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Scientific Data Documentation
Linked Birth/Infant Death File, 1988


 Tape Positions 1 -50
                            1988 Birth Cohort
         Denominator Record and Natality Section of Linked Record

 Tape     Field
 Location Size       Item and Code Outline

 1        1          Match Status

                       1        ... Matched Birth/infant Death Record
                       2        ... Late Filed Matched Birth/Infant Death Record
                       3        ... Surviving infant record

 Locations 2-91 of the linked file contain data from the Birth Certificate.

 Residence items in the Denominator Record and in the nata{ity section of the
 Numerator (Linked) Record refer to the usual place of residence of the Mother;
 whereas in the mortality section of the Numerator (Linked) Record, these items
 refer to the residence of the Decedent.

 2-5     4            Year of Birth
                      1988      ...  Born in 1988

 6-9     4            Reserved positions

 10       1           Record Type
                      1         ...  RESIDENTS
                                      State and County of Occurrence and
                                      Residence are the same.
                      2         ...  NONRESIDENTS
                                      State and/or County of Occurrence and
                                      Residence are different.

 11       1           Resident Status
                      1          ...  RESIDENTS
                                       State and County of Occurrence and
                                       Residence are the same.
                      2          ...  INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS
                                       State of Occurrence and Residence are
                                       the same, but County is different.
                      3          ...  INTERSTATE NONRESIDENTS
                                       State of Occurrence and Residence are
                                       different, but both are in the U.S.
                      4          ...  FOREIGN RESIDENTS
                                       State of Occurrence is one of the 50
                                       States or the District of Columbia,
                                       but P{ace of Residence is outside of
                                       the U.S.

 12-21    10          PLACE OF OCCURRENCE

                         Refer to the Geographic Code Outline in this document
                         for a list of areas and codes available on the
                         public-use file.

 12       1           Region of Occurrence

 13-14    2           Division and State Subcode of Occurrence

                      Location 12 is Region.  Location 13 is Division and
                      Location 14 identifies States within that Division.

                          1            ...  NORTHEAST
                             1         ...    New England
                               1       ...      Maine
                               2       ...      New Hampshire
                               3       ...      Vermont
                               4       ...      Massachusetts
                               5       ...      Rhode Island
                               6       ...      Connecticut
                             2         ...    Middle Atlantic
                               1       ...      New York
                               2       ...      New Jersey
                               3       ...      Pennsylvania
                          2            ...  MIDWEST
                             3         ...    East North Central
                               1       ...      Ohio
                               2       ...      Indiana
                               3       ...      Illinois
                               4       ...      Michigan
                               5       ...      Wisconsin
                             4         ...    West North Central
                               1       ...      Minnesota
                                       ...      Iowa
                                       ...      Missouri
                               4       ...      North Dakota
                               5       ...      South Dakota
                               6       ...      Nebraska
                               7       ...      Kansas
                          3            ...  SOUTH
                             5         ...    South Atlantic
                               1       ...      Delaware
                               2       ...      Maryland
                               3       ...      District of Columbia
                               4       ...      Virginia
                               5       ...      West Virginia
                               6       ...      North Carolina
                               7       ...      South Carolina
                               8       ...      Georgia
                               9       ...      Florida
                             6         ...    East South Central
                                 1     ...      Kentucky
                                 2     ...      Tennessee
                                 3     ...      Alabama
                                 4     ...      Mississippi
                              7        ...    West South Central
                                 1     ...      Arkansas
                                 2     ...      Louisiana
                                 3     ...      Oklahoma
                                 4     ...      Texas

 12       1           Region - Continued

 13-14    2           Division and State Subcode - Continued

                          4            ...  WEST
                             8         ...    Mountain
                               1       ...      Montana
                               2       ...      Idaho
                               3       ...      Wyoming
                               4       ...      Colorado
                               5       ...      New Mexico
                               6       ...      Arizona
                               7       ...      Utah
                               8       ...      Nevada
                             9         ...    Pacific
                               1       ...      Washington
                               2       ...      Oregon
                               3       ...      California
                               4       ...      Alaska
                               5       ...      Hawaii

 15-16    2           Expanded State of Occurrence

                         This item is designed to separately identify New York
                         city records from upstate New York records.

                         01        ... Alabama
                         02        ... Alaska
                         03        ... Arizona
                         04        ... Arkansas
                         05        ... California
                         06        ... Colorado
                         07        ... Connecticut
                         08        ... Delaware
                         09        ... District of Columbia
                         10        ... Florida
                         11        ... Georgia
                         12        ... Hawaii
                         13        ... Idaho
                         14        ... Illinois
                         15        ... Indiana
                         16        ... Iowa
                         17        ... Kansas
                         18        ... Kentucky
                         19        ... Louisiana
                         20        ... Maine
                         21        ... Maryland
                         22        ... Massachusetts
                         23        ... Michigan
                         24        ... Minnesota
                         25        ... Mississippi
                         26        ... Missouri
                         27        ... Montana
                         28        ... Nebraska
                         29        ... Nevada
                         30        ... New Hampshire
                         31        ... New Jersey
                         32        ... New Mexico
                         33        ... New York
                         34        ... New York city
                         35        ... North Carolina
                         36        ... North Dakota
                         37        ... Ohio
                         38        ... Oklahoma
                         39        ... Oregon
                         40        ... Pennsylvania
                         41        ... Rhode Island
                         42        ... South Carolina
                         43        ... South Dakota
                         44        ... Tennessee
                         45        ... Texas
                         46        ... Utah
                         47        ... Vermont
                         48        ... Virginia
                         49        ... Washington
                         50        ... West Virginia
                         51        ... Wisconsin
                         52        ... Wyoming

