United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NRCS provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

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Focus on the Field header bar

“boot camp”  image of bootsLetters from Boot Camp
To wrap-up a highly successful NRCS “boot camp” season, the next several editions of NRCS This Week will feature some first-hand impressions by field training participants, instructors, and others.



NRCS Special Assistant to the Chief, Gary MastNew Jersey Boasts Largest WRP Project in the Northeast
NRCS in New Jersey can now boast the largest wetlands reserve project in the Northeast thanks to a Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) easement that will help protect 2,200 of 9,400 acres of the Franklin Parker Preserve.

using ice cream, Merle Behrens (right.), Lyon County Soil & Water Conservation District technician and NRCS Soil conservation technician Allisa Wendland (center) give Minnesota women conference attendees a soils presentation on Minnesota geologyWomen in Agriculture
The Wind Energy Center in Hendricks, Minnesota was the site for the Annual Conference for women in Southwestern Minnesota. Hosted by NRCS and several Minnesota soil and water conservation districts (SWCD), over 70 women learned what SWCD’s provide with hands-on sessions outside for soil profiles, soil textures, and use of the rainfall simulator.

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Word from Washington header bar

(from left) Miami/Dade District Conservationist Christine Coffin, State Conservationist Niles Glasgow and Area Conservationist Jeff Schmidt look at damage done to a nursery in the aftermath of Hurricane KatrinaNRCS Assisting Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi
NRCS is working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and State emergency agencies to prepare for upcoming post-disaster cleanup and restoration projects in Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.

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-- USDA Hurricane Recovery Information

Sutainable Agriculture Research and Education Spotlight Feature header bar

SARE 2005/2006 Farmer Grant Deadlines Approaching
Kansas rancher Jane Koger is trying an ambitious new strategy known as “patch burning” to better manage her cattle on 4,000 acres of tallgrass prairie. And in California, MaryAnn Vasconcellos, a small-scale farmer, who was feeling the pressure of growing urbanization and competition from foreign markets, teamed up with the Central Coast Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council to spearhead a “buy-local” campaign.

tech tip header bar

the native White Fringeless Orchid (Platanthera integrilabia) taken  by Thomas BarnesPLANTS Wildflower Prints Available
The National Plant Data Center is pleased to offer seven PLANTS prints for download in 8.5" x 11" or 11” x 17" formats from the NPDC Web site: NPDC Web site. The photographs have been provided through the courtesy of several image contributors to the PLANTS Database and were produced by the Conservation Communications Division.




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