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Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

PACHA Recommendations - Resolved Only


Date Passed
    12/8/95                             Resolved?     Yes


Direct the CDC to maintain HIV prevention programs independent of any consolidated grant programs, including the currently proposed Performance Partnerships Grants.


Action Type:



Administration Response

CDC has designed a multi-level training, technical assistance (TA), and capacity building system. CDC´s original technical assistance efforts (projects officers based in Atlanta who travel to local areas and staff trained at CDC and then permanently assigned to State and local health departments) remains in place. In addition, CDC has also made technical assistance (TA) and capacity building based organizations through cooperative agreements with national, regional and local organizations, the nation TA provider network, and through eh Academy for Educational Development. CDC also supports the national Community Planning Leadership Summit for HIV prevention. Approximately 1200 community planning and co-chairs attend this annual skills building meeting. There is an annual training-of-trainers conference in Atlanta, at which approximately 500 individuals from STD, HIV, TB, and corrections service settings, acquire skills that they then use to train others in their local areas. The U.S. Conference on AIDS, another annual conference, is supported by CDC, NIH and others; this training forum has an annual attendance of approximately 3,000 prevention service providers and advocates.

Example of other TA efforts:

  • The Behavioral and Social Science Volunteers program, which was established by the American Psychological Association´s Office on AIDS with CDC funding. This program involves behavioral and social scientists in local HIV prevention activities, including assistance in replicating effective programs.
  • Guidance in program evaluation related to CDC grantees' program activities and the CDC HIV Evaluation Guidance and Data System (CDC, 1999).
  • Assisting prevention service providers in building their organizational capacity so that effective interventions can be sustained overtime.

The newest component of the training system builds on an ongoing review of the scientific literature that CDC is conducting to identify effective new prevention programs. Four of these effective programs have been packaged for easy replication, and two of the packages have been expanded into training curricula. These curricula are being pilot-tested this summer and, after indicated revisions are made, will be offered in regional training centers in each quadrant of the United States. Other effective programs are at earlier stages of this new research-to-practice pipeline.



Assessment of Response

The Council is pleased that the Administration has decided to maintain the strategically important approach of community-based planning for HIV prevention efforts, as focused and distinct efforts from other health planning needs. We urge the Administration to continue this policy. The Council supports the Administration´s efforts to find ways to increase the coordination of HIV prevention efforts with related health concerns and facilitate effective and efficient health planning by State and local health departments.



Assessment of Response

In accordance with this recommendation, the CDC has avoided folding HIV prevention into any consolidated grant programs. The Council urges the Administration to maintain this policy.



Assessment of Further Response

The Council is pleased that the CDC has continued its direct support for community-based programs. In the future, the CDC needs to ensure that community-based organizations funded under this initiative are appropriately integrated into the local community planned process.



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