120,501,115
 1927.........        ---                       119,038,062
 1926.........        ---                       117,399,225

 1925.........        ---                       115,831,963
 1924.........        ---                       114,113,463
 1923.........        ---                       111,949,945
 1922.........        ---                       110,054,778
 1921.........        ---                       108,541,489
 1920.........        ---                       106,466,420

 1919.........    105,063,000                   104,512,110
 1918.........    104,550,000                   103,202,801
 1917.........    103,414,000                   103,265,913
 1916.........        ---                       101,965,984
 1915.........        ---                       100,549,013

 1914.........        ---                        99,117,567
 1913.........        ---                        97,226,814
 1912.........        ---                        95,331,300
 1911.........        ---                        93,867,814
 1910.........        ---                        92,406,536

 1909.........        ---                        90,491,525
 1908.........        ---                        88,708,976
 1907.........        ---                        87,000,271
 1906.........        ---                        85,436,556
 1905.........        ---                        83,819,666

 1904.........        ---                        82,164,974
 1903.........        ---                        80,632,152
 1902.........        ---                        79,160,196
 1901.........        ---                        77,585,128
 1900.........        ---                        76,094,134

        Birth-registration               Death-registration
           States                            States

 Number of       Population         Number of          Population
 States           residing          States              residing
                  in area                               in area

   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...

   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   ...              ...               ...                  ...
   47           118,903,899           47               118,903,899

   46           117,455,229           47               118,148,987
   46           116,544,946           47               117,238,278
   46           115,317,450           46               115,317,450
   44           113,636,160           44               113,636,160
   40           104,320,830           42               107,084,532
   35            90,400,590           41               103,822,683

   33            88,294,564           40               102,031,555
   33            87,000,295           39                99,318,098
   30            81,072,123           38                96,788,197
   30            79,560,746           37                92,702,901
   27            70,807,090           34                87,814,447
   23            63,597,307           34                86,079,263

   22            61,212,076           33                83,157,982
   20            55,153,782           30                79,008,412
   20            55,197,952           27                70,234,775
   11            32,944,013           26                66,971,177
   10            31,096,697           24                61,894,847

   ...              ...               24                60,963,309
   ...              ...               23                58,156,740
   ...              ...               22                54,847,700
   ...              ...               22                53,929,644
   ...              ...               20                47,470,437

   ...              ...               18                44,223,513
   ...              ...               17                38,634,759
   ...              ...               15                34,552,837
   ...              ...               15                33,782,288
   ...              ...               10                21,767,980

   ...              ...               10                21,332,076
   ...              ...               10                20,943,222
   ...              ...               10                20,582,907
   ...              ...               10                20,237,453
   ...              ...               10                19,965,446

 7-2. Est. Pop. of U.S., by 5-Yr. Age Groups, Sex: July 1, 1986

 Table 7-2. Estimated Population of the United States, by 5-Year Age
 Groups, Race, and Sex: July 1, 1986
 {Figures include Armed Forces stationed in the United States & exclude
 those stationed outside the United States. Due to rounding to the near-
 est thousand, detailed figures may not add to totals}

                           All races
   Age           Both sexes          Male             Female

 All ages        241,096,000      117,365,000      123,730,000

 Under 1 year      3,768,000        1,928,000        1,840,000
 1-4 years        14,384,000        7,360,000        7,023,000
 5-9 years        17,295,000        8,851,000        8,444,000
 10-14 years      16,565,000        8,487,000        8,078,000
 15-19 years      18,610,000        9,483,000        9,128,000

 20-24 years      20,411,000       10,228,000       10,183,000
 25-29 years      22,005,000       11,023,000       10,982,000
 30-34 years      20,774,000       10,367,000       10,407,000
 35-39 years      18,723,000        9,256,000        9,467,000
 40-44 years      14,347,000        7,031,000        7,316,000

 45-49 years      11,926,000        5,816,000        6,110,000
 50-54 years      10,889,000        5,261,000        5,628,000
 55-59 years      11,271,000        5,360,000        5,911,000
 60-64 years      10,961,000        5,096,000        5,865,000
 65-69 years       9,662,000        4,377,000        5,285,000

 70-74 years       7,670,000        3,270,000        4,400,000
 75-79 years       5,638,000        2,200,000        3,438,000
 80-84 years       3,422,000        1,186,000        2,236,000
 85 years & over   2,776,000          786,000        1,990,000

   Age           Both sexes          Male             Female

 All ages        204,312,000       99,810,000      104,501,000

 Under 1 year      3,051,000        1,565,000        1,486,000
 1-4 years        11,647,000        5,973,000        5,674,000
 5-9 years        13,975,000        7,171,000        6,803,000
 10-14 years      13,341,000        6,849,000        6,492,000
 15-19 years      15,205,000        7,757,000        7,448,000

