Federal Maritime Commission
Washington, D.C. 20573

 NR 07- 03

FMC Opens Office in Houston, Texas

                      e-mail:  secretary@fmc.gov

FOR RELEASE -  August 17, 2007

The Federal Maritime Commission announces the appointment of Ms. Debra Zezima as its area representative in Houston, Texas.  The Commission previously had a Houston office from 1987 to 1995, and is re-establishing an agency presence there based on an increasing volume of maritime commerce and a growing number of regulated entities in the Houston/Galveston area.

Ms. Zezima was a former Chief Customs and Border Protection Officer in Houston with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Under the Shipping Act of 1984 and other statutes, the Commission monitors the activities of ocean common carriers, non-vessel operating common carriers, ocean freight forwarders and marine terminal operators as an integral part of its overall responsibility to regulate the ocean commerce of the United States.  Ms. Zezima will carry out these responsibilities in the Houston area in addition to providing information and assistance to industry representatives.

Ms. Zezima may be reached at the Federal Maritime Commission, (281) 386-8211; or by   e-mail at:  dzezima@fmc.gov.

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About the FMC
                The Federal Maritime Commission is responsible for the regulation of ocean-borne transportation in the foreign commerce of the U.S.  Its core mission is to administer regulations and policies that foster a fair, efficient and secure maritime transportation system.
Press Contact:  Bryant  L. VanBrakle (202) 523-5725; e-mail: secretary@fmc.gov