 17-18    2           State of Occurrence

                         01    ... Alabama
                         02    ... Alaska
                         03    ... Arizona
                         04    ... Arkansas
                         05    ... Callfornla
                         06    ... Colorado
                         07    ... Connecticut
                         08    ... Delaware
                         09    ... Dlstrlct of Columbia
                         10    ... Florida
                         11    ... Georgia
                         12    ... Hawaii
                         13    ... Idaho
                         14    ... lllinois
                         15    ... Indiana
                         16    ... Iowa
                         17    ... Kansas
                         18    ... Kentucky
                         19    ... Louisiana
                         20    ... Maine
                         21    ... Maryland
                         22    ... Massachusetts
                         23    ... Michlgan
                         24    ... Mlnnesota
                         25    ... Mississippi
                         26    ... Missouri
                         27    ... Montana
                         28    ... Nebraska
                         29    ... Nevada
                         30    ... New Hampshire
                         31    ... New Jersey
                         32    ... New Mexlco
                         33    ... New York
                         34    ... North Carolina
                         35    ... North Dakota
                         36    ... Ohio
                         37    ... Oklahoma
                         38    ... Oregon
                         39    ... Pennsylvania
                         40    ... Rhode Island
                         41    ... South Carolina
                         42    ... South Dakota
                         43    ... Tennessee
                         44    ... Texas
                         45    ... Utah
                         46    ... Vermont
                         47    ... Virginia
                         48    ... Washington
                         49    ... West Virginia
                         50    ... Wisconsin
                         51    ... Wyoming

 19-21    3           County of Occurrence

                         Because of confidentiality concerns, countles with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use file.

                         001-nnn ... Counties and county equivalents
                                     (independent and coextensive cities)
                                     are numbered alphabetically
                                     within each State.  (Note: To uniquely
                                     identify a county, both the State and
                                     county codes must be used.)
                         999     ... County with less than 250,000 population

 22-35    14          PLACE OF RESIDENCE

                         Refer to the Geographic Code Outline in this document
                         for a list of areas and codes available on the
                         public-use file.

 22       1           Region of Residence

 23-24    2           Division and State Subcode of Residence

                         Location 22 is Region.  Location 23 is Division and
                         Location 24 identifies States within that Division.

                         000              Foreign Resident

                         1         ...  NORTHEAST
                           1       ...     New England
                             1     ...       Maine
                             2     ...       New Hampshire
                             3     ...       Vermont
                             4     ...       Massachusetts
                             5     ...       Rhode Island
                             6     ...       Connecticut
                           2       ...     Middle Atlantic
                             1     ...       New York
                             2     ...       New Jersey
                             3     ...       Pennsylvania
                         2         ...  MIDWEST
                           3       ...     East North Central
                             1     ...       Ohio
                             2     ...       Indiana
                             3     ...       Illinois
                             4     ...       Michigan
                             5     ...       Wisconsin
                           4       ...     West North Central
                             1     ...       Minnesota
                             2     ...       Iowa
                             3     ...       Missouri
                             4     ...       North Dakota
                             5     ...       South Dakota
                             6     ...       Nebraska
                             7     ...       Kansas
                         3         ...  SOUTH
                           5       ...     South Atlantic
                             1     ...       Delaware
                             2     ...       Maryland
                             3     ...       District of Columbia
                             4     ...       Virginia
                             5     ...       West Virginia
                             6     ...       North Carolina
                             7     ...       South Carolina
                             8     ...       Georgia
                             9     ...       Florida
                           6       ...     East South Central
                             1     ...       Kentucky
                             2     ...       Tennessee
                             3     ...       Alabama
                             4     ...       Mississippi
                           7       ...     West South Central
                             1     ...       Arkansas
                             2     ...       Louisiana
                             3     ...       Oklahoma
                             4     ...       Texas

 22       1           Region - Continued

 23-24    2           Division and State Subcode - Continued

                         4         ...  WEST
                           8       ...     Mountain
                             1     ...       Montana
                             2     ...       Idaho
                             3     ...       Wyoming
                             4     ...       Colorado
                             5     ...       New Mexico
                             6     ...       Arizona
                             7     ...       Utah
                             8     ...       Nevada
                           9       ...     Pacific
                             1     ...       Washington
                             2     ...       Oregon
                             3     ...       California
                             4     ...       ALaska
                             5     ...       Hawaii

 25-26    2           Expanded State of Residence

                         This item is designed to separately identify New York
                         city records from upstate New York records.

                         01        ... Alabama
                         02        ... Alaska
                         03        ... Arizona
                         04        ... Arkansas
                         05        ... California
                         06        ... Colorado
                         07        ... Connecticut
                         08        ... Delaware
                         09        ... District of Columbia
                         10        ... Florida
                         11        ... Georgia
                         12        ... Hawaii
                         13        ... Idaho
                         14        ... Illinois
                         15        ... Indiana
                         16        ... Iowa
                         17        ... Kansas
                         18        ... Kentucky
                         19        ... Louisiana
                         20        ... Maine
                         21        ... Maryland
                         22        ... Massachusetts
                         23        ... Michigan
                         24        ... Minnesota
                         25        ... Mississippi
                         26        ... Missouri
                         27        ... Montana
                         28        ... Nebraska
                         29        ... Nevada
                         30        ... New Hampshire
                         31        ... New Jersey
                         32        ... New Mexico
                         33        ... New York
                         34        ... New York city
                         35        ... North Carolina
                         36        ... North Dakota
                         37        ... Ohio
                         38        ... Oklahoma
                         39        ... Oregon
                         40        ... Pennsylvania
                         41        ... Rhode Island
                         42        ... South Carolina
                         43        ... South Dakota
                         44        ... Tennessee
                         45        ... Texas
                         46        ... Utah
                         47        ... Vermont
                         48        ... Virginia
                         49        ... Washington
                         50        ... West Virginia
                         51        ... Wisconsin
                         52        ... Wyoming
                         53-58,60  ... Foreign Residents
                         53        ... Puerto Rico
                         54        ... Virgin Island
                         55        ... Guam
                         56        ... Canada
                         57        ... Cuba
                         58        ... Mexico
                         60        ... Remainder of the world