 20-24 years      16,944,000        8,532,000        8,413,000
 25-29 years      18,497,000        9,347,000        9,150,000
 30-34 years      17,548,000        8,846,000        8,702,000
 35-39 years      16,059,000        8,028,000        8,031,000
 40-44 years      12,410,000        6,144,000        6,266,000

 45-49 years      10,273,000        5,060,000        5,213,000
 50-54 years       9,430,000        9,603,000        4,826,000
 55-59 years       9,903,000        4,742,000        5,161,000
 60-64 years       9,737,000        4,548,000        5,190,000
 65-69 years       8,635,000        3,928,000        4,707,000

 70-74 years       6,899,000        2,948,000        3,950,000
 75-79 years       5,092,000        1,982,000        3,111,000
 80-84 years       3,135,000        1,080,000        2,055,000
 85 years & over   2,531,000          706,000        1,825,000

                           All other


   Age           Both sexes          Male             Female

 All ages         36,784,000       17,555,000       19,229,000

 Under 1 year        717,000          363,000          354,000
 1-4 years         2,737,000        1,388,000        1,349,000
 5-9 years         3,320,000        1,680,000        1,640,000
 10-14 years       3,224,000        1,638,000        1,586,000
 15-19 years       3,405,000        1,725,000        1,679,000

 20-24 years       3,467,000        1,697,000        1,770,000
 25-29 years       3,508,000        1,676,000        1,832,000
 30-34 years       3,225,000        1,520,000        1,705,000
 35-39 years       2,664,000        1,228,000        1,436,000
 40-44 years       1,937,000          887,000        1,050,000

 45-49 years       1,654,000          756,000          898,000
 50-54 years       1,459,000          658,000          801,000
 55-59 years       1,368,000          618,000          751,000
 60-64 years       1,224,000          548,000          676,000
 65-69 years       1,027,000          449,000          578,000

 70-74 years         771,000          322,000          449,000
 75-79 years         546,000          218,000          327,000
 80-84 years         286,000          106,000          181,000
 85 years & over     245,000           80,000          165,000

                           All other


   Age           Both sexes          Male             Female

 All ages         29,306,000       13,892,000       15,413,000

 Under 1 year        573,000          289,000          283,000
 1-4 years         2,149,000        1,091,000        1,058,000
 5-9 years         2,673,000        1,354,000        1,319,000
 10-14 years       2,591,000        1,313,000        1,277,000
 15-19 years       2,784,000        1,401,000        1,383,000

 20-24 years       2,813,000        1,358,000        1,454,000
 25-29 years       2,794,000        1,325,000        1,469,000
 30-34 years       2,491,000        1,163,000        1,328,000
 35-39 years       2,036,000          931,000        1,105,000
 40-44 years       1,463,000          662,000          801,000

 45-49 years       1,282,000          575,000          707,000
 50-54 years       1,157,000          517,000          640,000
 55-59 years       1,108,000          504,000          604,000
 60-64 years         998,000          447,000          551,000
 65-69 years         850,000          370,000          480,000

 70-74 years         641,000          263,000          378,000
 75-79 years         453,000          176,000          277,000
 80-84 years         239,000           86,000          153,000
 85 years & over     211,000           67,000          145,000

 7-3. Pop.,by Age,U.S.,Division/State,Puerto Rico,Virgin Is.,Guam

 Table 7-3. Estimated Population, by Age, for the United States, Each
 Division and State, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam: July 1, 1986
 {Figures include Armed Forces stationed in each area, and exclude
 Armed Forces stationed outside the United States. Due to rounding to
 the nearest thousand, detailed figures may not add to totals}

 Division and State      Total          Under 5 years      5-19 years

 United States          241,096,000     18,152,000         52,470,000

 Geographic divisions:
 New England             12,742,000        850,000          2,583,000
 Middle Atlantic         37,313,000      2,515,000          7,698,000
 East North Central      41,722,000      3,061,000          9,358,000
 West North Central      17,569,000      1,331,000          3,814,000
 South Atlantic          40,938,000      2,890,000          8,626,000
 East South Central      15,200,000      1,103,000          3,550,000
 West South Central      26,864,000      2,332,000          6,313,000
 Mountain                12,982,000      1,145,000          3,008,000
 Pacific                 35,763,000      2,925,000          7,520,000

 New England:
 Maine                    1,172,000         82,000            258,000
 New Hampshire            1,027,000         73,000            220,000
 Vermont                    541,000         40,000            118,000
 Massachusetts            5,834,000        382,000          1,145,000
 Rhode Island               975,000         63,000            195,000
 Connecticut              3,193,000        210,000            647,000

