United States Department of Agriculture
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NRCS Plant Materials Specialist on TV

drawing of a tv (NRCS image by Fred Jacobs)The History Channel's  popular Modern Marvels show recently featured Mark Stannard, manager of the Pullman, Washington, Plant Materials Center. The segment entitled More Earth Movers had several scenes of Mark talking about the history and the evolution of large agricultural earth-moving equipment.

two nrcs plant materials specialists

Find out more about the NRCS Plant Materials Program

Unfortunately, the History Channel gave no indication of when the segment would air, (Mark was told by friends who saw him on the show!) but check the History Channel program listings as they often repeat shows.

The History Channel's Modern Marvels has a national viewing audience of 90 million American households.

Your contact  is Robert H. Westover, NRCS public affairs specialist, at 301-504-8175.