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Scientific Data Documentation
 Natality - Linked Birth/Infant Death, 2001

Linked Birth/Infant Death, 2001

Documentation of the Linked Birth/Infant Death Tape File for 2001 Data

   DSN: CC36.Natal01.Link     		(Numerator file - US)
        CC36.Natal01.Link.PS  		(Numerator file - PS (Territory))
        CC36.Natal01.UnLink   		(Unmatched file - US)
        CC36.Natal01.UnLink.PS   	(Unmatched file - PS (Territory))
        CC36.Natal01.Denom    		(Denominator file - US)
        CC36.Natal01.Denom.PS 		(Denominator file - PS (Territory))
The 2001 period linked birth/infant death data set includes several data files. The first file includes all United States of America (US) infant deaths which occurred in the 2001 data year linked to their corresponding birth certificates, whether the birth occurred in the 2001 or in 2000 - referred to as the numerator file. The second file contains information from the death certificate for all United States of America (US) infant death records, which could not be linked to their corresponding birth certificates - referred to as the unlinked death file. The third file is the 2001 National Center for Health Statistics(NCHS) natality file for the United States of America (US) (plus late filed records mentioned above) in compressed format, which is used to provide denominators for rate computations. These same three data files are also available for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.

Source for this dataset and documentation is

Systems Programming and Statistical Resources Branch
Division of Vital Statistics,
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

CC36 dataset was created on the mainframe on October 31st, 2003 and the documentation is as of January, 2005.

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This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007