DOT Masthead

Tuesday, March 9, 1999
Contacts: RSPA:  Pat Klinger, 202-366-6374
OIG:  Jeff Nelligan, 202-366-6312
RSPA 5-99


To enhance public safety and maximize effectiveness at the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater today announced the formation of a team to conduct a department-wide program evaluation documenting and assessing the effectiveness of the department’s hazardous materials transportation safety program.

"President Clinton said that one of government’s fundamental responsibilities is to keep our people safe. Safety is his top transportation priority," Secretary Slater said. "This assessment will help enhance the safety of the American people when hazardous materials are being transported commercially."

This DOT-wide program evaluation, to be conducted as part of Secretary Slater’s ONE DOT effort, is being led by the department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA). Ten full-time team members from the OIG, RSPA, U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Highway Administration, and Federal Railroad Administration are participating in this program evaluation.

The team will examine federal hazardous materials transportation law, the program structure as defined by the Secretary's delegation of authority within DOT, and program delivery. The team will gauge the effectiveness of the current hazardous materials program, including the division of responsibilities across and within the modal administrations, and look at the allocation of resources. Also, the team will review cross-modal issues and the department’s intervention activities, including compliance, education, training and outreach as well as the safety regulations themselves. A summary of findings will be published on March 31, 2000, in the department’s fiscal 1999 Program Performance Report.

A notice in the March 9, 1999 Federal Register highlights details of the program evaluation and advises that a request for comments on a wide range of issues will be published shortly in the Federal Register.


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