Basic Energy Sciences - Workshop and Technical Reports

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Basic Energy Sciences Home PageList of Recent BES-Sponsored Workshop ReportsDescriptions of Recent BES-Sponsored Workshop ReportsReports of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory CommitteeOther Reports Involving BESArchives of BES-Sponsored Workshop ReportsBES Workshop Reports Home Page
   About BES Workshop and Technical Reports

To ensure that the most scientifically promising research is supported, the BES program engages in long-range planning and prioritization, which rely heavily on input from external sources including workshops and meetings of the scientific community, advice from the federally chartered Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC), Interagency Working Groups, and reports from other groups such as the National Academy of Sciences.  

Some of the recent BES-sponsored workshop reports with broad, cross-disciplinary implications are provided here
.  Other BES-related workshop and technical reports more specific to BES Core Research Activities may be found on BES Division web pages.

Recent List Listing of recent BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the current status and possible future directions of some important research areas. These reports include those resulting from The “Basic Research Needs” Workshop Series (PDF, 35 pp, 1.3 MB) that are used to help identify research directions for a decades-to-century energy plan.
Abstracts Brief abstracts of recent BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the current status and possible future directions of some important research areas
BESAC This web page is under development.  All BESAC reports can be accessed HERE
Related This web page is under development.
Archives This web page is under development.

Office of Basic Energy Sciences | SC-22/Germantown Building | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-3081 | FAX: 301/903-6594 |