 27-28    2           State of Residence

                         01    ... Alabama
                         02    ... Alaska
                         03    ... Arizona
                         04    ... Arkansas
                         05    ... California
                         06    ... Colorado
                         07    ... Connecticut
                         08    ... Delaware
                         09    ... District of Columbia
                         10    ... Florida
                         11    ... Georgia
                         12    ... Hawaii
                         13    ... Idaho
                         14    ... Illlnois
                         15    ... Indiana
                         16    ... Iowa
                         17    ... Kansas
                         18    ... Kentucky
                         19    ... Louisiana
                         20    ... Maine
                         21    ... Maryland
                         22    ... Massachusetts
                         23    ... Michigan
                         24    ... Minnesota
                         25    ... Mississippi
                         26    ... Missouri
                         27    ... Montana
                         28    ... Nebraska
                         29    ... Nevada
                         30    ... New Hampshire
                         31    ... New Jersey
                         32    ... New Mexico
                         33    ... New York
                         34    ... North Carolina
                         35    ... North Dakota
                         36    ... Ohio
                         37    ... Oklahoma
                         38    ... Oregon
                         39    ... Pennsylvania
                         40    ... Rhode Island
                         41    ... South Carolina
                         42    ... South Dakota
                         43    ... Tennessee
                         44    ... Texas
                         45    ... Utah
                         46    ... Vermont
                         47    ... Virginia
                         48    ... Washington
                         49    ... West Virginia
                         50    ... Wisconsin
                         51    ... Wyoming
                         52-57,59 .. Foreign Residents
                         52   ...  Puerto Rico
                         53   ...  Virgin Islands
                         54   ...  Guam
                         55   ...  Canada
                         56   ...  Cuba
                         57   ...  Mexico
                         59   ...  Remainder of the world

 29-31    3           County of Residence

                         Because of confidentiality concerns, counties with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use file.

                         001-nnn  ... Counties and county equivalents
                                      (independent and coextensive cities)
                                      are numbered alphabetically within
                                      each State.  (Note: To uniquely identify
                                      a county, both the State and county codes
                                      must be used.)
                         999      ... County with tess than 250,000 population
                         ZZZ      ... Foreign residents

 32-34    3           City of Residence

                         Because of confidentiality concerns, cities with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use fire.

                         001-nnn  ...  Cities are numbered alphabetically within
                                       each State.  (Note: To uniquely identify
                                       a city, both the State and city codes
                                       must be used.)
                         999      ...  Entire county, Balance of County, or city
                                       less than 250,000 poputation
                         ZZZ      ...  Foreign residents

 35       1           Reserved position

 36       1           Detail Race of Child

                         1         ... White
                         2         ... Black
                         3         ... American Indian (includes Aleuts and
                         4         ... Chinese
                         5         ... Japanese
                         6         ... Hawaiian (includes Part-Hawaiian)
                         7         ... Filipino
                         8         ... Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                         0         ... Other races

 37       1           Race of Child Recode 3

                         1         ... White
                         2         ... Races other than White or Black
                         3         ... Black

 38       1           Sex of Child

                         1         ... Male
                         2         ... Female

 39-40    2           Detail Gestation in Weeks

                         17-52     ... 17th through 52nd week of gestation
                         99        ... Gestation not stated

 41-42    2           Gestation Recode 10

                         01        ...  Under 20 weeks
                         02        ...  20 - 27 weeks
                         03        ...  28 - 31 weeks
                         04        ...  32 - 35 weeks
                         05        ...  36 weeks
                         06        ...  37 - 39 weeks
                         07        ...  40 weeks
                         08        ...  41 weeks
                         09        ...  42 weeks and over
                         10        ...  Gestation not stated

 43-46    4           Birth weight - Detail in Grams
                         0227-8165 ...  Number of grams
                         9999      ...  Birth weight not stated

 47-48    2           Birth weight Recode 14

                         01        ...  499 grams or less
                         02        ...  500 - 749 grams
                         03        ...  750 - 999 grams
                         04        ...  1000 - 1249 grams
                         05        ...  1250 - 1499 grams
                         06        ...  1500 - 1999 grams
                         07        ...  2000 - 2499 grams
                         08        ...  2500 - 2999 grams
                         09        ...  3000 - 3499 grams
                         10        ...  3500 - 3999 grams
                         11        ...  4000 - 4499 grams
                         12        ...  4500 - 4999 grams
                         13        ...  5000 - 8165 grams
                         14        ...  Birth weight not stated

 49       1           Birth weight Recode 3

                         1          ... 2499 grams or less
                         2          ... 2500 grams or more
                         3          ... Birth weight not stated

 50       1           Plurality - Detail

                         1          ... Single Birth
                         2          ... Twin
                         3          ... Other Multiple Births

 Tape Positions 51 - 193

                            1988 Birth Cohort
         Denominator Record and Natality Section of Linked Record

 Tape     Field
 Location Size       Item and Code Outline

 51-52    2           One Minute Apgar Score

                         00-10     ... A score of 0-10
                         99        ... One minute Apgar score unknown or
                                       not stated

 53-54    2           Five Minute Apgar Score

                         00-10     ... A score of 0-10
                         99        ... Five minute Apgar score unknown or
                                       not stated

 55-56    2           Origin or Descent of Mother

                         The Technical Appendix contains a table that shows
                         which States report Detail Ethnicity
                         (codes 01-24, 99), which States report Hispanic
                         Origin or Descent (codes 00-05, 99), and which States
                         do not report either item (code 88).