 Middle Atlantic:
 New York                17,795,000      1,234,000          3,691,000
 New Jersey               7,625,000        501,000          1,567,000
 Pennsylvania            11,894,000        780,000          2,440,000

 East North Central:
 Ohio                    10,748,000        778,000          2,402,000
 Indiana                  5,503,000        393,000          1,256,000
 Illinois                11,551,000        871,000          2,534,000
 Michigan                 9,139,000        662,000          2,104,000
 Wisconsin                4,783,000        357,000          1,062,000

 West North Central:
 Minnesota                4,213,000        324,000            913,000
 Iowa                     2,850,000        203,000            628,000
 Missouri                 5,064,000        370,000          1,088,000
 North Dakota               679,000         57,000            153,000
 South Dakota               708,000         59,000            159,000
 Nebraska                 1,598,000        125,000            349,000
 Kansas                   2,459,000        193,000            524,000

 South Atlantic:
 Delaware                   633,000         46,000            135,000
 Maryland                 4,461,000        324,000            931,000
 District of Columbia       625,000         46,000            108,000
 Virginia                 5,795,000        410,000          1,217,000
 West Virginia            1,917,000        122,000            441,000
 North Carolina           6,331,000        433,000          1,396,000
 South Carolina           3,381,000        256,000            793,000
 Georgia                  6,100,000        469,000          1,442,000
 Florida                 11,694,000        784,000          2,163,000

 East South Central:
 Kentucky                 3,726,000        264,000            863,000
 Tennessee                4,800,000        327,000          1,069,000
 Alabama                  4,050,000        295,000            947,000
 Mississippi              2,624,000        217,000            671,000

 West South Central:
 Arkansas                 2,371,000        173,000            545,000
 Louisiana                4,499,000        396,000          1,087,000
 Oklahoma                 3,306,000        266,000            733,000
 Texas                   16,689,000      1,497,000          3,948,000

 Montana                    817,000         67,000            186,000
 Idaho                    1,002,000         87,000            254,000
 Wyoming                    507,000         47,000            122,000
 Colorado                 3,266,000        267,000            695,000
 New Mexico               1,479,000        135,000            355,000
 Arizona                  3,279,000        280,000            718,000
 Utah                     1,664,000        188,000            483,000
 Nevada                     967,000         74,000            195,000

 Washington               4,463,000        339,000            946,000
 Oregon                   2,702,000        193,000            573,000
 California              27,001,000      2,243,000          5,644,000
 Alaska                     532,000         60,000            128,000
 Hawaii                   1,065,000         90,000            229,000

 Puerto Rico              3,274,000        ---                ---
 Virgin Islands             109,500        ---                ---
 Guam                       126,000        ---                ---

 Division and State     20-44 years     45-64 years      65 years & over

 United States           96,260,000     45,047,000         29,168,000

 Geographic divisions:
 New England              5,156,000      2,460,000          1,693,000
 Middle Atlantic         14,399,000      7,713,000          4,989,000
 East North Central      16,431,000      7,848,000          5,024,000
 West North Central       6,853,000      3,200,000          2,371,000
 South Atlantic          16,236,000      7,937,000          5,249,000
 East South Central       5,914,000      2,785,000          1,848,000
 West South Central      10,822,000      4,598,000          2,800,000
 Mountain                 5,343,000      2,149,000          1,339,000
 Pacific                 15,106,000      6,355,000          3,858,000

 New England:
 Maine                      458,000        218,000            156,000
 New Hampshire              431,000        185,000            119,000
 Vermont                    227,000         92,000             64,000
 Massachusetts            2,396,000      1,120,000            791,000
 Rhode Island               385,000        189,000            142,000
 Connecticut              1,259,000        656,000            421,000

 Middle Atlantic:
 New York                 6,934,000      3,654,000          2,282,000
 New Jersey               2,964,000      1,618,000            976,000
 Pennsylvania             4,501,000      2,441,000          1,731,000

 East North Central:
 Ohio                     4,159,000      2,088,000          1,320,000
 Indiana                  2,169,000      1,027,000            657,000
 Illinois                 4,576,000      2,185,000          1,385,000
 Michigan                 3,648,000      1,688,000          1,038,000
 Wisconsin                1,879,000        860,000            624,000

 West North Central:
 Minnesota                1,707,000        742,000            526,000
 Iowa                     1,087,000        516,000            416,000
 Missouri                 1,942,000        970,000            694,000
 North Dakota               268,000        112,000             88,000
 South Dakota               265,000        126,000             98,000
 Nebraska                   620,000        286,000            218,000
 Kansas                     964,000        448,000            331,000

