Military Connection
Military Connection

Link to Us

We appreciate your interest and thank you for linking to us.  We want to make it easy for you and provide options so that our link will work well on your website.  Every website has different methods of linking to one another, and we are providing several options for linking to us.

You may link to us using a text link, or by using one of our graphical banners or sidebars.  There are banners and sidebars in various sizes for sites with light backgrounds and for sites with dark backgrounds.  Our preference is that you use the text link but feel free to select the option that works best for you.  If you require a special size, need technical assistance or have any questions, please Contact Us.


Link to us using a banner
(for websites with light backgrounds)
Link to us using a banner
(for websites with dark backgrounds)




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Air Force
National Guard
Coast Guard
Air Force
National Guard
Coast Guard
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