                         00        ... Non - Hispanic
                         01        ... Mexican
                         02        ... Puerto Rican
                         03        ... Cuban
                         04        ... Central or South American
                         05        ... Other and Unknown Hispanic
                         06        ... American
                         07        ... American Indian
                         08        ... British, Scottish, Welsh, Scotch-Irish
                         09        ... Irish
                         10        ... German
                         11        ... French
                         12        ... Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
                         13        ... Polish
                         14        ... Italian
                         15        ... Other North, Central and South American
                         16        ... Other Western European
                         17        ... Other Northern European
                         18        ... Other Eastern European
                         19        ... Other Southern European (excluding Spain)
                         20        ... Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander
                         21        ... South Central Asian
                         22        ... Other Asian
                         23        ... North African
                         24        ... Other African
                         88        ... Origin or descent of Mother not reported
                         99        ... Origin or descent of Mother not

 57       1           Detail Race of Mother

                         1    ... White
                         2    ... Black
                         3    ... American Indian (includes Aleuts and Eskimos)
                         4    ... Chinese
                         5    ... Japanese
                         6    ... Hawaiian (includes Part-Hawaiian)
                         7    ... Filipino
                         8    ... Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                         0    ... Other races
                         9    ... Race of Mother not stated

 58-59    2           Detail Age of Mother

                         10-49... Age in single years

 60-61    2           Age of Mother Recode 12

                         01   ... Under 15 years
                         03   ... 15 years
                         04   ... 16 years
                         05   ... 17 years
                         06   ... 18 years
                         07   ... 19 years
                         08   ... 20 - 24 years
                         09   ... 25 - 29 years
                         10   ... 30 - 34 years
                         11   ... 35 - 39 years
                         12   ... 40 - 44 years
                         13   ... 45 - 49 years

 62-63    2           Mother's Education - Detail

                         00    ...  No formal education
                         01-08 ...  Years of elementary school
                         09    ...  1 year of high school
                         10    ...  2 years of high school
                         11    ...  3 years of high school
                         12    ...  4 years of high school
                         13    ...  1 year of college
                         14    ...  2 years of college
                         15    ...  3 years of college
                         16    ...  4 years of college
                         17    ...  5 or more years of college
                         99    ...  Mother's education not stated

 64       1           Mother's Education Recode 6

                         1   ... 0 - 8 years
                         2   ... 9 - 11 years
                         3   ... 12 years
                         4   ... 13 - 15 years
                         5   ... 16 years and over
                         6   ... Mother's education not stated

 65       1           Marital Status

                         1   ... Married
                         2   ... Unmarried

 66-67    2           Mother's Place of Birth

                         01     ... Alabama
                         02     ... Alaska
                         03     ... Arizona
                         04     ... Arkansas
                         05     ... California
                         06     ... Colorado
                         07     ... Connecticut
                         08     ... Delaware
                         09     ... District of Columbia
                         10     ... Florida
                         11     ... Georgia
                         12     ... Hawaii
                         13     ... Idaho
                         14     ... Illinois
                         15     ... Indiana
                         16     ... Iowa
                         17     ... Kansas
                         18     ... Kentucky
                         19     ... Louisiana
                         20     ... Maine
                         21     ... Maryland
                         22     ... Massachusetts
                         23     ... Michigan
                         24     ... Minnesota
                         25     ... Mississippi
                         26     ... Missouri
                         27     ... Montana
                         28     ... Nebraska
                         29     ... Nevada
                         30     ... New Hampshire
                         31     ... New Jersey
                         32     ... New Mexico
                         33     ... New York
                         34     ... North Carolina
                         35     ... North Dakota
                         36     ... Ohio
                         37     ... Oklahoma
                         38     ... Oregon
                         39     ... Pennsylvania
                         40     ... Rhode Island
                         41     ... South Carolina
                         42     ... South Dakota
                         43     ... Tennessee
                         44     ... Texas
                         46     ... Vermont
                         47     ... Virginia
                         48     ... Washington
                         49     ... West Virginia
                         50     ... Wisconsin
                         51     ... Wyoming
                         52     ... Puerto Rico
                         53     ... Virgin Islands
                         54     ... Guam
                         55     ... Canada
                         56     ... Cuba
                         57     ... Mexico
                         59     ... Remainder of the world
                         99     ... Mother's place of birth not classifiable

 68-69    2           Origin or Descent of Father

                         The Technical Appendix contains a table that shows
                         which States report Detail Ethnicity (codes 01-24, 99),
                         which States report Hispanic Origin or Descent
                         (codes 00-05, 99), and which States do not report
                         either itein (code 88).

                         00    ... Non - Hispanic
                         01    ... Mexican
                         02    ... Puerto Rican
                         03    ... Cuban
                         04    ... Central or South American
                         05    ... Other and Unknown Hispanic
                         06    ... American
                         07    ... American Indian
                         08    ... British, Scottish, Welsh,
                         09    ... irish
                         10    ... German
                         11    ... French
                         12    ... Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
                         13    ... Polish
                         14    ... Italian
                         15    ... Other North, Central and South
                         16    ... Other Western European
                         17    ... Other Northern European
                         18    ... Other Eastern European
                         19    ... Other Southern European (excluding
                         20    ... Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander
                         21    ... South Central Asian
                         22    ... Other Asian
                         23    ... North African
                         24    ... Other African
                         88    ... Origin or decent of Father not reported
                         99    ... Origin or decent of Father not ctassifiable

 70       1           Detail Race of Father

                         1    ... White
                         2    ... Black
                         3    ... American Indian (includes Ateuts and
                         4    ... Chinese
                         5    ... Japanese
                         6    ... Hawaiian (includes Part-Hawaiian)
                         7    ... Filipino
                         8    ... Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                         0    ... Other races
                         9    ... Race of Father not stated

 71-72    2           Detail Age of Father

                         10-98   ... Age in single years
                         99      ... Age of Father not stated

 73-74    2           Father's Education - Detail

                         00  ... No formal education
                         01-08.. Years of elementary school
                         09  ... 1 year of high school
                         10  ... 2 years of high school
                         11  ... 3 years of high school
                         12  ... 4 years of high school
                         13  ... 1 year of college
                         14  ... 2 years of college
                         15  ... 3 years of college
                         16  ... 4 years of cotlege
                         17  ... 5 or more years of college
                         99  ... Father's education not stated

 75       1           Interval Since Last Live Birth

                         0   ... Not applicable (no previous live birth)
                         1   ... Zero months (plural birth)
                         2   ... 1 - 11 months
                         3   ... 12 - 23 months
                         4   ... 24 - 35 months
                         5   ... 36 - 47 months
                         6   ... 48 - 71 months
                         7   ... 72 months and over
                         9   ... Interval since last live birth not stated

