Director’s Greeting

Dr.Brian Hepburn,Executive DirectorWelcome to the Mental Hygiene Administration’s newly designed website. We continue to work toward improving this site to better serve your needs. Your input is welcome.

This web site provides a brief overview of new projects and ongoing partnerships and collaborations that continue our journey together in Maryland’s Mental Health Transformation. Guided by the President’s New Freedom Commission’s Recommendations, jointly, we continue to promote recovery and resilience throughout the Public Mental Health System by sustaining a consumer and family-driven care continuum. Working closely with the Department, stakeholders, and other state leadership, we will continue to improve access and the coordination of care, and furthering efforts in the development and implementation of evidence-based practices, we will ensure efficacy and efficiencies in our provision of services.

President’s New Freedom Commission’s Recommendations pdf logo

Our Mission

The mission of the Mental Hygiene Administration is to create and manage a coordinated, comprehensive, accessible, culturally sensitive, and age appropriate system of publicly funded services and supports for individuals who have psychiatric disorders and, in conjunction with stakeholders, provide treatment and rehabilitation in order to promote resiliency, health, and recovery.

Our Vision

There will be a comprehensive, accessible array of public and private services. These services help individuals empower themselves to achieve the highest level of participation in community.