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SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Chapter S8 THE OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL I. Mission The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is directly responsible for meeting the statutory mission of promoting economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of Social Security Administration (SSA) programs and operations and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in such programs and operations. To accomplish this mission, the OIG directs, conducts and supervises a comprehensive program of audits, evaluations and investigations, relating to SSA's programs and operations. OIG also searches for and reports systemic weaknesses in SSA programs and operations, and makes recommendations for needed improvements and corrective actions. II. Organization A. Inspector General (S8). B. Deputy Inspector General (S8). C. Immediate Office of the Inspector General (S8A). D. Office of Investigations (S8B). E. Office of Audit (S8C). F. Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General (S8H). G. Office of Technology and Resource Management (S8L). H. Office of External Relations (S8M). III. Functions A. The Inspector General (S8) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the OIG mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OIG. B. The Deputy Inspector General (S8) assists the Inspector General in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Inspector General may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Inspector General (IOIG) (S8A) provides the Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities and administers a comprehensive Professional Responsibility and Quality Assurance program that ensures the adequacy of OIG compliance with its policies and procedures, internal controls and professional standards. In addition, the IOIG oversees the Organizational Health Committee (OHC). The purpose of the OHC is to be an agent of positive change by discussing, evaluating, and presenting to senior management employee issues and proposed solutions that affect the operations, administration, and efficiency of OIG. In doing this, the committee acts as a representative of all OIG employees. The IOIG also directs reviews and takes action to ensure the adequacy of OIG internal controls in accordance with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act. D. The Office of Investigations (OI) (S8B) conducts and coordinates investigative activity related to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in SSA programs and operations including wrongdoing by individuals such as applicants, grantees, or contractors perpetrating criminal activity against SSA programs and operations. OI also investigates allegations of employee misconduct in the performance of their official duties. This office serves as the OIG liaison to the Department of Justice on all matters relating to investigations of SSA programs and personnel, and reports to the Attorney General when OIG has reason to believe Federal criminal law has been violated. OI works with other investigative agencies and organizations on special projects and assignments. In support of its mission, OI carries out and maintains an internal quality assurance system. E. The Office of Audit (OA) (S8C) conducts and/or supervises comprehensive financial and performance audits of SSA's programs and operations and makes recommendations to ensure that program objectives and operational functions are achieved effectively and efficiently. Financial audits, required by the Chief Financial Officers' Act of 1990, assess whether SSA's financial statements fairly present the Agency's financial position, results of operations, and cash flow. Performance audits review the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of SSA's programs and operations. OA also conducts short-term management and program evaluations focused on issues of concern to SSA, the Congress, and the general public. Evaluations often focus on identifying and recommending ways to prevent and minimize program and operational fraud, waste, and abuse, as well as inefficiency and ineffectiveness, rather than detecting problems after they occur. F. The Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General (OCIG) (S8H) provides independent authoritative legal advice, guidance and counsel to the IG and senior staff on legal issues; regulatory strategy; legislative proposals; and integration and interpretation of new and emerging authorities and Agency responsibilities under anticipated and current regulatory authorities. The OCIG provides advice to the OIG on the legal issues being deliberated concerning relevant regulatory and procedural information and reviews documents and other materials to ensure sufficiency and compliance with regulatory requirements. The OCIG is responsible for the implementation of the Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) program, including imposition of penalties and assessments and the settlement and litigation of CMP cases. The OCIG is also responsible for the coordination and drafting of regulatory commentary on issues related to the OIG’s mission and functions. G. The Office of Technology and Resource Management (OTRM) (S8L) provides administrative and management support to the Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General and all OIG components. The OTRM is responsible for a program which directs allegations of criminal and administrative violations of Social Security laws. The OTRM is responsible for identifying individuals receiving Title XVI payments, Title II benefits and/or serving as Representative Payees who are also fleeing to avoid prosecution of a crime which is a felony; fleeing to avoid custody or confinement after conviction of a crime which is a felony; or violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under Federal or State law. The OTRM is responsible for managing the Electronic Crimes program in providing technology assistance to investigations conducted by Special Agents. The OTRM is responsible for strategic planning, organizational performance management and reporting. The OTRM formulates and executes the OIG budget and confers with the Office of the Commissioner, the Office of Management and Budget and the Congress on budget matters. The OTRM performs facility and logistical planning for OIG components. The OTRM is responsible for property management and accountability. The OTRM develops and maintains internal OIG administrative and management policies and procedures. The OTRM performs all human resource support activities for OIG including recruitment, equal employment opportunity, personnel management, position management, performance management, disciplinary actions, staff training and development, personnel security and human resource policy. The OTRM provides and manages information technology for OIG. This includes the planning, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of hardware, software and telecommunications networks to support OIG’s mission. The OTRM is responsible for the security of sensitive electronic data relating to investigations, audits and legal proceedings. The OTRM develops and administers systems security plans for OIG.
SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Subchapter S8B OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS I. Mission The Office of Investigations (OI) (S8B) conducts and coordinates investigative activity related to fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in SSA programs and operations. This includes wrongdoing by applicants, grantees, or contractors, or by SSA employees in the performance of their official duties. The OI serves as OIG’s liaison to the Department of Justice on all matters relating to investigations of SSA programs and personnel and reports to the Attorney General when OIG has reason to believe Federal criminal law has been violated. The OI works with other investigative agencies and organizations on special projects and assignments. In support of its mission, the OI carries out and maintains an internal quality assurance system. II. Organization A. The Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (S8B) B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations – Field Operations (S8B-1) C. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations – National Investigative Operations (S8B-2) D. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (S8B) E. The Strategic Research and Analysis Division (SRAD) (S8BA) F. The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) (S8BC) G. The New York Field Division (NYFD) (S8BG) H. The Boston Field Division (BFD) (S8BH) I. The Atlanta Field Division (AFD) (S8BK) J. The Chicago Field Division (CFD) (S8BM) K. The Los Angeles Field Division (LAFD) (S8BN) L. The Dallas Field Division (DFD) (S8BP) M. The Philadelphia Field Division (PFD) (S8BQ) N. The Kansas City Field Division (KCFD) (S8BR) O. The Denver Field Division (DVFD) (S8BS) P. The Seattle Field Division (SFD) (S8BT) Q. The Manpower and Administration Division (MAD) (S8BW) III. Functions A. The Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (S8B) is directly responsible to the Inspector General for carrying out the OI mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OI. B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations –Field Operations (S8B-1) provides line program planning and control capability for field investigative operations. Based on program evaluations and operating reports, develops standards and guidelines for redelegation of responsibilities to field Special Agents-in-Charge. Represents the AIGI in developing and fostering optimum public relationships with all concerned in field OIG investigative activity. C. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations –National Investigative Operations (S8B-2) provides line program planning and control capability for national investigative operations. Based on program evaluations and operating reports, develops standards and guidelines for redelegation of responsibilities to Headquarters Special Agents-in-Charge. Represents the AIGI in developing and fostering optimum public relationships with all concerned in national OIG investigative activity. D. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations (S8B) provides the Assistant Inspector General with assistance in managing the Office of Investigations through the Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Field Operations and the Deputy Assistant Inspector General for National Investigative Operations. E. The Strategic Research and Analysis Division (SRAD) (S8BA) conducts in-depth research and analysis, particularly focusing on the susceptibility of Title II and Title XVI Programs to fraud, and also focusing on enumeration fraud and SSN misuse in general that may be committed to defraud SSA or facilitate other criminality. SRAD also develops innovative anti-fraud initiatives, consistent with OIG strategic plans, to protect SSA programs and operations from fraud, waste, and abuse. In addition, SRAD coordinates related multi-jurisdictional investigative activities for OI while promoting the judicious and effective use of available resources. SRAD responsibilities include:
Identifying systemic and programmatic vulnerabilities in SSA's
programs and operations and making recommendations for changes
to the appropriate officials. 2. In accordance with applicable law and policy, providing pertinent information from OIG records to assist Federal, State, and local investigative agencies in detecting, investigating and prosecuting fraud directly related to violations of the Social Security Act. 3. Providing oversight for all OI activities relating to Homeland Security. 4. Coordinating OI activities to develop and facilitate SSA employee integrity investigations. 5. Coordinating the data mining of SSA data bases to extract investigative leads in support of OI casework. F. The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) (S8BC) is responsible for oversight of the investigative operations conducted by divisions within OI, including all aspects of the Cooperative Disability Investigative Program. The Division is also responsible for day-to-day coordination of the investigative and administrative information flow between OI headquarters and the field division offices. CID responsibilities include: 1. Providing liaison with other law enforcement agencies and the SSA components that require assistance or providing assistance to OI investigative field offices. 2. Preparing reports and developing projects that respond to requests and requirements established by the Inspector General, SSA organizations or the Congress. 3. Providing oversight of the Regional Anti-Fraud Committees in each of the 10 field divisions. 4. Managing requests for forensic services and polygraphs. 5. Providing oversight for investigations of Representative Payees. 6. Overseeing the Cooperative Disability Investigative Program. 7. Conducting research and analysis of Title II and title XVI disability issues, focusing on the susceptibility of SSA policies and processes to disability fraud. 8. Providing information management support and statistical reports. G. The New York Field Division (NYFD) (S8BG) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. H. The Boston Field Division (BFD) (S8BH) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. I. The Atlanta Field Division (AFD) (S8BK) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. J. The Chicago Field Division (CFD) (S8BM) is responsible or conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. K. The Los Angeles Field Division (LAFD) (S8BN) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. L. The Dallas Field Division (DFD) (S8BP) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. M. The Philadelphia Field Division (PFD) (S8BQ) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. N. The Kansas City Field Division (KCFD) (S8BR) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. O. The Denver Field Division (DVFD) (S8BS) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. P. The Seattle Field Division (SFD) (S8BT) is responsible for conducting criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving Social Security programs and operations within its designated geographic area. Investigative efforts by the division lead to criminal convictions, civil monetary penalties, and/or administrative sanctions. Q. The Manpower and Administration Division (MAD) (S8BW) is responsible for budget coordination, policy development, preparation and formulation of staffing plans. The Division identifies and procures special technical investigative equipment for use by OI personnel. The Division manages and develops training programs for the OI personnel.
SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Subchapter S8C OFFICE OF AUDIT I. Mission The Office of Audit (OA) (S8C) conducts comprehensive financial and performance evaluations and audits of SSA's programs and operations and makes recommendations to ensure that program objectives and operational functions are achieved effectively and efficiently. Financial audits, required by the Chief Financial Officers' Act of 1990, assess whether SSA's financial statements fairly present the Agency's financial position, results of operations, and cash flow. Performance audits review the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of SSA's programs and operations. OA also conducts short-term management and program evaluations focused on issues of concern to SSA, the Congress and the general public. Evaluations often focus on identifying and recommending ways to prevent and minimize program and operational fraud, waste, and abuse as well as ineffectiveness and inefficiency, rather than detecting problems after they occur. II. Organization A. The Assistant Inspector General for Audit (S8C). B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit - Financial, Systems and Operations Audits (S8C). C. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit - Program Audits and Evaluations (S8C). D. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Audit (S8C). E. The Evaluation Division (ED) (S8CB). F. The Information Technology Audit Division (ITAD)(S8CK). G. The Financial Audit Division (FAD) (S8CL). H. The Technical Services Division (TSD) (S8CM). I. The Boston Audit Division (BOSAD) (S8CQ). J. The New York Audit Division (NYAD) (S8CR). K. The Philadelphia Audit Division (PAD) (S8CS). L. The Atlanta Audit Division (AAD) (S8CT). M. The Birmingham Audit Division (BHMAD) (S8CU). N. The Chicago Audit Division (CAD) (S8CV). O. The Dallas Audit Division (DAD) (S8CW). P. The Kansas City Audit Division (KCAD) (S8CX). Q. The San Francisco Audit Division (SFAD) (S8CY). III. Functions A. The Assistant Inspector General for Audit (S8C) is directly responsible to the Inspector General for carrying out OA’s mission and providing general supervision to OA’s major components. B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit – Financial, Systems and Operations Audits (S8C) assists the Assistant Inspector General in carrying out his/her responsibilities in financial, systems and operations audits. C. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit – Program Audits and Evaluations (S8C) assists the Assistant Inspector General in carrying out his/her responsibilities in program audits and evaluations. D. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Audit (S8C) includes policy, planning, and reporting and provides the Assistant Inspector General with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities. E. The Evaluation Division (ED) (S8CB) is responsible for: 1. Performing evaluations of SSA program and administrative functions. 2. Conducting short-duration, time sensitive projects that address requests from Congress, senior SSA management, the public and others. 3. Responding to inquiries and providing support for initiatives that encourage cooperative investigation-audit efforts. 4. Assisting other performance audit divisions in additional issue areas, such as performance monitoring. F. The Information Technology Audit Division (ITAD) (S8CK) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of SSA’s centralized automated systems. The division is also responsible for reviews of general and application controls in SSA’s automated data processing systems and for reviews of the operational efficiency and effectiveness of SSA’s data processing operations. G. The Financial Audit Division (FAD) (S8CL) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits of Agency financial statements. The division is responsible for: 1. Financial management audits and reviews, as defined in the Chief Financial Officers’ Act of 1990, to include audits of accounting and financial reporting, financial systems, asset management, information resource management, budget execution, and internal controls. 2. Monitoring SSA’s performance in accordance with the Government Performance and Results Act by performing an oversight role. 3. Performing various performance audits, evaluations/inspections and other reviews of SSA’s Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program; and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audit, evaluations/inspections, and reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services and Representative Payees. H. The Technical Services Division (TSD) (S8CM) provides the Assistant Inspector General and the Deputy Assistant Inspector General with technical assistance, operational, and staff support on the full range of his/her responsibilities, which include: 1. Developing policies and procedures for OA’s internal quality assurance system to provide reasonable assurance that applicable laws, regulations, procedures, standards, and other requirements are followed in all audit, evaluation and review activities. 2. Managing OA’s management information system, audit resolution, training, and technical support for OIG audits, evaluations, and reviews. 3. Writing data extraction programs and performing data analysis of SSA’s computerized data for all OA divisions nationwide. I. The Boston Audit Division (BOSAD) (S8CQ) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. J. The New York Audit Division (NYAD) (S8CR) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. K. The Philadelphia Audit Division (PAD) (S8CS) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. L. The Atlanta Audit Division (AAD) (S8CT) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. M. The Birmingham Audit Division (BHMAD) (S8CU) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. N. The Chicago Audit Division (CAD) (S8CV) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. O. The Dallas Audit Division (DAD) (S8CW) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. P. The Kansas City Audit Division (KCAD) (S8CX) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting. Q. The San Francisco Audit Division (SFAD) (S8CY) plans, conducts, oversees, and reports on the results of audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews related to SSA's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, and the Supplemental Security Income Program. Specific audits, evaluations/inspections, and other reviews may focus on: Enumeration, Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Earnings Operations; Supplemental Security Income Initial Claims and Postentitlement Operations; Field Office Operations; Hearings and Appeals; Disability Determination Services; Representative Payees, Performance Measures; and various general management and administrative issues related to, but not limited to facilities management, personnel, payroll and budgeting.