 76       1           Outcome of Last Pregnancy

                         0   ... Not applicable (no previous pregnancy)
                         1   ... Last pregnancy was a live birth
                         2   ... Last pregnancy was some other termination
                         9   ... Last pregnancyJs outcome is unknown

 77       1           Interval Since Termination of last Pregnancy

                         0   ... Not applicable (no previous pregnancy)
                         1   ... Zero months (plural delivery)
                         2   ... 1 - 11 months
                         3   ... 12-17 months
                         4   ... 18 - 23 months
                         5   ... 24 - 35 months
                         6   ... 36 - 47 months
                         7   ... 48- 59 months
                         8   ... 60 months and over
                         9   ... Interval since termination of last pregnancy
                                             not stated

 78-79    2           Detail Month of Pregnancy Prenatal Care Began

                         01     ... 1st month
                         02     ... 2nd month
                         03     ... 3rd month
                         04     ... 4th month
                         05     ... 5th month
                         06     ... 6th month
                         07     ... 7th month
                         08     ... 8th month
                         09     ... 9th month
                         00     ... No prenatal care
                         99     ... Month of pregnancy prenatal care began not

 80       1           Month of Pregnancy Prenatal Care Began Recode 6

                         1     ... 1st - 2nd month
                         2     ... 3rd month
                         3     ... 4th - 6th month
                         4     ... 7th - 9th month
                         5     ... No prenatal care
                         6     ... Month of pregnancy prenatal care began not

 81-82    2           Total Number of Prenatal Visits

                         00  ... No prenatal visits
                         01-49.. Stated number of visits
                         99  ... Number of prenatal visits not stated

 83-84    2           Detail Total Birth Order

                         01-50   ... Totat number of live births and other
                         99       ... Total birth order unknown or not stated

 85       1           Total Birth Order Recode 9

                         1  ... First Child
                         2  ... Second Child
                         3  ... Third Child
                         4  ... Fourth Child
                         5  ... Fifth Child
                         6  ... Sixth Child
                         7  ... Seventh Child
                         8  ... Eighth Child and over
                         9  ... Total birth order not stated

 86-87    2           Detail Live Birth Order

                         01-50   ... Number of children ever born alive to
                         99       ... Live birth order unknown or not stated

 88       1           Live Birth Order Recode 9

                         1       ... First Child
                         2       ... Second Child
                         3       ... Third Child
                         4       ... Fourth Child
                         5       ... Fifth Child
                         6       ... Sixth Child
                         7       ... Seventh Child
                         8       ... Eighth Child and over
                         9       ... Live birth order not stated

 89       1           Place of Delivery

                         1  ... Hospital Births
                         2  ... Nonhospital Births
                         3  ... En route or born on arrival (BOA)
                         9  ... Place of delivery not classifiable

 90       1           Attendant at Birth

                         1   ... Physician
                         2   ... Midwife
                         3   ... Attendant specified other than physician or
                         9   ... Attendant at birth unknown

 91       1           Imputed Race of Mother

                         1  ... White
                         2  ... Black
                         3  ... American Indian (includes Aleuts and Eskimos)
                         4  ... Chinese
                         5  ... Japinese
                         6  ... Hawaiian (includes Part-Hawaiian)
                         7  ... Filipino
                         8  ... Other Asian or Pacific Islander
                         0  ... Other races

 92-193   102         These positions are contained in the Numerator (Linked)
                      Record only and are reserved for possible additional data.
                      data are added in the future, they wi{{ be included in
                      both files.  The record length of the Denominator file
                      would expand, but it is expected that the Numerator
                      record would remain constant.

  Documentation for the mortality section of the Numerator (Linked) Record
  begins on the following page.

     Locations 194-500 contain data from the Death Certificate. Residence items
     in the Denominator Record and in the natatity section of the Numerator
     (Linked) Record refer to the usual place of residence of the Mother;
     whereas in the the mortality section of the Numerator (Linked) Record,
     these items refer to the residence of the Decedent.

 Tape Positions 194 - 214

                            1988 Birth Cohort
         Denominator Record and Natality Section of Linked Record

 Tape     Field
 Location Size       Item and Code Outline

 194-197  4           Year of Death
                         1988     ... Death occurred in 1988
                         1989     ... Death occurred in 1989

 198      1           Record Type

                         1    ... RESIDENTS
                                    State and County of Occurrence and
                                    Residence are the same.
                         2    ... NONRESIDENTS
                                    State and/or County of Occurrence and
                                    Residence are different.

 199      1           Resident Status

                         1       ... RESIDENTS
                                      State and County of Occurrence and Residen
                                      are the same.
                         2       ... INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS
                                      State of Occurrence and Residence are the
                                      same, but County is different.
                         3       ... INTERSTATE NONRESIDENTS
                                      State of Occurrence and Residence are
                                      different, but both are in the U.S.
                         4       ... FOREIGN RESIDENTS
                                      State of Occurrence is one of the 50 State
                                      or the District of Columbia, but Place of
                                      Residence is outside of the U.S.

 200-209  10          PLACE OF OCCURRENCE

                         Refer to the Geographic Code Outline in this document
                         for a list of areas and codes available on the
                         Public-use file.

 200      1           Region of Occurrence

 201-202  2           Division and State Subcode of Occurrence

                          Location 200 is Region.  Location 201 is Division and
                          location 202 identifies States within that Division.