 South Atlantic:
 Delaware                   256,000        125,000             72,000
 Maryland                 1,862,000        872,000            472,000
 District of Columbia       276,000        119,000             76,000
 Virginia                 2,466,000      1,097,000            605,000
 West Virginia              731,000        363,000            261,000
 North Carolina           2,560,000      1,211,000            731,000
 South Carolina           1,378,000        600,000            355,000
 Georgia                  2,497,000      1,084,000            607,000
 Florida                  4,210,000      2,466,000          2,070,000

 East South Central:
 Kentucky                 1,471,000        679,000            450,000
 Tennessee                1,904,000        911,000            589,000
 Alabama                  1,566,000        746,000            495,000
 Mississippi                973,000        449,000            314,000

 West South Central:
 Arkansas                   870,000        440,000            343,000
 Louisiana                1,803,000        751,000            462,000
 Oklahoma                 1,301,000        595,000            411,000
 Texas                    6,848,000      2,812,000          1,584,000

 Montana                    324,000        142,000             99,000
 Idaho                      391,000        157,000            112,000
 Wyoming                    226,000         70,000             43,000
 Colorado                 1,466,000        542,000            295,000
 New Mexico                 589,000        256,000            145,000
 Arizona                  1,287,000        584,000            411,000
 Utah                       643,000        216,000            134,000
 Nevada                     417,000        182,000            100,000

 Washington               1,904,000        754,000            520,000
 Oregon                   1,124,000        451,000            362,000
 California              11,383,000      4,877,000          2,854,000
 Alaska                     247,000         79,000             18,000
 Hawaii                     448,000        194,000            104,000

 Puerto Rico                ---            ---                ---
 Virgin Islands             ---            ---                ---
 Guam                       ---            ---                ---

 1Excludes Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam.

 SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census: "Current Population Reports,"
         Series P-25. Nos. 1009 and 1024, and unpublished data.

 7-4. Ratio Census-Level Resident Pop. by Age,Sex,Race:Apr 1, 198

 Table 7-4. Ratio of Census-Level Resident Population Adjusted for
 Estimated Net Census Undercount by Age, Sex, and Race: April 1, 1980

                             All races
    Age          Both sexes           Male            Female

 All ages          0.9862            0.9763           0.9958

 Under 5 years     0.9806            0.9800           0.9812
  Under 1 year     1.0025            1.0019           1.0031
  1-4 years         .9747             .9754            .9926

 5-14 years         .9917             .9916            .9919
  5-9 years         .9852             .9846            .9859
  10-14 years       .9978             .9982            .9974

 15-24 years        .9921             .9846            .9999
  15-19 years      1.0011             .9988           1.0034
  20-24 years       .9834             .9706            .9879

 25-34 years        .9793             .9629            .9961
  25-29 years       .9742             .9581            .9908
  30-34 years       .9850             .9683           1.0020

 35-44 years        .9761             .9575            .9947
  35-39 years       .9776             .9597            .9955
  40-44 years       .9743             .9549            .9937

 45-54 years        .9784             .9589            .9973
  45-49 years       .9734             .9538            .9926
  50-54 years       .9831             .9638           1.0017

 55-64 years        .9900             .9735           1.0049
  55-59 years       .9884             .9692           1.0060
  60-64 years       .9919             .9786           1.0037

 65-74 years       1.0092            1.0044           1.0129
  65-69 years      1.0131            1.0051           1.0195
  70-74 years      1.0042            1.0034           1.0047

 75-84 years        .9851             .9937            .9800
  75-79 years      1.0014            1.0053            .9990
  80-84 years       .9595             .9735            .9522

 85 years and over  .9540             .9792            .9440

    Age          Both sexes           Male            Female

 All ages          0.9916            0.9839           0.9990

 Under 5 years     0.9993            0.9988           0.9998
  Under 1 year     1.0246            1.0245           1.0246
  1-4 years         .9926             .9920            .9932

 5-14 years         .9981             .9982            .9980
  5-9 years         .9957             .9955            .9960
  10-14 years      1.0003            1.0008            .9998

 15-24 years        .9940             .9871           1.0011
  15-19 years      1.0003             .9976           1.0030
  20-24 years       .9879             .9769            .9993

 25-34 years        .9850             .9722            .9980
  25-29 years       .9799             .9673            .9929
  30-34 years       .9905             .9778           1.0036

 35-44 years        .9855             .9719            .9992
  35-39 years       .9860             .9730            .9991
  40-44 years       .9849             .9706            .9992

 45-54 years        .9862             .9723            .9998
  45-49 years       .9828             .9690            .9967
  50-54 years       .9894             .9755           1.0027

