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Home » Communicable disease facts » Amebiasis

Communicable Diseases and Epidemiology
Amebiasis fact sheet

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What is amebiasis?

Adobe Acrobat Reader icon Amebiasis fact sheet also available in Adobe PDF format.
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What are the symptoms?

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Potential complications

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How is it spread?

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Diagnosis and treatment

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What is amebiasis?

Amebiasis is an intestinal infection caused by a parasite, Entamoeba histolytica. The parasite produces cysts (eggs) which are passed from the body in the stool (bowel movements).

What are the symptoms?

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea (sometimes bloody or with mucus), usually with cramps
  • Some people may have only mild abdominal discomfort or no symptoms at all
  • The symptoms start 2-4 weeks or even months after infection with a cyst.

Potential complications

In rare cases the parasite may invade the liver, lung, brain, or perforate the colon causing death.

How is it spread?

  • The parasite is spread from one person to another directly or via contaminated objects or food or water if an infected person does not wash his or her hands well after going to the bathroom. When others touch the objects or eat contaminated food they get the cysts on their hands and into their mouths. When they swallow the cysts they get the infection.
  • People are infectious as long as the cysts are shed in the stool.

Diagnosis and treatment

  • Diagnosis is done by examining a stool sample under a microscope for the presence of the parasite or its cysts.
  • People who have amebiasis are usually treated with prescription medication. There are no over-the-counter medications that will cure this infection.


  • Practicing good handwashing habits after going to the bathroom, before preparing meals and before eating.
  • Good handwashing after changing diapers.
  • Children who attend day care centers should be kept at home if they have diarrhea. If household members or other contacts develop symptoms, they should be tested for amebiasis also.
  • Foodhandlers who are infected should not work until after the treatment is finished.

Additional notes

  • People who travel to areas of the world which do not have a sanitary water supply are at greater risk for getting amebiasis.
  • Men who have sex with men are also at greater risk of getting amebiasis through sexual contact.
key links

"Food Safety is in Your Hands" video in English

Streaming videos on handwashing and food prep
Watch streaming videos through your Internet browser on the importance of handwashing and proper food handling practices to protect from spreading foodborne diseases.

Person with foodborne illnessFood borne illnesses
As a food worker, is it part of your job to protect the food and stop germs from growing, so that no one will get food poisoning.

Updated: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 10:57 AM

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. For more information please call 206-296-4600 (voice) or 206-296-4631 (TTY Relay service). Mailing address: ATTN: Communications Team, Public Health - Seattle & King County, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1300, Seattle, WA 98104 or click here to email us.

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