                          1         ... NORTHEAST
                            1       ...   New England
                              1     ...     Maine
                              2     ...     New Hampshire
                              3     ...     Vermont
                              4     ...     Massachusetts
                              5     ...     Rhode IsIand
                              6     ...     Connecticut
                            2       ...   Middle Atlantic
                              1     ...     New York
                              2     ...     New Jersey
                              3     ...     Pennsylvania
                          2         ... MIDWEST
                            3       ...   East North Central
                              1     ...     Ohio
                              2     ...     Indiana
                              3     ...     Illinois
                              4     ...     Michigan
                              5     ...     Wisconsin
                            4       ...   West North Central
                              1     ...     Minnesota
                              2     ...     Iowa
                              3     ...     Missouri
                              4     ...     North Dakota
                              5     ...     South Dakota
                              6     ...     Nebraska
                              7     ...     Kansas
                          3         ... SOUTH
                            5       ...   South Atlantic
                              1     ...     Delaware
                              2     ...     Maryland
                              3     ...     District of Columbia
                              4     ...     Virginia
                              5     ...     West Virginia
                              6     ...     North Carolina
                              7     ...     South Carolina
                              8     ...     Georgia
                              9     ...     Florida
                            6       ...   East South Central
                              1     ...     Kentucky
                              2     ...     Tennessee
                              3     ...     Alabama
                              4     ...     Mississippi
                            7       ...   West South Central
                              1     ...     Arkansas
                              2     ...     Louisiana
                              3     ...     Oklahoma
                              4     ...     Texas

 200      1           Region- Continued

 201-202  2           Division and State Subcode - Continued

                          4         ... WEST
                            8       ...   Mountain
                              1     ...     Montana
                              2     ...     Idaho
                              3     ...     Wyoming
                              4     ...     Colorado
                              5     ...     New Mexico
                              6     ...     Arizona
                              7     ...     Utah
                              8     ...     Nevada
                            9       ...   Pacific
                              1     ...     Washington
                              2     ...     Oregon
                              3     ...     California
                              4     ...     Alaska
                              5     ...     Hawaii

 203-204  2           Expanded State of Occurrence

                         This item is designed to separately identify New York
                         city records from upstate New York records.

                         01  ... Alabama
                         02  ... Alaska
                         03  ... Arizona
                         04  ... Arkansas
                         05  ... California
                         06  ... Colorado
                         07  ... Connecticut
                         08  ... Delaware
                         09  ... District of Columbia
                         10  ... Florida
                         11  ... Georgia
                         12  ... Hawaii
                         13  ... Idaho
                         14  ... Illinois
                         15  ... Indiana
                         16  ... Iowa
                         17  ... Kansas
                         18  ... Kentucky
                         19  ... Louisiana
                         20  ... Maine
                         21  ... Mary{and
                         22  ... Massachusetts
                         23  ... Michigan
                         24  ... Minnesota
                         25  ... Mississippi
                         26  ... Missouri
                         27  ... Montana
                         28  ... Nebraska
                         29  ... Nevada
                         30  ... New Hampshire
                         31  ... New Jersey
                         32  ... New Mexico
                         33  ... New York
                         34  ... New York city
                         35  ... North Carolina
                         36  ... North Dakota
                         37  ... Ohio
                         38  ... Oklahoma
                         39  ... Oregon
                         40  ... Pennsylvania
                         41  ... Rhode IsLand
                         42  ... South Carolina
                         43  ... South Dakota
                         44  ... Tennessee
                         45  ... Texas
                         46  ... Utah
                         47  ... Vermont
                         48  ... Virginia
                         49  ... Washington
                         50  ... West Virginia
                         51  ... Wisconsin
                         52  ... Wyoming

 205-206  2           State of Occurrence

                         01      ... Alabama
                         02      ... Alaska
                         03      ... Arizona
                         04      ... Arkansas
                         05      ... California
                         06      ... Colorado
                         07      ..  Connecticut
                         08      ... Delaware
                         09      ... District of Columbia
                         10      ... Florida
                         11      ... Georgia
                         12      ... Hawaii
                         13      ... Idaho
                         14      ... Illinois
                         15      ... Indiana
                         16      ... Iowa
                         17      ... Kansas
                         18      ... Kentucky
                         19      ... Louisiana
                         20      ... Maine
                         21      ... Maryland
                         22      ... Massachusetts
                         23      ... Michigan
                         24      ... Minnesota
                         25      ... Mississippi
                         26      ... Missouri
                         27      ... Montana
                         28      ... Nebraska
                         29      ... Nevada
                         30      ... New Hampshire
                         31      ... New Jersey
                         32      ... New Mexico
                         33      ... New York
                         34      ... North Carolina
                         35      ... North Dakota
                         36      ... Ohio
                         37      ... Oklahoma
                         38      ... Oregon
                         39      ... Pennsylvania
                         40      ... Rhode Island
                         41      ... South Carolina
                         42      ... South Dakota
                         43      ... Tennessee
                         44      ... Texas
                         45      ... Utah
                         46      ... Vermont
                         47      ... Virginia
                         48      ... Washington
                         49      ... West Virginia
                         50      ... Wisconsin
                         51      ... Wyoming

 207-209  3           County of Occurrence

                         Due to confidentiality requirements, counties with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use fire.

                         001-nnn   ... Counties and county equivalents
                                       (independent and coextensive cities)
                                        are numbered alphabetically within
                                        each State. (Note: To uniquely identify
                                        a county, both the State and county
                                        codes must be used.)
                         999       ... County with less than 250,000 population

 210-223  14          PLACE OF RESIDENCE

                          Refer to the Geographic Code Outline in this document
                          for a list of areas and codes available on the
                          public-use file.

 210      1           Region of Residence

 211-212  2           Division and State Subcode of Residence

                         Location 210 is Region.  Location 211 is Division and
                         location 212 identifies States within that Division.

