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Research activities in applied parallel computing area at EMSL focus on: interprocessor communications, high-performance input/output, programming models for hierarchical memory systems. One of the primary goals for this work is to aid development of real scientific application codes. A number of portable libraries and tools have been developed:
Established Projects  

Recent Projects  
Application Areas  
 Awards & Patents  
A joint IBM/PNNL patent no 6,070,189  "Signaling communication events in a computer network" on technology developed for LAPI communication library on the IBM SP, May, 2000.
R&D100 Award for MS3 package that includes NWChem, Ecce and Parsoft, July 1999.
Supercomputing'98 Best Paper award
Some of the papers are accessible from here.
The HPCC publication list contains many references to papers written based on work performed at PNNL with this software.