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National Institutes of Health

Summary Statement

Within four weeks of the peer review committee meeting, the summary statement will be available on the eRA Commons. The SRA prepares the summary statement which contains:

The summary statement becomes the official Institute or Center record of the recommendations made by the peer review committee. Once the summary statement is available, you can contact your program officer (listed on the summary statement) if you have specific questions.

You may wish to view an annotated sample summary statement from the sample NIAID grant application found under Step 2.

Bars to Funding

When applicable, the following policies and regulations must be adequately addressed in the application. (See also Step 2.)

There may be a "bar to funding" code listed on the summary statement if these areas are not adequately addressed. The code will be listed below the score on the summary statement along with a phrase that states this area is unacceptable. These bars must be responded to by the applicant and "lifted" before the application can be finalized and considered for funding.

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