                         000       ... Foreign Resident

                         1         ... NORTHEAST
                           1       ...   New EnS}land
                             1     ...     Maine
                             2     ...     New Hampshire
                             3     ...     Vermont
                             4     ...     Massachusetts
                             5     ...     Rhode Island
                             6     ...     Connecticut
                           2       ...   Middle Atlantic
                             1     ...     New York
                             2     ...     New Jersey
                             3     ...     Pennsylvania
                         2         ... MIDWEST
                           3       ...   East North Central
                             1     ...     Ohio
                             2     ...     Indiana
                             3     ...     Illinois
                             4     ...     Michigan
                             5     ...     Wisconsin
                           4       ...   West North Central
                             1     ...     Minnesota
                             2     ...     Iowa
                             3     ...     Missouri
                             4     ...     North Dakota
                             5     ...     South Dakota
                             6     ...     Nebraska
                             7     ...     Kansas
                         3         ... SOUTH
                           5       ...   South Atlantic
                             1     ...     Delaware
                             2     ...     Maryland
                             3     ...     District of Columbia
                             4     ...     Virginia
                             5     ...     West Virginia
                             6     ...     North Carolina
                             7     ...     South Carolina
                             8     ...     Georgia
                             9     ...     Florida
                           6       ...   East South Central
                             1     ...     Kentucky
                             2     ...     Tennessee
                             3     ...     Alabama
                             4     ...     Mississippi
                           7       ...   West South Central
                             1     ...     Arkansas
                             2     ...     Louisiana
                             3     ...     Oklahoma
                             4     ...     Texas

 210      1           Region - Continued

 211-212   2           Division and State Subcode - Continued

                         4         ... WEST
                           8       ...   Mountain
                             1     ...     Montana
                             2     ...     Idaho
                             3     ...     Wyoming
                             4     ...     Colorado
                             5     ...     New Mexico
                             6     ...     Arizona
                             7     ...     Utah
                             8     ...     Nevada
                           9       ...   Pacific
                             1     ...     Washington
                             2     ...     Oregon
                             3     ...     California
                             4     ...     Alaska
                             5     ...     Hawaii

 213-214  2           Expanded State of Residence

                         This item is designed to separately identify
                         New York city records from upstate New York records.

                               01  ... Alabama
                               02  ... ALaska
                               03  ... Arizona
                               04  ... Arkansas
                               05  ... California
                               06  ... Colorado
                               07  ... Connecticut
                               08  ... Delaware
                               09  ... District of Columbia
                               10  ... Florida
                               11  ... Georgia
                               12  ... Hawaii
                               13  ... Idaho
                               14  ... Illinois
                               15  ... Indiana
                               16  ... Iowa
                               17  ... Kansas
                               18  ... Kentucky
                               19  ... Louisiana
                               20  ... Maine
                               21  ... Maryland
                               22  ... Massachusetts
                               23  ... Michigan
                               24  ... Minnesota
                               25  ... Mississippi
                               26  ... Missouri
                               27  ... Montana
                               28  ... Nebraska
                               29  ... Nevada
                               30  ... New Hampshire
                               31  ... New Jersey
                               32  ... New Mexico
                               33  ... New York
                               34  ... New York city
                               35  ... North Carolina
                               36  ... North Dakota
                               37  ... Ohio
                               38  ... OkLahoma
                               39  ... Oregon
                               40  ... Pennsylvania
                               41  ... Rhode Island
                               42  ... South Carolina
                               43  ... South Dakota
                               44  ... Tennessee
                               45  ... Texas
                               46  ... Utah
                               47  ... Vermont
                               48  ... Virginia
                               49  ... Washington
                               50  ... West Virginia
                               51  ... Wisconsin
                               52  ... Wyoming
                               53-58,60     ... Foreign Residents
                               53     ...   Puerto Rico
                               54     ...   Virgin Island
                               55     ...   Guam
                               56     ...   Canada
                               57     ...   Cuba
                               58     ...   Mexico
                               60     ...   Remainder of the world

 Tape Positions 215 - 500
                            1988 Birth Cohort
         Denominator Record and Natality Section of Linked Record

 Tape     Field
 Location Size       Item and Code Outline

 215-216   2           State of Residence

                         01       ... Alabama
                         02       ... Alaska
                         03       ... Arizona
                         04       ... Arkansas
                         05       ... California
                         06       ... Colorado
                         07       ... Connecticut
                         08       ... Delaware
                         09       ... District of Columbia
                         10       ... Florida
                         11       ... Georgia
                         12       ... Hawaii
                         13       ... Idaho
                         14       ... lllinois
                         15       ... Indiana
                         16       ... Iowa
                         17       ... Kansas
                         18       ... Kentucky
                         19       ... Louisiana
                         20       ... Maine
                         21       ... Maryland
                         22       ... Massachusetts
                         23       ... Michigan
                         24       ... Minnesota
                         25       ... Mississippi
                         26       ... Missouri
                         27       ... Montana
                         28       ... Nebraska
                         29       ... Nevada
                         30       ... New Hampshire
                         31       ... New Jersey
                         32       ... New Mexico
                         33       ... New York
                         34       ... North Carolina
                         35       ... North Dakota
                         36       ... Ohio
                         37       ... Oklahoma
                         38       ... Oregon
                         39       ... Pennsylvania
                         40       ... Rhode Island
                         41       ... South Carolina
                         42       ... South Dakota
                         43       ... Tennessee
                         44       ... Texas
                         45       ... Utah
                         46       ... Vermont
                         47       ... Virginia
                         48       ... Washington
                         49       ... West Virginia
                         50       ... Wisconsin
                         51       ... Wyoming
                         52-57,59 ... Foreign Residents
                         52       ... Puerto Rico
                         53       ... Virgin Islands
                         54       ... Guam
                         55       ... Canada
                         56       ... Cuba
                         57       ... Mexico
                         59       ... Remainder of the world

 217-219  3           County of Residence

                         Due to confidentiality requirements, counties with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use file.

                         001-nnn   ... Counties and county equivalents
                                       (independent and coextensive cities)
                                       are numbered alphabetically within
                                       each State.(Note: To uniquely identify
                                       a county, both the State and county codes
                                       must be used.)

                         999       ... County with less than 250,000 population
                         ZZZ       ... Foreign residents

 220-222  3           City of Residence

                         Due to confidentiality requirements, cities with a
                         population less than 250,000 cannot be identified on
                         the public-use file.

                         001-nnn    ... Cities are numbered alphabetically
                                        within each State.(Note:To uniquely
                                        identify a city, both the State and
                                        city codes must be used.)
                         999        ... Entire county, Balance of County, or
                                        city offess than 250,000 population
                         ZZZ        ... Foreign resldents

 223-227  5           AGE

                         Age is as counted using the dates of birth and death.
                         For ages less than 2 days and when age could not be
                         counted, the reported age from the death certlficate
                         was used.

