DOT News Masthead

Wednesday, January 13, 1999
Contact: Jim Pinkelman
Telephone: 202-366-5580
FHWA 1-99

U. S. Transportation Secretary Slater
Announces Finalists for Grants
Under TEA-21 Community Preservation Provision

U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater today announced that 49 proposals, totaling $27.7 million, from 31 states and the District of Columbia have been designated as finalists for funding under an innovative program created by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) to help protect the environment and improve access to jobs, services and the marketplace.

Funding for this program, the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program (TCSP), is authorized at $20 million in fiscal 1999. (As part of the sustainable communities initiative announced on Monday by President Clinton and Vice President Gore, the Administration has proposed to increase the contract authority for this program to $50 million in fiscal 2000.)

"This is another example of how we can protect our environment while growing our economy," Vice President Gore said. "This provision of TEA-21 is a tool to make communities more liveable—by preserving green space, easing traffic congestion, and pursuing ‘smart growth’ strategies."

The TCSP was established under Section 1221 of TEA-21, which was signed into law by President Clinton on June 9, 1998. The program is a comprehensive initiative consisting of research and grants that will help investigate the relationships between transportation and community and system preservation, and private sector-based initiatives.

"President Clinton and Vice President Gore continue to raise the bar when we look at protecting the environment," Secretary Slater said. "This program demonstrates the President’s commitment to putting the American people first—it will help preserve the environment and at the same time improve transportation efficiency, reduce the need for future costly infrastructure investments, and help ensure that all have access to jobs, services and the marketplace."

States, local governments, and metropolitan planning organizations are eligible for discretionary grants under the program. The grants may be used for planning and implementing plans that will help achieve the following goals:

Grants also may be used to examine urban development patterns and create strategies that encourage private companies to work toward these goals in designing new developments.

"I introduced this provision because I believe Oregon’s model of using smart transportation planning to manage growth is an excellent example for other states and cities to follow. I am pleased that Secretary Slater is moving this important pilot program forward," said Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), who sponsored the provision.

For fiscal 1999, the FHWA received more than 500 proposals totaling almost $400 million. The 49 finalists will be asked to prepare full grant proposals for further consideration. The FHWA expects to award 20-25 grants by spring 1999.

"TCSP is an exciting and innovative program that recognizes the close link between transportation and the environment, as well as the importance of overall development for a community," Federal Highway Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle said. "I congratulate the finalists and look forward to the continued success of this important new program."

Following is a list of the finalists, with the state or locality, the amount requested, and a brief description. The requests total $27.7 million.



Anchorage, $250,000. Assess and redesign the public outreach and participation process to meet TCSP goals as part of a multimodal terminal.



Tempe, $250,000. Develop a local transportation model to support the Tempe comprehensive transportation plan goals and create a plan for University Drive.



San Diego, $1 million. Evaluate land use models and techniques for the mid-city area to implement pedestrian access and traffic calming improvements around the Euclid transit center.

San Francisco, $177,000. Integrate land use and housing alternatives to support the development of the Mission Street transit corridor.

San Francisco, $1 million. Implement strategies to revitalize the central city and older suburbs and improve the efficiency of the transportation system through changes in land-use policies.

Escalon, $150,000. Preserve and enhance a rural community with pedestrian and bike access to school, neighborhoods and businesses.

San Joaquin Valley, $900,000. Improve transportation efficiency and alternatives in the San Joaquin Valley through improved land use and development patterns.

San Bernardino, $200,000. Develop land use alternatives for incorporation as formal code changes into a revised land use plan in the Sante Fe Depot area.

Mono County, $230,000. Develop a plan for a rural community that balances the need for tourism and growth with community stability, safety and environmental protection.



Denver metro area, $1 million (partial funding). Develop regional partnerships to support "transportation aware development" and transportation improvements related to the redevelopment of the Cinderella Mall area.



Hartford metro area, $350,000. Identify best development practices and outreach strategies to encourage private development patterns that support the goals of TCSP.

Hartford, $250,000. Evaluate and address transportation needs and conflicts of the Parkville Industrial and Commercial Corridors and preserve the neighboring community.


District of Columbia

Washington metro area, $400,000. Implement plans to design a greenway system and pedestrian, transit, bicycle and transit circulation systems around activities centers.


Gainesville metro area, $150,000. Develop and apply integrated land use and transportation sketch planning methods to meet community goals.

State of Florida, $150,000. Develop a detailed economic analysis and a model environmental team permit process for the Hillsborough River Greenways Task Force, and identify example local corridors.

