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   Archives of BES CRAs - October 2004

The research portfolio of the Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program consists of distinct Core Research Activities (CRAs), which align with the BES organizational and budget structures.


FY 2003 Budget Authority, B/A, Dollars in Thousands
(from FY 2003 column of FY 2005 President's Budget Request )

All 21 CRAs (459 kb; 69 pages)

Materials Sciences and Engineering Division

FY 2003

CRA Files

CRA Title
    37,205 PDF Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
    16,993 PDF Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
    37,821 PDF X-Ray and Neutron Scattering
    40,563 PDF Materials Chemistry and Biomolecular Materials
    28,915 PDF Structure and Composition of Materials
    13,323 PDF Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects
    20,282 PDF Physical Behavior of Materials
    11,839 PDF Synthesis and Processing Science
    15,297 PDF Engineering Physics
    11,722 PDF EPSCoR

Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division

FY 2003

CRA Files

CRA Title
    13,379 PDF Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science
    38,032 PDF Chemical Physics Research
    24,853 PDF Photochemistry and Radiation Research
    33,854 PDF Catalysis and Chemical Transformations
    14,547 PDF Separations and Analysis
     9,974 PDF Heavy Element Chemistry
     9,779 PDF Chemical Energy and Chemical Engineering
    20,332 PDF Geosciences Research
    30,462 PDF Energy Biosciences Research

Scientific User Facilities Division

FY 2003

CRA Files

CRA Title
  281,013 PDF X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Facilities
     40,095 PDF Nanoscience Centers

Core Research Activities (CRAs) Archives:    FY 2002    FY 2001

Office of Basic Energy Sciences | SC-22/Germantown Building | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-3081 | FAX: 301/903-6594 |