The following publications provide additional information on state laws and the specific duties of various offices.

Ballot Access, Volumes 1-4:  Report describing State ballot access requirements pertaining to Federal offices, published by the Office of Election Administration, Federal Election Commission, Washington, D.C., 1995.  Ballot Access 2: For Congressional Candidates, and Ballot Access 3: For Presidential Candidates, are $14.00 each.  Ballot Access 4: For Political Parties, is $5.50.  These publications may be ordered by contacting the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, at 202/512-0132.
Campaign Finance Law:  Summary of State Campaign Finance Laws with Quick Reference Charts, published by the Public Disclosure Division, Federal Election Commission, Washington, D.C., 1-800/424-9530 or 202/694-1120.
The Book of the States:  2007 edition, published by The Council of State Governments, P.O. Box 11910, Lexington, Kentucky 40578-1910. 1-800/800-1910.  Hard cover, $125.00; Soft cover, $99.00.
Campaign Financing and Lobbying Bibliography:  This guide presents the many general overviews of democratic government and its institutions that establish a context for campaign financing and lobbying studies.  226 pages.  A publication of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL), compiled by Frederick M. Herrmann, Ph.D., New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, 2007.  Copies may be purchased for $50.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606,
Campaign Finance Update:  A comprehensive look at campaign finance legislation and litigation in the 50 states and the federal government.  Copies may be purchased for $50.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606,
Ethics Update:  Update of events, issues and trends related to organization and administration of ethics boards.  Copies may be purchased for $50.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.
Freedom of Information Update:  Overview of state FOIA litigation and legislation.  Copies may be purchased for $50.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.
The Guardian:  Quarterly reporting by state agencies on the most recent developments in governmental ethics, campaign finance and lobby law activity.  Annual subscriptions are available for $60.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.
Innovations in Election Administration:  Series of reports on innovative election procedures and technologies implemented by state and local election officials.  Topics include: “Agency Voter Registration Programs” (Volume 5), “Election Document Retention in an Age of High Technology” (Volume 8), Ensuring the Accessibility of the Election Process (Volume 15), “Using the Internet in Election Offices (Volume 16), “Acquiring Election Systems and Equipment” (Volume 17) and “Using Biometric Identification Technologies in the Election Process” (Volume 18).  Contact the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 1225 New York Avenue, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005, 1-866/747-1471 or 202/566-3100.
Lobbying: Update on Legislation and Litigation, U.S. and Canada:  Summary of current issues and developments in lobby law.  Copies may be purchased for $50.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.
Model Law for Campaign Finance, Ethics and Lobbying Regulation:  Information to assist jurisdictions in governmental ethics and elections regulations.  89 pages.  Copies may be purchased for $20.00 from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.
NORCOL Lobbying Guidebook:  Compendium of lobbying forms and instructions from jurisdictions throughout the Northeastern United States; includes regional agency contacts, basic lobbying data, bibliography and a case law summary.  A publication of the Northeastern Regional Conference on Lobbying, compiled by Frederick M. Herrmann, Ph.D., New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, 2004.  Copies may be purchased for $5.00, plus $3.00 postage/handling, from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission, P.O. Box 185, Trenton, NJ 08625-0185, 609/292-8700.
Public Integrity Journal:  Quarterly journal on ethics and leadership for public service.  The journal is sponsored by COGEL, the American Society of Public Administration, the Council of State Governments and the International City/County Management Association.  Annual subscriptions ($120 institutional; $70 individual; $25 student; $150 foreign) are available from COGEL, 196 Alps Road, Suite 2, PMB 393, Athens, GA, 30606, 706/548-7758.

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