Office of Science

Graphics and Visualization Laboratory

EMSL's Graphics and Visualization Laboratory (GVL) helps researchers visualize and analyze complex experimental and computational data sets. GVL provides EMSL users with high-performance graphics systems as well as support staff who have capabilities in illustration and image editing, data modeling and image analysis, scene rendering and model creation, as well as audio/video compositing and editing.

The GVL contains five high-performance graphics stations based on SGI technologies with high-speed connections to parallel computers and the database/archive system, a video system integrated with the workstations to facilitate the display and capture of scientific data, and video editing equipment for the preparation of scientific presentations. In addition, the video system is connected to the Web to facilitate data sharing.

To learn more about GVL, visit the Visualization Gallery and view a full list of the GVL equipment. To use the GVL or to feature your work in the Gallery, contact Erich Vorpagel. Note the suggested formats recommended by GVL staff for products.

Capability Steward (Graphics and Visualization Laboratory): Erich Vorpagel: | , 509-371-6448