 55-64 years        .9926             .9783           1.0057
  55-59 years       .9921             .9755           1.0075
  60-64 years       .9932             .9815           1.0036

 65-74 years       1.0055            1.0011           1.0087
  65-69 years      1.0086            1.0016           1.0141
  70-74 years      1.0016            1.0005           1.0021

 75-84 years        .9844             .9918            .9804
  75-79 years       .9974             .9997            .9959
  80-84 years       .9643             .9780            .9578

 85 years and over  .9558             .9760            .9467

                           All other


    Age          Both sexes           Male            Female

 All ages          0.9543            0.9309           0.9765

 Under 5 years     0.9024            0.8998           0.9051
  Under 1 year      .9112             .9057            .9169
  1-4 years         .9000             .8982            .9019

 5-14 years         .9626             .9614            .9638
  5-9 years         .9393             .9370            .9416
  10-14 years       .9858             .9858            .9859

 15-24 years        .9823             .9711            .9937
  15-19 years      1.0051            1.0052           1.0055
  20-24 years       .9590             .9354            .9819

 25-34 years        .9466             .9059            .9852
  25-29 years       .9422             .9040            .9786
  30-34 years       .9519             .9081            .9931

 35-44 years        .9183             .8665            .9680
  35-39 years       .9248             .8743            .9736
  40-44 years       .9107             .8576            .9614

 45-54 years        .9247             .8648            .9803
  45-49 years       .9124             .8544            .9669
  50-54 years       .9377             .8759            .9945

 55-64 years        .9678             .9329            .9983
  55-59 years       .9577             .9178            .9935
  60-64 years       .9804             .9523           1.0041

 65-74 years       1.0439            1.0357           1.0515
  65-69 years      1.0548            1.0391           1.0672
  70-74 years      1.0293            1.0309           1.0309

 75-84 years        .9917            1.0168            .9758
  75-79 years      1.0428            1.0601           1.0313
  80-84 years       .9059             .9380            .8873

 85 years and over  .9393             .9961            .9057

                           All other


    Age          Both sexes           Male            Female

 All ages          0.9392            0.9103           0.9669

 Under 5 years     0.9047            0.9018           0.9077
  Under 1 year      .9205             .9149            .9262
  1-4 years         .9004             .8982            .9027

 5-14 years         .9603             .9591            .9623
  5-9 years         .9393             .9370            .9424
  10-14 years       .9808             .9807            .9816

 15-24 years        .9689             .9526            .9850
  15-19 years       .9980             .9958           1.0001
  20-24 years       .9390             .9076            .9696

 25-34 years        .9181             .8670            .9676
  25-29 years       .9168             .8695            .9628
  30-34 years       .9197             .8638            .9735

 35-44 years        .8882             .8235            .9501
  35-39 years       .8968             .8322            .9588
  40-44 years       .8782             .8135            .9401

 45-54 years        .8976             .8272            .9644
  45-49 years       .8833             .8139            .9497
  50-54 years       .9125             .8413            .9796

 55-64 years        .9514             .9094            .9882
  55-59 years       .9388             .8913            .9815
  60-64 years       .9669             .9324            .9962

 65-74 years       1.0372            1.0235           1.0473
  65-69 years      1.0494            1.0290           1.0651
  70-74 years      1.0207            1.0158           1.0243

  75-84 years       .9689             .9955            .9527
  75-79 years      1.0235            1.0405           1.0128
  80-84 years       .8780             .9150            .8572

 85 years and over  .9089             .9638            .8837

 SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census: "Current Population Reports,"
         Series P-25, No. 985.

 Appendix H - Variance Estimates for Major NMFS Populations

 Statistical Design of the NMFS
 NMFS Sampling Plan

 The NMFS sampling frame was the Current Mortality Sample (CMS). The CMS is a
 systematic 10 percent sample of all deaths in the Nation, received each month
 by the 50 States, District of Columbia, and the independent registration area
 of New York City and transmitted to the National Center for Health Stati-
 stics.  The NMFS is based on a stratified sample of CMS death certificates
 for 1986 decedents who were residents of the United States. The NMFS over-
 sampled death certificates for younger decedents, black decedents who were
 American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut, and those with selected causes of death
 (see Table 1). Oregon was not included in the 1986 NMFS due to that State's
 requirements concerning respondent consent. There was no adjustment made for
 the omission of Oregon from the survey. Thus, the NMFS data are represen-
 tative of deaths in the United States, excluding those in Oregon. Oregon
 typically accounts for approximately 1 percent of deaths to persons 25
 years of age or more in the United States.

 NMFS Estimation Procedure

 Probability sampling allows the NMFS data to be weighted to produce national
 estimates for the U.S. excluding Oregon. It also allows approximation of the
 sampling errors.

