"Government jobs belong to the American people, not
politicians and shall be filled
only with regard to
public service."
Theodore Roosevelt
"The government is us." "Government jobs belong to the American people,
not to politicians, and should be filled only with regard to public service."
"It seems to me that this system is particularly in accord with the American
love of common sense and fair play for all."
"I have made the Commission a living fore, and in consequence the outcry
among the spoilsmen has become furious...But I answered militantly that as long
as I was responsible, the law should be enforced up to handle everywhere, fearlessly
and honesty."
"Our system can rightly be called...the merit system, for we emphatically
demand that all employees with the Government shall be honest, decent men of
good moral standing..."
"No political influence will help you in the least..."
"During my term of office, I have seen the classified merit system grow
to more than double the size it was six years ago... year by year the law has
been better executed...in spite of occasional exceptions."
"The work of the Commission is now progressing so well, and its position
is established so firm as basis, that I feel there is no doubt as to the future
of the cause."