State of Florida, $350,000. Implement and evaluate a statewide and local approach to develop land use and transportation strategies to support employment, economic development and housing needs. This project is in collaboration with the State of Oregon.



Atlanta metro area, $1.35 million. Develop techniques for public education and outreach to support planning to meet land development, transportation, physical activity, and air quality objectives.



Ada County, $1 million. Evaluate the effects of transportation and land use decisions on rapidly growing semi-rural counties to provide for better decision-making to curb the effects of sprawl.



Lexington and seven county region, $250,000. Develop a handbook, a CD-ROM and workshops for planners, developers, decision-makers and citizens on land use and transportation strategies to meet the goals of TCSP.

Lexington metro area, $185,000. Conduct a comprehensive land use and transportation plan and identify means to coordinate transportation and land use policies among jurisdictions.



New Orleans metro area, $450,000. Produce a comprehensive plan that integrates land use, alternative growth scenarios, and transportation to meet long term community goals.



State of Maryland, $1.5 million. Integrate the state’s transportation planning with its Smart Growth, Community Conservation, and land and water protection initiatives.



Saginaw metro area, $48,000. Identify land use and transportation scenarios with public and business groups to retrofit a congested, suburban retail commercial area to be pedestrian friendly.

Lansing metro area, $350,000. Develop a shared regional vision of future land use and development patterns in the Lansing area.



Kansas City metro area, $600,000. Provide outreach and analytical tools for private developers and city officials to support sustainable choices.



Laurel, $85,000. Create a plan for community preservation and long term land use.


New Jersey

Newark, $1.8 million. Integrate planning, data, and public involvement to establish an action for a modern intermodal freight infrastructure to support brownfield, economic, and community redevelopment.

Newark, $535,000. Improve access, services and amenities at passenger rail stations to meet broad community goals.


New York

Troy, $50,000. Incorporate transportation and land use into the city’s redevelopment plan for the waterfront.

Suffolk and Nassau counties, $2 million. Develop local land use and transportation alternatives to support evaluation by the state of a major transportation investment study.


North Carolina

Raleigh metro area, $450,000. Develop policies and programs to implement region wide vision for land use, transportation and development.



Cleveland area, $195,000. Create a community based plan to meet neighborhood and business goals to revitalize a congested, commercial boulevard area in Woodmere Village while maintaining access to the larger community.

Dayton, $300,000. Support transportation and land use planning for the Tool Town economic, community, jobs, and brownfields redevelopment initiative.



Oklahoma City, $998,000. Implement a passenger ferry system in Oklahoma City to support economic, community and brownfields redevelopment.



Portland metro area, $500,000. Conduct land use and transportation planning of urban reserves for future development.

Willamette Valley, $950,000. Integrate analytical models to evaluate the transportation impacts of possible land use future in Oregon’s Willamette Valley.

State of Oregon, $350,000. Develop a program for local dispute resolution on transportation and land use decisions. This program is in collaboration with the State of Florida.



Center County, $750,000. Develop planning recommendations and guidelines for communities in the Bald Eagle River watershed to meet growth demands that widening of I-99 will place on them.

Philadelphia metro area, $720,000. Develop metropolitan area-wide strategies to promote transportation efficiency including transit oriented development, location efficient mortgages and station area plans.


Rhode Island

Providence, $1.4 million. Support construction of transportation initiatives including a passenger transportation hub, street scape improvements, and access to bicycle path and greenways to support broad urban neighborhood goals.


South Carolina

Charleston metro area, $300,000. With a broad range of partners, identify the costs and impacts of alternative development and transportation and infrastructure scenarios.


South Dakota

Elkton $55,000. Investigate alternatives to address the barrier created by railroad lines to promote community development and goals.



Johnson City, $275,000. Develop specific land use alternatives to incorporate as formal code changes into a revised land use plan.



Houston, $930,000. Develop a strategically integrated transportation and land use plan for an eight-mile corridor.



State of Utah, $425,000. Conduct a broad, far-reaching evaluation of alternate growth and land use scenarios for the Wasatch front area with the goal of adopting a growth scenario tied to land use and transportation as part of the Envision Utah initiative.



Charlottesville metro area, $1 million. Create a 50-year vision and cooperative multi-jurisdictional plan for land use, economic and community development, environmental quality, and transportation.



Seattle metro area, $400,000. Promote transportation efficiency and transit-oriented development around established transportation stations.


West Virginia

Berkley County, $300,000. Prepare plans for areas surrounding a historic rail complex and commuter rail and bus terminal to integrate and address transportation, land use and economic and community development goals.



Dane County, $425,000. Establish standards and processes for transportation and land development projects that can be used by local governments to achieve community goals.


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