 Derivation of estimates from the NMFS require that the design of the survey
 be taken into consideration. The estimates presented in reports from the
 NMFS data are based upon 1986 sample person counts weighted to produce
 estimates for the U.S. excluding Oregon. The weight for each sample is the
 product of three component weights:
          (1)  Probability of selection. The basic weight for each sample
          decedent is the reciprocal of the probability of sample selection.

          (2)  Adjustment for nonresponse. In a attempt to reduce nonresponse
          bias, the NMFS sampling weights are adjusted for nonresponse. This
          adjustment was implemented within subsets of the sampling strata
          and was the reciprocal of the response rate within the subset.
          This adjustment reduces nonresponse bias to the extent that data
          for a nonrespondent is similar to data for respondents in these
          adjustment classes.

          (3)  Poststratification by age, sex, and race. Within poststrata
          defined by decedent age, sex, and race (see table III), the NMFS
          estimates were ratio-adjusted to counts for the number of deaths
          reported to the National Vital Registration System for the U.S.
          excluding the state of Oregon. This adjustment makes the sample
          more representative of the target population by age, sex, and race.

 Standard Error

          The standard error of an estimate is primarily a measure of the
 variability that occurs by chance (the sampling error) because a sample of
 the population rather than the total population is surveyed. While the
 standard errors calculated for the NMFS estimates reflect some of the random
 variation inherent in the measurement process, they do not measure any
 systematic errror.

          In repeated samples, using the same questionnaires and procedures,
 the chances are about 68 in 100 that an estimate from the sample differs by
 less than one standard error from the corresponding figure that would be
 obtained through a survey of all death certificates for decedents aged 25
 or more. The chances are about 95 in 100 that an estimate from the sample
 differs by less than two standard errors from the figure that would be
 obtained through a survey of all death certificates for decedents.

          The standard error of a statistic depends not only on the sampling
 design but on the statistic itself; the standard error is higher for
 measurements that are highly variable from one sample unit to another and
 lower for measurements that are less variable. Because the standard errors
 for survey statistics are estimated from sample data, they are themselves
 subject to sampling error, which may be large in some cases.

 Estimation of Standard Error

          The standard errors for the NMFS were estimated by a balanced-
 repeated-replication procedure using 20 replicate half samples. This proce-
 dure estimates the standard errors for survey estimates through the
 observation of the variability of estimates based on replicate half samples
 of the total sample. This estimation procedure was developed and described
 by McCarthy.

 Standard Error Approximation

          The balanced-repeated-replication procedure can be used to
 calculate directly the standard error and the relative standard error for
 all estimates from the NMFS. However, this procedure is not practical or
 feasible for all users of these data. The balanced-repeated-replication
 procedure was therefore used to develop a generalized procedure for approxi-
 mating the relative standard errors for NMFS estimates.

          Relative standard errors were calculated using the balanced-
 repeated-replication procedure for several thousand estimates from the
 overall NMFS analysis plans. Samples of 100 NNS aggregate estimates were
 selected from domains defined by decedent age and race. Each sample was then
 used to calculate the parameters for the formula
                              RSE(x) = A + (B/x)
 denominator of a ratio is the estimated total number of deaths in a post-
 stratification cell or in a combination of such cells, the relative standard
 error of the numerator. Thus, the approximate standard errors may be cal-
 culated using the formulas
                            RSE(r) = RSE(x/y) = RSE(x)
                                SE(r) = r * RSE(x),
                           r = ratio or proportion,
                           x = numerator of the ration,
                           y = denominator of the ration with
                               negligible error,
                         RSE(r) = relative standard error of r,
                          SE(r) = standard error of r and
                         RSE(x) = relative standard error of x.

 Example:  An estimated 30.4 percent (254,540) decedents aged 70-84 (836,443)
 were admitted to a nursing home. The number of decedents aged 70-84 is a
 combination of the poststratification cells specified in table III.

              RSE(30.4) = RSE(254,540/836,443) = RSE (254,540)
                        = 0.024
               SE(30.4) = 30.4 * 0.024 = 0.7

          (3)  Standard errors for percentage estimates where both the
 numerator and the denominator are subject to sampling error - The formulas
 used to approximate the standard error for a percentage estimate where
 both the numerator and denominator are subject to sampling error are

                         RSE(p) = RSE(100x/y) = (B/p * (100 - p)/y
                          SE(p) = p * RSE(p),
 where                       B = parameter from table II

          Eighteen pairs of A and B parameters for this formula were adequate
 to approximate the relative standard error for aggregate NMFS estimates.
 (See table II). The standard error of an estimate can be obtained by
 multiplying the relative standard error of the estimate by the estimate