 223      1           Infant Age Recode 5

                         1    ... Under 1 hour
                         2    ... 1 - 23 hours
                         3    ... 1 - 6 days
                         4    ... 7 - 27 days (late neonatal)
                         5    ... 28 days and over (postneonatal)

 224-225  2           Infant Aqe Recode 76

                         00   ... Less than 1 day
                         01-27... 1 - 27 days
                         28   ... 4th week
                         29   ... 5th week
                         30   ... 6th week
                         31-76... 7th - 52nd weeks

 226-227  2           Infant Age Recode 38

                         00   ... less than 1 day
                         01-27... 1 - 27 days
                         28   ... 1 month
                         29   ... 2 months
                         30   ... 3 months
                         31   ... 4 months
                         32   ... 5 months
                         33   ... 6 months
                         34   ... 7 months
                         35   ... 8 months
                         36   ... 9 months
                         37   ...10 months
                         38  ... 11 months

 228      1           Hospital and Patient Status

                         1   ... Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center Inpatient
                         2   ... Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center
                                 - Outpatient or admitted to Emergency Room
                         3   ... Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center
                                  Dead on Arrival
                         4   ... Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center
                                  Patient status
                         5   ... Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center unknown
                               - Patient status not on certificate
                         6   ... Other Institution providing patient care
                         7   ... Art other reported entries
                         8   ... Dead on Arrival
                               - Hospital, Clinic or Medical Center name not giv
                         9   ... Hospital and patient status not stated

 229      1           Autopsy Performed

                         1    ... Yes
                         2    ... No
                         8    ... Autopsy performed not on certificate
                         9    ... Autopsy performed not stated

 230      1           Place of Accident for Causes E850-E869 and E880-E928

                         Blank   ... Causes other than E850-E869 and E880-E928
                         0       ... Home
                         1       ... Farm
                         2       ... Mine and Quarry
                         3       ... Industrial Place and Premises
                         4       ... Place for Recreation and Sport
                         5       ... Street and Highway
                         6       ... Public Building
                         7       ... Resident Institution
                         8       ... Other Specified Places
                         9       ... Place of accident not specified

 231-237  7           UNDERLYING CAUSE OF DEATH

 231-234  4           ICD Code (9th Revision)

                      See the "International Classification of Diseases",
                      1975 Revision, Volume 1.  For injuries and poisoning,
                      the external cause is coded (E800-E999) rather than the
                      Nature of Injury (800-999).  These positions do not
                      include the letter E for those causes that do not have
                      a 4th digit, location 234 is blank.

 235-237  3           61 Infant Cause Recode

                      A recode of the ICD cause code into 61 groups
                      for NCHS publications.  Further back in this document
                      is a complete list of recodes and the causes included.

                      010-680         ... Code range (not inclusive)

 238-481   244       MULTIPLE CONDITIONS
                     See the "International Classification of Diseases", 1975
                     Revision, Volume 1.  Both the entity-axis and record-axis
                     conditions are coded according to this revision (9th).

 238-239   2         Number of Entity-Axis Conditions

                     00-20     ... Code range

 240-379   140       ENTITY - AXIS CONDITIONS
                     Space has been provided for a maximum of 20 conditions.
                     Each condition takes 7 positions in the record.  Records
                     that do not have 20 conditions are blank in the unused

                     Positlon 1:    Part/line number on certificate
                     1         ... Part I, line 1 (a)
                     2         ... Part I, line 2 (b)
                     3         ... Part I~ line 3 (c)
                     4         ... Part I, line 4 (d)
                     5         ... Part I, line 5 (e)
                     6         ... Part It
                     Position 2:    Sequence of condition within part/line
                     1-7       ... Code range

                     Position 3 - 6:  Condition code (ICD 9th Revision)

                     Position 7: Nature of Injury Flag
                     1         ... Indicates that the code in positions 3-6 is a
                                   Nature of injury code
                     0         ... All other codes
 240-246   7         1st Condition
 247-253   7         2nd Condition
 254-260   7         3rd Condition
 261-267   7         4th Condition
 268-274   7         5th Condition
 275-281   7         6th Condition
 282-288   7         7th Condition
 289-295   7         8th Condition
 296-302   7         9th Condition
 303-309   7         loth Condition
 310-316   7         11th Condition
 317-323   7         12th Condition
 324-330   7         13th Condition
 331-337   7         14th Condition
 338-344   7         15th Condition
 345-351   7         16th Condition

                     ENTITY - AXIS CONDITIONS - continued
 352-358    7        17th Condition
 359-365    7        18th Condition
 366-372    7        19th Condition
 373-379    7        20th Condition
 380-381    2        Number of Record-Axis Conditions

                         00-20     ... Code range

 382-481    100      RECORD - AXIS CONDITIONS
                           Space has been provided for a maximum of 20 condition
                           Each condition takes 5 positions in the record.
                           Records that do not have 20 conditions are blank
                           in the unused area.
                           Position 1-4: Condition Code (ICD 9th Revision)
                           Position 5:  Nature of Injury Flag
                           1         ...  Indicates that the code in positions
                                          1-4 is a Nature of Injury code
                           0         ... All other codes

 382-386    5        1st Condition
 387-391    5        2nd Condition
 392-396    5        3rd Condition
 397-401    5        4th Condition
 402-406    5        5th Condition
 407-411    5        6th Condition
 412-416    5        7th Condition
 417-421    5        8th Condition
 422-426    5        9th Condition
 427-431    5        loth Condition
 432-436    5        11th Condition
 437-441    5        12th Condition
 442-446    5        13th Condition
 447-451    5        14th Condition
 452-456    5        15th Condition
 457-461    5        16th Condition
 462-466    5        17th Condition
 467-471    5        18th Condition
 472-476    5        19th Condition
 477-481    5        20th Condition

 482-500    19       Reserved positions

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007