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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

    Forum Review and Follow-up Team Report

    (excerpted highlights)

    August 26, 1999

    Col. Terrence (Rock) Salt
    Executive Director, South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force
    Florida International University
    OE Building, Room 148
    Miami, FL 33199

    Dear Rock,

    Enclosed is the evaluation of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum held May 17-19, 1999 in Boca Raton, Florida. I hope this evaluation serves to reconfirm that the forum was an innovative and valuable source of information exchange between participants; that the efforts of those staff persons who worked so hard on the project should be recognized and commended; and that the forum has provided us with a baseline of information, technological tools and subject areas from which further exchanges (both large and small) should emanate.


    Bonnie Kranzer, Ph.D., AICP,
    Executive Director
    Governor's Commission for the Everglades

    Forum Review and Follow-up Team Members:

    • Len Berry, Florida Center for Environmental Studies
    • Julio Calle, Miami - Dade County, Dept. of Environmental Resources Management
    • Kathy Copeland, South Florida Water Management District
    • Linda Dahl, National Park Service
    • Tom Fontaine, South Florida Water Management District
    • Linda Friar, S. Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, Executive Director's Office
    • Sally Garson, S. Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, Executive Director's Office
    • Aaron Higer, U.S. Geological Survey
    • Bob Jones, Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium
    • Bonnie Kranzer (chair), Governor's Commission for the Everglades
    • Stuart Langton, Florida Center for Environmental Studies
    • John Marshall, Arthur R. Marshal Foundation
    • Mellisa Meeker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • John Outland, Florida Department of Environment Protection
    • Mary Plumb, S. Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, Executive Director's Office
    • Jim Ressegieu, Museum of Discovery and Science
    • Peter Rosendahl, Flo-Sun, Inc.
    • Ray Scott, Florida House of Representatives

    Overall Response

    A review of all evaluation materials points to a resounding success for the Science Forum. Highlights of "liked items" included the interaction with other scientists; the opportunity to gain, in one central location, a broad understanding of the many restoration projects; the quality of information from the poster sessions and panels; and the dynamic attributes and potential of the forum on a long-standing web site. The overall comments were positive, if not jubilant in some instances. Many persons I spoke to commented on the abundance of extremely positive comments by the participants. Indeed, review of the transcripts of the final closing session also reflects an extremely positive, well done attitude. Forum planners were commended for the breadth and depth of materials presented, the innovative web site approach, the blend of technical poster sessions intermixed with the panel discussions, and the unique display protocols - including the "intimate" nature of using each hotel room for single displays. Positive responses as to the forum's longevity on the web site, likelihood of revisiting the site and the need to continue a similar effort on a yearly basis were also well represented. Almost all respondents were in favor of promoting either a follow-up forum on issues identified at the Science Forum (some cited ASR, mercury, and phosphorus), or repeating a general informative event and targeting additional non-technical audiences.

    Utilization of Forum Web site

    Prior to, during, and after the forum, a web site had been created to continuously inform and provide a site for dialogue on all aspects of the Science Forum. The creation of this site and its potential for long-term information dissemination, dialogue, data storage and retrieval and communication herald a valuable and potent parallel track embarked upon by this Science Forum.

    The South Florida Restoration Science Forum web site, provided a solid foundation for the forum. Before the forum, it provided guidance to display developers and registration information to those wanting to participate. After the forum, it continues to display and disseminate the information that was collaboratively created. The creation of the web site was instrumental to the forum's success and to the forum's continued role in the restoration effort. This is one of many aspects of the forum that will be transferable to future events both here and elsewhere.

    Overall Findings and Recommendations

    The South Florida Restoration Science Forum brought together an amazing amount of scientific and ecosystem management information. The transfer of this information through a dynamic web site, poster sessions and panel presentations provided even the most educated participants with additional insight into on- going restoration efforts in South Florida. Most participants agreed that this forum served its purpose of highlighting the connection between science and management. While everyone did not agree that the format, content or means of creating this forum were perfect, many participants learned what a vital role communication plays in both scientific and management restoration roles. Although the forum was unable to address all the issues between scientists and management; as suggested by participants, the creation of specific follow up sessions and workshops addressing the needs and issues arising from this type of forum may serve useful in continuing two-way communication between managers and scientists. Expanding the role of the social scientist needs to be an important part of this on-going discussion.

    The next step in making this forum a success is to capitalize on what we learn from this year's proceedings and design future forums to continue the interaction between scientists, managers, and the public. Continuation of the web site as a communication tool and hosting a conference on a yearly basis was a prime expectation and desire of participants. Developing specific themes that address desired linkages and critical issues would be helpful. In this regard future forums will be judged successful if they foster an open exchange of ideas and result in improved communication linkages between scientists, managers, and the people of South Florida.

    Conveyance Letter (also shown above)

      Introduction - Overview of Evaluation Materials
      Overall Response (also shown above)
      Program Design and Content
      Utilization of Forum Web Site (also shown above)
      Forum Planning and Organization
      Forum Logistics
      Future Symposiums / Forums
      Overall Findings and Recommendations (also shown above)
      Recommendations for Future Endeavors
      Review and Follow-up Team Membership (also shown above)

    Download: Forum evaluation report PDF (194 Kb) / Text format (263 Kb, Microsoft Word doc)

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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