 Standard Error Applications

          (1)  Standard error for aggregate estimates - The approximate
 standard error of an estimated number of decedents with a particular
 characteristic, x, is calculated by

                         RSE(x) = A + (B/x)
                          SE(x) = x * RSE(x)
 where                       x = estimated number of decedents

                             A,B = parameters from table *

                         RSE(x) = relative standard error of x, and

                          SE(x) = standard error of x

 These formulas are not appropriate for estimates of the total number of
 decedents in a poststratification cell or in a combination of such cells
 because these estimates have negligible error. Since each poststratum
 total of the number of death certificates for non-blacks is dominated by
 the number of death certificates for white decedents, consider the number
 of death certificates for white decedents in one or more non-black postrata
 as being subject to negligible error.

 Example:  Based on the NMFS, it is estimated that 254,540 decedents aged
 70-84 were admitted to a nursing home.

 The standard error of this estimate is calculated as follows:

 RSE(254,540) = 1  -0.000219 + (200.749692/254,540) = 0.024
          SE(254,540) = 0.024 * 254.540 = 6109

          (2)  Standard error for ratios or proportions where the denominator
 is assumed to have negligible error - Where the

               p = 100 * x/y, the estimated percentage,

               x = estimated number of deaths in the numerator
                   of the percentage,

               y = estimated number of deaths in the denominator
                   of the percentage,

               RSE(p) = relative standard error of p,

                SE(p) = standard error p and or K.

 Example:  An estimated 80.7 percent of all decedents who ever smoked
 (1,088,094) did so for 10 years or more

               RSE(80.7) = (173.472799/80.7)(100-80.7)/1088094
                         = 0.006
                SE(80.7) = 80.7 * 0.006
                         = .5

 This approximation of the absolute or relative standard error of a percentage
 is valid if either the relative standard error of the denominator is less
 than 5 percent, the relative standard errors of the numerator and the
 denominator are both less than 10 percent, or both.

 Testing Differences in the NMFS

          The standard error of a difference between two statistics is
 approximately the square root of the sum of the squares of the standard
 errors of the individual statistics. This formulation of the standard error
 of the difference of two statistics quite accurately approximates the
 standard error for the difference between uncorrelated statistics; however,
 it only roughly approximates the standard error in most other cases.
          Although the exact number of degrees of freedom in the NMFS
 sampling variances is not known, the number of degrees of freedom may be
 approximated by the pseudo strata used in the balanced-repeated-replication
 procedure. Accordingly, hypotheses about differences between estimates are
 tested using 20 degrees of freedom for the one-or two-tailed t-test as

 Example:  12.0 percent of the 878,281 decedents who smoked for 10 years or
 more died of malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoric organs and
 1.2 percent of the 827,899 decedents who never smoked died of malignant
 neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoric organs.

          To test, whether this difference is significant at the 0.05 level,

          t = (12.0 - 1.2) / {12.0 * RSE(12.0)}2 + {1.2 * RSE(1.2)}2

            = (12.0 -1.2) / {12.0 * 0.038}2 + {1.2 * 0.131}

            = 22.4

 The two-tailed 0.05 critical value for a t-statistic with 20 degrees of
 freedom is 2.086. Accordingly, the difference is significant at the 0.05

          Rule for estimating standard error for a percentage of a subdomain
 whoe members were selected with certainty (e.g., American Indians) from
 the NMFS sampling frame (i.e., the Current Mortality Sample) for the NMFS

                    SE(p) = 11.2 p (100 - p)/y

                        p = 100 x/y, the estimated percentage

                        x = the estimated number of decedents in the
                             numerator of the percentage

                        y = the estimated number of decedents in the
                             denominator of the percentage.

 The above describes a generalized variance function approach for approxi-
 mating the standard errors for NMFS data. This approach takes into account
 the NMFS stratified sampling plan and its complex estimation procedure. If
 one instead were to estimate standard errors for NMFS data by using
 equations assuming a simple random sample design, one would usually under-
 estimate the standard errors for NMFS data. The NMFS oversampled death
 certificates for decedents other than nonblacks aged 55 or older. Some
 subdomains were substantially oversampled.

 To more directly approximate the standard error for NMFS statistics, one
 can use computer programs that take these design features into account.
 For example, to estimate sampling variances the balanced repeated repli-
 cation approach is used in OSIRIS IV (by Computer Support Group, Survey
 Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan).
 To estimate sampling variances, the linearization approach is used in
 SESUDAAN (Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC) and its
 recently available revision SUDAAN. SUDAAN is designed to handle a post-
 stratified estimator, such as that used in the NMFS. For the linearization
 approach, use for the sampling stratum the first two digits (TL601/602) or
 the weighting stratum (TL601/603) on the survey record.