OFFICE OF THE COUNSEL TO THE I. Mission The Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General (OCIG) (S8H) provides independent authoritative legal advice, guidance and counsel to the IG and senior staff on legal issues; regulatory strategy; legislative proposals; and integration and interpretation of new and emerging authorities and Agency responsibilities under anticipated and current regulatory authorities. The OCIG provides advice to the OIG on the legal issues being deliberated concerning relevant regulatory and procedural information and reviews documents and other materials to ensure legal sufficiency and compliance with regulatory requirements. The OCIG is responsible for the implementation of the Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) program, including imposition of penalties and assessments, and the settlement and litigation of CMP cases. The OCIG is also responsible for the coordination and drafting of regulatory commentary on issues related to the OIG’s mission and functions. II. Organization
III. Functions A. The Counsel to the Inspector General (S8H) is directly responsible to the Inspector General for providing authoritative legal advice concerning legal and regulatory strategy; legislative proposals; program authority and responsibilities; and the content of applicable statutes, regulations, rulings, administrative decisions and judicial precedents in all matters relating to audits and investigations of Agency programs and the CMP program. B. The Deputy Counsel assists the Counsel to the Inspector General in carrying out his/her responsibilities regarding legal and regulatory strategies, legislative proposals, administrative decisions and judicial precedents in all matters relating to audits and investigations of Agency programs and the CMP program. Performs other duties as the Counsel to the Inspector General may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Counsel to the Inspector General (S8H) provides staff assistance to the Counsel in support of the full range of his/her responsibilities.
SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Subchapter S8L OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I. Mission The Office of Technology and Resource Management (OTRM) is responsible for a program which directs allegations of criminal and administrative violations of Social Security laws. The OTRM is responsible for identifying individuals receiving Title XVI payments, Title II benefits and/or serving as Representative Payees who are also fleeing to avoid prosecution of a crime which is a felony; fleeing to avoid custody or confinement after conviction of a crime which is a felony or violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under Federal or State law. The OTRM is responsible for managing the Electronic Crimes program in providing forensic technology assistance to investigations conducted by Special Agents. The OTRM provides administrative and management support to the Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General and all OIG components. The OTRM is responsible for strategic planning, organizational performance management and reporting. The OTRM formulates and executes the OIG budget and confers with the Office of the Commissioner, the Office of Management and Budget and the Congress on budget matters. The OTRM performs facility and logistical planning for OIG components. The OTRM is responsible for property management and accountability. The OTRM develops and maintains internal OIG administrative and management policies and procedures. The OTRM performs all human resource support activities for OIG including recruitment, equal employment opportunity, personnel management, position management, performance management, disciplinary actions, staff training and development, personnel security and human resource policy. The OTRM provides and manages information technology for OIG. This includes the planning, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance of hardware, software and telecommunications networks to support OIG’s mission. The OTRM is responsible for the security of sensitive electronic data relating to investigations, audits and legal proceedings. The OTRM develops and administers systems security plans for OIG. II. Organization A. The Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (S8L) B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (S8L). C. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (S8L). D. The Human Resources, Budget and Logistics Division (S8LA). E. The Information Technology Division (S8LC). F. The Electronic Crimes Division (S8LH). G. The Allegation Management and Fugitive Enforcement Division (S8LJ). III. Functions A. The Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (AIGTRM) (S8L) is directly responsible to the Inspector General for carrying out OTRM’s mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OTRM. B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (DAIGTRM) (S8L) is responsible for assisting the AIGTRM in carrying out his/her responsibilities. C. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Technology and Resource Management (S8L) provides the AIGTRM with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities.
