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2007 FLH Environment Staff Conference
September 11-12, 2007
Vancouver, WA

FLH Environmental Staff Conference
Attendees (9/10/2007 Update)
 Conference SessionsField Trip/Dinner
1. Teresa Engles√ / √
2. Melissa Schnier√ / √
3. Stephanie Popiel√ / √
4. Jennifer Corwin√ / √
5. Rick Cushing √ / √
6. Steve Hallisy√ / √
Sam Holder√ / √
1. Kevin Rose√ / √
2. Jack VanDop√ / √
3. Lisa Landers√ / √
4. Eric Beightel√ / √
5. Kris Riesenberg√ / √
1. Terri Thomas√ / √
2. Jodi Marshall√ / √
3. Andy Rasmussen√/
4. Danny Capri√ / √
5. Terry Schuman√ / √
6. Dianne Spencer√ / √
7. Denise Steele√ / √
8. Elisa Carlsen√ / √
9. Erin Chipps√ / √
10. Susan Pobar√ / √
11. Michael Schurke√ / √
12. Lamin Williams√ / √
13. Greg Humphreys 
14. Bob Lale 
15. Ted Wood 
16. Makayah Royan *√ / √
17. George Fekaris√ / √
18. Linda Anderson√ / √
1. Don Cote - RC√ / √
2. Bob Bini - FLH HQ√ / √
3. Keith Moore - HQ√ / √
4. Brian Allen - FLH WFL√ / √
5. Mary Gray - HQ 
* Maybe Transferred before the conference

Conference Attendees Confirmed (35)
  • CFL - 7
  • EFL - 5
  • WFL - 18
  • Other - 5
Confirmed for Field Trip (31)
  • CFL - 7
  • EFL - 5
  • WFL - 15
  • Other - 4
Confirmed for Dinner (30)
  • CFL - 7
  • EFL - 5
  • WFL - 14
  • Other - 4


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Last update: October 3, 2007