 Table I. Strata in the 1986 NMFS

                                                                 of the
 Stratum  Age      Race                Sex    Cause            Selection

  011    25-34  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  012    35-44  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  013    45-54  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  014    55-64  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  015    65-74  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  016    75-84  Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  017    85+    Am. Indian, Aleut,     M/F    All                 10.00
                  and Eskimo

  021    25-44  Black                  M/F    Specified Heart     10.00

  022    25-34  NonBlack               M/F    Specified Heart     10.00

  024    35-44  NonBlack               M/F    Specified Heart     10.00

  025    45-54  Black                   F     Specified Heart     10.00

  026    45-54  NonBlack                F     Specified Heart     10.00

  031    25+    Black                  M/F    Specified Asthma    10.00

  032    25-64  NonBlack               M/F    Specified Asthma    10.00

  033    65+    NonBlack               M/F    Specified Asthma    10.00

 TABLE I.  Strata in the 1986 NMFS (continued)

                                                                 of the
 Stratum  Age      Race                Sex    Cause            Selection

  041                                         Specified Cancer

         25-64    White                M/F    Nasopharynx         10.00

         25-49    All                   F     Liver               10.00

         25-74    All                   M     Breast              10.00

         25-39    White                 M     Lip and Oral        10.00

         25-74    White                M/F    Small Intestine     10.00

         25-74    White                 M     Nasal               10.00

         25-64    White                M/F    Other Endocrine     10.00

  051    25-34    Black                M/F    Non-External        32.45

  052    25-34    Black                M/F    External C.O.D.     32.45

  061    35-44    Black                M/F    Non-External        36.78

  062    35-44    Black                M/F    External C.O.D.     36.78

  071    45-54    Black                M/F    All                 52.86

  081    55-64    Black                M/F    All                 52.76

  091    65-74    Black                M/F    All                 52.76

  100    75-84    Black                M/F    All                 52.76

  110    85+      Black                M/F    All                 52.86

 TABLE I.  Strata in the 1986 NMFS (continued)

                                                                 of the
 Stratum  Age      Race                Sex    Cause            Selection

  121    25-34   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External        32.45

  122    25-34   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.     32.45

  131    35-44   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External        36.78

  132    35-44   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.     36.78

  141    45-54   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External        79.08

  142    45-54   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.     79.08

  151    55-64   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External       185.12

  152    55-64   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.    185.12

  161    65-74   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External       185.12

  162    65-74   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.    185.12

  171    75-84   NonBlack              M/F    Non-External       185.12

  172    75-84   NonBlack              M/F    External C.O.D.    185.12

  180    85+     NonBlack              M/F    All                185.12

 Table II. Est. Standard Error Parameters for the NMFS, 1986

 Table II. Estimated standard error parameters for the National Mortality
 Followback Survey, 1986.

 Domain of study                                        Parameters

                                                   A               B

 All decedents                                -.000088         173.472799
 Decedents aged 25-34                         -.000725          40.250787
 Decedents aged 35-54                         -.000306          57.187500
 Decedents aged 55-69                         -.000325         189.139047
 Decedents aged 70-84                         -.000219         200.749692
 Decedents aged 85 or more                    -.000430         181.208646

 All Black decedents                          -.000250          57.315899
 Black decedents aged 25-34                   -.002721          36.923295
 Black decedents aged 35-54                   -.001278          48.883512
 Black decedents aged 55-69                   -.000863          64.860422
 Black decedents aged 70-84                   -.000688          59.820841
 Black decedents aged 85 or more              -.001911          54.630073

 All other decedents                          -.000106         184.663690
 Other decedents aged 25-34                   -.000948          39.640859
 Other decedents aged 35-54                   -.000419          62.024668
 Other decedents aged 55-69                   -.000411         214.015461
 Other decedents aged 70-84                   -.000253         211.433987
 Other decedents aged 85 or more              -.000484         190.261795

 NOTE:  The sample consisted of 18,733 decedents; completed questionnaires
 were obtained for 16,598 persons.

 Table III. Poststrata Based on 1986 Deaths for U.S. Excl. Oregon

 Table III.  Poststrata based on 1986 deaths for the U.S. excluding Oregon

           25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65-74    75-84    85+     TOTAL
  Male     9588     10743    13808    24185    30281    24323   10363   123291
  Female   4090      5524     8807    16958    24788    26417   18123   104707

  Male    31223     35740    57841   146403   249435   255061  130749   906542
  Female  11071     17710    33604    88707   175514   262802  263003   852411

 TOTAL    55972     69717   114060   276253   480018   568603  422238  1986861

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007