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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Finding Aid to the Joshua Lederberg Papers, 1904-2002


Descriptive Summary

Biographical/Historical Note

Collection Summary

Administrative Information


Other Descriptive Information

Series Descriptions

Series I: Biography, 1904-1999

Series II: Academic Career, 1925-1999 (bulk 1947-1978)

Series III: Correspondence, 1935-1999
Subseries: CA
Subseries: CB
Subseries: CC
Subseries: CD
Subseries: CE
Subseries: CF
Subseries: Chronological

Series IV: Research, 1941-1999

Series V: Writings, 1941-2001

Series VI: Public Service, 1929-2000

Series VII: Consulting Work, 1948-2000

Series VIII: Calendar Files (Pastcal), 1947-1999

Series IX: Photographs, ca. 1910-2002

Series X: Audiovisual Materials, 1953-2001

Series III. Correspondence:
Subseries CA, 1935-1947 (bulk 1945-1947), .50 linear feet

The Correspondence Series contains correspondence and memoranda spanning Lederberg’s lifetime. The series is divided into seven sub-series established by Lederberg. Each sub-series is defined by specific date parameters and identified by a two-letter indicator. There is one sub-series that is unlike the others. The Chron (Chronological) Files contain copies of Lederberg’s regular outgoing correspondence during the years he worked at Stanford University and Rockefeller University. The other sub-series are divided as follows: CA (1925-1947), CB (1947-1953), CC (1953-1960), CD (1961-1978), CE (1978-1985), and CF (1985-1999).

The majority of the correspondence relates to Lederberg’s professional career both in and outside of the academic field. There are some letters of a more personal nature from his childhood in both the CA and CD sub-series. Other subjects represented in the series include research, the Nobel Prize, and governmental committees and public service organizations. For further material from Lederberg’s work with governmental and private organizations please consult Series VI: Public Service, which contains a great deal of information related to his work with biological and chemical warfare policies in both the public and private sectors.

The CA sub-series documents Lederberg’s childhood and academic studies, along with his initial studies in bacteria recombination.

The CA sub-series contains three chronological folders followed by a series of folders arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Organization within folders is chronological. While most individual folders relate to one correspondent (whether an individual or an organization), the three chronological folders are different. These are arranged by date and contain material from several different correspondents discussing career related matters. Document types found in the sub-series include correspondence, reports, notes, applications, photographs, and publications.

Material is in both English and French.

Box Folder
6 1 1944-1945
6 2 [Official], 1943-1945
6 3 1946-1947
6 4 Atwood, Kimball, 1946
6 5 Barth, Lucena, 1946
6 6 Beadle, George W., 1940's
6 7 Blakeslee, Albert, 1946
6 8 Boivin, Andre, 1946
6 8a Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 1946-1947
6 9 Delbruck, Max, 1946
6 10 Dienes, Louis, 1946
6 11 Dodge, Bernard O., 1941-1946
6 12 Doermann, A.H., 1945
6 13 Dubos, Rene J., 1946
6 14 Edman, John Henry ("Jack"), 1936;1945-1946
6 15 Edwards, P.R., 1946
6 15a Emann, S., 1945 Nov 2
6 16 Finley, Harold, 1946 Nov 16
6 17 Graff, Samuel, 1946
6 17a Gutmann, James, 1945?
6 18 Haldane, J.B.S., 1946
6 19 Hammett, Frederick S., 1946 Dec 15
6 20 Hutner, Seymour H., 1945 Oct 30
6 21 Iannone, Anthony M., 1947
6 22 Jane Coffin Childs Fund, 1944-1947
6 23 Kauffmann, Fritz, 1946
6 24 Kaufmann, Berwind P., 1946 Jan 4
6 25 Keller, Fred, 1944 Feb 1
6 26 Kohn, Henry, 1942 Dec;1945 July 16
6 27 Lampen, J.O., 1945-1946
6 28 Latarjet, R.L., 1946? Aug 14
6 29 Levine, Philip, 1943
6 30 Lindegren, C.C., 1946
6 31 Luria, S.E., 1946-1947
6 32 Lwoff, A., 1946
6 33 Mather, K., 1946-1947
6 34 McCarty, Maclyn, 1947 Mar
6 35 McClintock, Barbara, 1946-1947
6 36 Mellon, Ralph, 1946
6 37 Monod, Jacques, 1947
6 38 Moore, John, 1944 Nov 6
6 39 Morris, Harold P., 1946 Nov 29
6 40 Muller, H.J., 1947 Apr 2
6 40a New York Academy of Sciences, 1945 May 15-16
6 41 Newcombe, Howard, 1947 Jul
6 42 Nickell, L.G., 1947 Oct 22
6 43 Pease, Dorothy, 1945 Sep 24
6 44 Penzer, Abraham, 1946-[1947?]
6 45 Peters, Joseph J., 1946 May 26
6 46 Platt, Henry, 1946-1947
6 46a Pontecorvo, G., 1946 Dec 30
6 47 Portie, J.F., 1947 Aug 20
6 48 Rakieten, Morris L., 1946 Sep
6 49 Ris, Hans, 1946 May 3
6 50 Rivers, Thomas M., 1946 Nov
6 51 Robbins, William J. [New York Botanical Garden], 1939;1942-1945
6 52 Roepke, Raymond R., 1946
6 53 Ryan, Francis J., 1945-1947
6 54 Sager, Ruth, 1946;1947?
6 55 Sevag, M.G., 1946 Dec 20
6 56 Shapiro, Arthur, 1935
6 57 Sherman, J.M., 1947 Feb 14
6 58 Sonneborn, Tracy M., 1946-1947
6 59 Sonneborn, Tracy M. [Lilly Library], 1946-1947
6 60 Speers, Jim, 1946 Oct 31
6 61 Spiegelman, Sol, 1946-1947
6 62 Stanley, Wendell M., 1935-1936
6 63 Steinbach, H.B., 1947 Jan 2
6 64 Steinberg, Robert A., 1947 Aug 28
6 65 Steinitz, Lotti, 1946
6 66 Stern, Curt, 1947
6 67 Stodola, Frank, 1942;1944-1946
6 68 Stone, Wilson S., 1947 Jan 3
6 69 Strandskov, Frede B., 1947
6 70 Subramaniam, M.K., 1947 Sep 16
6 71 Tatum, E.L., 1945-1947
6 72 Taylor, Harriet [Ephrussi], 1942;1946-1948
6 73 U.S. Census Bureau, 1947
6 74 U.S. Naval Hospital [St. Albans], 1944 Nov 6
6 75 Van Niel, C.B., 1946 Nov-Dec
6 76 Waksman, Selman A., 1947 Feb 10
6 77 Weil, A.J., 1947 Jun
6 78 White, Philip R., 1946 Mar 14
6 79 Wickerham, L.J., 1946
6 80 Winer, Norman, 1946
6 81 Witkin, Evelyn, 1946-1947
6 82 Woodruff, H.B. and J.C., 1947
6 83 Yale University, 1945 Dec 21
6 84 Zelle, M.L., 1944 Jan 27
6 85 Zimmer, Esther [Lederberg], 1944-1946

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Last reviewed: 12 January 2007
Last updated: 12 January 2007
First published: 24 May 2005
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content