The Human
Resources , Budget and Logistics Division E. The Information Technology Division (ITD) (S8LC) is responsible for the planning design, development testing and implementation of hardware, software and telecommunications systems for OIG nationwide. These responsibilities include developing and enforcing network policies; designing system interfaces; monitoring and evaluating hardware and telecommunications lines; developing, monitoring and evaluating software applications and associated interfaces with network devices. The division is also responsible for the security of sensitive data relating to investigations, audits, and legal proceedings which is kept on OIG computer systems as well as the administration of systems security plans for the OIG. F. The Electronic Crimes Division (ECD) (S8LH) provides forensic technology assistance to investigations conducted by Special Agents. ECD assists Special Agents in the development of criminal investigations, including the preparation of search warrants and subpoenas for electronic media; provides support for the execution of search warrants and the initial review of electronic media; provides laboratory analysis and courtroom testimony concerning the evidentiary contents of electronic media seized during criminal investigations; investigates intrusions into the networked computer systems of the SSA; and provides appropriate training for Special Agents to conduct investigations in an automated environment. G. The Allegation Management and Fugitive Enforcement Division (AMFED) (S8LJ) is responsible for identifying individuals receiving Title XVI payments, Title II benefits and/or serving as Representative Payees who are also fleeing to avoid prosecution of a crime which is a felony; fleeing to avoid custody or confinement after conviction of a crime which is a felony; or violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under Federal or State law. AMFED directs allegations of criminal and administrative violations of the Social Security laws by managing the SSA Fraud Hotline; conducting projects in response to IG requests; referring allegations to OI field divisions, other OIG or SSA offices, or other law enforcement agencies for further development or investigation depending on the nature of the allegation.
SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Subchapter S8M OFFICE OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS I. Mission The Office of External Relations (OER) (S8M) manages OIG’s external and public affairs programs and serves as the principal advisor to the Inspector General and the Deputy Inspector General on matters pertaining to planning, directing and coordinating the dissemination of news releases and public information from OIG to the various news gathering and news reporting services of the nation. These include wire services, newspapers, radio and television networks, magazines of general circulation, and trade, labor and professional journals. OER develops OIG’s media and public information policies, directs OIG’s external and public affairs programs and serves as the contact for those seeking information about OIG. OER prepares OIG publications, speeches and presentations to internal and external organizations and coordinates the OIG presence at SSA and other Federal events. OER serves as the primary resource for those seeking information about OIG. OER develops press releases and coordinates information exchange among media outlets. OER prepares publications and Congressional correspondence, and coordinates reporting requirements and interagency activities. OER develops and maintains relationships with Members of Congress, conducts dialogue and participates in negotiations on highly sensitive matters with Members of Congress; assists Members of Congress by responding to requests for information on pending and proposed legislation; develops legislative histories, researches, gathers and disseminates information on Congressional activities affecting OIG programs, and prepares Congressional testimony. OER is responsible for the Semi-Annual Report to Congress. II. Organization A. The Assistant Inspector General for External Relations (AIGER) B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for External Relations (DAIGER) C. The Immediate Office of the Assistant Inspector General for External Relations III. Functions A. The Assistant Inspector General for External Relations (AIGER) (S8M) is directly responsible to the Inspector General for carrying out the OER mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OER. B. The Deputy Assistant Inspector General for External Relations (DAIGER) (S8M) is responsible for assisting the AIGER in carrying out his/her responsibilities.
The Immediate
Office of the AIGER (S8M ) provides the AIGER with staff assistance on the
full range of his/her responsibilities. |
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